William Cooper: Behold A Pale Horse Lecture, Feb 23, 1991 (Video) – William Cooper: ‘Behold A Pale Horse’ (Audiobook)

William Cooper: Behold A Pale Horse Lecture, Feb 23, 1991 (Video):



Bill Cooper … “Behold A Pale Horse” (Full Audiobook) Please Have A Listen (Video):


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Amazon To Invest More Than $500 Million In Small Modular Nuclear Reactors To Power AWS

Amazon To Invest More Than $500 Million In Small Modular Nuclear Reactors To Power AWS:

It’s starting to feel like every single day the embrace of nuclear to power the future of data centers takes hold tighter. Just hours ago, it was Google inking a deal with Kairos Power for small modular reactors.

Today, it’s Amazon, putting on display why our “next AI trade” will generate obnoxious amounts of alpha in the coming years, as they commit to investing more than $500 million to develop small module reactors, according to CNBC.

Amazon Web Services is launching three projects from Virginia to Washington State. AWS has partnered with Dominion Energy to explore building a small modular reactor (SMR) near the North Anna nuclear station in Virginia. SMRs, which produce no carbon emissions, have smaller footprints and faster construction times than traditional reactors.

CNBC writes that Virginia hosts nearly half of the U.S. data centers, with Northern Virginia’s “Data Center Alley” in Loudoun County handling 70% of the world’s internet traffic daily.

Dominion Energy, meanwhile, supplies 3,500 megawatts to 452 data centers across Virginia, with most in Data Center Alley. Typical data centers require 30 megawatts or more, and Dominion is now receiving requests for 60 to 90 megawatts. It expects demand to grow by 85% in the next 15 years. AWS’s new SMRs are projected to add at least 300 megawatts of power to the region.

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The US Government Is Dramatically Expanding The Use Of Facial Recognition Technology

The US Government Is Dramatically Expanding The Use Of Facial Recognition Technology:

Do you want to live in a society where you are required to have your face scanned wherever you go?  If not, you may want to speak up now while you still can.  As you will see below, the U.S. government is aggressively expanding the use of facial recognition technology for identification verification purposes.  For now, the use of facial recognition technology will be optional.  But as we have seen before, once a voluntary option is adopted by enough people our leaders have a way of making it mandatory.  Of course it isn’t just our government that is pushing facial recognition technology.  It is popping up throughout our society, and given enough time it would literally be everywhere.

Login.gov is billed as “a single sign-on solution for US government websites”, and now users of Login.gov will be given the option to use facial recognition technology to verify their identities

Read moreThe US Government Is Dramatically Expanding The Use Of Facial Recognition Technology



You might want to pour yourself a couple of fingers of your favorite adult beverage, sit down, and brace yourself before reading the following article shared by T.S. (with our gratitude). It seems that data degradation (the shock! the surprise! the horror!) is occurring on the internet, and data is simply disappearing for what appears to be no good reason:

Internet is disappearing and experts are shocked: Billions of web pages at risk by a strange phenomenon

The crisis, when one digs a bit into the article, is in a certain sense rather predictable and mundane, and indeed, I myself have been a victim of some of the problems the following quotation outlines:


Nuclear Is Back: U.S. Closes On $1.5 Billion Loan To Resurrect Holtec’s Palisades Nuclear Plant – The Reuters report said that the administration aims to triple U.S. nuclear power capacity

Nuclear Is Back: U.S. Closes On $1.5 Billion Loan To Resurrect Holtec’s Palisades Nuclear Plant:

Following the news of the Three Mile Island restart plans, it looks like our assertion that ‘nuclear is back’ is correct.

That’s because this week the U.S. closed on a deal to resurrect another nuclear plant, Holtec’s Palisades nuclear plant in Michigan, thanks to a $1.52 billion loan from the Biden administration, according to Reuters.

A senior Biden administration official stated that reopening the plant could take up to two years—longer than the company’s estimate.

