The coming crisis will strike people on all levels of life.
The ‘Greatest Depression’ is well on its way.
The greatest financial/economic collapse in history is coming.
The financial/economic crisis has only just begun.
“This coming crisis is bigger than the world has ever experienced.”
– Ron Paul
The planned financial collapse will be followed by ‘The Greatest Revolution of All Time’, as planned by TPTB.
So there will be all-out civil war in the US and Europe, which will be directly followed by planned WW3.
Right now we are moving into a #GrandSolarMinimum and global cooling period.
Yes, global cooling (which is much more dangerous and deadly than global warming)….
…and TPTB know this…
Read this…
– Telegraph Article Reporting “GLOBAL COOLING” On BILDERBERG Discussion Agenda Has Been REMOVED
I am reporting almost on a daily basis about the #GrandSolarMinimum.
How you can protect your family you will find under “Solution“.
I will not update the ‘World Situation’ anymore.
I want to tell you what is happening right now in the world and what will unfold in the future, so that you can prepare and tell your friends, family and loved ones about this.
Ironically the world events are happening now so fast that I am just posting here some keywords of what is happening and what is going to happen.
1. Economy, 2. Politics, 3. Environment, 4. Health:
1. Economy:
The US Dollar is being devaluated and destroyed intentionally by the FED and other Players.
They are telling you that they are protecting the value of the Dollar but what they do is cause Inflation by creating money out of thin air.
“Inflation is a taxation on monetary assets”, as my Prof. at University appropriately put it.
The Collapsing Dollar – Authorities lose patience
Jim Rogers: Avoid The Dollar At All Costs
The US are already in a Recession even if Bernanke is still warning of a possible Recession.
The Recession will turn into a Depression.
Central bank body warns of Great Depression
Total Notional Value Of Derivatives Outstanding Surpasses One Quadrillion
CNN Warns Americans A New Great Depression Is Coming
USA 2008: The Great Depression
The Great Depression of the 2010s
The Stock Market and the Monetary System are on the verge of collapse!!!!
JPMorgan Chase CEO: Recession Just Beginning
There will be a complete, controlled Meltdown of Americas Economy.
The Germans fear that meltdown as well
The subprime crisis has just started and it’s far from being over and there is chaos on Wallstreet.
Global credit losses will reach $1.2 trillion.
US banks fear $5 trillion balance impact
There are markets I haven’t even heard of and they are big. This is insane.
Bailing Out Banks – Congressman Ron Paul
Morgan Stanley warns of ‘catastrophic event’ as ECB fights Federal Reserve
Marc Faber: ‘Misleading’ Fed Should Let Banks Fail
The cost of living is skyrocketing.
Many people have lost lost their homes and many more will have to go through that sad experience.
U.S. Foreclosures Jump 57% as Homeowners Walk Away
Federal Reserve: Homeowner Equity Falls Below 50%
Growing Deficits Threaten Pensions
The price of oil will soon rise 200-500%.Oil to hit $200 a barrel, says ace Indian analyst (Gas prices are rising too.)
Iran dumps U.S. dollars in oil transactions
The food prices are soaring. There are already food riots. (Rice: about 30% up in just one month!)
And this will get much worse.
The middle class is being destroyed.
People will more and more live in fear and in survial mode and this is intentionally created as well.
Individual bankruptcies are rising dramatically.
28 million will receive food stamps in the coming year in the US.
Tent Cities Popping Up In California
One Nevada businessman may have found a way to bring the system crashing down — he has begun paying employees in those $50 Gold Eagle coins, making their annual salaries well below the threshold for even having to file tax returns. So far, the IRS is helpless to stop it.
The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy: Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke
Senator Byron Dorgan – Out of Control Fraud
Credit Crisis Turning into Credit Armageddon
Energy Advisor Warns of $12-15-a-Gallon Gas
CBS: Report predicts $7/gallon gas 6/27/08
OPEC Leader Khelil Says Dollar Will Drive Oil to $170
Fed’s Direct Loans to Banks Climb to Record Level
JPMorgan Admits Receiving Multi-Billion Dollar Gift From the Fed
America’s infrastructure is crumbling
Federal regulators close Arkansas bank ANB Financial
Fed `Rogue Operation’ Spurs Further Bailout Calls
U.S. risks stagflation, says BIS chief
U.S. Credit Card Debt Soars to Unprecedented Heights
Banks’ credit crisis solutions have echoes of 1929 Depression
Wealthy Investors Shift Funds From Global Banks to Reduce Risks
US banks likely to fail as bad loans soar
Seniors Increasingly Facing Bankruptcy
RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert
California Home Foreclosures Skyrocket by Over 400 Percent
US trade deficit jumps to 60.9 billion dollars
The Derivatives Market is Unwinding!
This Recession, It’s Just Beginning
Ron Paul: This coming crisis is bigger than the world has ever experienced
US: Big Trouble for General Motors, Crysler and Ford
Dow suffers worst 1st half since ‘70
IMF orders X-ray of the entire US financial system
The Dow-Crash, The Dollar, Gold, and WAR!
