Trump “Overrules” Cabinet, Prepares To Unleash Global Trade War

Trump “Overrules” Cabinet, Prepares To Unleash Global Trade War:

While one of Trump’s recurring campaign promises was that he would “punish” China and other key US trade counterparties if elected, for taking advantage of free-trade by imposing steep tariffs and duties on foreign imports to “level the playing field”, the President’s stance changed drastically after the election, U-turning following his amicable meeting with China’s president Xi Jinping in March, but mostly as a result of pressure by his ex-Goldman advisors to keep existing trade arrangements in place and not “rock the boat.”

Now, all that may be about to fall apart.

Read moreTrump “Overrules” Cabinet, Prepares To Unleash Global Trade War

Banking Giant Tells Clients to Prepare for Government Collapse, Third General Election

Banking Giant Tells Clients to Prepare for Government Collapse, Third General Election:

Citigroup has warned clients that Theresa May’s position as prime minister is “unsustainable”, warning them to prepare for the government to collapse within a matter of months.

The multinational banking corporation believes the parliamentary majority which the prime minister secured through her deal with Ulster’s Democratic Unionist Party is “not comfortable enough for crunch votes”, according to a report in The Times.

Read moreBanking Giant Tells Clients to Prepare for Government Collapse, Third General Election

Another CNN Producer Exposed By Project Veritas: American Voters “Are Stupid As Shit”

Another CNN Producer Exposed By Project Veritas: American Voters “Are Stupid As Shit”:

Content originally published at

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has just capped off a week of destroying CNN’s last shred of credibility with a Friday morning release of another undercover encounter with an employee of the beleaguered network. Jimmy Carr, a hate-filled Associate Producer, said that virtually everyone he knows at the network – surprise – absolutely hates President Trump.

Read moreAnother CNN Producer Exposed By Project Veritas: American Voters “Are Stupid As Shit”

IN GERMANY: Muslim Migrant crime rises 50%, Muslim Migrant violence soars, Muslim Migrant sex crimes double in a year

IN GERMANY: Muslim Migrant crime rises 50%, Muslim Migrant violence soars, Muslim Migrant sex crimes double in a year

Yet Germany cannot understand why Eastern European countries refuse to accept any Muslim migrants at all.

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Israeli Air Force targets Syrian military positions in response to ‘errant projectile’ – #WW3

 Israeli Air Force targets Syrian military positions in response to ‘errant projectile’:

Israel’s air force has targeted a Syrian military position with an airstrike, after a projectile launched towards Israel landed in the Golan Heights, the Israel Defense Forces announced.

The announcement of the Israeli strike came just 45 minutes after the IDF said that an “errant projectile from internal fighting in Syria” had hit an open area in the Golan Heights, and that no injuries had been reported.

It comes just two days after the IDF similarly fired at Syrian Army positions, after a projectile also hit an area in the northern Golan Heights.

Read moreIsraeli Air Force targets Syrian military positions in response to ‘errant projectile’ – #WW3

The World Is Now $217,000,000,000,000 In Debt And The Global Elite Like It That Way

–  The World Is Now $217,000,000,000,000 In Debt And The Global Elite Like It That Way:

The borrower is the servant of the lender, and through the mechanism of government debt virtually the entire planet has become the servants of the global money changers.  Politicians love to borrow money, but over time government debt slowly but surely impoverishes a nation.  As the elite get governments around the globe in increasing amounts of debt, those governments must raise taxes in order to keep servicing those debts.  In the end, it is all about taking money from us and transferring it into government pockets, and then taking money from government pockets and transferring it into the hands of the elite.  It is a game that has been going on for generations, and it is time for humanity to say that enough is enough.

According to the Institute of International Finance, global debt has now reached a new all-time record high of 217 trillion dollars

Read moreThe World Is Now $217,000,000,000,000 In Debt And The Global Elite Like It That Way

Frozen corn in South Dakota in late June

Frozen corn in South Dakota in late June:

“Seeing frost damage from both North Dakota and South Dakota… File this one as tweets I didn’t expect to see in late June. @USFarmReport”

Also pics of damaged chickpeas in Manitoba and reports of damaged canola south of Battleford.

Read moreFrozen corn in South Dakota in late June

Trump On Chicagoland: “Killings Have Reached Epic Proportions…I’m Sending In The Feds!”

