World News (May 14, 2018 Edition): ‘Terrible massacre’: Israel kills 55, injures 2,771 Gaza protesters as US embassy opens in Jerusalem – Bill Gross’s Ex-Wife Stole A $35M Picasso From Their Bedroom And Replaced It With A Hand Drawing – Tesla Bursts Into Flames After “Violent Crash” In Switzerland, Killing Driver Trapped Inside – War On Cash Goes into Full Effect — Purchases Over $10,000 ILLEGAL in Australia – Hawaii Residents Flee Volcano As New Fissure Sends Lava “Several Hundred Feet Into The Air”

‘Terrible massacre’: Israel kills 55, injures 2,771 Gaza protesters as US embassy opens in Jerusalem

Israel Kills 52, Wounds 1,700 Gazans In “Terrible Massacre” As US Opens Jerusalem Embassy

Bill Gross’s Ex-Wife Stole A $35M Picasso From Their Bedroom And Replaced It With A Hand Drawing

– (And another) Tesla Bursts Into Flames After “Violent Crash” In Switzerland, Killing Driver Trapped Inside

War On Cash Goes into Full Effect — Purchases Over $10,000 ILLEGAL in Australia

Hawaii Residents Flee Volcano As New Fissure Sends Lava “Several Hundred Feet Into The Air”

Melania Trump Hospitalized For “Benign Kidney Condition” As Harry Reid Undergoes Pancreatic Cancer Surgery

Hellfire-Missile-Equipped Strykers Sent To Europe To Counter Russia

– Russia Deploys Exotic New Weapon: A “Budget Surplus”

The Army takes over Rio de Janeiro to Combat Organised Crime 

Mexico, the most violent in 20 years 

Retirees Face A “Pension Crisis” Of Their Own

Venezuela Prepares for Possible US Aggression 

First Venezuela, now Argentina on the verge of financial catastrophe

220 cases of “nightmare bacteria” with antiobiotic-resistant genes recorded in 27 states

Confirmed: Artificial Sweeteners Make You Fat and Sick

Read moreWorld News (May 14, 2018 Edition): ‘Terrible massacre’: Israel kills 55, injures 2,771 Gaza protesters as US embassy opens in Jerusalem – Bill Gross’s Ex-Wife Stole A $35M Picasso From Their Bedroom And Replaced It With A Hand Drawing – Tesla Bursts Into Flames After “Violent Crash” In Switzerland, Killing Driver Trapped Inside – War On Cash Goes into Full Effect — Purchases Over $10,000 ILLEGAL in Australia – Hawaii Residents Flee Volcano As New Fissure Sends Lava “Several Hundred Feet Into The Air”

Socialist Utopia: Child Gangs Fight For “Quality Garbage” With Machetes In Venezuela

…coming to a country (run by crony capitalism) near you very soon!

Socialist Utopia: Child Gangs Fight For “Quality Garbage” With Machetes In Venezuela:

While many politicians and civilians in the United States focus on making the country a socialist regime, Venezuela’s children are forming gangs and using machetes to fight each other for “quality garbage” so they have something to eat.

Socialism is only good for those already at the very top.  It’s a very important lesson for anyone seeking to “remove the wealth” from the 1%.  Never assume that the rich will allow you vote their money away in the first place. The other issue most socialists forget that the 1% is made up the very wealthy politicians from both parties who will profit immensely from the implementation of socialism.  Of course, when that does happen children starve and become violent as a means to survive and have just one more meal.

Read moreSocialist Utopia: Child Gangs Fight For “Quality Garbage” With Machetes In Venezuela

Colombians Douse Venezuelan Refugees in ‘Rotten Urine’ in Protest

Colombians Douse Venezuelan Refugees in ‘Rotten Urine’ in Protest:

Angry Colombians have demonstrated their frustration at the growing numbers of Venezuelan refugees seeking refuge in their country by dousing them with rotten urine.

