Germany: Merkel says 60-70% of population could become infected by coronavirus – Kanzlerin Merkel zu Coronavirus: “60 bis 70 % in Deutschland werden sich infizieren“

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Merkel must be one of the worst German chancellors ever. Not only has she let her country be overrun by a potential 5th column, she’s left the military in a shockingly poor state of repair.

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The army sees Germany’s security endangered due to gross mismanagement by Merkel and von der Leyen.

All of this has been done deliberately!

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Germany: Seehofer (CSU) angered by Merkel’s “Islam belongs to Germany” remarks. He said he has no understanding for this and won’t change his policies by an inch. The CDU is visibly annoyed.

Seehofer knows that he is in trouble if he goes (one inch) against the ordered agenda.

His hands had been tied.

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After Heiko Maas(SPD) has devastated the German Ministry of Justice with his censorship law #NetzDG Merkel(CDU) made him the Secretary of State so he could do the same there!

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Crisis Averted: Merkel Set For 4th Term After SPD Backs Grand Coalition

All of this has been a show to give Germans (and us) the impression that the two parties do not agree with each other, when in reality both parties are totally controlled by TPTB and now you will (slowly) see that they will continue to roll out the planned agenda.

Crisis Averted: Merkel Set For 4th Term After SPD Backs Grand Coalition:

One of this weekend’s two major geopolitical unknowns was just resolved in favor of more continuity, and another 4 years of Angela Merkel.

On Sunday morning, in a much anticipated referendum, two-thirds of rank-and-file members of Germany’s Social Democratic party voted in favor of a grand coalition with the veteran leader’s conservative, or CDU, bloc, giving Angela Merkel backing for her fourth term as chancellor of Germany, and ending a five month political stalemate in Berlin, which, as the FT recaps, “could help restore Germany’s leadership role in Europe at a time of mounting political challenges, including a looming trade war with the US, rising tension over Brexit and French demands for an overhaul of the eurozone.”

The final result of the SPD referendum, which was announced early on Sunday, saw exactly two-thirds, or 239,604 members, voting in support of a new alliance with the centre-right, while a third, or 123,329 voted against. The turnout was 78%.

Read moreCrisis Averted: Merkel Set For 4th Term After SPD Backs Grand Coalition

Merkel Finally Acknowledges German “No-Go” Zones, Vows To Eliminate

eliminate = expand & increase

Merkel Finally Acknowledges German “No-Go” Zones, Vows To Eliminate:

Following approval from Germany’s conservatives to cooperate with the Social Democrats (SPD) on several political impasses, German Chancellor Angela Merkel sat down with Germany’s RTL Aktuell where she discussed a number of policy positions – including an acknowledgement of Germany’s growing “no-go” zones, and the need to do something about them.

Amid a spike in crime attributed to refugees, German officials been slowly acknowledging the negative impact of the flood of migrants taken in after the destabilization of Libya and similar regions – even going so far as to offer thousands of Euros to rejected asylum seekers. 

Read moreMerkel Finally Acknowledges German “No-Go” Zones, Vows To Eliminate

Austrian musician Christian Anders: “Mrs. Merkel is a criminal and belongs in a closed psychiatry! The blood will squirt meters high!”

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Germany: Lying Press is too nice for the German media calling peaceful protesters Nazis and Antifa peaceful! Antifa intimidated a woman for holding a sign: Merkel has to leave! Clearly a Nazi. Last week 60 people joined her now it’s 200 in Hamburg!


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UK: First cousin marriages in Pakistani Muslim communities result in ‘appalling’ disabilities for the offspring, huge costs for the taxpayers

UK: First cousin marriages in Pakistani Muslim communities result in ‘appalling’ disabilities for the offspring, huge costs for the taxpayers:

Medical data previously suggested that while British Pakistanis were responsible for 3 per cent of all births, they accounted for 30 per cent of British children born with a genetic illness.

Telegraph Baroness Flather, a former Tory who now sits as a cross-bencher, said in the House of Lords that “It is absolutely appalling that first cousin marriages in Pakistani communities are leading to so much disability among children. “You go to any such family and there will be four or five children, at least one or two of whom will have some disability.”

H/t reader kevin a.

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Head of The Chancellery Peter Altmaier: “Germany Is Better Off Now Than It Ever Has Been In Its History.”

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Germany: SPD votes for coalition talks with Merkel even though they said multiple times after the elections, that they wouldn’t.

… as expected. and with a grand coalition they get everything done in Germany that is on the agenda of TPTB.

Merkel and Schulz are both elite puppets serving exactly the same masters.


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Some people in Germany had enough of Merkel: “Smaller salaries! Smaller pensions! More refugees! Hail Merkel!”

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Merkel starts grand coalition talks as poll shows 52% want her off ballot in ‘new election’

Merkel starts grand coalition talks as poll shows 52% want her off ballot in ‘new election’:

As German Chancellor Angela Merkel tries to secure a fourth term at the helm of a new grand coalition, a poll has shown a majority would rather vote again. The results also suggest Merkel should not be on the ballot.

