CANOPY GROWTH CORPORATION Elliott Wave Analysis: Achtung! 30% Korrektur kommt und dann Kursexplosion! (Phantom by HKCM Video)


…but consider The Great Taking (by David Webb),…

… and the planned total financial/economic collapse & hyperinflation I’ve been warning you about for many years.

Stocks (and almost everything else) will NOT be safe !!! (See info down below.)




A MASSIVE Financial Collapse Is Coming That Will Destroy Everyone’s Assets, Warns Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Great Dispossession Part 1-3 (MUST-READ!)

Daniela Cambone Interview With ‘The Great Taking’ Author David Webb: The System Was Created to Take All Your Money, No One Gets Spared (Video)

The Great Taking Exposes The Financial End Game

Catherine Austin Fitts: The Great Taking (Dr. Mercola Video)

Intentional Destruction: First COVID, Now Comes “The Great Taking”

The Great Taking: Understanding the Shift in Global Debt | A Deep Dive into Financial Collateral (Lynette Zang Video)


The Banks’ Sinister Secret Plan to Take Everything You Have! – THE GREAT TAKING I Mario Innecco (Video)

The Great Taking… NONE OF US ARE READY FOR THIS… (Neil McCoy-Ward Video)

The Great Taking



Physical gold & silver in your possession have no counterparty risk…

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Turkey Hit By Bank Runs, Currency Panic As Locals Sell Their Cars And Houses To Buy Gold While Lira Implodes

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A Titanic story about the Federal Reserve Bank (ROBERT SEPEHR – Video) – Ancient Giants, Rituals, and Elite of Jekyll Island (ROBERT SEPEHR – Video)

Eustace Mullins said himself that G. Edward Griffin copied (from) his book “The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve” to write “The Creature from Jekyll Island”.

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US Q2 GDP Crashes By A Record 32.9%… Worse Than The Great Depression!

Have been warning you for many years about the planned financial/economic collapse…

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The Global Elite & The Coronavirus Coup D’état With Patrick Wood (Video) – #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #NWO

Update 2:

So somehow the video (Spiro’s channel) is back up again.


So the bloody bastards over at YouTube have removed the video (see below).

R.I.P. “Free Speech”.

Now here is a replacement.

(Download it now and watch it later.)


Technocracy explained…

In this interview, Spiro is joined by Patrick Wood who is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy.

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Almost 50 Million Americans Have Now Filed For First-Time Jobless Benefits Since Lockdowns Began (The big question remains – what happens when the $600 CARES Act bonuses stop flowing?)

Have been warning you for many, many years now about the (planned) financial/economic collapse,…

…which will be directly followed by ‘The Greatest Revolution of All Time’ & (planned) all-out civil war…

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The Hidden Agenda Behind The Planned Destruction of America with Rosa Koire (Must-Watch Video) – #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #NWO #America2050

What drives the civil unrest we see unfolding in the streets today? Is this an organic form of resistance against an oppressive system of control? Or is there an ulterior motive striving to restructure the current system of control under the guise of social and racial injustice?

Many are afraid to ask these questions because they may be labeled a racist, for daring to question the legitimacy of the groups who seem to defy the rule of law with complete immunity from the judicial system. At the same time they receive the endorsement of political leaders, celebrities and mega corporations.

In this report Spiro is joined by Rosa Koire, a top expert on the United Nations Agenda 21 who authored the book titled ‘Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21′

Spiro and Rosa Koire discuss and break down how the United Nations’ long standing global governance agendas are materializing before our eyes hidden just beneath the veil of global crisis and social injustice.

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“There Are Fates Worse Than Death”: Catherine Austin Fitts & James Corbett Expose The Injection Fraud… And Much More (MUST-WATCH VIDEO)

Complete control over humanity coming to all countries near you…

via the New York Times:

Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past

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North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Reported By Japanese Media To Be In Vegetative State (“Nothing can be done…”) – Over 40% Of San Diego Residents Turned To Food Banks Last Month – Millions Of Now-Unemployed Americans Are Making More Money Than They Did When Working – Coronavirus response: Ban alcohol, free speech, and homeschooling – How Shutdowns Will Keep Killing The Economy, Even When They’re Over – Anatomy Of A Fiat Currency Collapse – No, This Is Not Another 1929, 1973, 1987, 2000, Or 2008 – “What Else Has The FBI Buried?”: Stunning Newly-Disclosed Docs Exonerate Gen. Mike Flynn – Idaho Wool Growers Association (IWGA) reports dire straits, zero bids on lambs AND wool – Grocers STRUGGLING to find meat – Portland police respond to Mile long traffic jam for meat sale – Hog-Culling Next As Meatpacking Plants Shutter Operations Stoking Food Shortage Fears In Weeks – Fire at poultry farm kills nearly 300,000 chickens (authorities still investigating cause) – Gill Bates funded “Impossible” fake meat expands into more grocery stores, as meat shortage becomes reality for most Americans – Every Landlord Needs To See This Shocking Chart Before May 1st. There is an alarming surge in “rent strike” searches across America – “They’ve Got To Feed Their Children”: Cash-Strapped Businesses Reopen In Georgia As 16 States Join Push To End Lockdowns – “Like A Black Mirror Episode”: Company Laid Off 406 People In 2-Minute Zoom Call – Follow the Real Money Behind the New Green Agenda – Economic Destruction Is A Preview Of The Green New Deal Economy – Coronavirus: Woman ‘named and shamed’ by neighbours on Facebook for not joining clap for carers – Capitalist Who Hoarded Masks And PPE To Resell From His Store Now Faces Jailtime Under Defense Act – “This Is The Final Leg”: Hugh Hendry Takes A Break From Retirement To Reveal His Latest Market Thoughts – How The “West Point Mafia” Runs Washington – A Real New Deal & Debt Jubilee Or A Green New Deal & Global Dictatorship?