As Bill Evolves, Mortgage Debt Is Snowballing
Barclays warns of a financial storm as Federal Reserve’s credibility crumbles
Fortis Bank Predicts US Financial Market Meltdown Within Weeks
City Pension Funds Lose Billions
Credit crunch forcing US middle classes to live in their cars
America’s Aviation System About To Collapse
The Economy Has Hit The Wall: Oil above $ 140, Consumer Confidence Falls, Retail Sales Slump
American Express: The Economy is Worsening
And this is not only seen in the US, it’s everywhere you look. The US are just a very good “bad example”.
Emerging markets face inflation meltdown
Bank bail-outs to be kept secret
Soldiers need loans to eat, report reveals
As China’s inflation soars, world fears knock-on effects
Russia quietly prepares to switch some oil trading from dollars to rubles
Iran shifts oil sales away from dollar
Russia blames U.S. for global financial crisis
Traders predict house prices will fall by 50% in four years
GLOBAL ECONOMY – Factories hit worldwide as commodity prices soar
2. Politics:
Some News before we go into detail:
Ron Paul on Iran and Energy June 26, 2008
The US are broke, yet the government spends $ 1,6 Trillion on weapons.
You can’t trust the US government (actually any government in the world). There is so much that they haven’t told you. They are committing treason daily.
US gave $300m arms contract to 22-year-old with criminal record
Canadian Troops To Patrol US Cities As Food Riots Feared
Homeland Security: Operation Endgame
Pentagon Releases Propaganda Documents
Bush misused Iraq intelligence: Senate report
Newest McCain official: President has “near dictatorial powers”
What’s Going on?
Do you think the US want to end the war?:
Are You Prepared For A Hundred Years War On Terror?
Senator and Presidential candidate John McCain said that it would be fine with him if the military stayed in Iraq for a hundred years.
Secret plans for US troops to stay in Iraq
Those behind the scenes want to create World War III and to start World War III they are planning to attack Iran:
The US are preparing for an attack on Iran and four nuclear submarines are heading for the Gulf.
Another source that reconfirms that the US have brought in nuclear submarines.
The fleet in the Persian Gulf is armed with nuclear weapons and cruise missiles and carries hundreds of aircraft and rapid reaction forces.
When the US attack Iran other nations will not just watch and stand by.
Those behind the scenes want to turn this into a religious war as well.
The Christian Right brought Bush to power and this is their mentality:
McCain advisor: Destroy Islam, McCain Backer Hagee Said Hitler Was Fulfilling God’s Will (AUDIO)
Believe it or not but they believe that Jesus comes back when they create Armageddon. How stupid can you get?
There are some equal idiots believing that they get 72 virgins from Allah when they are killing themselves through suicide bombings.
Ron Paul: Nancy Pelosi pulled Iran bill on orders of Israel
Ex-weapons inspector says Iran not pursuing nukes, but U.S. will attack before ‘09
Petraeus Testimony Next Week Will Signal Iran Attack
British fear US commander is beating the drum for Iran strikes
Source: U.S. Strike on Iran Nearing
Joint Chiefs of Staff: US prepping military options against Iran
Middle East: Beating the Drums of War
United States is drawing up plans to strike on Iranian insurgency camp
NATIONAL DRILL: U.S. Tests Response To Set of Calamities
Senate report exposes key role of the Israel lobby in fomenting war with Iran
US: Oil blockade constitutes an act of war
Top US commander briefed on IDF’s four-front strategy in potential Iran war context
Actually everybody is already preparing for war:
Right after Cheney has visited Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia is preparing to counter any ‘radioactive hazards’ which may result from a US strike on Iran’s nuclear plants.
Syria has called up its reservists, because if Iran attacks Israel with what is left after it got attacked by the US, then Israel being vulnerable has the great idea to attack everybody that they consider a threat, so that Israels enemies cannot take advantage of the situation. HELLO!!!
Syria says ready in case of US military action
Israel, U.S. commanders test ‘extreme’ scenarios in joint drill
Brown publishes first national security strategy
Israel preparing to bomb Iran N-sites
Israel launches ‘Iran Command’ for war
Israeli Ministers Mull Plans for Military Strike against Iran
Israel to attack Iran unless enrichment stops: minister
Joschka Fischer: US, Israel will attack Iran
Israel May Attack Iran, Pentagon Official Tells ABC
Iran ready to strike at Israel’s nuclear heart
How will things unfold? Let’s go back to 9/11. (Even if you are bored with it, it’s important.):
9/11 was an inside job, an catalyst event that was created to secure the oil in Iraq, take away your civil liberties, completely undermine your constitutional rights, destroy the middle class in the US and accelerate the New World Order.
USA Military Officers Challenge Official Account of September 11
Former Governor Jesse Ventura says that the WTC collapse was a controlled demolition.