Venezuelan outlet El Nacional details the life of Luz Amparo Durán León, who claims to have slept in urine-soaked sheets after people threw two pots of it at her from a building. Durán is staying in Cucutá, a town on the Venezuelan border in Colombia.

“They threw two pots of rotten urine from a second floor of the building,” she said. “Where have we come to? It makes me sad.”

Read moreColombians Douse Venezuelan Refugees in ‘Rotten Urine’ in Protest

The Collapse of Venezuela Was “a systematic destruction to seize our freedom”

The Collapse of Venezuela Was “a systematic destruction to seize our freedom”

H/t reader Squodgy:

“I’d never have thought that DAISY LUTHER would have been a cover for the establishment, but to complicitly blame the people of Venezuela for that country’s issues is tantamount to complying with the underhand methods of disinfo and propaganda perpetuated by the US Gov for decades as clearly laid out in John Perkins “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”.
Venezuela, like Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia et al, is a classic example, except the people continue to say NO to having their country raped by the international banksters and oil/chemical /mining corporations, so the keep voting for a President for the PEOPLE, who promises to share the wealth.
Sadly the U.S. continually disrupt this, even to the extent of kidnapping Chavez back in 2005 election.
So, the hitherto well respected Daisy Luther, falls under the politically corrupt bus.”

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Russia Proposes Legalizing Cryptocurrencies; As Venezuela Launches ICO For Fiat Cryptocurrency

Russia Proposes Legalizing Cryptocurrencies; As Venezuela Launches ICO For Fiat Cryptocurrency:

The head of the Russian State Duma Committee for Economic Policy, Sergey Zhigarev, has proposed legalizing cryptocurrencies as a means to attract foreign investments into the country.

The chairman of the State Duma Committee for Economic Policy, Sergey Zhigarev, proposed the legalization of cryptocurrencies at the recent parliamentary hearings in the State Duma on the development of the digital economy, Tass reported on Tuesday.

Zhigarev believes the move would it attract foreign investments, including from countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia.

He was quoted saying:

“The legalization of digital currencies as a means of payment can help attract investments from foreign countries, including Western ones with sanctions, so we have an instrument that will help us attract the capital we need today,” Zhigarev said.

Read moreRussia Proposes Legalizing Cryptocurrencies; As Venezuela Launches ICO For Fiat Cryptocurrency

Venezuela Launches Oil-Backed ‘Petro’ Cryptocurrency Amid US Sanctions

Venezuela Launches Oil-Backed ‘Petro’ Cryptocurrency Amid US Sanctions:

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The pre-sale of Venezuelan own cryptocurrency “Petro,” which is backed by the country’s oil reserves, has started.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced on Twitter that the cryptocurrency that has been launched at 4 am GMT was poised to strengthen the national economy and help overcome the financial blockade.

In December, Maduro announced the idea to create a cryptocurrency system, called Petro and backed by the country’s oil reserves, which is expected to help the country to overcome the financial blockade. The Venezuelan Finance Ministry noted that cryptocurrency was necessary for carrying out financial transactions and searching for new financing options.

Read moreVenezuela Launches Oil-Backed ‘Petro’ Cryptocurrency Amid US Sanctions

US Regime Change Fails in Venezuela: Military Coup or Invasion Next?

H/t reader eric:

“US interference in Venezuelan affairs, leading to economic collapse, poverty, violence….all a classic example of John Perkins’ CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HITMAN.

Here we go again as the population back the current President yet again. They know who is causing the shit.”

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“It’s Madness” – ‘Mad Max’ Violence Soars On Venezuela’s Lawless Roads

Coming to a country near you very soon…

I could cry with rage…The government gives us no security. It’s madness. People have got used to the easy life of robbing…”

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Venezuelan Rebel Cop Oscar Perez Massacred By The Government After He Surrendered

Venezuelan Rebel Cop Oscar Perez Massacred By The Government After He Surrendered

Note from Jose: This is information compiled by myself and from my trusted sources, who are near the place where this event took place. Some other references are from the Miami Herald and Venezuelan press. The events of January 15 were confirmed to me by the above-mentioned sources. There is a remarkable inconsistency between the information provided by the videos chronology and the official version.