The Reuters report said that the administration aims to triple U.S. nuclear power capacity as demand rises and climate concerns grow, which could include restarting decommissioned reactors like Three Mile Island, site of the nation’s worst nuclear accident. Restarting these plants is a complex and costly process that has never been done before in the U.S.

Read moreNuclear Is Back: U.S. Closes On $1.5 Billion Loan To Resurrect Holtec’s Palisades Nuclear Plant – The Reuters report said that the administration aims to triple U.S. nuclear power capacity

Advanced AI System Is Already “Self-Aware”; ASI Alliance Founder Warns



Advanced AI System Is Already “Self-Aware”; ASI Alliance Founder Warns:

ASI Alliance founder Ben Goertzel says the alpha version of OpenCog Hyperon — the artificial general intelligence system he’s been developing for more than two decades — is already “self-aware” to a certain extent.

“A Hyperon system is not just a chatbot. It’s architected as a sort of autonomous agent which has its own goals and its own self awareness and tries to know who it is and who you are, what it’s trying to accomplish in the given situation. So it’s very much an autonomous, self-aware agent rather than just a question-answering system.”

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Mind reading technology: Is it already here?

Mind reading technology: Is it already here?:

In a speech at the World Economic Forum last year, Professor Nita Farahany argued that mind-reading technology is not only real but already in use.

She spoke of scenarios where brain metric monitoring could enhance safety, such as preventing accidents caused by driver fatigue.  She also acknowledged the “dystopian” potential of this technology, like mandatory brain signal transmission in China.

Chinese train drivers, for example, are being required to wear brain-monitoring hats to monitor their fatigue levels.  And brainwave-monitoring technology is already in use by companies like Amazon and Walmart.

Has mind-reading technology arrived or is the World Economic Forum fearmongering?  The Gold Report takes a look into how far research into mind-reading technology has actually gone.

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Are New-World-Order Elites Plotting To Use AI To ‘Deprogram’ So-Called Conspiracy Theorists?

Are New-World-Order Elites Plotting To Use AI To ‘Deprogram’ So-Called Conspiracy Theorists?:

Might the New World Order use biased, pre-manipulated artificial intelligence programs to try to “deprogram” those with unpopular opinions by persuading them that their logic does not compute?

A recent study on that subject underwritten by the John Templeton Foundation might give so-called conspiracy theorists one more thing to be paranoid about, according to Popular Science.

Critics have already sounded the alarm that leftist radicals in Silicon Valley and elsewhere were manipulating the algorithms used to train AI so that it automatically defaulted to anti-conservative biases.

The next step may be programming any verboten viewpoints into the realm of “conspiracy theory,” then having powerful computers challenge human users to a battle of logic that inevitably is stacked against them with cherrypicked data.

The study, titled “Durably reducing conspiracy beliefs through dialogues with AI,” attempted to counter the common view that some people will not change their minds, even when presented with facts and evidence.

Read moreAre New-World-Order Elites Plotting To Use AI To ‘Deprogram’ So-Called Conspiracy Theorists?

Military Threat: China’s AI Robots


Military Threat: China’s AI Robots:

Last week, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organized the World Robot Conference – where they showcased the latest advancements that China’s robotics industry has produced over the past several years.

According to the CCP, China’s humanoid robots are “catching up fast with global rivals,” with advances such as the incorporation of AI into some of its robots that have military capabilities.

We’re picturing mindless robot patrols enforcing the next ‘welded in’ pandemic lockdown, with deadl(ier) results.

As Anders Corr notes in The Epoch Times, China’s humanoid robots on display at the conference could easily be equipped with weapons and probably already have been. The People’s Liberation Army has demonstrated armed flying drones and quadruped AI robots that resemble dogs with machine guns mounted to their backs. The killer robot dogs can reportedly fire their weapons autonomously.

Read moreMilitary Threat: China’s AI Robots