Watch the movie that convinced Former Governor Jesse Ventura:
Loose Change 2nd Edition. Actor Charlie Sheen has also been promoting that film.
There are many great documentaries on 9/11.
It’s all about Problem-Reaction-Solution:
They created the problem (9/11).
The people reacted as expected (allowing to trade in freedom for security).
They then present the solution they wanted to implement in the first place (Patriot Act, Homeland Security, FEMA, Presidential Directive 51).
There are many that believe that the President should be above the law and through Presidential Directive 51 he is above any law.
Please read surviving-martial-law.pdf. For me this was a very important read because it verified what I already knew about World War III and it also answered some questions I had.
And now that everything is in place there will be another catalyst event – Rumsfeld: Why not another 9/11? – of much bigger proportions than 9/11 and nobody will dare to say that this is an inside job because already now if you doubt the official version of 9/11 you are called a terrorist. (Did you know that actor Charlie Sheen is a terrorist? Thats were doubt can get you.)
After the next terrorist attack (inside job) President Bush will declare Martial Law and then he holds all power in his hands alone. He has to answer to no-one anymore. Presidential Directive 51 overrides everything. Similar power had Adolf Hitler, the Gestapo and Waffen-SS are also in place already. And then the US will attack Iran.
Another similarity between Nazi Germany and the US is, that the US are so broke that the only thing that can keep the economy and the government up is starting a war with Iran (or the US have to undergo a looong depression).
The situation the US are in right now is so amazing similar to the situation in Nazi Germany before it started World War II.
So 9/11 can be compared with the Reichstag fire which was a pivotal event in the establishment of Nazi Germany
and the next terrorist attack (inside job) will be the beginning of World War III.
The US will blame Iran for the attack, attack Iran and World War III has begun.
IF you think that the comparisison between Nazi Germany and the US is farfetched then read first the following excerpts and then the full article from the The Canadian National Newspaper:
“More than 1,820 tons (3-million, 640 thousand pounds) of radioactive nuclear waste uranium were exploded into Iraq alone in the form of armour piercing rounds and bunker busters, representing the worlds worst man made ecological disaster ever. Ironically, the only Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) that Americans soldiers have found in Iraq are “Made in America”.
U.S. investigative researchers have discovered an official U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs official, but not well publicized count, of 73,846 U.S. soldiers who have perished as an apparent result of Depleted Uranium based bio-chemical warfare exposure. This exceeds an estimate of 58,000 U.S. soldiers who had been killed in relation to the Vietnam War.
Well over 200,000 American soldiers could be killed by 2010, as a result of the after effects of exposure to U.S. dirty bombs.
Over One million U.S. soldiers have apparently been disabled from Depleted Uranium based biochemical exposure. Over one million Iraqis have also been documented to have been killed.”
IRAQ: ‘Special Weapons’ Have a Fallout on Babies
The Weapon of Mass Destruction Is Cancer
The effect of using depleted uranium will poison Iraq almost forever. So what is the bigger crime what the US are doing to Iraq or what Nazi Germany did to the Jews??? You decide for yourself. The answer is not so important.
It was important to ask the question so that the question can take form in your head.
Have you ever asked yourself how the Germans could be so ignorant and stupid to tolerate such a regime?
Well now you know. The 4. Reich is now here.
Bush Fulfills His Grandfather’s Dream
Police State & Surveillance & New World Order:
Maybe you are already living in a Police State and haven’t noticed it:
Mercenaries Training US Local Police Officers:
Blackwater officials say they are on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and have been given the authority to use lethal force if necessary.
Mercenaries can kill you in the US “if necessary”. I say that the government is preparing for Martial Law.
States Hand Over the DNA of Newborns to DHS:
Unknown to most new parents, or those who became parents in the last ten or so years, DNA of newborns has been harvested, tested, stored and experimented with by all 50 states. And all 50 states are now routinely providing these results to the Homeland Security Department.
Health Council Warns Of Goverment Plan To Claim Ownership Of Every Newborn’s DNA
Met Police officers to be ‘microchipped’ by top brass in Big Brother style tracking scheme
Every single Metropolitan police officer will be ‘microchipped’….
…there will not be any choice about wearing one.
Welcome to the Orwellian State.
Terror law turns thousands of council officials into spies
Police training for Martial Law
FBI & Homeland Security behind martial law exercises in Indianapolis
Police arrest anti-war protester, 80, at mall
Pentagon’s Cyborg Insects All Grown Up
Put young children on DNA list, urge police
Police State 2008
Paul Craig Roberts, a Republican who worked in the Reagan administration, is predicting a 9-11 type of attack before the 2008 elections. If that occurs, Bush can declare martial law and begin arresting those who disagree with his foreign policy (based on Executive Orders recently issued by the Bush Administration that grant the president these powers and more.
Government “Strike Teams” Invade Homes, Harass Flood Victims
Homeland Security invokes nuclear bomb, as Bush quietly links cybersecurity program to NSA:
(Exerpts of the article. The article is a MUST-READ:
“NSA to monitor America’s internet traffic and Google searches for signs of cyber attack”
“The National Security Agency was the key player in President Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program, which was revealed by the New York Times in 2005.”