Three months after Germans went to the polls, they are still without a government. Their frustration is apparently growing, with the new study finding that 34 percent of respondents want new elections. The Insa survey, commissioned by Germany’s Focus magazine showed that only 30 percent expressed support for a continuation of talks to try and form a grand coalition. A minority government would be viewed favorably by just 15 percent of Germans.

Read moreMerkel starts grand coalition talks as poll shows 52% want her off ballot in ‘new election’

Germany ends 2017 without a government for Angela Merkel

All of this (worldwide) is just one big show until the coming collapse…

Germany ends 2017 without a government for Angela Merkel: 

It is unknown in the history of modern Germany: Three months after the election the country still doesn’t have a new government. How can it be that Merkel’s CDU remains on the hunt for a coalition partner?


And they are all bloody Freemasons and elite puppets…

… all of them …

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Germany Offers Migrants $3,500 To Leave Voluntarily

Germany Offers Migrants $3,500 To Leave Voluntarily:

Germany is offering rejected asylum seekers money to voluntarily return home as the government gets ready to deport Syrian migrants next summer.

The country’s interior ministry announced a scheme Saturday to give families up to 3,000 euros ($3,560) if they agree to leave. The program — titled “Your Country, Your Future, Now!” — will run through the end of February.

“If you decide by the end of February for a voluntary return, you will get in addition to first aid, a housing aid for the first twelve months in your country of origin,” Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

Read moreGermany Offers Migrants $3,500 To Leave Voluntarily

Thank You, Wolfgang Grieger (CDU) On Angela Merkel: “Never Has There Been A Chancellor That Has Been So Power-Hungry And Unpatriotic.“

Just another Freemason and Illuminati puppet.

Danke, Wolfgang Grieger (CDU): „Noch nie sei ein Kanzler so machtgeil und unpatriotisch gewesen“:

Die geschäftsführende Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel scheut Neuwahlen, weil die letzte Umfrage einen Wert von 30 % für die Union ergab und ein Abrutschen auf 28 Prozent oder noch weniger möglich ist und damit ein Rücktritt unumgänglich wäre? Merkel hat sich strikt gegen Neuwahlen ausgesprochen: „Ich halte überhaupt nichts davon, wenn wir mit dem Ergebnis nichts anfangen können, dass wir die Menschen wieder bitten, neu zu wählen“. Sie weiß auch warum, dass Kapitel Merkel wäre nach einer Neuwahl erledigt.   Aber es gärt bereits heftig nach dem schlechten Wahlergebnis aller Zeiten, und es gibt vernünftige Leute in der CDU, wie Wolfgang Grieger, der mit seiner Aussage voll ins Schwarze trifft und vielen Deutschen aus den Herzen spricht.

[…] Angela Merkel (CDU) hat sich strikt gegen Neuwahlen ausgesprochen. „Ich halte überhaupt nichts davon, wenn wir mit dem Ergebnis nichts anfangen können, dass wir die Menschen wieder bitten, neu zu wählen“, sagte die CDU-Vorsitzende am Samstag beim Landesparteitag der CDU Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Kühlungsborn. Die Welt sei im Umbruch und Europa brauche ein starkes Deutschland. „Deshalb wäre es wünschenswert, sehr schnell zu einer Regierung zu kommen – nicht nur einer geschäftsführenden.“

Viele Menschen sähen, dass das, was sie vom Staat erwarten, nicht so funktioniert. Da dürfe es nicht um Zuständigkeiten gehen. „Der Bürger fragt nicht, wer ist zuständig. Sondern der Bürger fragt, ist der Staat handlungsfähig. (…) Und da haben wir eine Menge zu tun.“

Unruhe gab es in der Aussprache, als der Delegierte Wolfgang Grieger den Rücktritt Merkels forderte. „Zwölf Jahre Energiepolitik – eine Farce. Verteidigungspolitik desaströs.“

Auch die Sozial- und Familienpolitik sei niederschmetternd. Merkel regiere nach Gutsherrenart. „Heute ist der Tag, an dem wir sagen müssen: Die Kaiserin hat keine Kleider an – sie ist nackt.“ Noch nie sei ein Kanzler so „machtgeil und unpatriotisch“ gewesen, sagte Grieger. Die anderen Delegierten reagierten mit großem Unmut auf diesen Beitrag. […] Quelle: Die


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German Crisis Averted? SPD Ready To Negotiate With Merkel To End Political Deadlock

German Crisis Averted? SPD Ready To Negotiate With Merkel To End Political Deadlock:

“The German SPD are discussing the possibility of some kind of support for the CDU, following talks with the German president. The German political crisis is not really looking very crisis-like. It is all very orderly and, frankly, a little dull.”

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Gold, Euro Slump As Merkel Admits “New Elections Are The Better Way”

Gold, Euro Slump As Merkel Admits “New Elections Are The Better Way”:

EURUSD is testing overnight lows (and gold is tumbling) after German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would prefer to go ahead with new federal elections rather than try to form a minority government.

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