World News (August 31, 2018 Edition): Pro-Russian Leader Of Donetsk People’s Republic Killed In East Ukraine Bomb Explosion – Putin Condemns Zakharchenko’s Assassination: “Dangerous Choice In Favor Of Destabilization”

Read moreWorld News (August 31, 2018 Edition): Pro-Russian Leader Of Donetsk People’s Republic Killed In East Ukraine Bomb Explosion – Putin Condemns Zakharchenko’s Assassination: “Dangerous Choice In Favor Of Destabilization”

Migrant Crisis & Crime (August 31, 2018 Edition): As Election Looms, Sweden Is Burning Again Tonight – Germany: Afghan (18) in court for killing his German ex-girlfriend (17) having stabbed her 14 times because he was jealous. – Germany: Woman (29) attacked by five Arab looking men in Mettmann. She suffered injuries to the head, upper body and knees. – Sweden: Shootings, Murders & Detonations in Malmö 2018

Read moreMigrant Crisis & Crime (August 31, 2018 Edition): As Election Looms, Sweden Is Burning Again Tonight – Germany: Afghan (18) in court for killing his German ex-girlfriend (17) having stabbed her 14 times because he was jealous. – Germany: Woman (29) attacked by five Arab looking men in Mettmann. She suffered injuries to the head, upper body and knees. – Sweden: Shootings, Murders & Detonations in Malmö 2018

World News (August 30, 2018 Edition): Trump Orders Pay-Freeze For All Non-Military Federal Employees In 2019 – In Rare Meeting, Russia Delivers Intel To US Officials Showing “Planned Chemical Provocation” In Syria – The Hunger Stones Have Appeared – South Africa: Rand Tumbles As Government Warns Of “Catastrophe” Unless ‘Land Reform’ Allowed

Read moreWorld News (August 30, 2018 Edition): Trump Orders Pay-Freeze For All Non-Military Federal Employees In 2019 – In Rare Meeting, Russia Delivers Intel To US Officials Showing “Planned Chemical Provocation” In Syria – The Hunger Stones Have Appeared – South Africa: Rand Tumbles As Government Warns Of “Catastrophe” Unless ‘Land Reform’ Allowed

Migrant Crisis & Crime (August 30, 2018 Edition): Macron Declares War on Salvini-Orban Bloc, ‘I Am Their Chief Adversary’

Read moreMigrant Crisis & Crime (August 30, 2018 Edition): Macron Declares War on Salvini-Orban Bloc, ‘I Am Their Chief Adversary’

World News (August 28, 2018 Edition): #WhiteHelmets preparing to stage chemical attack in #Idlib – #China Hacked Clinton’s Private Email Server: Daily Caller – #Greenland Ice Sheet far above the mean – Snow in #Montana, #Idaho and #Wyoming in August

Read moreWorld News (August 28, 2018 Edition): #WhiteHelmets preparing to stage chemical attack in #Idlib – #China Hacked Clinton’s Private Email Server: Daily Caller – #Greenland Ice Sheet far above the mean – Snow in #Montana, #Idaho and #Wyoming in August

Migrant Crisis & Crime (August 28, 2018 Edition): German Citizens Flood Streets In Uprising Against Violent ‘Asylum Seekers’ – Germany: Two Germans (19,22) hit in the head with stones thrown by four young asylum seekers – Germany: Woman (63) brutally raped by a man (30-40) with a dark complexion speaking broken German. – Germany: Police statistics for suspects in comparison to Germans: Asylum seekers are 12 times over-represented in sex crimes, 17 times in murder, 22 times for sexual assault and 36 times for sexual harassment!

Read moreMigrant Crisis & Crime (August 28, 2018 Edition): German Citizens Flood Streets In Uprising Against Violent ‘Asylum Seekers’ – Germany: Two Germans (19,22) hit in the head with stones thrown by four young asylum seekers – Germany: Woman (63) brutally raped by a man (30-40) with a dark complexion speaking broken German. – Germany: Police statistics for suspects in comparison to Germans: Asylum seekers are 12 times over-represented in sex crimes, 17 times in murder, 22 times for sexual assault and 36 times for sexual harassment!