“..the FBI has engaged in a massive cyber surveillance project that targets terror suspects emails, telephone calls and instant messages – and is able to get some information without a court order.”
“…the ACLU revealed documents showing that the Pentagon was using the FBI to spy on Americans. The military is using the FBI to skirt legal restrictions on domestic surveillance to obtain private records of Americans’ Internet service providers, financial institutions and telephone companies, according to Pentagon documents.”)
They knew: Bush, Cheney authorized ‘harsh interrogations’
Letters give CIA tactics a legal rationale
What’s Up with the Secret Cybersecurity Plans, Senators Ask DHS
Torch Teams: Martial Law in NYC Subways
Germany to Allow Video Surveillance of Private Homes
Ex-NFL Player Tasered For Pointing At Cop
Vancouver transit riders tasered for not paying fares
Justice Dept. Details Program for Collecting DNA From People in Federal Custody
U.S. to Expand Collection Of Crime Suspects’ DNA
Policy Adds People Arrested but Not Convicted
Do Americans Care About Big Brother?
Microsoft is developing Big Brother-style software capable of remotely monitoring a worker’s productivity, physical wellbeing and competence.The Times has seen a patent application filed by the company for a computer system that links workers to their computers via wireless sensors that measure their metabolism. The system would allow managers to monitor employees’ performance by measuring their heart rate, body temperature, movement, facial expression and blood pressure. Unions said they fear that employees could be dismissed on the basis of a computer’s assessment of their physiological state.
Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head
Philly Cops Caught Beating Motorists on Video
Anti-terror laws used to spy on family
High-pitch alarm quietens youths
The Microchip is here !!! – New World Order
Doctors Interrogate Children as Informants on Parents’ Behavior
And they have no problem torturing you.
Parents Must Immunize Their Children Or Go To Jail
Right now, feds might be looking into your finances
National Dragnet Is a Click Away
Will the Militarized Police State Shock You Into Submission?
Children could get a criminal record for holding a can of beer
House agrees to rare secret session on spy bill
Soon U.S. Citizens Must Ask for Government Permission to Fly or Travel
Homeland Ministry Plans Raytheon “Ray Guns” at Airports
Chicago Police to use M4 carbines
Crime Is Terrorism Believes Sheriff Candidate
Face scans for air passengers to begin in UK this summer
Border Agents Can Search Laptops Without Cause
FBI wants widespread monitoring of illegal Internet activity
Secret FEMA Plan To Use Pastors as Pacifiers in Preparation For Martial Law
Massachusetts Police Get Black Uniforms to Instill Sense of Fear
New anti-terrorism rules allow US to spy on British motorists
The Police Disguises Cameras As Fire Hydrants
Pilotless surveillance aircraft are being trialled across Britain
Your Internet provider is watching you
Enhanced Tracking Technology May Propel Adoption of RFID
The Government Is Trying to Wrap Its Mind Around Yours
Ventura Attacks Media for Criticizing Free Speech
Report Details Dissent on Guantánamo Tactics
China: Police State 2.0 is Ready for Export
Lieberman Demands YouTube Censorship
Why the police now have to ask teenage muggers: ‘Do you eat chips?’
They will also have been trained to ask questions about sexual behaviour, family life, religion, secret fears, weight and “sleeping arrangements” at home.
DHS Wants to Spy Illegally on Americans, Democrats Charge
U.S. citizenship to be checked in event of a storm
Detainees drugged against their will
Air Force Aims for ‘Full Control’ of ‘Any and All’ Computers
Town Halls should map race and religion to identify ‘tension hotspots’, says Hazel Blears
House Approves New Property Seizure Law
Bloomberg’s End-run Around the Second Amendment
Cell Phone Spying: Is Your Life Being Monitored?
Your personal data just got permanently cached at the US border
Spy Grid Part Of Consumer Technology
Martial Law Exercises Continue in Denver
Decider-Commander Goes to Iowa
I Thought We Didn’t Negotiate With Terrorists
Government Terrorists Terrorize Iowa Homeowners
U.S. School District to Begin Microchipping Students
McCain: Habeas Corpus a Privilege not a Right
FEMA: It’s Not About Floods, It’s About Martial Law
Rumsfeld Personally Approved Brutal Interrogations
Anti-war protesters banned from demonstrating against Bush
Bush pushes biometrics for national security
Spying Telecoms Receive Billions in Government Contracts
Police ‘torture’ videos cause uproar in Mexico
U.S. Military to Patrol Internet
US called Waterboarding a War Crime in 1947
AT&T Whistleblower: Spy Bill Creates Infrastructure for a Police State
Five Myths About the New Wiretapping Law
The Ultimate Goal of the Elite: Total Power
George Bush, Cheney, Rice, & Rumsfeld caught in Lies
U.S. General: Bush administration tortured detainees, ‘committed war crimes’
The US is not a republic anymore
Ex-Dutch Prime Minister accuses Israel of terrorism
Iraq – Iran – Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud
Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles
George W. Bush has gotten away with murder
Exposing Pentagon and CIA Corruption
Britain and US ‘complicit in war crimes by Ethiopian military’
Big Brother law stirs outrage in Sweden
‘Peel and Stick’ Tasers Electrify Riot Control
Illegal Alien Raid Part Of FEMA Camp Drill
Pentagon Expands Propaganda Reach With Foreign “News” Websites
Germans said to plan major surveillance centre
German government backs enhanced surveillance
BBC uncovers lost Iraq billions
Nato admits mistakenly supplying arms and food to Taliban
NKorea threatens South with destruction
Pentagon: $520 Million for Space Weapons Research
Guantanamo detainees were tortured, medical exams show
U.S. abuse of detainees was routine at Afghanistan bases
The prison industry in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery?