Collapse, directly followed by civil war IS THE AGENDA…



Just wait what is going happen when there will be no food or when its price will skyrocket and be unaffordable for most, as predicted…

Got food?…as predicted here come the meat shortages…

Bloody coincidence?…

Problem, reaction, solution…

All of this will surely end well…NOT…

Coming to a corporation near you…

Yes, always follow the money and understand the real power structure…

Read moreNorth Korea’s Kim Jong Un Reported By Japanese Media To Be In Vegetative State (“Nothing can be done…”) – Over 40% Of San Diego Residents Turned To Food Banks Last Month – Millions Of Now-Unemployed Americans Are Making More Money Than They Did When Working – Coronavirus response: Ban alcohol, free speech, and homeschooling – How Shutdowns Will Keep Killing The Economy, Even When They’re Over – Anatomy Of A Fiat Currency Collapse – No, This Is Not Another 1929, 1973, 1987, 2000, Or 2008 – “What Else Has The FBI Buried?”: Stunning Newly-Disclosed Docs Exonerate Gen. Mike Flynn – Idaho Wool Growers Association (IWGA) reports dire straits, zero bids on lambs AND wool – Grocers STRUGGLING to find meat – Portland police respond to Mile long traffic jam for meat sale – Hog-Culling Next As Meatpacking Plants Shutter Operations Stoking Food Shortage Fears In Weeks – Fire at poultry farm kills nearly 300,000 chickens (authorities still investigating cause) – Gill Bates funded “Impossible” fake meat expands into more grocery stores, as meat shortage becomes reality for most Americans – Every Landlord Needs To See This Shocking Chart Before May 1st. There is an alarming surge in “rent strike” searches across America – “They’ve Got To Feed Their Children”: Cash-Strapped Businesses Reopen In Georgia As 16 States Join Push To End Lockdowns – “Like A Black Mirror Episode”: Company Laid Off 406 People In 2-Minute Zoom Call – Follow the Real Money Behind the New Green Agenda – Economic Destruction Is A Preview Of The Green New Deal Economy – Coronavirus: Woman ‘named and shamed’ by neighbours on Facebook for not joining clap for carers – Capitalist Who Hoarded Masks And PPE To Resell From His Store Now Faces Jailtime Under Defense Act – “This Is The Final Leg”: Hugh Hendry Takes A Break From Retirement To Reveal His Latest Market Thoughts – How The “West Point Mafia” Runs Washington – A Real New Deal & Debt Jubilee Or A Green New Deal & Global Dictatorship?

What in the world is actually going on? Document reveals plans, step by step (Video)

Illuminati card (from 1995 Illuminati card game)…

“Countless people… will hate the new world order… and will die protesting against it… When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents…”

– H.G. Wells, The New World Order (1939)

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World News (Mar 25, 2020 EDN): TRUMP: Suicides From The Coming Economic Depression Will FAR SURPASS Those From The Virus – Peter Schiff: Hyperinflation Is Now The Most Probable Scenario – “Greatest Depression Has Already Started”, Celente Warns – 47,000 Stores Shutter Across The US As Virtually All Retailers Stop Paying Rent – 2.5 Million Initial Jobless Claims Tomorrow? – S&P Downgrades Ford To Junk… Biggest Fallen Angel Yet – “It’s Safe!”: FDIC Urges Americans To Keep Their Money In The Banks – Unprecedented Collapse: US Airline Traffic Currently Just 10% Of Normal – $5 Trillion Down The Drain – CME Urged To Change Physical Gold Delivery Rules Amid Market “Breakdown” – ABN Amro Abandons 106 Year Physical Gold Business, Clients Forced To Sell – White House, Senate Agree On “Largest Rescue Package In American History” – COVID-19 Causes Gun Buying-Panic In Hungary – LA Mayor To Cut Off Water & Power Of “Irresponsible, Selfish” Stores That Remain Open

Next up: Financial/economic collapse & hyperinflation > directly followed by revolution & all-out civil war, as I’ve been predicting for many years…

