Gold Supplies In India Disappear Despite Continued Record Premiums

Gold Supplies in India Disappear Despite Continued Record Premiums (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Oct 30, 2013):

I first reported on record high gold premiums in India a couple of weeks ago. Since then, the story has become even more interesting as Reuters reports that gold supplies have completely dried up just ahead of major gold buying festivals and despite continued record premiums. While it is clear that Indians are finding a way to buy gold anyway via black markets, this is still a very interesting story to keep an eye on.

More from Reuters:

India has imposed several restrictions on imports of gold, the biggest non-essential import item, to curb a record trade deficit. Gold imports in September fell to 7 tonnes from 162 tonnes in May.

Of course, if additional demand wasn’t being met via black markets the price of gold would be far lower than it is.

“Still gold is not available, and they are charging $120-130 (an ounce) of premiums,” said Bachhraj Bamalwa, director with the All India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation.

Read moreGold Supplies In India Disappear Despite Continued Record Premiums

The Halloween Gambit (Video)

YouTube Added: 30.10.2013


This video highlights some variations to be aware of in the aggressive Halloween Gambit of the Four Knight’s Opening (Müller-Schulze Gambit or Leipzig Gambit), where white sacrifices a knight early in the game for a single central black pawn, a pawn storm in the center, and a lead in development. The Halloween Gambit is likely not too scary an opening for the black player who is aware of lines where the material is given back favorably in exchange for development, or for the black player who knows how to meet the complex variations where the material plus is maintained. In short, the Halloween Gambit is likely not going to be played on a serious level due to it not being sound, but it certainly has its practical chances in a faster time control game, or even against an unsuspecting opponent. Have some fun with it!

How The NSA Spies On Your Google And Yahoo Accounts

How The NSA Spies On Your Google And Yahoo Accounts (ZeroHedge, Oct 30, 2013):

It’s quite simple really, and as the WaPo explains, the NSA “has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials. By tapping those links, the agency has positioned itself to collect at will from among hundreds of millions of user accounts, many of them belonging to Americans. The NSA does not keep everything it collects, but it keeps a lot.”

In a nutshell – 181,280,466 new records in 1 month:

Read moreHow The NSA Spies On Your Google And Yahoo Accounts

TOTAL INSANITY: Pregnant Women Get Free New Houses If They Move Back To Fukushima

Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 30, 2013)

Physician Akira Sugenoya, mayor of the city of Matsumoto interviewed by VoR, Oct. 30, 2013: “Immediately following the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, I started saying that children should not be allowed to live on the contaminated territory [it] weakens children’s immune system and severely harms their health […] Children are a lot more vulnerable to radiation than adults. […] I want to repeat once again that children should be relocated to clean, radiation-free areas at least temporarily. […] is it feasible to quickly and effectively do away with radioactive pollution? I am absolutely certain that it is unfeasible. […] Compared to Chernobyl, the situation in Japan is further aggravated by radioactive water leakages. The world has never ever come across this kind of situation. […] We should admit that radioactive water is a grave problem. The threat that children may have been contaminated with radioactive materials still looms large. We shouldn’t remain indifferent to the challenges we are facing.”

Hiroko Goto, Professor at Chiba University School of Law & Vice President of Human Rights Now, Published June 29, 2013 (At 10:00 in): The second one is very problematic — New residential support plan for evacuees from outside Fukushima — this mainly focuses on the pregnant women and the children. If the pregnant women or children decide to go back to Fukushima, Fukushima Prefecture will offer a new, very good house without payment. And this kind of policy they introduce means that the local government wants the people back to their area. So this is a very not good situation for the women’s and children’s health.

