“Unreasonable”: These 20 Universities Still Require Students Get COVID Vaccine

“Unreasonable”: These 20 Universities Still Require Students Get COVID Vaccine:

Twenty United States colleges continue to require their students to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the watchdog organization No College Mandates.

These mandates face increasingly heavy criticism from medical doctors and scholars who point to concerns regarding the vaccine’s safety, efficacy, and necessity.

Lucia Sinatra, co-founder of No College Mandates, an organization that tracks and advocates for the abolition of vaccine mandates, told The College Fix that such policies are “unreasonable and discriminatory.”

“One can only assume the purpose of this monthly testing is to discriminate against those who choose against COVID-19 vaccination and put undue pressure on them with the hopes they will tire of both the cost and routine of the monthly testing and succumb to the coercion to take COVID-19 vaccines,” Sinatra said in a recent email.

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US Pork Demand Has “Uncharacteristically Declined” In Peak Grilling Season

US Pork Demand Has “Uncharacteristically Declined” In Peak Grilling Season:

Agribusiness television network RFD-TV reported signs of pork demand slowing among US consumers. Ag analysts told them this was unusual because of the summer grilling season.

USDA’s Outlook Board Chair says it is unusual to see a slowdown in demand, especially during summer grilling season. In turn, that means lower hog prices. USDA has lowered its hog price forecast this year by $2.12, landing at $59.13 per hundredweight. Next year is not looking much better and they say it could come in nearly $0.40 lower for next year’s forecast.


Related info:

However after receiving all these inquiries, I did some research on the topic. Evidently several mRNA vaccines have been approved for swine (i.e. pigs and hogs), and many of the large commercial farms have been using them in their hogs since 2018. So most of the pork you buy at the grocery store comes from pigs injected with mRNA vaccines.

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BOMBSHELL: Legitimate proof in recently released German documents, showing the government was controlling #Covid19 scientific information, and misrepresenting the severity of the virus.

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How NOT to become a Human Antenna – Beast System Bio-Hacks (Video)

Vitamin C & OPC
Vitamin B Complex
Additional Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 & Vitamin B3
Vitamin D & Vitamin K
Magnesium (higher intake of Vitamin D requires MORE Mg)
Omega 3 (Algae oil, NOT fish oil)
Wheat & Barley Grass


H/t reader Kevin A.

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Ultra Processed Foods Make Up 2/3rds Of Diet For Kids In Britain, New Study Reveals

Cheap, highly addictive and toxic crap,…

…containing close to zero nutritional value and life force.


Ultra Processed Foods Make Up 2/3rds Of Diet For Kids In Britain, New Study Reveals:

Two thirds of the calories children in Britain are getting are coming from “ultra processed” foods, new research suggests.

Ultra-processed foods include ice cream, processed meats, chips, mass-produced bread, breakfast cereals, biscuits and sodas. They make up a “significant proportion” of the diet of kids 11 to 18, according to the Independent.

These foods have been linked to increase risk of obesity and heart disease, the report notes, due to their high levels of saturated far, salt and sugar additives.

The Independent reported that ultra-processed foods often contain additives like preservatives, emulsifiers, and artificial colors and flavors that are not commonly used in home cooking.

A study, published in the European Journal of Nutrition by the University of Cambridge and the University of Bristol analyzed four-day food diaries from nearly 3,000 children aged 11 to 18, from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey between 2008 and 2019.

Read moreUltra Processed Foods Make Up 2/3rds Of Diet For Kids In Britain, New Study Reveals

Stunning Admission: Former CDC Head Dr. Robert Redfield Calls Covid mRNA Vaccines Toxic in Senate Testimony

Stunning Admission: Former CDC Head Dr. Robert Redfield Calls Covid mRNA Vaccines Toxic in Senate Testimony:

Senator Ron Johnson directly questioned former CDC head Dr. Robert Redfield (2018-2021) about the COVID-19 mRNA injections during a U.S. Senate hearing on Thursday.

Senator Ron Johnson directly questioned former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) head Dr. Robert Redfield (2018-2021) about the COVID-19 mRNA injections during a U.S. Senate hearing on Thursday.

Redfield made some astonishing admissions regarding the mandated mRNA injections. He highlighted the dangers of the injections and the significant differences between what the public was told and the actual nature of the shots at the time of their rollout and subsequent mandates.

Dr. Redfield revealed that he does not administer the mRNA shots in his own practice because the spike proteins these shots cause the body to produce are, in his words, “toxic to the body.”

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Antioxidant Supplement Shows Promise For OCD Treatment

One of the most important supplements for the vaxxed (to stay alive and detox the kill shot)…

…and the unvaxxed (to live long and stay healthy).


Antioxidant Supplement Shows Promise For OCD Treatment:

Authored by Susan C. Olmstead via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

The antioxidant n-acetylcysteine (NAC) is emerging as a promising treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder, offering new hope for the approximately 50 percent of adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) who do not respond to customary treatments.

Researchers have been accumulating evidence over the last few years that NAC, a derivative of the amino acid cysteine, available as an over-the-counter supplement, could help people with OCD. It’s also showing promise in the treatment of patients with the hair-pulling disorder trichotillomania and is being investigated as a treatment for compulsive gamblers and drinkers.

Read moreAntioxidant Supplement Shows Promise For OCD Treatment

Former CDC Director Says FDA Underreported Adverse Vax Side Effects To Prevent Vaccine Hesitancy



Former CDC Director Says FDA Underreported Adverse Vax Side Effects To Prevent Vaccine Hesitancy:

Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Thursday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pushed a false “safe and effective” COVID vaccine narrative by underreporting adverse events. The mRNA shots “never should have been mandated,” Redfield told the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Thursday.

The Democrat-controlled Senate oversight hearing entitled “Risky Research: Oversight of U.S. Taxpayer Funded High-Risk Virus Research,” included witnesses  Dr. Gerald Parker, Dr. Carrie Wolinetz, Dr. Kevin Esvelt, and Redfield.

Former President Trump’s CDC director accused the Biden government of suppressing data about vaccine injuries in an effort to prevent vaccine hesitancy.

There was not appropriate transparency from the beginning about the potential side effects of these vaccines, and I do think there were inappropriate decisions by some to try to underreport any side effects because they argued that would make the public less likely to get vaccinated” Redfield testified.

Redfield said the biggest mistake of all was the Biden regime’s decision to mandate the mRNA products.

They never should have been mandated,” he said. “It should have been open to personal choice. They don’t prevent infection, they do have side effects.”

Read moreFormer CDC Director Says FDA Underreported Adverse Vax Side Effects To Prevent Vaccine Hesitancy

Measles Detected At NYC Migrant Shelter As Biden’s Border Crisis Morphs Into Public Health Crisis

Measles Detected At NYC Migrant Shelter As Biden’s Border Crisis Morphs Into Public Health Crisis:

The Biden administration’s disastrous open southern border policies have sparked an illegal alien invasion, raising the risk of contagious diseases spreading across the US.

For some context, several months ago, Trump vowed to deport ‘nearly 20 million’ illegal migrants after Biden shredded his Executive Orders on border security on his first day in office. In total, Customs data suggests that at least 10 million illegals have crossed into the US illegally during Biden’s first term.

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