…and you know who also warned you about the Greatest Depression…

More last-minute ‘preparation’ for the planned civil war?…

Got gold?…

Read moreWorld News (Mar 25, 2020 EDN): TRUMP: Suicides From The Coming Economic Depression Will FAR SURPASS Those From The Virus – Peter Schiff: Hyperinflation Is Now The Most Probable Scenario – “Greatest Depression Has Already Started”, Celente Warns – 47,000 Stores Shutter Across The US As Virtually All Retailers Stop Paying Rent – 2.5 Million Initial Jobless Claims Tomorrow? – S&P Downgrades Ford To Junk… Biggest Fallen Angel Yet – “It’s Safe!”: FDIC Urges Americans To Keep Their Money In The Banks – Unprecedented Collapse: US Airline Traffic Currently Just 10% Of Normal – $5 Trillion Down The Drain – CME Urged To Change Physical Gold Delivery Rules Amid Market “Breakdown” – ABN Amro Abandons 106 Year Physical Gold Business, Clients Forced To Sell – White House, Senate Agree On “Largest Rescue Package In American History” – COVID-19 Causes Gun Buying-Panic In Hungary – LA Mayor To Cut Off Water & Power Of “Irresponsible, Selfish” Stores That Remain Open

World News (Mar 24, 2020 EDN): “The Gold Market Is Breaking Down”: Gold Spreads Explode As LBMA Warns Of Liquidity Problems – DOJ Asks Congress For “Indefinite Detention Powers” To Fight The Coronavirus – 67 Million Americans Could Miss Their Credit Payments Thanks To Virus Crisis – Pharma Will HATE THIS: Medical Doctor Demonstrates How They’re Lying to Us! – California’s Public Employees Retirement System Just Lost A Stunning $69 Billion In One Month – Dow Squeezes To Best Day Since 1933, Gold Soars As Dollar Dips – Fed Hires World’s Largest Asset Manager To Manage Its Massive Asset Purchases – WHO Expert: Lock-Downs Won’t Stop This Virus… but his solution is complete global totalitarianism – Goldman On Gold: “Time To Buy The Currency Of Last Resort” – Corbett Report: How to Practice Proper Social Distancing

Read moreWorld News (Mar 24, 2020 EDN): “The Gold Market Is Breaking Down”: Gold Spreads Explode As LBMA Warns Of Liquidity Problems – DOJ Asks Congress For “Indefinite Detention Powers” To Fight The Coronavirus – 67 Million Americans Could Miss Their Credit Payments Thanks To Virus Crisis – Pharma Will HATE THIS: Medical Doctor Demonstrates How They’re Lying to Us! – California’s Public Employees Retirement System Just Lost A Stunning $69 Billion In One Month – Dow Squeezes To Best Day Since 1933, Gold Soars As Dollar Dips – Fed Hires World’s Largest Asset Manager To Manage Its Massive Asset Purchases – WHO Expert: Lock-Downs Won’t Stop This Virus… but his solution is complete global totalitarianism – Goldman On Gold: “Time To Buy The Currency Of Last Resort” – Corbett Report: How to Practice Proper Social Distancing

World News (Mar 23, 2020 EDN): In Unprecedented Move, Fed Unveils Open-Ended QE Including Corporate Bonds (Unlimited everything, including corporate bonds.) – Unprecedented Intervention: The Fed Will Purchase $125 Billion In Securities Every Day – Trump Says Coronavirus Restrictions WIll Be Lifted “Soon”, The US “Was Not Built To Be Shut Down” – “Travel Papers” & The Pandemic Patriot Act 2.0 – The Third Bull Run For Precious Metals Is Here As Physical Demand Soars – Gold Surges Most Since 2009 After Fed Unveils QEternity, Stocks & Bond Yields Tumble – Dow Industrials Give Up All Post-Trump-Election Gains (…and it’s gone!) – “The World You Lived In No Longer Exists”: Mike Krieger Exposes The ‘Massive Power Grab – “This Is The Biggest Thing Since 1776…”: Doug Casey Explains How COVID-19 Will Spark The Greater Depression – US Gasoline Crashes To 50c – Lowest Since 2001 – Amid “Unprecedented” Demand Collapse – Buyback Backlash Begins: Fed Will Limit Buybacks & Dividends For Companies Using Its Credit Facility – The Fed Is Now Buying Investment Grade Bond ETFs Like LQD – Trump Weighs Easing Stay-At-Home Restrictions To Curb Economic Chaos – Kashkari Says Fed Has “Infinite” Amount Of Cash: “We Create It Electronically” – The Crash Of The “Everything Bubble” Is Here… And It’s Not Going Away Anytime Soon – Coronavirus Crackdown: Beware “The New Normal” – China’s Housing Bubble Bursts: Evergrande Cuts Earnings Guidance By 50% – Amazon Doubles Its Workers’ Overtime Pay As Demand Spikes Due To Coronavirus Lockdowns – Deutsche Bank: Helicopter Money Will Be “Disastrous” And Will Lead To Hyperinflation, “Buy Gold”

