Goldman Sachs Bankster Joerg Kukies Named Germany’s Deputy Finance Minister

Goldman Sachs Banker Named Germany’s Deputy Finance Minister:

Having populated most central banks with its alumni, Goldman is now aiming even higher: right at sovereign governments, and on Monday morning, a spokesman for Germany’s finance ministry said that the co-head of Goldman Sachs in Germany, Joerg Kukies, will become deputy finance minister in the new German government.

According to Reuters, Kukies will be responsible for financial market policy and Europe in his new role, the spokesman said. In other words, with Mario Draghi – another Goldman alum – potentially resigning from the ECB, Goldman is loathe to give up its control on key European policy developments and has made its move.

Read moreGoldman Sachs Bankster Joerg Kukies Named Germany’s Deputy Finance Minister

Goldman CEO Blankfein Set To Leave, WSJ Reports

Only that his God is symbolized by this sign…

…another rat is leaving the sinking ship.

Goldman CEO Blankfein Set To Leave, WSJ Reports:

God’s work is done…

The Wall Street Journal reports that Lloyd Blankfein is preparing to step down as Goldman Sachs chief executive as soon as the end of the year, capping a more than 12-year run that would make him one of the longest-serving bosses on Wall Street.

The timing of any moves could still change, and the 63-year-old Mr. Blankfein is firmly in control of his exit, the people said.

The current thinking, though, is that he will retire ahead of or early in Goldman’s 150th anniversary year in 2019, a fitting send-off for the history buff.

Mr. Blankfein has often joked he will die at his desk, and his enthusiasm for the job has led many within the firm to believe he might outlast another set of would-be successors.

While the firm’s co-presidents, Harvey Schwartz and David Solomon, are leading candidates to replace the 63-year-old CEO, one can’t help but wonder about the timeliness of Gary Cohn’s White House exit.

Read moreGoldman CEO Blankfein Set To Leave, WSJ Reports

Former Assistant Stole $1.2 Million Of Wine From Goldman’s No. 2

Former Assistant Stole $1.2 Million Of Wine From Goldman’s No. 2:

US District Court in Manhattan on Wednesday indicted the former assistant of Goldman Sachs Group co-President David Solomon, accusing him of stealing more than $1.2 million in rare wine from his boss over the span of about two years, according to Bloomberg.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Co-President David Solomon’s personal assistant has been charged with stealing more than $1.2 million of rare wine from his boss.

Nicolas De-Meyer was named in an indictment unsealed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Manhattan. The indictment says De-Meyer worked for an “individual who collects rare and expensive wine,” without naming the person. The individual is Solomon, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Solomon, who in 2010 won the title of Mr. Gourmet from the Society of Bacchus America, is a double-black diamond skier whose widely respected for his wine collection.

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Goldman Showers Execs With $100 MILLION In Early Bonuses To Avoid Trump Tax Hit

Doing God’s work” is indeed rewarding!

Meet Blankfein’s God…


Goldman Showers Execs With $100 Million In Early Bonuses To Avoid Trump Tax Hit:

Goldman Sachs has accelerated nearly $100 million in stock awards to top executives before the end of the year in order to avoid unfavorable changes in the new tax code, according to public filings posted Friday.

The most sweeping overhaul of U.S. tax code in 30 years includes a provision which caps a corporate deduction for executive pay; under current law, corporations can deduct up to $1 million per executive’s base salary, however there’s no cap on deductions for performance-based pay, such as bonuses.

Under the new provisions, both base salary and performance bonuses count towards to $1 million cap – which is why Goldman accelerated $94.8 million in bonuses originally scheduled for January, 2018. By paying the bonuses early, the bank will save money on its own tax bill.

Read moreGoldman Showers Execs With $100 MILLION In Early Bonuses To Avoid Trump Tax Hit

Goldman Sachs Exempt From Trump’s Venezuela Bond Trading Ban

… because Goldman is doing God’s work!

You’ll better ask Blankfein what God has he been talking about.

Goldman Sachs Exempt From Trump’s Venezuela Bond Trading Ban:

Crony Goldman wins again.

David Stockman notes:

Trump’s ban on trading Venezuelan bonds stupid & corrupt. Largest holder exempted. Who? Goldman Sachs! PITIFUL!


H/t reader squodgy:

“One rule for everyone else…..except Rothschild’s Goldman Sachs.”

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“The Perfect Storm Is Brewing”: Goldman Sachs Warns Italy Has The Lowest Capacity To Absorb Migrants


“The Perfect Storm Is Brewing”: Goldman Warns Italy Has The Lowest Capacity To Absorb Migrants:

“We find that overall, Italy has the lowest capacity to absorb migrants among the major EU economies…. Our analysis casts doubts over Italy’s capacity to achieve the economic benefits from migration and suggests the ‘perfect storm’ is brewing.” – Goldman Sachs

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Goldman To Nervous Bitcoin Traders: Be Patient, The Next Surge Will Take It Above $3,600

Will the ‘Muppets‘ ever learn?

