More Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man: “This Time, They’re Coming For Your Democracy” (Video)

More Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man: “This Time, They’re Coming For Your Democracy”:

Twelve years ago, John Perkins published his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and it rapidly rose up The New York Times’ best-seller list. In it, Perkins describes his career convincing heads of state to adopt economic policies that impoverished their countries and undermined democratic institutions. These policies helped to enrich tiny, local elite groups while padding the pockets of U.S.-based transnational corporations.

Perkins was recruited, he says, by the National Security Agency (NSA), but he worked for a private consulting company. His job as an undertrained, overpaid economist was to generate reports that justified lucrative contracts for U.S. corporations, while plunging vulnerable nations into debt. Countries that didn’t cooperate saw the screws tightened on their economies. In Chile, for example, President Richard Nixon famously called on the CIA to “make the economy scream” to undermine the prospects of the democratically elected president, Salvador Allende.

If economic pressure and threats didn’t work, Perkins says, the jackals were called to either overthrow or assassinate the noncompliant heads of state. That is, indeed, what happened to Allende, with the backing of the CIA.

Read moreMore Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man: “This Time, They’re Coming For Your Democracy” (Video)

The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Book)

The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man ($12.62):

Shocking Bestseller: The original version of this astonishing tell-all book spent 73 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, has sold more than 1.25 million copies, and has been translated into 32 languages.

New Revelations: Featuring 15 explosive new chapters, this expanded edition of Perkins’s classic bestseller brings the story of economic hit men (EHMs) up to date and, chillingly, home to the US. Over 40 percent of the book is new, including chapters identifying today’s EHMs and a detailed chronology extensively documenting EHM activity since the first edition was published in 2004.

Read moreThe New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Book)

John Perkins: The Shadow World Of The Economic Hitman (Video)

Related info:

IMF whistleblower John Perkens, Confessions of an Economic Hitman – NwoMafiaCrimes (Video)

The Extended Confessions Of Economic Hit Man John Perkins (Video)

Books from John Perkins:

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World

Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded–and What We Need to Do to Remake Them

John Perkins: The Shadow World Of The Economic Hitman:

If you’re hoping to have a ‘feel good’ day today, we’re about to owe you an apology.

John Perkins, author of The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, is someone we’ve been trying to get on the program for some time. He tells a dark story of an elite cabal working in the shadows to subjugate governments as it pursues ever-greater control of the planet’s resources.

What’s most frightening about this story is how credible it is. Anybody paying attention to world developments will have a hard time dismissing Perkins’ claims out-of-hand; and a harder time not being sickened at how on the mark his claims may likely prove to be:

Read moreJohn Perkins: The Shadow World Of The Economic Hitman (Video)

John Perkins: Oil Companies Will Use Middle East Crisis To Jack Up Prices (Video)



Financial expert John Perkins has a unique perspective about the unfolding crisis in Iraq. Perkins, a former chief economist who advised the U.S. Treasury Department and the IMF, to name a few, says, “Another force has now stepped up to the stage and that’s the militant Islamic force, and it’s a very strong force. It is a very anti-capitalistic force. So, it is the force going up against the corporatocracy. Even though Russia, China and the United States compete on many levels as they are doing in Ukraine and other places, they have a common enemy, which is this Islamic regime that wants to overthrow the corporatocracy. I am not talking about all Islamic people by any means; I am talking about the radical Islamic militant groups like ISIS that is coming into strength in the Middle East right now.” Perkins goes on to say, “Now, what’s happening suddenly in Iraq, Syria, Iran and the whole Middle East is exploding once again. I think Middle East oil is not nearly as important as a few years ago. There are other alternatives now. Having said that, the oil companies will use what’s going on in the Middle East to jack up prices as high as they think they can.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with John Perkins, best-selling author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.”