Watch Professor Goto’s presentation here

Don’t Worry: The U.S. Government Says That The Inflation You See Is Just Your Imagination

Don’t Worry – The Government Says That The Inflation You See Is Just Your Imagination (Economic Collapse, Oct 29, 2013):

If you believe that there is high inflation in the United States, you are just imagining things.  That is the message that the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve would have us to believe.  You might have noticed that the government announced on Wednesday that the cost of living increase for Social Security beneficiaries will only be 1.5 percent next year.  This is one of the smallest cost of living increases that we have ever seen.  The federal government is able to get away with this because the official numbers say that there is hardly any inflation in the U.S. right now.  Of course anyone that shops for groceries or that pays bills regularly knows what a load of nonsense the official inflation rate is.  The U.S. government has changed the way that inflation is calculated numerous times since 1978, and each time it has been changed the goal has been to make inflation appear to be even lower.  According to John Williams of, if the inflation rate was still calculated the same way that it was back when Jimmy Carter was president, the official rate of inflation would be somewhere between 8 and 10 percent today.  But if the mainstream news actually reported such a number, everyone would be screaming and yelling about getting inflation under control.  Instead, the super low number that gets put out to the public makes it look like the Federal Reserve has plenty of room to do even more reckless money printing.  It is a giant scam, but most Americans are falling for it.

Meanwhile, the prices of the things that most Americans buy on a regular basis just keep going up.  The following are just a few examples of price inflation that we have seen lately:

Read moreDon’t Worry: The U.S. Government Says That The Inflation You See Is Just Your Imagination

A Chip In The Head: Brain Implants Will Be Connecting People To The Internet By The Year 2020



A new paper titled “Microchip-Induced Tumors in Laboratory Rodents and Dogs: A Review of the Literature 1990–2006” has been released…

More links on microchips are down below.

A Chip In The Head: Brain Implants Will Be Connecting People To The Internet By The Year 2020 (The American Dream, Oct 29, 2013):

Would you like to surf the Internet, make a phone call or send a text message using only your brain?  Would you like to “download” the content of a 500 page book into your memory in less than a second?  Would you like to have extremely advanced nanobots constantly crawling around in your body monitoring it for disease?  Would you like to be able to instantly access the collective knowledge base of humanity wherever you are?  All of that may sound like science fiction, but these are technologies that some of the most powerful high tech firms in the world actually believe are achievable by the year 2020.  However, with all of the potential “benefits” that such technology could bring, there is also the potential for great tyranny.  Just think about it.  What do you think that the governments of the world could do if almost everyone had a mind reading brain implant that was connected to the Internet?  Could those implants be used to control and manipulate us?  Those are frightening things to consider.

For now, most of the scientists that are working on brain implant technology do not seem to be too worried about those kinds of concerns.  Instead, they are pressing ahead into realms that were once considered to be impossible.

Right now, there are approximately 100,000 people around the world that have implants in their brains.  Most of those are for medical reasons.

But this is just the beginning.  According to the Boston Globe, the U.S. government plans “to spend more than $70 million over five years to jump to the next level of brain implants”.

Read moreA Chip In The Head: Brain Implants Will Be Connecting People To The Internet By The Year 2020

Why Is TEPCO ‘Speeding Up’ The Fukushima Reactor No. 4 SFP Fuel Rod Removal?

Why are they ‘speeding up’ at Unit 4? — Expert in 2010: Megathrust quake to hit Fukushima ~Nov. 2013… Recurrence interval of 75 years with last rupture Nov. 1938 — Planet’s most powerful type of seismic event — WSJ: Top official concerned quake to destabilize fuel pool (ENENews, Oct 31, 2013):

Wall St. Journal, October 30, 2013 (Emphasis Added): Tepco will remove about 1,300 spent fuel rods and 200 new fuel rods […] the 4 meter-long rods will be pulled out of the pool at a time, is considered unprecedented in its scale. Shunichi Tanaka, chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, has expressed concerns about the fragile state of the nuclear fuel left in three reactors and the spent fuel pool in the No.4 building. If improperly handled or destabilized by another major earthquake at the site, the fuel could discharge large amounts of radiation into the environment. […]

  • Kyodo, Oct. 2013: “Tepco plans to start removing nuclear fuel from the spent-fuel pool at the top of the reactor 4 building at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 plant as early as Nov. 8, about a week earlier than scheduled
  • Euronews, June 2013: “The Japanese government along with the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) are aiming to speed up the removal of spent fuel rods”
  • NHK, Dec. 2012: “Due to concerns over the ability of the destroyed reactor building to withstand earthquake activity as well as emergency operations, TEPCO has decided to speed up operations one year ahead of schedule to remove the spent nuclear fuel”

Read moreWhy Is TEPCO ‘Speeding Up’ The Fukushima Reactor No. 4 SFP Fuel Rod Removal?

Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We Dumped Untested Water Last Typhoon – ‘Landmines’ Of Extremely High Radiation At Many Locations – ‘Site Full Of Yakuza & Rank Amateurs”

Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We dumped untested water last typhoon, could be criminal — ‘Landmines’ of extremely high radiation at many locations — Very worrying that I’m getting sick more now — “Site full of yakuza & rank amateurs” (ENENews, Oct 31, 2013):

Excerpts from an Oct. 22, 2013 report in Shukan Gendai with translation by EX-SKF:

Worker A, man in his 30s from Kanagawa Prefecture, volunteered to work at Fukushima I NPP right after the accident

The skilled workers […] work closer to the reactors, and they exceed the limit in one to two weeks.

Worker B, man in his 40s from Osaka Prefecture, commutes to the plant from his dorm in Iwaki City

I’m working with […] a former worker at a pub in Shinjuku, a life guard at a swimming pool, a cram school teacher, a truck driver. In other words, rank amateurs. There is no skilled worker. […]

Read moreAnonymous Fukushima Workers: We Dumped Untested Water Last Typhoon – ‘Landmines’ Of Extremely High Radiation At Many Locations – ‘Site Full Of Yakuza & Rank Amateurs”

FEMA DHS Tank Destined For New York City To Squash Riots On November 1st (Video)

Related info:

Head Of The Largest Food Bank: ‘Riots Always Begin Typically The Same Way’: Food Stamp Shutdown Looms Friday


YouTube Added: 29.10.2013


Food stamp recipients face a massive benefit cut set to kick in when stimulus funds expire Friday.
The nationwide cut “is equivalent to about 16 meals a month for a family of three,” according to a Center on Budget and Policy Priorities analysis using the USDA’s “Thrifty Food Plan.” CBPP called the roughly $5 billion annual cut to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program “unprecedented” in “depth and breadth.”

“If you look across the world, riots always begin typically the same way: when people cannot afford to eat food,” Margarette Purvis, the president and CEO of the Food Bank for New York City, told Salon Monday.
Purvis said that the looming cut would mean about 76 million meals “that will no longer be on the plates of the poorest families” in NYC alone — a figure that outstrips the total number of meals distributed each year by the Food Bank for New York City, the largest food bank in the country. “There will be an immediate impact,” she said.

Read moreFEMA DHS Tank Destined For New York City To Squash Riots On November 1st (Video)

Fukushima Radiation: Japan Gov. Designates ‘Intensive Contamination Areas’ Near Downtown Tokyo

Related info:

‘Total Media Blackout’ In Japan As Younger Generations Are Slowly Dying

Japan Gov’t: “Unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution” from Fukushima disaster — “Intensive Contamination Areas” designated near downtown Tokyo, and officials there say health assistance for kids and pregnant women is needed (MAP) (ENENews, Oct 31, 2013):

Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan: The “Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Radioactive Pollution” was enacted in August 2011, in response to the unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution after the accident at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. […] a new policy framework for the off-site decontamination has been arranged […] There are two categories of contaminated areas under the Act. The first one is the “Special Decontamination Area”, where decontamination is implemented by the national government. It includes 11 municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture. The second one is the “Intensive Contamination Survey Area”, where decontamination is implemented by each municipality with financial and technical supports by the national government. […]

Read moreFukushima Radiation: Japan Gov. Designates ‘Intensive Contamination Areas’ Near Downtown Tokyo

Head Of The Largest Food Bank: ‘Riots Always Begin Typically The Same Way’: Food Stamp Shutdown Looms Friday

Related info:

FEMA DHS Tank Destined For New York City To Squash Riots On November 1st (Video)



“Riots always begin typically the same way”: Food stamp shutdown looms Friday (Salon, Oct 28, 2013):

The head of the largest food bank says the $5 billion annual cut will take a week of meals off millions’ plates

Some prominent conservatives have questioned the significance of public assistance cuts for the poor. Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kistol contended during the government shutdown that “it’s not going to be the end of the world, honestly, even if you’re on nutritional assistance from the federal government. The state of Arkansas can help out, localities can help out, churches can help out, I believe no one is going to starve in Arkansas because of the shutdown.” Asked about such claims, Purvis said that citing the efforts of groups like hers as a reason not to worry about public assistance cuts was “one of the most ill-informed arguments on the planet.” She told Salon, “the first line of defense against hunger is a food stamp.” While some “have had this way of romanticizing charity,” she said, “charity is also a system that is based on capacity and resources.” Purvis added that politicians “didn’t make any additional resources available to these magical charities that they expect to step in for this devastation that’s geared at the poorest of Americans.”