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Recent Wave Of Looting Shows Extent Of Hunger In Venezuela

Recent Wave Of Looting Shows Extent Of Hunger In Venezuela:

The economic crisis and the food shortage in Venezuela is so serious that looting has become commonplace throughout the country. In January alone, nearly 400 small protests and more than 100 instances of looting have taken place across 19 states, according to the Venezuelan Conflict Observatory.

On Saturday, January 13, Venezuelans began looting for food in the states of Guárico and Zulia.

In Maracaibo — the capital of Zulia — residents looted a supermarket after waiting hours in line to buy corn flour. Violence broke out when they were informed that only members of pro-government community councils could make purchases.

Read moreRecent Wave Of Looting Shows Extent Of Hunger In Venezuela

Shocking Footage Shows Crowd Of Hungry Venezuelans Slaughtering A Cow In The Open

…mobs of hungry Venezuelans have started looting supermarkets and slaughtering cattle in the open to survive

Shocking Footage Shows Crowd Of Hungry Venezuelans Slaughtering A Cow In The Open:

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s plan to order markets to slash prices of food – an attempt to combat speculation and rampant inflation of the bolivar – has apparently backfired as mobs of hungry Venezuelans have started looting supermarkets and slaughtering cattle in the open to survive, Reuters  reports.

Last week, we reported on near-riots that broke out in Caracas after the mandatory price cuts for food stoked widespread shortages as what little inventory that remained on market shelves quickly disappeared.

Read moreShocking Footage Shows Crowd Of Hungry Venezuelans Slaughtering A Cow In The Open

Venezuelans resort to hunting cattle on ranches in order to field themselves. The same thing is to happen in Europe before, during and after #WW3, according to the seers.

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Venezuelan Soldier Shoots, Kills Pregnant Teen In Meat Market Melee

Venezuelan Soldier Shoots, Kills Pregnant Teen In Meat Market Melee:

Just when you thought things in the socialist South American utopia could not get any worse, The Guardian reports that a Venezuelan soldier is being held after opening fire on a group of citizens tussling over scarce meat and killing a pregnant teen.

Alexandra Colopoy was shot by First Sergeant David Rebolledo, according to a tweet by the state prosecutor late on Sunday night. No further details were provided, but critics of President Nicolás Maduro’s leftwing government seized on the incident, calling it a stark example of the oil-rich country’s meltdown.

Read moreVenezuelan Soldier Shoots, Kills Pregnant Teen In Meat Market Melee

Oil-Rich Venezuela Is Out Of Gasoline

Oil-Rich Venezuela Is Out Of Gasoline:

After lining up for an entire day to get a plane ticket to visit her relatives in the western city of Mérida, Josefina García did not know if she and her octogenarian mother were going to reach their final destination on time for Christmas.

The airport is located 76 kilometers away from the city and when they tried to book a cab in advance to take them to the place where they were going to stay, the taxi company said they could not make bookings because there is a shortage of gas and management did not know if they were going to have enough fuel on the day of Josefina’s arrival.

Read moreOil-Rich Venezuela Is Out Of Gasoline

Venezuelan children are STARVING to death as food must now be delivered under armed guard

Hunger coming to a country near you very soon… (US and all of Europe!)

THIS is socialism: Venezuelan children are STARVING to death as food must now be delivered under armed guard

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Maduro Unveils “The Petro”: Venezuela’s Official Cryptocurrency To “Overcome Financial Blockade”

Maduro Unveils “The Petro”: Venezuela’s Official Cryptocurrency To “Overcome Financial Blockade”:

Three months ago, in a not entirely surprising move meant to circumvent US economic sanctions on Venezuela, president Nicolas Maduro announced that his nation would stop accepting dollars as payment for oil imports, followed just days later by the announcement that in a dramatic shift away from the Petrodollar and toward Beijing, Venezuela would begin publishing its oil basket price in Chinese yuan. The strategic shift away from the USD did not work quite as expect, because a little over two months later, both Venezuela and its state-owned energy company, PDVSA were declared in default on their debt obligations by ISDA, which triggered the respective CDS contracts as the country’s long-expected insolvency became fact.