French Government decides to censor the Internet
3. Environment – Earth Changes:
Former Presidents Urge Americans to Prepare for Emergencies:
They can’t tell you what is really coming but they know what is about to happen.
Wildlife populations ‘plummeting’
Migratory bird numbers plummeting, study shows
30,000 Scientists Rejecting Global Warming Hypothesis
Global Warming? Not in the Pacific Northwest
The earth changes are coming big time and the elite is preparing for it:
Experts prepare for lunar ‘Doomsday Ark’ an information storage bank on the moon. “Doomsday ark” would provide the tools for the reconstruction of the human race in case civilization is ever destroyed.
‘Doomsday’ seed vault opens in Arctic
Investors Behind Doomsday Seed Vault May Provide Clues to Its Purpose (Part 2)
Hungary to start the world’s first wild seed bank
African seed collection first to arrive in Norway on route to Arctic seed vault
Scientists to capture DNA of trees worldwide for database
Why are they doing all of this NOW??? Is that a coincidence??? No it isn’t.
The elite has for themselves massive undergrounds and enormous food and water supplies.
Actually this should cause a global outrage and a revolution: UN rejects water as basic human right
Canada’s water crisis ‘escalating’
Barcelona: Unprecedented Emergency Plan to Alleviate a Drought in the City
The price of water will skyrocket and water will become more valuable than oil.
Many farmers will not be able to pay the water bill.
The Global Water Crisis And The Coming Battle For The Right To Water
World Water Wars
Water will be source of war unless world acts now, warns minister:
His department warned that two-thirds of the world’s population will live in water-stressed countries by 2025.
Water: China and India are already in big trouble and so are many, many other countries
Water crisis to be biggest world risk
Los Angeles Eyes Sewage as a Source of Water
California faces water rationing due to drought
The World is running out of food soon.
The Price Of Food: 2007 – 2008
Why Floods Bring America To Its Knees
The U.S. Has No Remaining Grain Reserves
The Best Farmland in the U.S. Is Flooded; Most Americans Are Too Stupid to Panic
Nine meals from anarchy – how Britain is facing a very real food crisis
Food Riots are Coming to the U.S.
Philippines: Food Shortage Looms – Arroyo Adviser
Floods may boost world food prices for years
Philippines: Fighting to survive on mountain of trash
UN alert: One-fourth of world’s wheat at risk from new fungus
Load Up the Pantry – The Wall Street Journal
Honeybee Colony Collapse to Devastate Food Companies, Result in Food Scarcity
Organic Bees Surviving Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)
Feed the world? We are fighting a losing battle, UN admits
2008: The year of global food crisis
Exposed: the great GM crops myth
‘Panic’ wheat buying across the US
Food fear beats climate change
Five million face hunger in Zimbabwe, UN says
Bananas Are Dying, Killed by Corporate Monoculture
World warned on high food costs – BBC NEWS
World Bank Expects More High Food Prices
Food riots to worsen without global action: U.N.
UN secretary-general calls food price rise a global crisis
The food crisis begins to bite
Specter of food rationing hits US supermarkets
Rationing of rice hits Britain’s Chinese and curry restaurants
Wal-Mart’s Sam’s Club limits rice purchases
Bay Area Shoppers Asked To Limit Rice Purchases
Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World
There will be bad harvests, drought, “plagues” and famine.
Billions at risk from wheat super-blight – New Scientist
There will be war about food, there are already food shortages and food riots have erupted in recent months in Guinea, Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco, Senegal, Uzbekistan and Yemen.
Commodities Boom Sends French Food Prices Rocketing
Drought spreading in Southeast – USA TODAY
‘Frankenfoods’ Giant Monsanto Plays Bully Over Consumer Labeling
The bees are disappearing:
The pollination of crops by bees is responsible for a third of the food produced in the US.
Mystery Bee Disappearances Sweeping U.S
“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” – Albert Einstein
I saw a report that the oceans are already overfished and soon there simply will be no more fish left.