Read moreHead Of The Largest Food Bank: ‘Riots Always Begin Typically The Same Way’: Food Stamp Shutdown Looms Friday


Related info:

FEMA DHS Tank Destined For New York City To Squash Riots On November 1st (Video)

Head Of The Largest Food Bank: ‘Riots Always Begin Typically The Same Way’: Food Stamp Shutdown Looms Friday

YouTube Added: 23.10.2013


FOOD RIOTS to come to U.S. in NOVEMBER as FOOD STAMPS / EBT is CUT to 47 MILLION Americans

The USDA is directing states to withhold Electronic Transfer Benefits for the month of November until further notice, setting up a potential food stamp crisis that could very easily lead to riots and widespread looting if the government shutdown drags on.

The USDA, which oversees the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), issued the order in a letter to SNAP administrators which states, “Understanding the operational issues and constraints that States face, and in the interest of preserving maximum flexibility, we are directing States to hold their November issuance files and delay transmission to State electronic benefit transfer (EBT) vendors until further notice.”

Read moreFOOD RIOTS To Come To U.S. In NOVEMBER As FOOD STAMPS / EBT Is CUT To 47 MILLION Americans (Video)

People Living Downwind Of Alberta’s Oil And Tar Sands Operations Are Getting Blood Cancer

People Who Live Downwind Of Alberta’s Oil And Tar Sands Operations Are Getting Blood Cancer (Climate Progress, Oct 28, 2013):

A new study has found that levels of air pollution downwind of the largest tar sands, oil and gas producing region in Canada rival levels found in the world’s most polluted cities. And that pollution isn’t just dirtying the air — it also could be tied increased incidence of blood cancers in men that live in the area.The study, published last week by researchers from University of California Irvine and the University of Michigan, found levels of carcinogenic air pollutants 1,3-butadiene and benzene spiked in the Fort Saskatchewan area, which is downwind of the oil and tar sands-rich “Industrial Heartland” of Alberta. Airborne levels of 1,3-butadiene were 322 times greater downwind of the Industrial Heartland — which houses more than 40 major chemical, petrochemical and oil and gas facilities — than upwind, while downwind levels of benzene were 51 times greater. Levels of some volatile organic compounds — which, depending on the compound, have been linked to liver, kidney and central nervous system damage as well as cancer — were 6,000 times higher than normal. The area saw concentrations of some chemicals that were higher than levels in Mexico City during the 1990s, when it was the most polluted city on the planet.

Read morePeople Living Downwind Of Alberta’s Oil And Tar Sands Operations Are Getting Blood Cancer

Nude Body Scan Social Experiment Prank (Explicit Language) (Video)

YouTube Added: 27.10.2013


Please help SHARE this prank & social expirement! This full body scanning prank and practical joke is based on a sad reality. We used a mobile scanner from to see how far we can take this trick on victims who were simply trying to do some shopping. SUBSCRIBE! #nudebodyscan #youhavenorights

We set up this prank downtown San Luis Obispo with a real body wand, hidden microphones and cameras. The goal was to see how far we could take this scanning and if people would let us! To our surprise, most people didn’t put up much of a fight and went along with the person ahead of them in line… which was our plant that we actual scanned again and again. People along the sidelines were freaking out as well and not sure how to intervene. Of course, once the gag was pushed to the limit, we all let the customer know it was a prank and and it was all love, hugs, high fives and laughs! 100% loved to be involved… but it does make you think!

NO! The last guy in the outtakes was NOT A PLANT. He was certainly a funny character who popped up on the radar that afternoon for sure. “Isn’t America free?” Awesome.

