Was Trump Assassination Attempt A HOAX? Analyzing The Likelihood Of Stage MAGIC At The MAGA Rally (Video)



Can’t embed this post. Take a look (graphic content) at this photo, while you still can.

This is the Trump assassin.


How long do you think this man has been dead when they took the photo?

Just asking.


On the upcoming election.

All the world’s a stage and THEY are ALL Freemasons & Illuminati puppets.

“You have NO Choice.”

Trump, like the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, Obama and Biden, is a Freemason and an Illuminati puppet.

Masonic handshakes…

The “FATHER of the vaccine”…

More info here:

Trump & WW3

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Jon Rappoport: The Trump Assassination Attempt

The Trump Assassination Attempt:

ONE: The glaring insanity, of course, is how did the shooter get access to the rooftop? 150 yards from the podium. There were multiple ways to cover it. The best: SS shooters THERE on that roof. Otherwise, drones. Helicopters circulating.

A total failure. Total.

I’m not buying the excuse that the SS was undermanned. They were, but that building should have been an A-1 priority. (And yes, Trump’s people have been turned down in their requests for more SS protection. Is the head of the SS more focused on bringing DEI through the door? (Seems like it.)

A convincing rally attendee told the press he and other people saw the shooter climbing up to the roof with a gun and shouted to cops and SS agents nearby, warning them, and got no response. Stunning.

The people who want to make a case the assassination was a planned inside job have ammunition from that attendee’s testimony.

Read moreJon Rappoport: The Trump Assassination Attempt

“Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure

Blackwater founder Erik Prince of all people…

“Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure:

The idea of Crooks being able to get that close with an elevated position on the stage is unthinkable.  Another fail was the lack of sight obstructions put in place near the stage.  The Secret Service is supposed to erect barriers to block the line of sight from potential shooting locations.  Again, this was not done.

Finally, there’s the dismal lack of response time.  Witnesses outside the event report that they saw Thomas Crooks climbing to the building rooftop with his rifle at least three minutes before he started shooting.  They claim they tried to warn police and Secret Service agents to no avail.

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Trump & WW3

If Trump will become the next President of the U.S., then he (or rather his double) is probably the one that is destined to get assassinated in Budapest, which will be the real beginning of WW3, as predicted.

Trump, like the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, Obama and Biden, is just another Freemason and Illuminati puppet.

WW1 and WW2 have been staged events and so will be WW3.


The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”


Also Alois Irlmaier around 1950…

Google translation:

“At the time, Irlmaier was a frequent guest of the G. family on Lake Chiemsee. The then young G. reports that Irlmaier said that there would be a worldwide earthquake ‘before’. The USA is particularly affected. With us, the earthquakes would be strongest along the Rhine Graben. The tremors can also be felt ‘here’ (i.e. in Bavaria). There would still be aftershocks during the Russian campaign, and they were of such magnitude that both offensive and defensive operations suffered.”

“With his parents he could already do the above. Mr G. heard the following statements from Irlmaier:

‘It starts with a war in the Middle East.’

‘The spheres of influence and areas of interest of the USA and Russia are colliding: there are already minor skirmishes.’

‘US/Russia Peace Conference in Budapest.’

‘The American President is assassinated, and the Vice President immediately declares war on Russia.

At practically the same hour, huge numbers of Russian tanks were rolling west on the autobahn near Passau. The people of Passau are petrified with surprise and horror.’

Read moreTrump & WW3


H/t reader Squodgy:

“They don’t get amateurs to do this. They don’t care about collateral damage either. IMHO this is a False Flag by the usual suspects with a vested interest both financially and strategically, to cement his position on their behalf right on cue as JB dithers his way off stage.
It is ‘their’ golden opportunity for final domination of the World Stage.

Firstly, with security levels sky high at such public events, what are the chances of a random gun toting lone assassin getting anywhere near? The trajectory analysis would be fascinating if we were ever allowed to see it. Who & where was the victim sat? They don’t get amateurs to do this and they don’t miss. They don’t care about collateral damage either. After being hit (assuming he was really shot), DT would have been in total shock if he hadn’t been expecting it, not punching the air. IMHO this is a False Flag by the usual suspects with a vested interest both financially and strategically, to cement his position on their behalf right on cue as JB dithers and meanders his way off stage. Guess who is funding his election for the third time to the tune of over $100M?
It is ‘their’ golden opportunity for final domination of the World Stage and the emotional reaction will be tumultuous and the media they own will manipulate it accordingly. Watch it develop.”


