Judge Rules Obama Healthcare Law ‘Unconstitutional’

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A federal judge in Florida on Monday struck down the landmark healthcare law backed by President Barack Obama, finding that the Congress exceeded its authority to require individuals to buy insurance.

In a challenge by 26 states, Judge Roger Vinson ruled that “because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void.”

WASHINGTON | Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:15pm EST

Source: Reuters

In other news:

Judge rules health care law unconstitutional (Politico)

Obama Health-Care Reform Act Ruled Unconstitutional (Bloomberg)

Judge rules Obama healthcare law unconstitutional (Los Angeles Times)

Barack Obama’s health care reform ‘unconstitutional’ (Telegraph)

Organic Panic: Obama Administration Green Lights Mutant Alfalfa

Before you write a nice, polite and useless letter to Tom Vilsack you should know where he is coming from first:

– Flashback: Obama appoints Monsanto shill Tom Vilsack to USDA chief

“Washington lobbyists haven’t funded my campaign, they won’t run my White House, and they will not drown out the voices of working Americans when I am president”.
– Barack Obama

See also (Thanks Jeremy!):

Monsanto back in court: Center for Food Safety challenges GMO alfalfa ruling

Stonyfield Farm Takes a Swing at Monsanto (and the OCA)

Before the organic elite has been accused of ‘treason’:

The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto

More change from President Obama bin Bush!

Related article:

Obama Administration Allows Unrestricted Planting of GMO Alfalfa. Bye-Bye Organic Milk and Beef

Organic Panic: Obama Administration Green Lights Mutant Alfalfa (ABC News):

USDA Deregulation of Genetically Modified Hay Threatens Organic Foods, Critics Say

The nation’s organic farmers are sounding the alarm after an Obama administration decision they say could destroy their supply chains and drastically limit the choices and availability of some popular consumer foods.

The Department of Agriculture decided last week to allow the widespread, unregulated use of genetically modified alfalfa, commonly known as hay, which is the primary feed for dairy cows and beef cattle across the country.

Opponents argue that he mutant crops, engineered to survive being sprayed with insecticide, could escape from their fields and eventually cross-pollinate with and contaminate neighboring organic crops. That could mean less organic feed for the organic cows that produce a range of organic products.

“Consumers don’t eat [genetically modified] alfalfa, of course,” said Michael Pollan, author of “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” which examines the U.S. farming and food industry. “But it’s the main feed for dairy cows. And organic milk, one of the most successful and popular organic foods, could be compromised if the organic cows eat non-organic feed.”

Read moreOrganic Panic: Obama Administration Green Lights Mutant Alfalfa

Top Bank Manager Stefan Törnqvist: The Euro Will Fail Within 2 Years

… which is why high ranking EU officials have been told, a few days ago, to BUY GOLD and prepare for the collapse of the euro.

I’ve been constantly telling you to protect your assets with gold AND SILVER.

These are the original articles:

“Om två år kan vi ha ny valuta” (Hufvudstadsbladet):

‘In 2 Years We Will Have The New Currency’

“Euron försvinner om två år” (Svenska YLE):

‘The euro will disappear within 2 years’

I could not find any article in English, so use ‘Google Translate’.

I have only found an  article in German.

Stefan Törnqvist, Topmanager einer finnischen Bank, glaubt, dass der Euro binnen zwei Jahren scheitern wird. Als Vorbild für eine neue Währung sieht er die Idee einer neuen “Krone” für Skandinavien.

Der Topmanager einer finnischen Bank gibt dem Euro noch zwei Jahre und sinniert über verschiedene Möglichkeiten zu einem nordeuropäischen Währungszusammenschluss, darunter eine “nordeuropäische Hanse-Valuta”. Der Kapitalverwaltungsdirektor der “Alandsbanken”, Stefan Törnqvist, schrieb am Freitag im schwedischsprachigen “Hufvudstadsbladet”, er glaube mit 80 Prozent Sicherheit, dass der Euro zusammenbrechen werde. Er sei sich jedoch dessen bewusst, damit eine Minderheitsmeinung zu vertreten.