Read moreNude Body Scan Social Experiment Prank (Explicit Language) (Video)

Japan’s Top Nuclear Official: I Am ‘Much More Worried” About Fukushima Reactor No. 4 Fuel Rods

Related info:

Yale Prof. Charles Perrow: ‘All Of Humanity Will Be Threatened For Thousands Of Years’ If Two Fuel Rods In Fukushima Reactor No. 4 SFP Touch And Cause A Nuclear Reaction During Removal Process

Warning from Japan’s Top Nuclear Official: I am “much more worried” about fuel in Fukushima Unit 4 — Rods may break open and release highly radioactive material — Beware risks from debris, a disaster if damaged — Removal may start Nov. 8 (ENENews, Oct 30, 2013):

Associated Press, Oct.  30, 2013: Japanese regulators on Wednesday gave final approval for the removal of fuel rods [to] start in November […] About 200 of the rods that are unused and safer are expected to be the first […] Nuclear regulatory chairman Shunichi Tanaka, however, warned that removing the fuel rods from Unit 4 would be difficult because of the risk posed by debris that fell into the pool during the explosions. “It’s a totally different operation than removing normal fuel rods from a spent fuel pool,” Tanaka said at a regular news conference. “They need to be handled extremely carefully and closely monitored. You should never rush or force them out, or they may break.” He said it would be a disaster if fuel rods are pulled forcibly and are damaged or break open when dropped from the pool, located about 30 meters (100 feet) above ground, releasing highly radioactive material. “I’m much more worried about this than contaminated water,” Tanaka said. […]

Read moreJapan’s Top Nuclear Official: I Am ‘Much More Worried” About Fukushima Reactor No. 4 Fuel Rods

Radioactive Cesium Around Fukushima Many Times Higher Than Claimed By Tepco

Cesium near Fukushima reported to be many times higher than claimed by Tepco — Levels rising further away from plant — Professor: After quake as big as last week there’s concern about stuff breaking and leakage getting worse (ENENews, Oct 29, 2013):

The State News (Michigan State University), Oct. 29, 2013: […] a 7.1-magnitude earthquake rumbling the Pacific Ocean about 200 miles from the coast of Fukushima, Japan — a situation that caught the attention of MSU students and experts. […] . […] “It’s likely the earthquakes will continue for years in the same general region,” [MSU geological professor Kazuya Fujita] said. “Things are adjusting from the March of 2011 movements — now we have a lot of earthquakes that are kind of adjusting stresses and things like that are jostling around to readjust.” […] [Japan Club president Joseph] Canty said the students from Tokyo are worried about the potential radiation issues […] “They still haven’t gotten the whole water leak situation under control, so any time you have anything this big, you have to have some concern that some of the stuff that haven’t been fixed or poorly fixed may break and the leakage may continue or get worse,” Fujita said. […]

DW (Deutsche Welle), Oct. 25, 2013 (Emphasis Added): […] [Tepco] confirmed Tuesday that radioactive cesium had again been detected about one kilometer offshore from the Fukushima nuclear plant […] 1.6 becquerels of Cesium-137 per liter [1,600 becquerels per cubic meter] of seawater on October 18 […] Environmental groups have disputed the assessment of the situation and point out that rising levels of cesium further away from the facility undermine the repeated assurances of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe […] [A senior scientist in the Oceanography and Geochemistry Department of the Japan Meteorological Research Institute] said water at the surface of the Pacific in the late 1960s contained between 10 and 100 becquerels of cesium-137 per cubic meter. Before March 2011, that concentration had diffused to between 1 and 2 becquerels per cubic meter of sea water. And while levels spiked to 10 million becquerels per cubic meter very close to Fukushima immediately after the disaster, it has fallen to 10,000 becquerels per cubic meter today. In June 2012, Dr. [Michio] Aoyama found levels 2,000 km from the plant to be just 10 becquerels per cubic meter.