NO VACCINE for me!!!…

Read moreWorld News (Mar 23, 2020 EDN): In Unprecedented Move, Fed Unveils Open-Ended QE Including Corporate Bonds (Unlimited everything, including corporate bonds.) – Unprecedented Intervention: The Fed Will Purchase $125 Billion In Securities Every Day – Trump Says Coronavirus Restrictions WIll Be Lifted “Soon”, The US “Was Not Built To Be Shut Down” – “Travel Papers” & The Pandemic Patriot Act 2.0 – The Third Bull Run For Precious Metals Is Here As Physical Demand Soars – Gold Surges Most Since 2009 After Fed Unveils QEternity, Stocks & Bond Yields Tumble – Dow Industrials Give Up All Post-Trump-Election Gains (…and it’s gone!) – “The World You Lived In No Longer Exists”: Mike Krieger Exposes The ‘Massive Power Grab – “This Is The Biggest Thing Since 1776…”: Doug Casey Explains How COVID-19 Will Spark The Greater Depression – US Gasoline Crashes To 50c – Lowest Since 2001 – Amid “Unprecedented” Demand Collapse – Buyback Backlash Begins: Fed Will Limit Buybacks & Dividends For Companies Using Its Credit Facility – The Fed Is Now Buying Investment Grade Bond ETFs Like LQD – Trump Weighs Easing Stay-At-Home Restrictions To Curb Economic Chaos – Kashkari Says Fed Has “Infinite” Amount Of Cash: “We Create It Electronically” – The Crash Of The “Everything Bubble” Is Here… And It’s Not Going Away Anytime Soon – Coronavirus Crackdown: Beware “The New Normal” – China’s Housing Bubble Bursts: Evergrande Cuts Earnings Guidance By 50% – Amazon Doubles Its Workers’ Overtime Pay As Demand Spikes Due To Coronavirus Lockdowns – Deutsche Bank: Helicopter Money Will Be “Disastrous” And Will Lead To Hyperinflation, “Buy Gold”

World News (Mar 22, 2020 EDN): Operation ‘Granite Shadow’: The US Military’s Above-To-Secret Plans If COVID-19 Cripples Government – BofA Calls For “War-Time Measures”, Urges Near-Total Fed Takeover Of Capital Markets – US Futures Crash Limit-Down, Bonds & Bullion Bid – McConnell Sets Monday Morning Re-Vote “15 Minutes After The Markets Open” “…to see if there’s a change of heart.” – Mnuchin: Fed To Make $4 Trillion In Business Loans, Send $3,000 Checks To Family Of Four – Fed’s Bullard Warns Unemployment May Soar To 30%, GDP Crash 50% In Q2 – “The World Cannot Be Saved”: Von Greyerz Warns Global Financial System “Broken & Bankrupt” – Trump in January: Coronavirus is ‘not at all’ a pandemic Trump now: ‘I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic’ – TARP Failure Monday? With Hours To Go Until Futures Open, McConnell Delays Stimulus Vote – Turkey Arrests 64 For ‘Provocative’ Coronavirus-Related Social Media Posts – “Critical Medical Supply Shortage”: The Moment US Woke Up To Disaster Of Always Outsourcing To China – Martial Law? Baltimore Residents Spot National Guard Troops Across State Amid COVID-19 Crisis – Embedded Inside Minecraft Is The Uncensored Library Of Articles That Can Get You Killed In Some Countries – Freezing Credit Markets Force Rich People To Finance Against Fine Art – “Widespread Panic” Hits Commercial Property Markets: Deals Implode, Renters Disappear, Businesses Shut Down – Pompeo Won’t Say Whether Coronavirus Is a Hoax – DON’T TAKE THE MARK: MANDATORY VACCINES TO BE ACCOMPANIED BY INVISIBLE INK TATTOOS – Muammar Gaddafi in 2009: They will create the virus, pretend and sell the antidotes

Former Goldman Sachs Bankster and Skull & Bones member Mnuchin…

Continue to prepare for collapse…


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World News (Mar 21, 2020 EDN): “10% Of GDP”: US Coronavirus Stimulus Package To Total $2 Trillion – The Lockdown Of America Begins – ‘Vague’ Legislation Gives British Police Powers To Detain “Suspected COVID-19 Carriers” – Coronavirus and Democracy: Conte is Dangerous, Italy is Under Martial Law – National Guard Chief: Don’t Federalize Us To Fight Outbreak; Will Waste “Billions” – NATO Cancels Massive Military Exercise ‘Defender Europe 2020’ Due To COVID-19

Related info:

In Sweeping Power Grab, DOJ Seeks Ability To Detain People Indefinitely Without Trial