Read moreTop Bank Manager Stefan Törnqvist: The Euro Will Fail Within 2 Years

Mexico Launches ID Cards for Children, Carrying Fingerprint And Iris Scan

Related article:

Russia To Adopt Universal ID Card in 2012

Kathy Fernandez Davalos (holding a giant version of the I.D. card) and her second-grade classmates at Miguel Hidalgo Elementary in Tijuana marked the launch of Mexico’s new identification document program for minors Monday.

TIJUANA — Tijuana was the setting Monday for the launch of an identity card program aimed at minors across Mexico, a move that authorities said would reduce paperwork as well as protect against child trafficking, prostitution and other forms of abuse.

As hundreds of uniformed students from Miguel Hidalgo Elementary School watched, sixth-grader Leslie Carolina García became the first person in Mexico to register for the card.

Mexico’s interior minister, José Francisco Blake Mora, called it a “historic day” for Mexico. “This is not an option for authorities or for the government,” he said. “It is a constitutional obligation to offer this identification card.”

The card is aimed at minors from ages 4 to 17, and by the end of 2012, Mexico’s federal government is hoping that as many as 25.7 million children will be signed up.

Read moreMexico Launches ID Cards for Children, Carrying Fingerprint And Iris Scan

Police Use Tear Gas on Boots Tax Protesters

THREE people were taken to hospital after police used CS gas on protesters who had occupied a branch of Boots.

Campaign group Uncut claims the pharmacist is cheating the UK out of millions by being registered in tax haven Switzerland.

Around 20 people dressed in bloody bandages stormed the store in Oxford Street, London, yesterday forcing it to close shortly after 1pm.

Police moved in and used CS gas as they arrested a female protester on suspicion of criminal damage.

Read morePolice Use Tear Gas on Boots Tax Protesters

Jim Rickards From Davos: Fourth Alternative Now to a Dollar Collapse, Besides Gold, SDR’s And Chaos

Just that all these wonderful potential reserve currencies will also fail soon.

And the solution will be a new world (order) currency.

Jim Rickards: Senior Managing Director for Market Intelligence at Omnis, Inc. – Jim has been a direct participant in many of the most significant financial events over the past 30 years including the 1981 release of hostages from Iran and was also the principal negotiator for the government sponsored bailout of LTCM. His clients include private investment funds, investment banks and government directorates in national security and defense. He is an advisor to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States and Support Group of the Director of National Intelligence and recently testified before Congress on the causes of the financial crisis. Follow Jim Rickards on Twitter at twitter.com/JamesGRickards

With events at Davos taking place, King World News interviewed Jim Rickards of Omnis to get his take on what is happening.

When asked about discussions regarding the dollar Rickards remarked, “We’ve talked a lot about a gold standard, we’ve talked about SDR’s.

It’s obvious that the international monetary system is breaking down. Nobody’s happy with the dollar, but nobody can quite figure out what the alternative is so they sort of get forced into staying with the dollar…and we keep printing more.”

Rickards continues:

“So there is a search for an alternative and again I’ve identified gold and SDR’s as two alternatives. The third path that I’ve talked about is just chaos…People put off decisions or don’t come up with a good alternative for too long and things just kind of break down.

There is a new entry if you think of this as a horse race. You know I had three horses in the race, gold, SDR’s and chaos. There’s a fourth horse that has entered the race. I think the main advocate for this is Professor Barry Eichengreen of University of California Berkley. He is a leading intellectual student and author on the gold exchange of the 1920’s. So at least in academic circles when you talk about the failure of the gold exchange standard in the ’20’s and 30’s all eyes point to Barry Eichengreen, he’s the leading scholar in that area.

What he is saying and what a lot of people in Davos are talking about is this idea of multiple reserve currencies. Right now the dollar is far and away number one. There are other reserve currencies, stirling, yen, Swiss francs and of course the Euro all play a roll, but the US dollar is between 65% or so, somewhere in that range of all reserves held around the world, not counting gold.

The idea is that it doesn’t have to be a world where the dollar dominates or the dollar goes to zero…But you could have a world where you have maybe four reserve currencies and they all have maybe 25 or 30% of the action, give or take…Something like that did exist in the 1920’s where the dollar and the stirling were side by side, neither one totally dominated…so it’s a plausible hypothesis.


(Infinite: No this is not a plausible hypothesis. If you take dollar confetti and replace it with with a dollar, euro, yen, pound and yuan confetti mixture, then it is still worthless confetti.)