Read moreRadioactive Cesium Around Fukushima Many Times Higher Than Claimed By Tepco

TV: ‘Japan’s Worst Nuclear Nightmare’ – Yale Prof.: Removing Fuel Rods From Fukushima Reactor No. 4 SFP ‘Has Me Very Scared’ – Tepco: ‘We Believe It’s Not Dangerous’

TV: “Japan’s worst nuclear nightmare” — Yale Professor: Removing fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 pool “has me very scared” — Tepco: “We believe it’s not dangerous” (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 30, 2013):

Mark Willacy, ABC News (Australia), Oct. 31, 2013: Hidden inside the twisted remains of the Fukushima reactor 4 building, and perched precariously 5 stories above the ground, is Japan’s worst nuclear nightmare. It’s a deep pool holding 1,300 used fuel assemblies […] Tepco is finally ready to start removing this 400 tons of highly radioactive fuel.

ABC’s Interview with Yale Professor Charles Perrow, author of recent article in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientist about Tepco’s upcoming attempt to remove fuel from the Unit 4 pool: “This has me very scared.” He warned that one slip-up with the removal of this highly radioactive fuel could trigger a chain reaction. “Tokyo would have to be evacuated because cesium, and other poisons that are there, will spread very rapidly. Even if the wind is blowing the other way, it’s going to be monumental.”

Read moreTV: ‘Japan’s Worst Nuclear Nightmare’ – Yale Prof.: Removing Fuel Rods From Fukushima Reactor No. 4 SFP ‘Has Me Very Scared’ – Tepco: ‘We Believe It’s Not Dangerous’

For first time, officials admit to ‘shortage of workers’ at Fukushima — Tepco promises ‘additional efforts’ to get more — BBC reveals homeless people cleaning reactors and “modern slavery” in Japan nuclear industry… exactly 14 years ago

For first time, officials admit to ‘shortage of workers’ at Fukushima — Tepco promises ‘additional efforts’ to get more — BBC reveals homeless people cleaning reactors and “modern slavery” in Japan nuclear industry… exactly 14 years ago (ENENews, Oct 29, 2013)

Jimmy Savile’s Convicted Paedophile BBC Driver Found Dead On Day He Was Due To Stand Trial For Sex Crimes

Everybody should know about these (satanic) paedophile rings, involving the highest levels of government & society (all the way up to the Illuminati) and help finding ways to end those atrocities.


Conspiracy Of Silence: Child Sex Rings By The Rich And Powerful (Documentary)

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Exposes Satanism, Paedophilia Elite, Assassinations, New World Order (Videos)

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: CIA & Satanism, Peadophilia, Organized Child Kidnapping Rings, International Trafficking Of Children, Terrorism, Illuminati, NWO (Video)

And yes, they’ve killed Ted Gunderson for speaking out (also about chemtrails: here and here & terroism and 9/11: here):

Dr. Edward Lucidi: Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Definitely Poisoned With Arsenic (Video)

More related info down below. (Don’t miss!)

Prince Charles and Jimmy Savile

Savile’s convicted paedophile BBC driver found dead on day he was due to stand trial for sex crimes uncovered in Yewtree probe (Daily Mail, Oct 29, 2013):

  • David Smith, 67, was chauffeur to Savile and other celebrities in 1980s
  • Apparent suicide on the eve of his court appearance
  • Officers found him dead at his home in Lewisham, south-east London
  • Smith had 22 previous convictions for sexual abuse against young boys
  • Judge closes case against Smith this morning

A former BBC driver found dead in an apparent suicide ahead of his child sex abuse trial has  ‘cheated’ his victim of justice, a leading lawyer has today said.

The body of David Smith, 67, chauffeur to disgraced DJ Jimmy Savile and other celebrities during the 1980s, was found at his south-east London home, on Monday – the eve of his court appearance.

It has emerged the former driver was a prolific sex offender with a string of previous convictions for sexual offences against young boys, dating back to 1966, on his criminal record.

Read moreJimmy Savile’s Convicted Paedophile BBC Driver Found Dead On Day He Was Due To Stand Trial For Sex Crimes

Eike Batista’s OGX Files Bankruptcy: Largest Ever In Latin American History

Batista’s OGX Files Bankruptcy: Largest Ever In Latin American History (ZeroHedge, Oct 30, 2013):

In line with what we discussed last night, once cajillionaire Eike Batista’s net wealth has now collapsed to less than -$746.5 Million according to Bloomberg as Veja notes, his “take over the world” company OGX has declared bankruptcy following the breakdown of restructuring talks with bondholders:


The filing puts $3.6 billion of bonds into default – the largest corporate debt debacle on record for Latin America.