Trump On Chicagoland: “Killings Have Reached Epic Proportions…I’m Sending In The Feds!”:

“Crime and killings in Chicago have reached such epidemic proportions that I am sending in Federal help. 1714 shootings in Chicago this year!”

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Janet Yellen Says A New Financial Crisis Probably Won’t Happen ‘In Our Lifetimes’ But The BIS Says One Could Soon Hit ‘With A Vengeance’

Janet Yellen Says A New Financial Crisis Probably Won’t Happen ‘In Our Lifetimes’ But The BIS Says One Could Soon Hit ‘With A Vengeance’:

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen is quite convinced that the United States will not experience another financial crisis for a very long time to come.  In fact, she is publicly saying that she does not believe that another one will happen “in our lifetimes”.  But there are other central bankers that see things very differently.  In fact, a new report that was just released by the Bank for International Settlements is warning that a new financial crisis could soon strike “with a vengeance”.  So who is right?

It would be nice if it turned out that Yellen was right.  Nobody should want to see a repeat of what happened in 2008, and Yellen seems extremely confident that she will never see another crisis of that magnitude

Read moreJanet Yellen Says A New Financial Crisis Probably Won’t Happen ‘In Our Lifetimes’ But The BIS Says One Could Soon Hit ‘With A Vengeance’

‘Gross interference with domestic affairs’: China furious at Trump’s $1.4 BILLION Taiwan arms deal

‘Gross interference with domestic affairs’: China furious at Trump’s $1.4bn Taiwan arms deal:

The Chinese people “have every right to be outraged” by the new $1.4 billion US arms deal with Taiwan, Beijing has said, arguing that the sale means the Trump administration is contradicting earlier statements on maintaining peace in the region.

Washington has made the “wrong decision to sell arms to Taiwan in disregard of China’s strong representations,” reads a statement released on Friday by the Chinese embassy in the US.

On top of violating several joint communiques, the deal “grossly interferes [in] China’s domestic affairs, jeopardizes China’s sovereign and security interest and undermines China’s efforts to realize national unification,” the embassy says. “The Chinese government and Chinese people have every right to be outraged,” it adds.

Read more‘Gross interference with domestic affairs’: China furious at Trump’s $1.4 BILLION Taiwan arms deal

Incredible Close Up Footage of Boeing 787 Leaving Huge Persistent Contrail Over Russia (Video)

Jun 30, 2017

Incredible close up footage of Boeing 787 leaving huge persistent contrail which is some of the best footage of the cosmic radiation management / geo-engineering programs that are ongoing globally without your consent or mine in order to reduce the effects of incoming galactic cosmic rays.

Incredible close-up footage of Boeing 787 leaving huge vapour trail through the sky…
Cosmic Radiation Management (CRM) has Begun to Protect You…
GeoEngineering Conference
GeoEngineering Conference…
Cooling the Earth Through Solar Radiation Management:…
Solar Radiation Management Governance of Initiative SRMGI

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Is The Yellowstone Supervolcano About To Blow? Global Food Supply Would Collapse For Two Years, Causing A Mass Die-Off Of Humans

Is the Yellowstone supervolcano about to blow? Global food supply would collapse for two years, causing a mass die-off of humans:

One of the most beautiful places in the United States that every American should visit at least once in their life is Yellowstone National Park, a vast region of wildlife and geographical wonders that stretches through parts of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Between the massive herds of bison that can be seen grazing out in the valleys, and the incredible geysers and hot springs that have been around for thousands of years, Yellowstone really does deserve to be one of the most popular tourist locations in the country. But despite its beauty, there is an ancient monster in Yellowstone that has remained dormant for 70,000 years… and it just might be getting ready to wake up.

Since June 12 of this year, there have been over 400 earthquakes recorded in Yellowstone, the latest being a magnitude 3 earthquake that struck on Monday, June 19. Just four days earlier, Yellowstone was hit with an even larger, magnitude 4.5 earthquake. “The epicenter of the shock was located in Yellowstone National Park, eight miles north-northeast of the town of West Yellowstone, Montana,” said scientists from the University of Utah in a statement. “The earthquake was reportedly felt in the towns of West Yellowstone and Gardiner, Montana, in Yellowstone National Park, and elsewhere in the surrounding region.” (Related: Scientists have been underestimating the threat of earthquakes.)