Get those tweets translated…

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World News (Mar 20, 2020 EDN): Stocks Suffer Worst Week Since Lehman Despite Biggest Fed Bailout Ever – National Guard Deploys In Baltimore As City Enforces Restrictive Curfew – California Gov. Newsom warns 25 million could be infected in 8 weeks, which would lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths in California alone – “This Could Go On For Months”: Cuomo Closes All ‘Nonessential’ Businesses, Orders “100%” Of Workers To Stay Home – The Crash Of 2020 Is Now Worse Than The Great Depression – Ronin Capital Blows Up, Unable To Meet CME Capital Requirements After VIX Trade Goes Wrong – 14 Million Americans Have Been Laid Off So Far Due To COVID-19 – “Worse Than War”: Italian Army Convoy Removes Coffins From Overwhelmed Town – “I Lost 100%” Of My Business: Seattle Transforms Into ‘Ghost Town’ Amid Covid-19 Crisis – British Doc: “Right Now, It Feels Like We’re Heading Into The Abyss”- “Unparalleled Challenge”: Inside America’s First Locked-Down Major City, “Everything’s Out Of Our Control” – Israel Debates ‘Total Suspension Of Individual Freedom’ In Knesset Intel Hearing – Holeee SHIT! You are watching a movie! – Vaccine revolution in one State of the union – Musk’s SpaceX Launches 60 More Starlink Satellites (more 5G from space) – Just in: Yosemite National Park is shutting its gates, closing completely – #Coronavirus: Elevators in China use holographic technology to prevent finger touching from catching the virus – Advanced knowledge?: CDC started hiring QUARANTINE program managers last November to cover quarantine centers in Texas, California, New York, Washington, Illinois, Massachusetts and more – CDC started hiring “quarantine program” advisors for #Covid19 since last November – US Airlines To Burn Through $40 Billion By Year End If No Recovery – NASA Warns Two Asteroids Could Cause Atmospheric Explosion Over Earth This Week – Second Great Depression Begins? Goldman Now Expects A Record 24% Crash In Q2 GDP; Sees 9% Unemployment – Schumer Asks Trump To Invoke Act For Emergency Medical Equipment; Trump Immediately Orders It Done -The Fed Reopens Its Landfill For Distressed Assets – “The Number Is Off The Charts”: Record Outflows From Everything, Record Inflows Into Cash – Ronin Capital Blows Up, Unable To Meet CME Capital Requirements After VIX Trade Goes Wrong – Beijing’s Claim Of No New Infections Contradicts Reality On The Ground

It’s the AGENDA…

Read moreWorld News (Mar 20, 2020 EDN): Stocks Suffer Worst Week Since Lehman Despite Biggest Fed Bailout Ever – National Guard Deploys In Baltimore As City Enforces Restrictive Curfew – California Gov. Newsom warns 25 million could be infected in 8 weeks, which would lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths in California alone – “This Could Go On For Months”: Cuomo Closes All ‘Nonessential’ Businesses, Orders “100%” Of Workers To Stay Home – The Crash Of 2020 Is Now Worse Than The Great Depression – Ronin Capital Blows Up, Unable To Meet CME Capital Requirements After VIX Trade Goes Wrong – 14 Million Americans Have Been Laid Off So Far Due To COVID-19 – “Worse Than War”: Italian Army Convoy Removes Coffins From Overwhelmed Town – “I Lost 100%” Of My Business: Seattle Transforms Into ‘Ghost Town’ Amid Covid-19 Crisis – British Doc: “Right Now, It Feels Like We’re Heading Into The Abyss”- “Unparalleled Challenge”: Inside America’s First Locked-Down Major City, “Everything’s Out Of Our Control” – Israel Debates ‘Total Suspension Of Individual Freedom’ In Knesset Intel Hearing – Holeee SHIT! You are watching a movie! – Vaccine revolution in one State of the union – Musk’s SpaceX Launches 60 More Starlink Satellites (more 5G from space) – Just in: Yosemite National Park is shutting its gates, closing completely – #Coronavirus: Elevators in China use holographic technology to prevent finger touching from catching the virus – Advanced knowledge?: CDC started hiring QUARANTINE program managers last November to cover quarantine centers in Texas, California, New York, Washington, Illinois, Massachusetts and more – CDC started hiring “quarantine program” advisors for #Covid19 since last November – US Airlines To Burn Through $40 Billion By Year End If No Recovery – NASA Warns Two Asteroids Could Cause Atmospheric Explosion Over Earth This Week – Second Great Depression Begins? Goldman Now Expects A Record 24% Crash In Q2 GDP; Sees 9% Unemployment – Schumer Asks Trump To Invoke Act For Emergency Medical Equipment; Trump Immediately Orders It Done -The Fed Reopens Its Landfill For Distressed Assets – “The Number Is Off The Charts”: Record Outflows From Everything, Record Inflows Into Cash – Ronin Capital Blows Up, Unable To Meet CME Capital Requirements After VIX Trade Goes Wrong – Beijing’s Claim Of No New Infections Contradicts Reality On The Ground