As of this morning his net worth was already -$745 million..

Top Hong Kong Paper: Fukushima A Global Threat – Global Response Urgently Needed – Situation Could Prove Catastrophic For Entire Planet

Top Hong Kong Newspaper: Fukushima is a global threat — Global response urgently needed — Situation could prove catastrophic for world (ENENews, Oct 29, 2013):

Title: Crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant needs international help
Source: South China Morning Post (Subscription may be required)
Date: Oct. 29, 2013

Japan has a history of struggling to face up to the past. So, whether it has the crisis at the stricken nuclear plant at Fukushima under control, as it claims, has to be of concern. […] The series of failures, mistakes and untruths […] prove the government and [Tepco] are ill-equipped to deal with the challenges. The threat is global and a global response is urgently needed.

Read moreTop Hong Kong Paper: Fukushima A Global Threat – Global Response Urgently Needed – Situation Could Prove Catastrophic For Entire Planet

Something Is Killing Life All Over The Pacific Ocean

Related info:

Important Fukushima Radiation Updates, Synopsis (Video): ‘The Pacific Ocean Is History’ – ‘Billions Will Die’

Physicians: ‘Interesting Fact’ For West Coast In New UN Report, 95% of Fukushima Discharges Transported In Pacific; Contamination To Impact North America With ‘Uncertain Consequences’ For Public Health

Head Researcher “Is Sounding The Alarm’ Over Dramatic Changes In Pacific Northwest Killer Whales

28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima

Fukushima Radioactive Plume To Hit Shores Of U.S. & Canada For Many Decades – Removal Of Molten Cores Impossible For Hundreds Of Years, If Ever – Escape Of Radiation Virtually Unstoppable

UC Davis Prof. Alexandra Navrotsky: Sea Water Can Corrode Nuclear Fuel, Forming Uranium Compounds That Could Travel Long Distance

AND then there are … “buckyballs” …

A Radioactive Nightmare … Coming To The U.S.

More articles on the buckyballs nightmare HERE (at

“… new UC Davis report about uranium-filled “buckyballs” and proof that sea mist carries radiation inland for hundreds of miles …” (Source)

Something Is Killing Life All Over The Pacific Ocean – Could It Be Fukushima? (Activist Post, Oct 29, 2013):

Why is there so much death and disease among sea life living near the west coast of North America right now? Could the hundreds of tons of highly radioactive water that are being released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima every single day have anything to do with it?

When I wrote my last article about Fukushima, I got a lot of heat for being “alarmist” and for supposedly “scaring” people unnecessarily.  I didn’t think that an article about Fukushima would touch such a nerve, but apparently there are some people out there that really do not want anyone writing about this stuff.

Right now, massive numbers of fish and sea creatures are dying in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, independent tests have shown that significant levels of cesium-137 are in a very high percentage of the fish that are being caught in the Pacific and sold in North America. Could this have anything to do with the fact that the largest nuclear disaster in the history of mankind has been constantly releasing enormous amounts of radioactive material into the Pacific Ocean for more than two years?  I don’t know about you, but to me this seems to be a question that is worth asking.

Read moreSomething Is Killing Life All Over The Pacific Ocean

‘Total Media Blackout’ In Japan As Younger Generations Are Slowly Dying

Tokyo Mother: “Total media blackout” in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — “Many cases of sickness and death among young generations” not reported (ENENews, Oct 29, 2013):

World Network For Saving Children From Radiation, Oct. 26, 2013: […] A case like this is just a tip of iceburg […] IKKO is a Buddhist monk. His life is ending. He is only 34 years old and lives in Hiwada town [near Koriyama] in Fukushima. He had a heart attack two days ago, and his doctor announced brain death. He is now connected to life-support. My sister in Fukushima knows him through her student […] She and IKKO got engaged and were planning to get married next year. She has just lost her father from cancer last April. He had worked at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant […] My sister was present when IKKO had a heartattack and is in disbelief of what is taking place since he was fine before this […] There have been many cases of sickness and death among young generations in Fukushima although it is not reported by media.