Full article here: King World News

Monsanto’s Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health

And now:

Organic Panic: Obama Administration Green Lights Mutant Alfalfa

Wheat affected after 10 years of glyphosate field applications.

The following article reveals the devastating and unprecedented impact that Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide is having on the health of our soil, plants, animals, and human population. On top of this perfect storm, the USDA now wants to approve Roundup Ready alfalfa, which will exacerbate this calamity. Please tell USDA Secretary Vilsack not to approve Monsanto’s alfalfa today. [Note: typos corrected from Jan 16th, see details]

While visiting a seed corn dealer’s demonstration plots in Iowa last fall, Dr. Don Huber walked past a soybean field and noticed a distinct line separating severely diseased yellowing soybeans on the right from healthy green plants on the left (see photo). The yellow section was suffering from Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), a serious plant disease that ravaged the Midwest in 2009 and ’10, driving down yields and profits. Something had caused that area of soybeans to be highly susceptible and Don had a good idea what it was.

Don Huber spent 35 years as a plant pathologist at Purdue University and knows a lot about what causes green plants to turn yellow and die prematurely. He asked the seed dealer why the SDS was so severe in the one area of the field and not the other. “Did you plant something there last year that wasn’t planted in the rest of the field?” he asked. Sure enough, precisely where the severe SDS was, the dealer had grown alfalfa, which he later killed off at the end of the season by spraying a glyphosate-based herbicide (such as Roundup). The healthy part of the field, on the other hand, had been planted to sweet corn and hadn’t received glyphosate.

This was yet another confirmation that Roundup was triggering SDS. In many fields, the evidence is even more obvious. The disease was most severe at the ends of rows where the herbicide applicator looped back to make another pass (see photo). That’s where extra Roundup was applied.

Don’s a scientist; it takes more than a few photos for him to draw conclusions. But Don’s got more—lots more. For over 20 years, Don studied Roundup’s active ingredient glyphosate. He’s one of the world’s experts. And he can rattle off study after study that eliminate any doubt that glyphosate is contributing not only to the huge increase in SDS, but to the outbreak of numerous other diseases. (See selected reading list.)

Read moreMonsanto’s Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health

Paul Craig Roberts: The Enumerated Rights Are Hanging By A Thread

See also:

Paul Craig Roberts – It’s Official: The US Is A Police State

Paul Craig Roberts: Death of the First Amendment – The Nazification of the United States

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.


While people in Tunisia and Egypt have taken to the streets in attempts to gain their liberty, Americans are losing their liberty with minimal protest. Even the American Civil Liberties Union seems unfocused. At a time when we are being surrounded by a police state and the federal judiciary is being taken over by the Federalist Society and unitary executive theory that places the president above the law, we need a heightened appreciation of civil liberty and the Constitution on the part of the American people. The American people need to come together and to take a united stand against the police state and unaccountable executive branch power.

During my many years of writing in defense of law as a shield of the people instead of a weapon in the hands of the state, I have identified two important reasons that Americans are losing the protection of the legal principles that made them free. One reason is that a significant portion of the population, especially among those who think of themselves as conservative, there is indifference and even hostility to civil liberties. The other reason is that Benthamite thinking has made inroads into the Blackstonian conception of law that is the basis of the Constitution. Jeremy Bentham argued for pre-emptive arrest before a crime is committed, for torture in order to obtain confession, and for subverting the attorney-client privilege. Bentham’s views, fiercely hostile to those of our Founding Fathers, are now represented on the federal bench (federal appeals court judge Jay S. Bybee, for example) and in prestigious law schools (John Yoo, UC Berkeley, for example).

In chapter 3 of The Tyranny of Good Intentions, Larry Stratton and I contrast Bentham’s views with those of William Blackstone and our Founding Fathers. This article is about the division of the American public on the matter of civil liberty.

