– Customs And Border Protection Seeks Biometric ID For All Major U.S. Airports Within 4 Years:
Over the past several months I’ve been covering the rapid acceleration toward mandatory biometric identification at U.S. airports.
At the core of this increased push is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection mandate 15 years in the making to integrate government databases for ID verification. As we’ve seen with airlines such as JetBlue, private companies will be merged into the government system in order to speed up biometric processing.
JetBlue is working with U.S. Customs and Border Protection and SITA, an information-technology provider for airlines.
“This is the first integration of biometric authorization by the CBP with an airline and may prove to be a solution that will be quick and easy to roll out across U.S. airports,” Jim Peters, SITA’s chief technology officer, said in the statement. (Emphasis added.)
DHS recently laid out their clear plan for mandatory face scans for all travelers to foreign destinations, stating that “the only way for an individual to ensure he or she is not subject to collection of biometric information when traveling internationally is to refrain from traveling.” That’s right, no opt-out, just stay home.
The full 18-page DHS document is posted below:
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