World News (Mar 19, 2020 EDN): URGENT Alert: Financial system collapsing, food supply collapsing, hyperinflation coming, guns and ammo wiped out, military Martial Law law plans leaked… details – Peter Schiff: “The Real Crash Is Here”; “Everybody has lost their minds…” – Fed Expands Dollar Swap Lines With Nine More Central Banks Amid Unprecedented Dollar Short Squeeze – Fed Boosts Daily QE By 66% Overnight To Record $75 Billion In One Day – Lehman Playbook Continues: Fed Unveils Another Bailout Fund To Avoid Money Market Funds ‘Breaking The Buck’ – Bank of England Joins Panic Parade With Emergency Rate Cut To 0.1%, Boosts QE By £200 BILLION – BoE’s Bailey To Print Unlimited Money, Tells Short Sellers “Just Stop” Amid Covid-19 Chaos – The Global Repricing Of Assets Can’t Be Stopped All bubbles pop, period. – Nearly 20% Of Households Have Already Lost Work Due To Pandemic-Shutdowns – Sadly, as I’ve said, just another elite puppet: TulsiGabbard Suspends Campaign, Endorses Joe Biden – Paper Wealth Is Vanishing Into A Big Black Hole – The Median US Stock Is Now Down 50% From Its Highs As World Loses $25 Trillion In A Month – Trump Gives Nod To ‘No Buybacks’ Contingency For Bailed Out Companies – Are You Ready To Have Your Civil Liberties Severely Restricted? Because That’s Where This Is Headed… – Oil Soars 24% In Biggest One-Day Surge On Record – Supreme Identity Politics: Biden Pledges To Only Consider Black Females For SCOTUS Pick – Super-Rich Paralyzed As Private Jet Travel Restricted – US ‘Help’ To Virus-Stricken #Iran Comes In The Form Of… More Sanctions Of Course! – Bailout Nation: US Movie Theaters Join Airlines, Hotels And Restaurants In Demanding A Taxpayer Bailout – BOJ Admits It Has Lost 3 Trillion Yen On Its Equity Purchases Despite Literally Printing Money Out Of Thin Air

Wait, no more flights to those doomsday ranches in New Zealand?…

Read moreWorld News (Mar 19, 2020 EDN): URGENT Alert: Financial system collapsing, food supply collapsing, hyperinflation coming, guns and ammo wiped out, military Martial Law law plans leaked… details – Peter Schiff: “The Real Crash Is Here”; “Everybody has lost their minds…” – Fed Expands Dollar Swap Lines With Nine More Central Banks Amid Unprecedented Dollar Short Squeeze – Fed Boosts Daily QE By 66% Overnight To Record $75 Billion In One Day – Lehman Playbook Continues: Fed Unveils Another Bailout Fund To Avoid Money Market Funds ‘Breaking The Buck’ – Bank of England Joins Panic Parade With Emergency Rate Cut To 0.1%, Boosts QE By £200 BILLION – BoE’s Bailey To Print Unlimited Money, Tells Short Sellers “Just Stop” Amid Covid-19 Chaos – The Global Repricing Of Assets Can’t Be Stopped All bubbles pop, period. – Nearly 20% Of Households Have Already Lost Work Due To Pandemic-Shutdowns – Sadly, as I’ve said, just another elite puppet: TulsiGabbard Suspends Campaign, Endorses Joe Biden – Paper Wealth Is Vanishing Into A Big Black Hole – The Median US Stock Is Now Down 50% From Its Highs As World Loses $25 Trillion In A Month – Trump Gives Nod To ‘No Buybacks’ Contingency For Bailed Out Companies – Are You Ready To Have Your Civil Liberties Severely Restricted? Because That’s Where This Is Headed… – Oil Soars 24% In Biggest One-Day Surge On Record – Supreme Identity Politics: Biden Pledges To Only Consider Black Females For SCOTUS Pick – Super-Rich Paralyzed As Private Jet Travel Restricted – US ‘Help’ To Virus-Stricken #Iran Comes In The Form Of… More Sanctions Of Course! – Bailout Nation: US Movie Theaters Join Airlines, Hotels And Restaurants In Demanding A Taxpayer Bailout – BOJ Admits It Has Lost 3 Trillion Yen On Its Equity Purchases Despite Literally Printing Money Out Of Thin Air