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Massive Secret Service Failure Led To Nearly Successful Assassination Of Donald Trump?

– Massive Secret Service Failure Led To Nearly Successful Assassination Of Donald Trump?:

When looking at the circumstances in favor of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the identified alleged suspect in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, PA, it’s hard to see how the guy failed.  Almost every Secret Service security protocol seems to have been ignored, allowing Crooks easy access to a perfect shooting position and plenty of time to acquire a bead on Trump’s podium.

The rooftop used by Crooks was a mere 140 yards away from the event with a clear line of sight to the right of Trump.  Those familiar with precision shooting know that any shot within 300 yards is considered easy for a moderately trained rifleman.  With the right caliber an expert can hit a torso sized target consistently at 1000 yards or more.  At 140 yards any amateur should be able to hit a pie plate-sized target with little difficulty, even without a magnified optic.

The Secret Service is supposed to secure all obvious “sniper perches” well before the arrival of a protectee – Meaning, nearby rooftops and buildings are supposed to have a security presence in place along with drone surveillance.  In the case of Butler, PA, this was apparently not done.  SS snipers were only present on the building right behind the venue stage.

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Israeli Newspaper Says IDF Employed ‘Hannibal Directive’ On October 7

IDF soldiers were reportedly ordered to “turn the area around the border fence into a killing zone.”

Israeli Newspaper Says IDF Employed ‘Hannibal Directive’ On October 7:

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported days ago that Israel’s military repeatedly employed a protocol known as the “Hannibal Directive” during the October 7 Hamas-led attack in an attempt to prevent the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers—even if it meant putting the lives of army captives and civilians at risk.

Haaretz found based on documents and interviews with soldiers and senior Israeli officers that Hannibal—an operational order developed in 1986 that “directs the use of force to prevent soldiers being taken into captivity” by enemy militants—was used “at three army facilities infiltrated by Hamas, potentially endangering civilians as well.”

During the first hours of the Hamas-led attack, according to Haaretz, Israeli soldiers were given an order: “Not a single vehicle can return to Gaza.”

Read moreIsraeli Newspaper Says IDF Employed ‘Hannibal Directive’ On October 7

At Least 90 Dead In Israeli Strike On Gaza Tent Camp Targeting Hamas Oct.7 Mastermind

At Least 90 Dead In Israeli Strike On Gaza Tent Camp Targeting Hamas Oct.7 Mastermind:

Another mass casualty strike has been reported on a refugee camp in southern Gaza, where the local health ministry says at least 90 have been killed, and 300 injured, after Israeli missiles slammed into Al-Mawasi camp, allegedly hitting tents where displaced persons were staying.

Israel has said that most of the victims were likely Hamas, and that it was going after the leader of the group’s Qassam Brigades, Muhammad Deif, a mastermind behind the Oct.7 attacks. Throughout the day Saturday the military said it was still investigating whether Deif was killed, of which there’s as yet been no confirmation.

Hamas responded by saying Israel’s “allegations about targeting leaders are false” and by design are “merely to cover up the scale of the horrific massacre.”

According to some fresh updates in the NY Times:

Read moreAt Least 90 Dead In Israeli Strike On Gaza Tent Camp Targeting Hamas Oct.7 Mastermind

Army Base Taught Soldiers That Pro-Life Groups Are Terrorists; Watchdog

Army Base Taught Soldiers That Pro-Life Groups Are Terrorists; Watchdog:

A U.S. Army base training presentation described two pro-life organizations as “terrorist groups,” according to a watchdog report confirmed by the military.

The training material was part of an “anti-terrorism brief” at Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, in North Carolina, independent journalist Sam Shoemate reported on X. The report does not indicate when the presentation happened.

According to the photo, a slide shown to soldiers described two pro-life organizations, National Right to Life and Operation Rescue, as “terrorist groups.”

It also “falsely attribute[d] the bombing of abortion clinics to National Right to Life,” the report states.

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