Chinook Salmon Vanish Without a Trace
Yes – in 10 years we may have no bananas
Warming could trigger insect food frenzy
Pizza and beer now cost an arm and a leg
German Beehives Hit by Mass Die-Off
World Bank `Destroyed Basic Grains’ in Honduras
Global free market for food and energy faces biggest threat in decades
Vanishing Topsoil Threatens Sustainability of Human Life on Earth
U.S. corn soars to record as crop flooded
Billions pledged at food summit, but more needed UN chief says
4. Health:
The food and water supply are now so poisoned that you better grow your own food, raise your own animals, have your own well and water filter.
U.K. to Begin Harvesting Organs from Dead Patients Without Consent!
US: Raw sewage is continuously released into rivers, streams
Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregnant can seriously damage your baby
Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 – 2007)
Merck Plant Dumps Vaccine Waste and Chemicals Into Water Supply
One in five US servicemen has brain injury
Life running out of control – Genetically Modified Organisms
Health Professionals Call for End to Water Fluoridation
Antidepressant drugs don’t work – official study
Study finds 98% of child drug trials lack independent safety checks
Interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock on devastating health effects of MSG, aspartame and excitotoxins
The World According to Monsanto – A documentary that Americans won’t ever see. (Video)
Dangers of the wireless cell phone wi-fi and emf age – Dr. George Carlo (Video)
Mobile phone radiation wrecks your sleep
The Truth About Aspartame – Dr. Russell Blaylock (Video)
The Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking
Fluoride, Aspartame and Agenda 21 (Video)
Georgia family challenges federal vaccine law
Vaccination: Pushing Gardasil (Video)
The Water Cure: An interview with Dr. Batmanghelidj
Chemical Additives – Are They Slowly Killing Our Children?
Parents Must Immunize Their Children Or Go To Jail
Baby shampoo study raises chemical concerns
Men who use mobile phones face increased risk of infertility
Vitamins A, C and E Increase Mortality! (and other nonsense from the realm of junk science)
Merck Wrote Drug Studies for Doctors
Most Astonishing Health Disaster of the 20th Century
Feds Not Addressing Drugs In Water
The World According to Monsanto – A documentary that Americans won’t ever see.
CNN: Most Bottled Water is Tap
Feds Censor Sept. 11 Health Disaster
Los Angeles Eyes Sewage as a Source of Water
Bird Flu Medicine Toxic for Teens
Texas will immunize FLDS children
Canada’s Bill C-51 May Outlaw Natural Health Food Products
Chemicals in Plastic Shown to Cause Reproductive and Neurological Disorders
Dirty Secret of Drug Industry: Their Pills are Made in China!
EPA might not act to limit rocket fuel in drinking water
Who should MDs let die in a pandemic? Report offers answers
Summit County judge orders Taser references deleted from medical examiner’s rulings
Should Government Aircraft Spray Chemicals on Residential Areas?
VA testing drugs on war veterans
Flawed St. John’s Wort Study on ADHD Failed to Use Active Form of Herbal Extract
California Begins Poisoning Millions with Toxic Synthetic Fluoride Chemicals
“I Am Legend” Meets Reality: Scientists Create Virus to Fight Cancer
Two More Girls Die After Receiving Gardasil Cervical Cancer Vaccination
Kiddie Prozac Docs Took Millions From Drug Makers
Wildflower Extracts Easily Kill MRSA Superbug
Study: 1 in 4 adults in NYC have herpes virus
Cook an Egg with Your Cell Phone
Make Popcorn With Your Cell Phone
Forced Vaccinations Part Of Dark Eugenics Agenda
Bill C-51 pits ‘big pharma’ against natural food vendors
“Worst Vaccine Bill Ever” Seeks Compulsory Shots For All Children
MSG: Causes obesity, is toxic and destroys your brain
Your Food is Toxic and Makes You Sick, Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD
U.S. – FDA Issues Health Warning Over Amalgam
George Carlin, Diet Coke With Aspartame & Cardiac Death
Low Sperm Counts and Deformed Penises: The Chemical Industry Has a Hold on Your Reproductive Future
re: The secret behind James Crosby’s resignation in Feb 08 from the FSA & his involvement in the ‘Vavasseur’ securities fraud, perpetrated by HBOS and steered by the World Bank
Last week I attended a powerful forum in the House of Commons, for creating stable currencies and tackling widespread, systemic fraud in the ‘Legal Mafia” and the “financial Mafia”….the event was called “Beating the recession”, and everyone there was gob-smacked at the number of ‘casualties’ that have been created by the enormous ‘wheel of corruption’ within the UK government. I am sure the US government is no different.
We have begun the task of exposing, IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, the scandal relating to Sir James Crosby and HBOS ? We’re seeking restitution and are being blocked at every turn, by the corruption within the UK government, Judicia, and the Establishment.