World News (Mar 18, 2020 EDN): “We’re About Halfway There”: Historic Carnage Everywhere Sparked By Dollar Margin Call Panic – This Is What A $12 Trillion Dollar Margin Call Looks Like – Dow Crashes Below 19,000; Down Over 10,000 Points From Highs – De Blasio Says “Military Assistance Needed” To Combat NYC Outbreak – Pompeo Says Russia Behind Airstrike That Killed 34 Turkish Troops In Idlib – ‘Big 3’ Detroit Automakers Shutter All Domestic Manufacturing Over Virus Concerns – The Netherlands’ Health Minister collapses live on air during a meeting about the coronavirus. – American Farm Bureau: US farms and ranches could face a serious labor and supply chain shortage due to coronavirus – MASSIVE SURGE IN PHYSICAL SILVER BUYING: Totally Distorted & Broken Markets – Lagarde Fires Bazooka #2: ECB Announces €750BN Pandemic Purchase Program – Covid-19 Could Bankrupt Most Airlines By End Of May – “There Is No Light At The End Of This Tunnel”: NYC’s Largest Chinese Restaurant Forced To Close Its Doors – US Restaurant Association Projects Up To 7 Million Jobs Lost Over 3 Months (Seeking $455 billion in total federal aid due to coronavirus hit) – JPM Cuts Q2 GDP To -14%: “The Lamps Are Going Out All Across The Economy” – Banks Are Going To Drown In An Ocean Of Defaults – “It’s Getting Worse”: Hoarding Panic Forces Supermarkets To Impose Buying-Limits – “Hell Is Coming”: Breathless Billionaire Bill Ackman Warns “America Will End As We Know It” – Facebook ‘Bug’ Caused Site-Wide Block Of Coronavirus Articles – After Blowing $4.5 Trillion On Buybacks, US Execs Demand Taxpayer-Funded Bailouts Of Shareholders – The Demise Of The Financial System Is Imminent

Still on the road to #WW3, as planned by TPTB…

Got food?…



What’s not to like?…

Read moreWorld News (Mar 18, 2020 EDN): “We’re About Halfway There”: Historic Carnage Everywhere Sparked By Dollar Margin Call Panic – This Is What A $12 Trillion Dollar Margin Call Looks Like – Dow Crashes Below 19,000; Down Over 10,000 Points From Highs – De Blasio Says “Military Assistance Needed” To Combat NYC Outbreak – Pompeo Says Russia Behind Airstrike That Killed 34 Turkish Troops In Idlib – ‘Big 3’ Detroit Automakers Shutter All Domestic Manufacturing Over Virus Concerns – The Netherlands’ Health Minister collapses live on air during a meeting about the coronavirus. – American Farm Bureau: US farms and ranches could face a serious labor and supply chain shortage due to coronavirus – MASSIVE SURGE IN PHYSICAL SILVER BUYING: Totally Distorted & Broken Markets – Lagarde Fires Bazooka #2: ECB Announces €750BN Pandemic Purchase Program – Covid-19 Could Bankrupt Most Airlines By End Of May – “There Is No Light At The End Of This Tunnel”: NYC’s Largest Chinese Restaurant Forced To Close Its Doors – US Restaurant Association Projects Up To 7 Million Jobs Lost Over 3 Months (Seeking $455 billion in total federal aid due to coronavirus hit) – JPM Cuts Q2 GDP To -14%: “The Lamps Are Going Out All Across The Economy” – Banks Are Going To Drown In An Ocean Of Defaults – “It’s Getting Worse”: Hoarding Panic Forces Supermarkets To Impose Buying-Limits – “Hell Is Coming”: Breathless Billionaire Bill Ackman Warns “America Will End As We Know It” – Facebook ‘Bug’ Caused Site-Wide Block Of Coronavirus Articles – After Blowing $4.5 Trillion On Buybacks, US Execs Demand Taxpayer-Funded Bailouts Of Shareholders – The Demise Of The Financial System Is Imminent

World News (Mar 17, 2020 EDN): Maryland Governor Orders “Drastic Actions” to be Enforced Statewide by Police and National Guard – More National Guard Troops Deployed In Georgia Than People Who’ve Tested Positive For Covid-19 – 33 Million Jobs Lost: Mnuchin Tells Congress That Without Bailiouts, Depression Era Unemployment Awaits – Event 201 Unfolds: Covid-19 Action Platform… ‘Global Government’ – Zoltan Stares Into The Abyss: Here Is What The Fed Must Do Right Now To Avoid Global Devastation – Helicopter Money Arrives: White House To Send Checks To Americans Within 2 Weeks, Mnuchin Says – Fed Launches Primary Dealer Credit Facility Which Will Accept Stocks As Collateral – The Lehman Playbook Is Here: Fed Announces Bailout Of Commercial Paper Market… Here’s The Bad News – Fed Again Announces Extra $500BN Repo To Stabilize Funding Markets – Here Come The Mass Layoffs: New York Unemployment Site Goes Down After “Tens Of Thousands” Lose Their Jobs – Boeing Seeks “A Minimum $60 Billion” Govt Bailout After Fully Drawing-Down $13Bn Credit Line – Airbus & Volkswagen stop production as Covid-19 brings Europe to screeching halt – Curfews Issued, Cities on Lockdown, Voting Postponed, Government Nationalizing Grocery Supply Chain? – Israel: Shin Bet Uses Secret Mobile Phone Social Graph System to Track Coronavirus Exposure – Biden Wins!?: Illinois News Station Airs Election Results Day Before Primary – Russian court approves law that could extend Putin’s rule until 2036 – US State Dept. expressed its support for Al Qaeda’s first responders White Helmets – In Austin, they had tested injecting homeless with an RFID chip, under the ID2020 program – Port Of Los Angeles Container Volume Plummets Most Since Financial Crisis – Trump And Mnuchin Discussing $1.2 Trillion Package To Fund Stimulus Checks; Delayed IRS Payments – Amazon Suspends All Shipments Other Than Medical Supplies, Household Staples – Military-Style Bunkers, IV Cocktails, & Private Testing: How Elites ‘Self-Quarantine’ – Netanyahu Gives Himself Broad Phone Tapping Powers To Fight “Invisible Enemy” Coronavirus