Is it Goldman’s job do lure them all in before the coming collapse?

Goldman To Nervous Bitcoin Traders: Be Patient, The Next Surge Will Take It Above $3,600:

“Bitcoin could make a marginal new low –to ~1,786—but again, not much further than there. Anything above 3,000 (Jun. 13th high) will suggest potential to have already started wave V, which again has a minimum target at 2,988 and scope to reach 3,691.”

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GOLDMAN Sees Bitcoin Soaring As High As $3,915 During Next Breakout

Goldman Sees Bitcoin Soaring As High As $3,915 During Next Breakout:

“From current levels, [Bitcoin] has a minimum target that goes out to 3,212 (if equal to the length of wave I). There’s potential to extend as far as 3,915 (if 1.618 times the length of wave I). It just might take time to get there.”

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How (Illuminati Bank) Goldman Sachs took over the world

JPMorgan is another important Illuminati/Rothschild bank.

J.P. Morgan has been a Rothschild puppet, like the Harriman’s and the Rockefeller’s.

Jacob Schiff’s (another Rothschild servant, but much more influential than poor J.P Morgan) grandson has been married to Al Gore’s daughter.

And probably it’s just a bloody coincidence that Trump and the Clinton’s are in reality best friends and that his swamp cabinet is loaded with Goldman Sachs banksters.

These (Illuminati) bastards have planned the greatest financial collapse in world history, the greatest revolution of all time and WW3 for you.

It’s all one big show (for them).

Wake the fuck up, America!

How Goldman Sachs took over the world:

If there’s something weird in the financial world, who you gonna call? Goldman Sachs.

The US government, involved in a firefight against the conflagration in the credit markets, is calling in another crisis-buster from the illustrious investment bank, this time Goldman’s most senior banker to finance industry clients, Ken Wilson.

And so with this appointment, the Goldman Sachs diaspora grows a little bit more influential. It is an old-boy network that has created a revolving door between the firm and public office, greased by the mountains of money the company is generating even today, as its peers buckle and fall.

Read moreHow (Illuminati Bank) Goldman Sachs took over the world

President Trump will nominate Goldman Sachs’ Donovan as deputy Treasury secretary

Make the swamp great again!

Trump to nominate Goldman Sachs’ Donovan as deputy Treasury secretary:

U.S. President Donald Trump will nominate Goldman Sachs (GS.N) banker James Donovan as deputy Treasury secretary, the White House said on Tuesday, adding another alumnus of the Wall Street investment bank to his administration.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and National Economic Council director Gary Cohn are also former Goldman executives who occupy senior economic posts within the administration.

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45 Trillion Reasons Why Gary Cohn Has Recused Himself From All Goldman Matters

45 Trillion Reasons Why Gary Cohn Has Recused Himself From All Goldman Matters

consistent with the stringent ethics rules established by the Trump Administration, Mr Cohn will recuse himself from participating in any matter directly involving his former employer, Goldman Sachs. He will also recuse himself from any matter or potential rulemaking before the CFTC in which Goldman Sachs has participated.”

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Jeff Rense and Gerald Celente: Has Trump Duped America? Shocking Developments (Video)

Imagine my total absence of shock!

Told you that Trump, like Killary, is an elite puppet and both are serving the same masters.

Not only are both using an enormous amount of satanic Illuminati & Masonic hand signs, …

… they are both (just like Obama) use language to program the subconscious mind and I’ve exposed these techniques before, using Obama as example.

About time some more people expose these bloody Khazars …

Here is my commentary from another article for those who haven’t seen this yet:

Read moreJeff Rense and Gerald Celente: Has Trump Duped America? Shocking Developments (Video)

Gary Cohn’s Parting Gift From Goldman: An Accelerated $124 Million

Gary Cohn’s Parting Gift From Goldman: An Accelerated $124 Million:

Leaving Goldman Sachs to work for the government has always been a lucrative career move: eight years ago, it allowed former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to sell $500 million in Goldman stock tax free, and now its the turn of Gary Cohn, Goldman’s former COO and president, who is leaving to join Trump’s cabinet, who is departing with an “accelerated” gift.

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Actually, Goldman Sachs ‘Hacked’ the Presidential Election

Actually, Goldman Sachs ‘Hacked’ the Presidential Election:

As the media continues to parrot American intelligence agencies’ as-of-yet unsubstantiated claims that Russia hacked the U.S. election, there is far more evidence to implicate an equally dangerous infiltrator: Goldman Sachs.

The infamous banking company, which was widely implicated in the 2008 economic crash, appears to have come out on top in the most recent U.S. presidential election.

Read moreActually, Goldman Sachs ‘Hacked’ the Presidential Election

Goldman President Gary Cohn Accepts National Economic Council Director Role Offered To Him By Donald Trump

Goldman President Gary Cohn Accepts NEC Director Role:

As reported last week, Trump had offered Goldman Sachs president and COO the job of his top economic advisor, as Director of the National Economic Council Director. Moments ago CNBC reported that, as expected, Cohn has accepted the role.