Mother from Tokyo, Japan during Q & A at Cinema Forum Fukushima, Published July 3, 2013 (at 2:20 in): In Japan, it’s really a total blackout of media, even though there are lots and lots of people who have been developing symptoms. That information itself cannot come out because of the control of the media and the doctors, like the Society of Medicine in Japan, are denying even now that there have been health damages […] I just wanted to remind you that this is really a real thing. It’s not only the anxiety, it is happening. I think this is the most important thing. But there are very few people who talk about this […] I was outside on the 15th of March in Tokyo, and then about 1 month later, I had fever of like 103ºF for 8 days. And this [baby] boy, he was totally healthy, now he’s OK, but at the time he had 101ºF fever on and off for 13 times in the duration of 3 months. He had rash all over and he was really, really sick […] he became real skinny and he stopped growing for 3 or 4 months. It is really happening. I have 2 nodules in my thyroid, and my boy has countless number of minor nodules. So what I wanted to stress most, the most important thing is the symptoms are happening. I want you to know, and I want you to spread this information.

Watch the mother from Tokyo speak at the Q & A here

If you still live in Tokyo …. you should RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

And here is why:

Radioactive Contamination In Tokyo Suburb 3 Times Higher Than 1 Mile From Fukushima Daiichi

Tokyo Radiation Olympics (EnviroReporter, Sep 8, 2013)

Tokyo Hit By Highest Fallout Levels Since May 2011 (April, 2013)

Deadly Levels Of Radiation Found In Food 225 Miles From Fukushima (Media Blackout On Nuclear Fallout Continues)

Arnie Gundersen: Contamination Levels That Would Be Considered Radioactive Waste In U.S. Were Ubiquitous On Tokyo Streets When I Visited

Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima

Tokyo Still Burning 148 Tons Of Radioactive Debris Every Single Day!

Read more‘Total Media Blackout’ In Japan As Younger Generations Are Slowly Dying

10 Signs Obamacare Is Going To Wreck The U.S. Economy

10 Signs That Obamacare Is Going To Wreck The U.S. Economy (Economic Collapse, Oct 29, 2013):

It is hard to find the words to adequately describe how much of a disaster Obamacare is turning out to be.  The debut of has been probably the worst launch of a major website in history, millions of Americans are having their current health insurance policies canceled, millions of others are seeing the size of their health insurance premiums absolutely explode, and this new law is going to result in massive numbers of jobs being lost.  It is almost as if Obamacare was specifically designed to wreck the U.S. economy.  Not that what we had before Obamacare was great.  In fact, I have long argued that the U.S. health care system is a complete and total train wreck.  But now Obamacare is making everything that was bad about our system much, much worse.  Americans are going to pay far more for health care, the quality of that care is going to go down, they are going to have to deal with far more medical red tape, and thousands upon thousands of U.S. employers are considering getting rid of the health plans that they offer to employees altogether due to Obamacare.  If the U.S. health care system was a separate nation, it would be the 6th largest economy on the entire planet, and now Obamacare is going to absolutely cripple it.  To say that Obamacare is an “economic catastrophe” would be a massive understatement.

Read more10 Signs Obamacare Is Going To Wreck The U.S. Economy

Obama Administration Forcing Insurance Companies To Keep Quiet About ObamaCare Problems

The Obama Administration is Forcing Insurance Companies to Keep Quiet About ObamaCare Problems (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Oct 30, 2013):

Just when you think the Obama Administration can’t stoop any lower they immediately come in and surprise you. In this incredible clip from CNN, we learn that insurance company executives are being threatened with retribution if they publicly criticize the rollout of ObamaCare, or inform the public about some of the most pressing issues with the disastrous healthcare plan.

In the most powerful part of the clip, Robert Laszewski, the President of Health Policy and Strategy Associates, LLC claims that healthcare executives warned the Obama Administration about severe problems with the rollout ahead of time, and that they were completely ignored. Our government in an inept mafia. Nothing more, nothing less.

I highlighted some of the issues with the plan back in June of last year in the piece: Thoughts on Obamacare from a Surgeon and Friend.

In Liberty,