Read moreIs The Yellowstone Supervolcano About To Blow? Global Food Supply Would Collapse For Two Years, Causing A Mass Die-Off Of Humans

Company Rothschild Inherited When MH-370 Disappeared Sells For $12 BILLION

Rothschild inherited some very important patents when flight MH-370 disappeared

Company Rothschild Inherited When MH-370 Disappeared Sells For $12 BILLION:

Firm sold for 12 billion dollars after inheriting shares

When Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 went missing, a US tech firm had 20 senior staff on the flight, many of whom were shareholders in the company and some were co-owners of some very important patents for military radar systems and microchips for autonomous driving cars.

With the mysterious disappearance of the Boing 777, all of the remaining shares held by the missing travelers for Freescale Semiconductor Ltd were inherited by the only remaining shareholder, Lord Jacob Rothschild, who then became the sole owner of some very important patents.

H/t reader kevin a.

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“You Want To Play Chicken? Let’s Play Chicken” Maine Governor Threatens Shutdown Over Proposed Tax Hike

“You Want To Play Chicken? Let’s Play Chicken” Maine Governor Threatens Shutdown Over Proposed Tax Hike:

“I will tell you this: If they put a tax increase, ready for a shutdown. End of story,” LePage said in a Thursday interview on Maine’s WGAN radio. “They’re playing chicken at 100 miles per hour and I’m telling you something, you want to play chicken, let’s play chicken.”

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Dr. Phil Canceled After Exposing Elite Pedophile Ring On TV Show

Dr Phil Canceled After Exposing Elite Pedophile Ring On TV Show:

Escaped pedophilia network survivor revealed to mainstream

Just days after Dr. Phillip McGraw exposed an Elite pedophile ring on mainstream TV by interviewing an escaped former child sex slave, his show was canceled by Dutch Media RTL.

Despite airing the show for 15 years, the network refused to comment on the reason for the cancellation other than it was to do with the “choice of programming” made by the show’s producers.

H/t reader kevin a.

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Catholic Church Found Guilty In 400 Child Sex Abuse Cases Files For Bankruptcy

Catholic Church Found Guilty In 400 Child Sex Abuse Cases Files For Bankruptcy:

Unable to settle lawsuits for victims of pedophile priests

A Montana Roman Catholic diocese has filed for bankruptcy following a court ruling finding the church guilty in over 400 cases of child sex abuse.
Church officials confirmed that the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings is unable to settle the lawsuits that have been so far been filed by 72 of the victims of pedophilia at the hands of Catholic priests.

This is the second diocese in Montana to file for bankruptcy over child abuse lawsuits in less than three years, with the total number of cases of sex abuse by priests, nuns and church volunteers reaching a staggering 760 victims since 2014 in Montana alone, with payouts from lawsuits in the tens of millions.

H/t reader kevin a.

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Hacking group Anonymous claims NASA is about to announce ‘evidence of alien life’

Hacking group Anonymous claims NASA is about to announce ‘evidence of alien life’:

NASA is “on the verge” of announcing the discovery of alien life, according to a new video by hacking group Anonymous.

NASA is “on the verge” of announcing the discovery of alien life, according to the latest video from hacktivist group Anonymous.

The hackers published a YouTube clip overnight which claims a NASA scientist made the announcement at the last meeting of the US Science, Space and Technology committee.

It comes after NASA’s Kepler space observatory discovered 219 “potential new worlds” in other solar systems.

H/t reader kevin a.

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What the Luciferian “elite/Jews” are Afraid You Will DO SOMETHING ABOUT (with the help of GOD)

H/t reader squodgy:

“The wonderful exposee of the fact that the 7/7 2005 London Bombings was a Government Co-ordinated FALSE FLAG event designed to kill ordinary innocent folk, and create fear and loathing of Muslims is now well established, but only for those who want the truth.

This video is a frightening analysis regarding a man called JamesWesley Howell, an American, set up by the CIA to carry out a false flag event in California, but he rightly sussed he was going to be shot and panicked and handed himself into unsuspecting cops.

He is a dead man walking coz nobody dare champion his cause for fear of being suicided by the DeepState CIA.”

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