We’ve been seriously defrauded by HBOS, who are now trying to repossess our home having recommended us to place large sums of money into their Scheme which failed because of their mis-selling and misappropriation of our funds. This happened back in 2001/2, and James Crosby was at the helm of the whole fraud, and ‘ran from the scene of the crime’ when he resigned in February this year. My family members got dragged in as well because of HBOS’ solid endorsements and recommendations, which gave them false confidence to invest all their savings, as we were told our money was “held to our order” in “custodial” accounts. It turned out that HBOS was using everyone’s funds through an umbrella company linked to several offshore “custodial accounts”, to create CBF’s and derivatives, using our collateral as ‘bonds’ to underwrite these dodgy transactions. Do you have a phone number that I can speak to you on ? We have a very strong case with a lot of evidence, and I’ve spent over 7 years investigating this privately, at huge cost to my health and quality of life. It is a shocking story, and we need help ASAP as the whole System in place is so corrupt and offers ‘revolving doors’ meaning we haven’t been able to get anywhere in all these years. I understand that, in fact, everyone’s money ended up in Barclays NY (hosts for the Madoff ponzi fund), which I can explain more of when we speak, and some is in Fortis Bank Belgium.
After all these years, I now have the clearest picture ever, that James Crosby is behind the entire ‘Vavasseur’ swindle, acting for his “lord and master’ Lord Nathan Rothschild who controls the World Bank. In case you didn’t know, the World Bank governs ALL banks, and runs the fundless “International Monetary Fund”, the Bilderberger Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and the whole hierarchy beneath them. They are behind the ‘New world order” and all war-mongering, funding both sides, and they obtain their money from their invention of “banking” which leverages real money to create “new money” backed by thin air. The fact there were at least TWENTY THREE banks involved in the ‘Vavasseur’ Fraud, says it all. How else could such widespread and rampant money laundering have prevailed ? ‘Vavasseur’ had the complicit approval of the World Bank and all the “authorities” , just in the same way that Bernie Madoff had the complicit approval of the World Bank and the SEC working in tandem to create “funny money” which is the direct cause of the Credit Bubble ! We are part of the ‘collateral damage’ of the Credit Bubble. There has been a huge cover-up to let off the real perpetrators, free, and to make us, the unsuspecting Public, pay. It is the taxpayer and the innocent who pay for these crimes of the “financial Mafia”.
The Credit Bubble has been created out of leveraged bank notes, issued through derivatives and CBF’s which have to be “underwritten” by REAL money or “collateral”. This is how our money was used in the ‘Vavasseur’ fraud. THAT is why HBOS so voraciously gathered in funds through dodgy mortgages, pensions, savings – whatever they could get their hands on, under the guise of “custodial accounts where our money was safely held to our order”. This is a case of HBOS’ MIS-SELLING and MISAPPROPRIATION of funds involving securities fraud, with a huge even bigger fraud on the back of it. Here is my latest short summary:-
1. 400 people internationally have been defrauded in a ‘mini-Madoff’ alleged “ponzi” fraud which was run by HBOS and overseen by James Crosby, on behalf of the World Bank. It’s all been covered up by the Authorities, and I have proof that the SFO and the FSA had knowledge of the fraud from the late 1990’s but took no responsible action to prevent it – because of tying in the dates of key events, the SEC court records, proof of bank wires from the victims themselves, and witnesses who worked for James Crosby etc).
2. Steered by the World Bank and Lord Nathan Rothschild, at least 23 banks were involved, providing ‘custodial accounts’ forming part of the USA ‘Vavasseur’ Corporation, which linked directly to several hedge funds that HBOS controlled.
3. More than a quarter billion dollars was amassed from victims, and parked in these ‘custodial accounts’, arranged by five AGENTS of HBOS who endorsed the Scheme (all accountants, 3 of which have been convicted for fraud and jailed. The 2 that walk free were very close to James Crosby and their conviction would have collapsed these fraudsters ‘house of cards’).
4. The Scheme was mis-sold by HBOS, with a massive fraud on the back of it. Our ‘clean’ money was used to create “funny money” in the Credit Bubble that has now burst. It was all done ‘incognito’ through the agents and using much subterfuge and decoy. Justice Langstaff described this fraud as “deeply corrosive”. Paul Moore, ex-Head of risk at HBOS, warned HBOS about the high risk to capital and out of control growth in CBF’s at HBOS for the years in question: we now know that HBOS misappropriated everyone’s money to provide collateral for issuing Corporate bond funds and derivatives trading from the ‘custodial’ accounts sanctioned by the World Bank. Both the FSA turned a blind eye to the widespread and rampant money laundering, and the gross criminality despite overwhelming evidence was condoned also by the SFO, who were the prosecuting party against 2 of HBOS’ agents (both FSA and SFO refused to investigate the matter after scapegoating Gangar and White)..
5. HBOS issued scores of delinquent loans through various “back doors” of sub-structures on a ‘no questions asked’ basis, designed to look like “mortgage advice companies’ on the basis the moneys went into their Scheme, using Gangar and White to do their ‘statements of means’ and provide “letters of undertaking” saying our money was “held to their order” when these were false. HBOS and Crosby knowingly conspired to defraud the Public and steal their money, with the help of corrupt government officials at the FSA, SFO, SEC in particular, and others (all, of course, paid by the Banking Cartel to do so).