From CNBC:

Goldman Sachs executive Gary Cohn is expected to accept the directorship of the National Economic Council “at any moment,” a source told CNBC on Monday.

Read moreGoldman President Gary Cohn Accepts National Economic Council Director Role Offered To Him By Donald Trump

Rothschild Puppet Trump Picks Goldman President Gary Cohn To Be Chief Economic Advisor


Related info:

Rothschilds Caught Orchestrating US Election Outcome – Trump, Like Clinton, Is A Rothschild Puppet

More info down below.

Trump Picks Goldman President Gary Cohn To Be Chief Economic Advisor:

It appears that vampire squids are quite adaptable to living inside the swamp that Trump promised to be draining.

Following the appointment of former Goldman partner Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary, NBC News reports that Goldman Sachs President and COO Gary Cohn has been selected as National Economic Council Director.


Donald Trump has offered Goldman Sachs executive Gary Cohn a key economic post, which would add to the administration another veteran of the powerful firm he bashed during his campaign, sources close to Cohn told NBC News.

As NBC adds, Cohn, Goldman’s president and chief operating officer, has been offered the directorship of the National Economic Council and assistant to the president for economic policy, the sources said. It is unclear if Cohn will accept the post, but he reportedly had discussions late last month about leaving Goldman.

Read moreRothschild Puppet Trump Picks Goldman President Gary Cohn To Be Chief Economic Advisor

Infinite Unknown ( Now Officially Censored By Google

(Screenshot – Click on image to enlarge.)


Here is the censored article:

Accusations Of Treason In The Greek Parliament Against Bilderberg PM Papandreou

In my commentary to the above article I wrote:


Greek Central Bank Accused of Encouraging Naked Short Selling of Greek Bonds (Financial Times)

And remember that the biggest Greek CDS speculator has been the state-controlled Hellenic Post Bank with help from (Yes, you’ve guessed it!) Goldman Sachs:

State-controlled Hellenic Post Bank (TT) bet against Greece (Kathimerini)

Fragwürdige Finanzgeschäfte Griechen wetten auf eigene Pleite (Sueddeutsche Zeitung)

The state-controlled Hellenic Post Bank was betting on Greece going bankrupt!

What will happen if Greece defaults:

Here Is What Happens After Greece Defaults


Former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Revolution is the Only Answer (For Greece, Ireland etc.)

So who could possibly ‘dislike’ such an article?

On a side note:

Alexa Rank:

Infinite Unknown had a global Alexa Rank of  just above 100,000 (for a while) and even below that (quite a while ago).

A webmaster told me (when it became apparent that the numbers were dropping fast) that Alexa had changed its rating methods, which in his opinion clearly disfavors websites like I.U.

You can look up I.U.’s global ranking here:

The only way we can make up for all this censorship coming our way is if readers would start hitting that social media buttons like crazy.

Maybe that would also bring more attention to the website, which could possibly result in more financial support for my work, which is much, much needed.

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The Hidden Billionaires Behind Trump



EXCLUSIVE: The Hidden Billionaires behind Trump (June 27, 2016):

By Greg Palast with Dennis J. Bernstein

Trump desperately needs to get his tiny hands on some cash to fund his presidential campaign. On TV, Trump may play the role of a gazillionaire, but the reality of his reality TV persona is that it’s all paid for with other people’s money. His self-funding pledge is going the way of all Trump’s promises — down the gilded crapper. This week on The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: Election Crimes Bulletin, we focus on where and how Trump is going to get his campaign funds — and the deal he’s made with Wall Street’s devils in order to get it.

TRANSCRIPT (Originally broadcast on June 22, 2016)

Dennis J. Bernstein: All the news is about how Hillary has raised zillions and Donald has a mere one or two million dollars… I thought Donald Trump was a billionaire — he could pay for anything!

Greg Palast: Yeah, thats the TV show, isnt it? As he says, he loves debt. So, yes, he has a lot of money, OPM, other people’s money. He’s an OPM addict, and other peoplesmoney addict. But as far as using it for himself, theres very good reason, he doesnt have close to what hes talking about. So just like bank robbers, hes going where the money is.

DB:Hes got some cagey friends?

Read moreThe Hidden Billionaires Behind Trump

Former Goldman Banker Steven Mnuchin Recommended For Trump Treasury Secretary

Trump and Clinton are both Rothschild puppets.

Steven Mnuchin (PRNewsFoto/Relativity Media)

Former Goldman Banker Steven Mnuchin Recommended For Trump Treasury Secretary:

Back on November 3, when it still seemed improbable to most that Trump would win the election, a trial balloon was floated by Reuters, according to which Trump campaign manager, former Goldman Sachs partner and Soros Fund management employee, was being groomed for something much larger as Donald Trump reportedly told his aides today that he wants Mnuchin to serve as his Treasury Secretary.

Read moreFormer Goldman Banker Steven Mnuchin Recommended For Trump Treasury Secretary