Read morePaul Craig Roberts: The Enumerated Rights Are Hanging By A Thread

Russia To Adopt Universal ID Card in 2012

For all those conspiracy theorists out there, 2012 just got a little more ominous. As required by legislation passed this last summer, Russia will adopt a universal ID card starting next year. The Universal Electronic Card (UEC) is intended to eventually replace all local, regional, and national forms of ID, providing a central database through which Russians can access everything from medical insurance to ATMs. According to the official website, the UEC will be adopted by around 1000 national and regional services along with about 10,000 commercial enterprises. The mayor of Moscow has already declared it will be able to handle public transportation there, and we can expect similar adoptions throughout the nation. Will all Russians be carrying a single form of ID that is their only passport to all public and private services? Looks like it. A similar project has started in India, and there are experiments for related concepts in Mexico. Universal ID is starting to catch on around the globe. Where will it spread to next?

Ostensibly, the UEC is designed to push the Russian ID system into the 21st century. Not only is the card to provide a way for citizens to easily make electronic purchases (in person and online) it is supposed to cut down on fraud. While it doesn’t seem to include any biometrics, the card has other security measures. All information (whether for public or commercial use) will be stored in a database, not on the card. The UEC will have a number, a ‘passcode’, that points the user to the appropriate record in the database. It’s unclear what kind of readers (RF, magnetic strip, etc) will be able to access the UEC, but the site says that at least one (perhaps the only one ) will be contactless. For financial transactions users will be able to set predefined limits so that the card can only withdraw a restricted amount of funds over a period of time. Each use of the UEC will require the entry of a personal identification number, and get this, everyone will be granted a fake PIN as well! If someone is coercing you into using your UEC, then enter the fake PIN. Authorities will be notified surreptitiously while the transaction appears to be continuing regularly. I’m sure we can think of a dozen ways to get around that, but still, pretty cloak and dagger there, Russia.

Examples of how the UEC will work. Translations welcome.

Starting in 2012, Russians will be able to carry the UEC and start connecting it to their bank accounts, credit cards, bus passes, etc. Due to the legal mandate most of the businesses and all of the local/regional/national services will be required to accept it. Convenient, yes. Potentially disastrous? Maybe so, but Russia’s not going to be alone in this. India is adopting a universal ID for national identity, and is going to encourage public institutions and commercial enterprises to accept it. That UID, however, will contain some pretty thorough biometrics. Programs in Mexico (powered by a company in the US) will experiment with iris-based identification for public and commercial purposes, albeit on a smaller scale. Universal ID, especially those with advanced security features, seem to be a rising trend on the global stage.

Read moreRussia To Adopt Universal ID Card in 2012

Federal Reserve US Treasury Holdings Pass The $1 Trillion Mark

Quantitative Easing Explained

Jan. 30 (Wall Street Journal) — The Federal Reserve has passed yet another milestone on its journey into uncharted territory: Its average holdings of longer-term Treasurys have passed the $1 trillion mark.

Prior to the financial crisis, the Fed tended to hold up to $700 billion in Treasurys, two-thirds of which typically had a longer term than a year. But thanks largely to its $600 billion bond-buying program, left unchanged at the Fed’s meeting last week, Treasury holdings have ballooned. Earlier in January total Treasury holdings, including short-term bills, passed the $1 trillion mark. Last week the Fed’s holdings of longer-term U.S. debt, notes and bonds—those with a term of more than a year—averaged $1.022 trillion.

Read moreFederal Reserve US Treasury Holdings Pass The $1 Trillion Mark

Micro Drones to Fly Surveillance Missions Over The US

Jan. 28 2011 — In 2007, it was revealed by reporters in Texas that unmanned drones were being used in supposed border control operations.  We detailed that report with supporting evidence that drones clearly were being used inland away from border control functions.

Recently, an article from Miami-Dade announced the arrival of a 16-pound micro drone T-Hawk surveillance model designed by Honeywell. The video below shows a more detailed view of the capabilities of this surveillance drone.  Keep in mind, this is only what is being announced at the moment, which has nothing to do with the massive amount of R&D that has being going on to reduce the size of flying surveillance.  There have even been reports about “wasp” drones to sniff out Wi-FI networks as well.

Pending FAA approval, these specific unmanned aerial vehicles are set to be used domestically throughout the United States. Besides the obvious uses for these drones such as during a legitimate raid, these drones may be used in order to further the police state and restrict free speech in America.

“U.K. police have used micro UAVs to monitor ‘anti-social behavior,’ writes Joseph Nevins of the Boston Review.