Economic Hitman John Perkins Outraged After Ecuador Government Shuts Down Pachamama Alliance


The Extended Confessions Of Economic Hit Man John Perkins (Video)

Libya: John Perkins: It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and Loans – Rothschilds Finish Off Gaddafi – ‘The Price of Freedom’, Highest Standard of Living in Africa


Economic Hitman John Perkins Outraged After Ecuador Government Shuts Down Pachamama Alliance (Waking Times, Dec 5, 2013):

Respected author, public speaker and spokesperson for indigenous rights John Perkins expressed outrage today that the government of Ecuador has violently closed down the rainforest protection activist group, Pachama Alliance, which Perkins helped to create in 1995. Strongly condemning the government’s actions as illegal

“This is an outrage! The Pachamama Alliance organization, that I co-founded in 1995, has been brutally and violently attacked by the Ecuadorian government because of pressure from international oil companies and the corporatocracy. What has been done is blatantly illegal. It must be addressed immediately.” – John Perkins from a Facebook post

Perkins has a unique perspective on the struggle between indigenous people and the international corporate/government siege of the Amazon and it’s land and resources. He personally played a major role in economic takeover of Ecuador, as detailed in his must read novel, Confessions of an Economic Hitman:

Read moreEconomic Hitman John Perkins Outraged After Ecuador Government Shuts Down Pachamama Alliance

Thrive (Documentary – Full Length)

For your information.

The elitists vs. the people.

YouTube Added: 13.11.2011

For more information: Thrive

Top Swiss Banking Insider Exposes The Bilderberg Group

Related info:

The Extended Confessions Of Economic Hit Man John Perkins (Video)

Libya: John Perkins: It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and Loans – Rothschilds Finish Off Gaddafi – ‘The Price of Freedom’, Highest Standard of Living in Africa


Former Assistant Secretary of Housing: The U.S. is the Global Leader in Illegal Money Laundering

“They have a new plan to censor the internet, because the internet is still free. They want to control it and use terrorism or what ever as a reason. They could even plan something horrible so that they have an excuse.”

Startling revelations from a Swiss banking insider:

Q: Can you tell us something about your involvement in the Swiss banking business?

A: I have worked for Swiss banks for many years. I was designated as one of the top directors of one of the biggest Swiss banks. During my work I was involved in the payment, in the direct payment in cash to a person who killed the president of a foreign country. I was in the meeting where it was decided to give this cash money to the killer. This gave me dramatic headaches and troubled my conscience. It was not the only case that was really bad but it was the worst.

Read moreTop Swiss Banking Insider Exposes The Bilderberg Group

The Extended Confessions Of Economic Hit Man John Perkins (Video)

Books from John Perkins:

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World????

Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded–and What We Need to Do to Remake Them

Bekenntnisse eines Economic Hit Man: Unterwegs im Dienst der Wirtschaftsmafia

Weltmacht ohne Skrupel: Die dunkle Seite der Globalisierung – Wie die USA systematisch Entwicklungsländer ausbeuten

Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded–and What We Need to Do to Remake Them

The book “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins is easily one of the most engrossing pieces of non-fiction one can read to learn about the true drivers behind globalization, espionage, corporate cronyism, the emergence of such “artificial” organizations as the World Bank and the IMF, and most importantly, debt “enslavement”, all as seen from an insider’s view.

It explains in simple words why over the past 40 years the developing world paradigm has been exploited as heavily as it has, why the BRIC concept was instrumental as a Red Herring to perpetuating the myth of endless growth, and why credit must always flow no matter what to keep the status quo in power.

For those who have read the book, and for those who are on the fence about reading it, below we present the three part presentation by John Perkins at the 2006 Veterans for Peace National Convention in which he expounds on all the key ideas in his book, and does an extended Q&A covering topics not discussed previously.

We urge everyone to spend at least a few minutes listening to Perkins who gives a unique and non-conflicted expert opinion on the primary force for why the the modern equivalent of enslavement is not by force, but by debt.