6. James Crosby, a ‘front’ and “gopher” for Rothschild, organised the concealment of HBOS’ involvement and hedge fund CBF activities, through abusing his position at the FSA, and joining the FSa ‘Watchdog’ in Jan 04 to quarantine his footprints all over this Vavasseur Fraud. We, the victims of this government-organised crime, are the “collateral damage” of a flawed Monetary System and no-touch regulation which allows these kinds of atrocities to occur. We want the TRUTH upheld, and restitution, compensation and Justice !
Kind regards,
Liz Watson
Founder – ONE VOICE Group
Sabine Kurjo McNeill arranged an event at the House of Commons recently on 23 April 09, and said the following:-
“My main reason for organising Forum events for 10 years has been to advocate ‘public credit’, as you can see on our political summary site. Now I want to follow Lord Sudeley’s suggestion to “group complaints to change the law”.
Ever since I held the first meeting at the House of Commons in 1998, victims of the financial and legal system have joined us and I have often put them on the programme. Given the crisis, I wanted to make a new effort and the event of April 23rd emerged.
It was only thanks to a most remarkable discussion in the afternoon that the next logical step became apparent. To take it further in the virtual world, I created Room 14 where a friend recorded Liz on video.”
Room 14 – a foundation for change
The Vavasseur Fraud which affected Elizabeth Watson, her family members and 400 others.
No one can tell the fucking future, whatever happens in the future is not inevitable, the future is constantly changing because of everyday, life choices. you can’t predict something with only stereotype to back it up.
Everything from here is sourced from Alex Jones.
Occasionally I am stumbling across an interview from Alex Jones and post it.
I am not visiting his websites regularly.
So almost NOTHING here on Infinite Unknown is from Alex Jones.
Everything that Jones touches has zero credibility.
One sure cure for the worlds economy! Forgive debt and start over! Re access prices and wages and lets start over!
Maybe the Mayan calendar ends and a new order begins, hopefully we can all just get along!!!
Maybe some hope for the future….
The de jure republic government of America has been re-established. It needs as much exposure as possible. Every American now has the choice to stay in contract with the corporation known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or rejoin the republic of the united States of America. The restoration of the de jure republic and the true meaning of a grand jury and true bill are explained in this video by Mark Hafner WE ARE [The] CHANGE Your Founders Believed In – by The Republic of Missouri
This video by Kurt Kallenbach called Season of Treason explains the difference between the 10th amendment citizen and the 13th one very well.
Local sheriffs are taking a stand against the Federal government.
Sheriffs Stand TALL for the Constitution There is a project called the County Sheriff Project of America where they are raising money to have a huge conference in Nevada and educate every sheriff who attends on the power they truly have to stop any unlawful or unconstitutional encroachments by the Fed in their respective counties. Since a sheriff is directly elected by the people they have the final say in their county. Any sheriff that will not stand by the constitution should get thrown out of office and the people elect one who will.
The Nullification movement which is gaining momentum will refuse to enforce acts or statutes of the Fed that are unconstitutional. Several states have already passed legislation that nullifies certain federal acts. Tom Woods is one of the most outspoken on this but here’s a whole bunch of speakers on the same topic.
In order to begin again, doesn’t everything have to be stopped? Or doesn’t it have to collapse on its own? Rome’s collapse was over centuries. I think the US is collapsing or has collapsed, but it won’t just turn to dust and disappear, though perhaps our federal system will go. After Rome, the so-called dark ages were different from life under Roman rule, but life went on. We really can exist without central banks. They are the problem not the solution.
Dont you think your being just a little glass half full. Look at the upside the new series of big brother household has started, and we are barely an episode into the new Dr Who. Good old BBC tackling full on ageism, lesbianism .. more isms than George Orwell could throw a stick at. ISIS Caliphate V’s Rusia/China Now Capitalist? Former Communism partners conspiracy V’s the Western NATO powers. Aldous Huxley was right the real conflict is still to come, that being who will come out on top – Strictly or X-Factor. :0))
I did not read the whole summary, it’s too much to read but that something will happen what we did not want, seems to be widely accepted. They are now trying to restructure the Middle East by bombing it. We created a society rather rigid, all depends on electricity. Above all, the consequences of 9/11 arevfar reaching, not accepted by western politicians who wants us to believe we can manage the world situation but the debts since 9/11 are blown up, economy more down despite invention of much technical skills having changed life. Using money as if it is manna from heaven. A misconception.
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It’s well said, a bit old but still on target. However, HE sees and knows all about the times we’re in and take a look at the if your inquisitive and believe the LORD is able to deliver us. The book of truth is open at these final days and the Servant of Matt 24: 45 helping to decipher it so we can prepare for HIS soon return… Thanks