At this point, domestic UAV operations are extremely limited. But with the astonishing growth of the industry and the efforts of AUVSI, the UAV Caucus, and others to loosen FAA restrictions, we can expect an explosion of use by local and federal policing agencies in the near future. such as political protests. This is simply another push towards a complete police state.

What will be considered anti-social behavior remains to be seen, but if the ever evolving police state is any indication these drones will be used to spy on citizens who are against the private Federal Reserve, Obamacare, and the New World Order.

This information is right out there in the open yet it seems that the American people are once again asleep at the wheel. Where are the widespread protests against the aerial surveillance of any American that the corrupt federal government chooses to set their sights on?

We’re clearly entering some sort of science fiction reality where anything seems to be possible.  We have flying vaccines on the backs of GM mosquitoes, as well as the imminent arrival of nanotechnology and nanobots in our daily lives, which only portends more nightmarish developments from the Department of Defense.  But here is the latest from Honeywell, a huge military contractor working with DARPA:

Added: 28. January 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011
Michael Edwards and Alex Thomas

Source: Activist Post and The Intel Hub

Cotton Prices Rise To A 140-Year Record High

Yu Lianmin, a cotton farmer in Huji, China, harvested 6,600 pounds of cotton this year. Despite record cotton prices, he didn’t sell any of it.

Farmer Yu Feng tends his stockpile of roughly 7,700 pounds of cotton that he is storing in his home in Huji, China.

Instead, mounds of cotton are piled up in two empty rooms of Mr. Yu’s home, and the homes of many of the farmers in his small township of Yujia, which is part of the bigger township of Huji in northern Shandong province, 220 miles southeast of Beijing. The farmers are holding out for higher prices, aiming to help overcome higher costs of labor and fertilizer, which are up about 20% in the past year.

“I think there’s still hope for prices to go higher,” he said.

The amount of cotton held in hamlets throughout China is unknown, but, with 25 million cotton farmers, a Chinese cotton agency estimates it could amount to about 9% of the world’s cotton supply. And the situation is occurring throughout the supply chain. Many ginners and merchants in China are keeping warehouses full, according to the agency, in an attempt to obtain higher prices.

Expectations that prices will rise are driving the apparent stockpiling, which causes short-term shortages and leads prices to rise further. The situation is complicating an already volatile picture for cotton, which has jumped to 140-year highs in the U.S. and has become a symbol of brewing commodity inflation around the globe.

Farmer Yu Feng tends his stockpile of roughly 7,700 pounds of cotton that he is storing in his home in Huji, China.

Read moreCotton Prices Rise To A 140-Year Record High

Authoritarian Governments Aggressively Stockpiling Food to Fight Public Anger

Authoritarian governments across the world are aggressively stockpiling food as a buffer against soaring food costs which they fear may stoke popular discontent.

Riots started in Tunisia initally over the price of staple food like sugar, salt and grain Photo: AP

Commodities traders have warned they are seeing the first signs of panic buying from states concerned about the political implications of rising prices for staple crops.

However, the tactic risks simply further pushing up prices, analysts have warned, pushing a spiral of food inflation.

Governments in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa have recently made large food purchases on the open market in the wake of unrest in Tunisia which deposed president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.

Read moreAuthoritarian Governments Aggressively Stockpiling Food to Fight Public Anger

Former Pentagon Official John P. Wheeler III Was Beaten To Death: Medical Examiner

See also:

Oh, It Was The John P. Wheeler III Who Was Involved In The Barksdale-Minot Nuke Incident Who Was Found In A Landfill!

Surveillance Video Shows Disoriented John P. Wheeler Before Death

US Presidential Adviser John Wheeler Dumped In Landfill

Toxicology “didn’t play a role” in his death, officials said.

John Wheeler (U.S. Air Force)

Homicide victim John P. Wheeler III, a former Pentagon official and presidential aide whose body was discovered Dec. 31 in a Wilmington landfill, was beaten to death in an assault, the Delaware medical examiner’s office announced today.

The official cause of Wheeler’s slaying was “blunt force trauma,’’ agency spokesman Karl Kanefsky said about a case that has drawn worldwide media coverage.

Police reiterated today that the case remains under investigation but acknowledge they cannot fill in critical gaps in the murder mystery.