Part 1 of 3:

Part 2 of 3:

Part 3 of 3:

And for the truly time-constrained we recommend the following blurb which encapsulates the key elements from the book, and Perkins’ life:

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/20/2011 17:03 -0400

Source: ZeroHedge

Libya: John Perkins: It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and Loans – Rothschilds Finish Off Gaddafi – ‘The Price of Freedom’, Highest Standard of Living in Africa

Libya: It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and Loans

John Perkins

World Bank’s Zoellick: Hopes Bank Will Have Role In Libya (Dow Jones):

April 26, 2011 – WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- World Bank President Robert Zoellick Thursday said he hopes the institution will have a role rebuilding Libya as it emerges from current unrest.

Zoellick at a panel discussion noted the bank’s early role in the reconstruction of France, Japan and other nations after World War II.

“Reconstruction now means (Ivory Coast), it means southern Sudan, it means Liberia, it means Sri Lanka, I hope it will mean Libya,” Zoellick said.

On Ivory Coast, Zoellick said he hoped that within “a couple weeks” the bank would move forward with “some hundred millions of dollars of emergency support.”

We listen to U.S. spokespeople try to explain why we’re suddenly now entangled in another Middle East war. Many of us find ourselves questioning the official justifications. We are aware that the true causes of our engagement are rarely discussed in the media or by our government.

While many of the rationalizations describe resources, especially oil, as the reasons why we should be in that country, there are also an increasing number of dissenting voices. For the most part, these revolve around Libya’s financial relationship with the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and multinational corporations.

Read moreLibya: John Perkins: It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and Loans – Rothschilds Finish Off Gaddafi – ‘The Price of Freedom’, Highest Standard of Living in Africa

Fall Of The Republic – The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama (The Full Movie HQ)

“When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Added: 22. October 2009

Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.

President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations’ Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.

A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.

A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.

Read moreFall Of The Republic – The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama (The Full Movie HQ)

Zeitgeist: Addendum

Related: Zeitgeist, The Movie, Final Edition

Added: Oct 3, 2008

Source: Google Video

The United States of America is the Next Argentina

DON’T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA SAVE YOUR TEARS FOR YOURSELF – While bankers do control the issuance of credit, they cannot control themselves. Bankers are the fatal flaw in their deviously opaque system that has substituted credit for money and debt for savings. The bankers have spread their credit-based system across the world by catering to basic human needs and ambition and greed; and while human needs can be satisfied, ambition and greed cannot-and the bankers’ least of all.

I have a bad feeling about what’s about to happen. The Great Depression is the closest that comes to mind. I, like most, was not alive during the 1930s when it happened. Nonetheless, what once was feared in private is now being discussed in public. It’s going to be bad. It’s going to make high school seem like fun.


This Time is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight Centuries of Financial Crises by University of Maryland‘s Carmen Reinhart and Harvard’s Kenneth Rogoff makes for perfect reading when flying between the US and Argentina.

There is perhaps no better analysis than Reinhart and Rogoff’s on the history of sovereign defaults; and, as such, Reinhart and Rogoff’s paper was ideal reading material when traveling between the US and Argentina , for the sovereign defaults that happened in the past to Argentina will soon be happening to the US .

Read moreThe United States of America is the Next Argentina

Are You Ready For Nuclear War?

By Paul Craig Roberts

Pervez Musharraf, the puppet installed by the US to rule Pakistan in the interest of US hegemony, resigned August 18 to avoid impeachment. Karl Rove and the Diebold electronic voting machines were unable to control the result of the last election in Pakistan, the result of which gave Pakistanis a bigger voice in their government than America’s.

It was obvious to anyone with any sense–which excludes the entire Bush Regime and almost all of the “foreign policy community”–that the illegal and gratuitous US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and Israel’s 2006 bombing of Lebanon civilians with US blessing, would result in the overthrow of America’s Pakistani puppet.

Read moreAre You Ready For Nuclear War?