Fast forward to today when seemingly impressed by the global crypto craze, Maduro on Sunday announced the creation of the “Petro“, Venezuela’s official cryptocurrency “to advance in the matter of monetary sovereignty, to make financial transactions and to overcome the financial blockade”.

“Venezuela announces the creation of its cryptocurrency, the Petro; this will allow us to move towards new forms of international financing for the economic and social development of the country,” Maduro said during his weekly television program, broadcast on the state channel VTV.

Read moreMaduro Unveils “The Petro”: Venezuela’s Official Cryptocurrency To “Overcome Financial Blockade”

Venezuela, in ‘selective default’, signs debt deal with Russia

Venezuela, in ‘selective default’, signs debt deal with Russia:

Moscow (AFP) – Venezuela signed a debt restructuring deal with major creditor Russia on Wednesday, as ratings agencies declared Caracas in partial default.

The country is seeking to restructure its foreign debts, estimated at around $150 billion, after it was hit hard by tumbling oil prices and American sanctions.

A Venezuelan delegation led by Finance Minister Simon Zerpa signed the deal restructuring $3.15 billion of debt taken out in 2011 to finance the purchase of Russian arms.

H/t reader squodgy:

“Looks like they’re prioritising their debt by re-arranging things with creditors they feel they’ll need in the future.
Rejection of America, who merely rape countries on behalf of bankers, is understandable, but that leaves China, Russia and the odd rebellious European renegade to climb aboard with the know incentive that they will be entitled to be involved in part of the biggest oil reserves in the world.”

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Bitcoin Surges Near $8000 Record Highs After Venezuela Default

Bitcoin Surges Near $8000 Record Highs After Venezuela Default:

We have already discussed the hyperbitcoinization of the Venezuelan economy and it appears, judging by the most recent surge, that tonight’s ‘official’ default events for the sovereign (and PDVSA) have triggered a further rush to the ‘safety’ of a decentralized store of wealth…

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Venezuela Signs $3.2 Billion Debt Restructuring Deal With Russia

Venezuela Signs $3.2 Billion Debt Restructuring Deal With Russia:

As Venezuela teeters right on the brink of complete financial collapse, Bloomberg reports that Russia has agreed to restructure roughly $3.2 billion in outstanding obligations.  While details of the restructuring agreement are scarce, both sides reported that the deal spreads payments out over 10 years with minimal cash service required over the next six years.

Russia signed an agreement to restructure $3.15 billion of debt owed by Venezuela, throwing a lifeline to a crisis-wracked ally that’s struggling to repay creditors.

The deal spreads the loan payments out over a decade, with “minimal” payments over the first six years, the Russian Finance Ministry said in a statement. The pact doesn’t cover obligations of state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA to its Russian counterpart Rosneft PJSC, however.

Read moreVenezuela Signs $3.2 Billion Debt Restructuring Deal With Russia

Venezuela, Russia Agree on Debt Restructure as Bondholders Meet

Venezuela, Russia Agree on Debt Restructure as Bondholders Meet:

President Maduro: “We have reached an agreement to refinance and restructure the debt with Russia”

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced this Sunday that the government had reached an agreement to refinance and restructure the Venezuelan debt with Russia.

“We have reached an agreement with Russia, this week will be signing an agreement where refinancing is established,” the president said.

Read moreVenezuela, Russia Agree on Debt Restructure as Bondholders Meet

Venezuela Just 24 Hours Away From Formal Declaration Of Default

Venezuela Just 24 Hours Away From Formal Declaration Of Default:

ISDA has agreed to review a request to determine whether an event of default has occurred in Venezuela due to a delayed bond payment on PDVSA bonds which matured on Nov. 2. The ISDA Determinations Committee will hold its first meeting regarding PDVSA at 11am on Friday, November 10.


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