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Martial law is coming…everything is in place:

#PatriotAct (Bush), #NDAA (Obama), #NSPD51 (Bush), Assassination Program (Obama), #FEMAcamps and MORE…

More 33 greetings to the serfs from the Illuminati…

But #BigBrother & the #NWO is a conspiracy, right?….

#NWO, #Agenda2030…

Continue to prepare for total collapse…

The agenda is to turn you back to be real serfs again…

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Red Alert: Feds Take Control of Food/Trucking as Grocers UNABLE to Get Food (Video) – Got FOOD???


The Last Year of Stable Food Supply We Have On This Planet…

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World News (Mar 16, 2020 EDN): “Total F**king Carnage”: Global Liquidation Accelerates Despite Massive Monetary Intervention – “Just Close The Whole Thing Up”: CNBC Anchors Melt Down, Beg For Market Closures On Twitter – Emergency Fed Repo Fiasco: Funding Markets Remain Frozen After Dealers Balk At $500BN Operation – US On Brink Of War In Iraq; “Self Defense” Strikes Against Iranian Proxies On Table: Pompeo – US Food Industry Scrambles To Resupply Stores Amid Apocalyptic Surge In Demand – Boeing, Which Repurchased Over $100BN In Stock, Is Downgraded To BBB, Seeks “Short-Term” Bailout – Foreign Central Banks Dump Treasuries For 17th Straight Month, Continue To Hoard More Gold – Coronavirus End Game: The Economic Crisis & Roll Out of the New Digital Financial System – Schumer Proposes $750 Billion To ‘Wage War’ Against Coronavirus – Top Cleric On Iran’s Powerful Council Of Experts Dies Of Covid-19 – The Covid-19 Dominoes Fall: The World Is Insolvent – ‘Hole’ Foods: Images from the nicest grocery store in one of the richest neighborhoods in the United States – Philippines Is First Country To Halt Its Market “Until Further Notice” – Silver Crashes To $11 Handle – To 11-Year Lows – Austrian “Bank Jog” Begins: ATM Usage “Double To Triple” – Putin Unleashes Strategic Hell On The US – Chinese Tycoon Mysteriously Disappears After Criticizing Xi’s Virus Response – Illinois Mayor Grants Herself Power To Ban Gun Sales And Alcohol During Coronavirus Epidemic – February China Economic Data Collapses Massively More Than Expected (“Unprecedented”)- Not The Onion: #ISIS Bans Followers From Jihad In “Plague” Hit #Europe Even terrorism briefly halted on Covid-19 fears

Read moreWorld News (Mar 16, 2020 EDN): “Total F**king Carnage”: Global Liquidation Accelerates Despite Massive Monetary Intervention – “Just Close The Whole Thing Up”: CNBC Anchors Melt Down, Beg For Market Closures On Twitter – Emergency Fed Repo Fiasco: Funding Markets Remain Frozen After Dealers Balk At $500BN Operation – US On Brink Of War In Iraq; “Self Defense” Strikes Against Iranian Proxies On Table: Pompeo – US Food Industry Scrambles To Resupply Stores Amid Apocalyptic Surge In Demand – Boeing, Which Repurchased Over $100BN In Stock, Is Downgraded To BBB, Seeks “Short-Term” Bailout – Foreign Central Banks Dump Treasuries For 17th Straight Month, Continue To Hoard More Gold – Coronavirus End Game: The Economic Crisis & Roll Out of the New Digital Financial System – Schumer Proposes $750 Billion To ‘Wage War’ Against Coronavirus – Top Cleric On Iran’s Powerful Council Of Experts Dies Of Covid-19 – The Covid-19 Dominoes Fall: The World Is Insolvent – ‘Hole’ Foods: Images from the nicest grocery store in one of the richest neighborhoods in the United States – Philippines Is First Country To Halt Its Market “Until Further Notice” – Silver Crashes To $11 Handle – To 11-Year Lows – Austrian “Bank Jog” Begins: ATM Usage “Double To Triple” – Putin Unleashes Strategic Hell On The US – Chinese Tycoon Mysteriously Disappears After Criticizing Xi’s Virus Response – Illinois Mayor Grants Herself Power To Ban Gun Sales And Alcohol During Coronavirus Epidemic – February China Economic Data Collapses Massively More Than Expected (“Unprecedented”)- Not The Onion: #ISIS Bans Followers From Jihad In “Plague” Hit #Europe Even terrorism briefly halted on Covid-19 fears