Books & DVDs

Amazon has deleted/discontinued the bookstore and that is why all those (invaluable) recommendations to cure yourself from cancer, Lyme’s disease and to to get and stay healthy are GONE!!!

If you want to know about a certain subject, send me a comment or an email (click on a PayPal link in the upper right corner of the website. There you will find my email address.) and I will let you know about books that might be helpful for you.


Treasures that are not available through Amazon:


Ami, Child of the Stars by Enrique Barrios: This book is so beautiful (also or especially for adults), but is not anymore available: Ami (PDF)


Great lecture that puts the power to heal yourself and to change your reality back where it belongs, into your hands & focus:
The New Biology Where Mind and Matter Meet (Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.)


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4 thoughts on “Books & DVDs”

  1. Attention UFO/Conspiracy enthusiasts! World class parapolitical writer Kenn Thomas is re-releasing his hit book JFK & UFO and is available to speak at conventions and events. Here is the press release for his new Feral House publication. Please feel free to post this information on your blog.
    More at:

    For further information please contact

    Jessica Peabody 323-666-3311

    [email protected]

    JFK & UFO
    Military-Industrial Conspiracy
    and Cover-Up from Maury Island to Dallas

    Kenn Thomas

    In 1947 six flying saucers circled above a harbor boat in Puget Sound near Tacoma, Washington, one wobbling and spewing slag. The falling junk killed a dog and burned a boy’s arm. His father, Harold Dahl, witnessed it all and brought his partner, Fred Crisman, down the next day to see yet another UFO. The Maury Island incident became the first UFO event of the modern era.

    In 1968 New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison subpoenaed Fred Crisman as part of his investigation into the JFK assassination, which became the subject of Oliver Stone’s 1992 movie JFK. Garrison believed that Crisman was the infamous grassy knoll shooter. He’s also the central figure in the “Mystery Tramp” photo of the Dallas rail yard hobos.

    Illustrated with rare images, JFK & UFO interconnects the lingering mysteries of America’s most notorious assassination and its weird ufological subculture. It examines the denizens of the bizarre, semi-spook underground reflecting a stranger and more true history than offered by the mainstream.

    Kenn Thomas works as a conspiracy investigator, university library archivist, and editor and publisher of the conspiracy magazine, Steamshovel Press. For Feral House he has written The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro, which helped expose the Inslaw scandal of the Reagan years. Thomas also co-edited (with Adam Parfrey) Secret and Suppressed II: Banned Ideas and Hidden History into the 21st Century.

    JFO & UFO Military-Industrial Conspiracy and Cover-Up from Maury Island to Dallas by Kenn Thomas •
    ISBN: 978-1-936239-06-1 • $17.95 • 6×9 • 271 pages • Pub date: July 4, 2011
    A Feral House Original Publication • 1240 W Sims Way #124 • Port Townsend WA 98368 • phone: 323-666-3311 • fax: 323-297-4331
    Feral House is distributed to the trade by Consortium Book and Sales Distribution

  2. Greetings!

    Here is the review comment I posted on HP
    Here is the Amazon link:

    FLASH: Just posted here: at 23 minutes ago(11:35 AM)

    I just finished reading “Japan’s Tipping Point” by Mark Pendergras­t which is now available as either a paperback or as an ebook! He won an Abe Fellowship for Journalist­s, (an annual grant given to selected writers who then spend six weeks in Japan); he arrived two months after 3/11 visiting their Eco-Model Cities and interviewe­d many of Japan’s Eco “Leaders” both in Government and in the private sector.

    ===>One thing I learned is that Japan’s utilities own their electrical GRID and therefore are the only ones that can “approve” of any forms of energy accessing it! If Japan is to “kick” their Nuclear reactor habit, the Utilities will have to OK that decision, which means a reduction in both Control and Market share for them!
    “I discovered­, however, that the real power in Japan lies with bureaucrat­s who have strong ties to big business. They outlast the politician­s. The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) is the most powerful bureaucrac­y, with a large budget at its disposal.”

    ==> Another thing I learned is that Northern Japan has a different form of alternatin­g current than Southern Japan so that Energy cannot be easily shared Nationwide­! This is yet another roadblock to low cost energy that the Utilities promote to protect their market share in Japan!
    “Each of the regional utilities jealously guards its borders, so that there is limited cooperatio­n between them. Transmissi­on lines are not large enough to allow power to flow easily between regions. Worse still, the northeaste­rn half of Japan uses a 50 hertz frequency, while the southwest operates at 60 hertz, making it impossible to share power between them without huge transforme­rs.”

    This to me, is the real “Tipping Point”, since without a “up to date” modern (Think SMART) grid energy cannot flow to where it is needed, when it is needed, at a fair price from where it is generated! Imagine installing new solar panels and the Energy produced is not allowed to be added to the grid because the Utility wants to only sell it’s own energy!

  3. JasDal: Dr. Ron Paul, after his medical residency at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, was drafted into the US Air Force in 1963 because the Selective Service Act of 1948 “…required all men, ages 18 to 26, to register. It also created the system for the “Doctor Draft” aimed at inducting health professionals into military service. Unless otherwise exempted or deferred, these men could be called for up to 21 months of active duty and five years of reserve duty service. …” from wiki on Conscription in the United States. n nDr. Ron Paul admits he was drafted, and I assume he completed all of his service with honor. n nHowever, that does not give anyone the right to conflate the military service of Dr. Ron Paul, who had no intention of voluntary service, with the men and women who VOLUNTEERED to serve during World War 2, and the Korean War. My father, may he rest in peace at Arlington National Cemetery, gave up his exemption as a highly skilled machinist, to volunteer on December 8, 1941, and serve in the United States Navy for the entire war. nHe then re-enlisted for the Korean War. n n

  4. I can recommend BOOKSPRICE.COM comparison site search engine for all books & DVD’s.
    So no worries about amazon brainwashing programming.


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