Within hours of the grisly New Year’s Eve discovery, state pathologists had ruled that the 66-year-old New Castle resident was a homicide victim, but until today authorities had been mum on the cause of his death — an unusual posture in Delaware, where such information is usually released promptly.

The four-week delay has helped fuel rampant speculation that Wheeler, a defense consultant and expert on chemical and biological weapons, was poisoned by enemies — a theory that persisted in part because he was seen stumbling around Wilmington in the days before he died and officials said they were awaiting the results of toxicology tests.

Hal G. Brown, deputy director of the medical examiner’s office, said he did not know what medications or chemicals, if any, were in Wheeler’s system, but said the death certificate makes it clear that toxicology “didn’t play a role’’ in Wheeler’s death.

Read moreFormer Pentagon Official John P. Wheeler III Was Beaten To Death: Medical Examiner

A Simple Way To Prepare Yourself For The Coming Financial And Economic Collapse

I’ve told you before that the best thing to do would be to buy a remote farm and learn to become self-sufficient.

If you cannot afford this, then do this:

Here is how you can save your financial assets:

If you have only a small budget, then I would invest more into silver:


Eric Sprott: Expect $50 Silver, Gold Possibly $2,150 by Spring

‘GoldNomics’: Cash or Gold Bullion?

George Soros’ and John Paulson’s Biggest Holding Is GOLD

China, Russia, Iran are Dumping the Dollar, Buy Gold And Silver

Gold and Gold Mining Shares As a Percentage of Global Assets or ‘The Once In a Lifetime Ride’


Eric Sprott: Expect $50 Silver, Gold Possibly $2,150 by Spring

US Mint Reports Unprecedented Buying Spree Of Physical Silver

BullionVault.com Runs Out Of Silver In Germany

Silver: Shortage This Decade, Will Be Worth More Than Gold (MUST-SEE!!!)

Silver Derivatives – China and JP Morgan

Max Keiser: Want JP Morgan to Crash? Buy Silver!

Max Keiser: Crash JP Morgan – Buy Silver!

JPMorgan Silver Manipulation Explained (Must-See!)

And don’t forget to do this (!!!):

James G. Rickards of Omnis Inc.: Get Your Gold Out Of The Banking System

GASLAND Trailer 2010 (Documentary)

GASLAND – (2010) Directed by Josh Fox. Winner of Special Jury Prize – Best US Documentary Feature – Sundance 2010. Screening at Cannes 2010.

It is happening all across America and now in Europe and Africa as well – rural landowners wake up one day to find a lucrative offer from a multinational energy conglomerate wanting to lease their property. The Reason? In America, the company hopes to tap into a huge natural gas reservoir dubbed the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. Halliburton developed a way to get the gas out of the ground—a hydraulic drilling process called fracking—and suddenly America finds itself on the precipice of becoming an energy superpower.

But what comes out of the ground with that natural gas? How does it affect our air and drinking water? GASLAND is a powerful personal documentary that confronts these questions with spirit, strength, and a sense of humor. When filmmaker Josh Fox receives his cash offer in the mail, he travels across 32 states to meet other rural residents on the front lines of fracking. He discovers toxic streams, ruined aquifers, dying livestock, brutal illnesses, and kitchen sinks that burst into flame. He learns that all water is connected and perhaps some things are more valuable than money.

Odd Timing: Senior Egyptian Military Leaders at the Pentagon – Egypt Protests: America Planned ‘Regime Change’ For The Past 3 Years – Secret US Document Discloses Support For Protesters

Egyptian military delegation at Pentagon for annual meeting (Politico):

Awkward timing — or a potentially restraining influence on the behavior of Egyptian security forces?

Asked about anti-government protests sweeping Egypt, and recent unrest leading to government change in Tunisia and Lebanon, Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell told journalists Wednesday that senior Egyptian military leaders are currently in town for annual bilateral meetings with their Pentagon counterparts.

“We actually this week are hosting senior Egyptian military leaders at the Pentagon for our annual bilateral defense talks, referred to at the Military Cooperation Committee, which is chaired jointly by Assistant Secretary of Defense Sandy Vershbow and Lieutenant General Sami Anan, the chief of staff of the Egyptian armed forces,” Morrell told journalists Wednesday.

“So that’s just an example of how engaged we are with the Egyptians, even as these developments have taken place on the streets in Cairo and elsewhere, which I think State and the White House have spoken to in terms of our concerns about how they proceed in terms of non-violence and how they are reacted to by the government and so forth,” Morrell continued.

Egypt protests: America’s secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising (Telegraph):

The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising who have been planning “regime change” for the past three years, The Daily Telegraph has learned.

The American Embassy in Cairo helped a young dissident attend a US-sponsored summit for activists in New York, while working to keep his identity secret from Egyptian state police.

On his return to Cairo in December 2008, the activist told US diplomats that an alliance of opposition groups had drawn up a plan to overthrow President Hosni Mubarak and install a democratic government in 2011.

The secret document in full

He has already been arrested by Egyptian security in connection with the demonstrations and his identity is being protected by The Daily Telegraph.

The crisis in Egypt follows the toppling of Tunisian president Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali, who fled the country after widespread protests forced him from office.

Egypt protests: secret US document discloses support for protesters (Telegraph):

Here is the secret document sent from the US Embassy in Cairo to Washington disclosing the extent of American support for the protesters behind the Egypt uprising.





CAIRO 2454 C. CAIRO 2431 Classified By: ECPO A/Mincouns

Catherine Hill-Herndon for reason 1.4 (d ). 1. (C) Summary and

comment: On December 23, April 6 activist xxxxxxxxxxxx expressed

satisfaction with his participation in the December 3-5 \”Alliance of

Youth Movements Summit,\” and with his subsequent meetings with USG

officials, on Capitol Hill, and with think tanks. He described how

State Security (SSIS) detained him at the Cairo airport upon his

return and confiscated his notes for his summit presentation calling

for democratic change in Egypt, and his schedule for his Congressional

meetings. xxxxxxxxxxxx contended that the GOE will never undertake

significant reform, and therefore, Egyptians need to replace the

current regime with a parliamentary democracy. He alleged that

Read moreOdd Timing: Senior Egyptian Military Leaders at the Pentagon – Egypt Protests: America Planned ‘Regime Change’ For The Past 3 Years – Secret US Document Discloses Support For Protesters

US Embassy Official Charged With Murder of 2 Pakistani Citizens is a Blackwater Agent

See also:

Shooting that has Lahore taking aim at America (Independent):

The US has demanded the immediate release of an American diplomat arrested over the shooting deaths of two Pakistani men, saying he has immunity from prosecution and was illegally detained.

Raymond Davis, a so-called technical adviser to the US consulate in Lahore, shot dead two men he said were trying to rob him while he was waiting at a traffic signal.

Amid a fresh wave of anti-American rhetoric, Davis was brought before a court yesterday and ordered to be kept in custody for six days. Officials insisted the American would not receive special treatment. “He has killed two men. A case is registered against him on murder charges,” Rana Bakhtiar, deputy prosecutor general for Punjab province, told reporters after the hearing.

People look at the blood stains in a Lahore street after the American cosular killed two Pakistanis on January 27, 2011.

Pakistani media say the US embassy official charged with the murder of two Pakistani citizens is an agent for the notorious security firm, Blackwater.

The US official identified by police as Raymond Davis shot dead two men riding on a motorcycle in Lahore on Thursday in what he claimed was self-defense during an attempted robbery.

A third Pakistani was run over and killed in the incident after being hit by a US consulate vehicle rushing to the scene to the American’s aid.

The US embassy in Islamabad has confirmed the man involved was a consular official and says it is carrying out an investigation.

Read moreUS Embassy Official Charged With Murder of 2 Pakistani Citizens is a Blackwater Agent

Americans Are All Indians Now: Welcome To The Reservation!

Added: 19. Januar 2011

The United States is one big reservation, and we are all in it. So says Russell Means, legendary actor, political activist and leader for the American Indian Movement. Means led the 1972 seizure of the Bureau of Indian Affairs headquarters in Washington, D.C., and in 1973 led a standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, a response to the massacre of at least 150 Lakotah men, women, and children by the U.S. Seventh Cavalry at a camp near Wounded Knee Creek.

American Indian Russell Means gives an eye-opening 90 minute interview in which he explains how Native Americans and Americans in general are all imprisoned within one huge reservation. Means is a leader for the Republic of Lakotah, a movement that has declared its independence from the United States and refused to recognize the authority of presidents or governments, withdrawing from treaties it made with the federal government and defining its borders which cover thousands of square miles in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Montana.

Means explains how American Indians have been enslaved within de facto prisoner of war camps as a result of the federal government’s restriction of their food supply and the application of colonial tactics, a process that has now also been inflicted on the United States as a whole which has turned into, “one huge Indian reservation,” according to Means.

Means warns that Americans have lost the ability of critical though, and with each successive generation become more irresponsible and as a consequence less free, disregarding a near-perfect document, the Constitution, which was derived from Indian law. Means chronicles the loss of freedom from the 1840’s onwards, which marked the birth of the corporation, to Lincoln’s declaration of martial law, to the latter part of the 19th century and into the 20th when Congress “started giving banks the right to rule,” and private banking interests began printing the money.

US Town Demolished Over Lead Contamination

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters Life!) – Most of its residents left, the school closed, the city government was disbanded and starting this week nearly every commercial building in Picher, Oklahoma, will be demolished.

But the owner of the last-remaining open business in Picher, which has been vacated over the years because of lead contamination, is not ready to go.

“It’s not time for me to leave yet,” said Gary Linderman, owner of Old Miner’s Pharmacy in what is left of central Picher, located in the northeast corner of the state.

“I have an obligation to people. We are all creatures of habit and closing might throw them off.”

In addition to providing prescriptions, the pharmacy is the only place left in town to buy snack food, beverages, over-the-counter medicine and other necessities.

Linderman declined a buyout from the federal government, which declared Picher a hazardous waste site in 1981 and has bought out about 900 homeowners and businesses. Crews demolished a funeral home, restaurant, thrift shop, apartment building and other structures this week, with more to come.

Besides lead contamination, Picher has suffered in recent years from sinkholes from old mines that threaten to swallow the community. Three years ago, a tornado destroyed about 150 homes, chasing more people away.

Picher’s population has shrunk from 1,640 in 2000 to only a handful of residents today. The school district and city government dissolved in 2009 and the post office closed.

The town had more than 14,000 residents in the 1920s.

Read moreUS Town Demolished Over Lead Contamination

Eric Sprott: Expect $50 Silver, Gold Possibly $2,150 by Spring

With gold and silver rallying off the lows today, King World News interviewed Eric Sprott, Chairman of Sprott Asset Management which has $8 billion under management.


“We had to go into the market and buy about 15 million net ounces from third parties and it took us about ten weeks. It was a very, very long process and the one thing we can read out of it is obviously there weren’t 15 million ounces sitting around somewhere.”


“I haven’t had time to study where the bars came from, but I can tell you by looking at the pictures of the bars they look like they came right out of the refineries. So I suspect it’s a hand to mouth situation in silver.

When asked about price targets for both gold and silver Eric responded, “Our best technical advisor, he thinks (gold) it’s going to $2,150, and he thinks it is going to $2,150 this spring.

I think silver is a little easier to predict because I think it’s going to change relative to gold which is a more predictable event and more timely. I’ve always thought that silver should touch $50, and I’m not going to be surprised if it touches it by the middle of this year as people realize there is an absolute shortage.”

Full article here: KingWorldNews

Read moreEric Sprott: Expect $50 Silver, Gold Possibly $2,150 by Spring

Spain Jobless Rate Surges To 20.33 Percent

See also:

–  Italy: Youth Unemployment Hits Record 28.9 Percent:

Yet even at these levels, this is still modest compared to countries like Spain, where the same metric was trending around 40% and is expected to remain there through 2011.

MADRID (AFP) – Spain announced Friday its jobless rate surged to a 13-year record above 20 percent at the end of 2010, the highest level in the industrialized world, as the economy struggled for air.

It was more bad news for an economy fighting to regain the trust of financial markets and avoid being trapped in a debt quagmire that has engulfed Greece and Ireland and now menaces Portugal.

Another 121,900 people joined Spain’s unemployment queues in the final quarter of the year, pushing the total to 4.697 million people, said the national statistics institute INE.

Read moreSpain Jobless Rate Surges To 20.33 Percent