As Land Confiscations Loom, South Africa Rules 300,000 Gun-Owners Turn Over Their Weapons

Civil war coming to South Africa….

As Land Confiscations Loom, South Africa Rules 300,000 Gun-Owners Turn Over Their Weapons:

Authored by Jose Nino via,

South Africa is opening the door for tyranny.

The Constitutional Court of South Africa recently ruled that 300,000 gun owners must turn in their firearms.

This judgement came in response to the North Gauteng High Court’s ruling in 2017 which said Section 24 and Section 28 of the Firearm’s Control Act were unconstitutional.

A report from The Citizen explains what Section 24 and Section 28 entail:

“Section 24 of the Act requires that any person who seeks to renew a licence must do so 90 days before its expiry date Section 28 stipulates that if a firearm licence has been cancelled‚ the firearm must be disposed of or forfeited to the state. A 60-day time frame was placed on its disposal, which was to be done through a dealer.”

Now that the High Court’s initial ruling has been overturned, gun owners who failed to renew their firearms licenses must hand in their firearms to the nearest police station, where authorities will then proceed to destroy them.

Read moreAs Land Confiscations Loom, South Africa Rules 300,000 Gun-Owners Turn Over Their Weapons

World News (August 27, 2018 Edition): Lanny Davis Admits Being Source For #CNN #Trump Tower “Bombshell” Fake News – Schools No Longer Require ‘Parent’s Consent’ To Administer HPV Vaccine – BIS Warns Of “Perfect Storm” For Global Economy – Britain Prepares For War Against Russia

Read moreWorld News (August 27, 2018 Edition): Lanny Davis Admits Being Source For #CNN #Trump Tower “Bombshell” Fake News – Schools No Longer Require ‘Parent’s Consent’ To Administer HPV Vaccine – BIS Warns Of “Perfect Storm” For Global Economy – Britain Prepares For War Against Russia

Migrant Crisis & Crime (August 27, 2018 Edition): South Africa Civil War Looms As White Farmers, ‘Black Hitler’ “Willing To Die” Over Property Confiscation – Germany: Two men (22,23) from Iraq and Syria arrested for the brutal murder of a German (35) in Chemnitz. They also stabbed two other men (28,33). – Germany: Asylum seeker (26) and a friend sexually assaulted two girls (9,15)

Read moreMigrant Crisis & Crime (August 27, 2018 Edition): South Africa Civil War Looms As White Farmers, ‘Black Hitler’ “Willing To Die” Over Property Confiscation – Germany: Two men (22,23) from Iraq and Syria arrested for the brutal murder of a German (35) in Chemnitz. They also stabbed two other men (28,33). – Germany: Asylum seeker (26) and a friend sexually assaulted two girls (9,15)

World News (August 26, 2018 Edition): Russian MoD: ‘Foreign specialists’ may stage chemical attack in Syria in 2 days to frame Assad – US-UK Chemical Weapons Plot in Syria Exposed – A Mexican city has changed its laws to allow people to have sex in public or “exhibit” themselves sexually

Baby poop smoothie…

Read moreWorld News (August 26, 2018 Edition): Russian MoD: ‘Foreign specialists’ may stage chemical attack in Syria in 2 days to frame Assad – US-UK Chemical Weapons Plot in Syria Exposed – A Mexican city has changed its laws to allow people to have sex in public or “exhibit” themselves sexually

Migrant Crisis & Crime (August 26, 2018 Edition): In “Historic Bombshell”, Vatican Official Accuses Pope Francis Of Covering Up Sexual Abuse, Calls For Resignation – 4 Dead, 11 Wounded In Mass Shooting During Madden 2019 Tournament In Jacksonville – Italy Lets Vatican Take Stranded Migrants, Salvini Under Investigation For ‘Kidnapping And Illegal Arrest’ – German cities becoming NO-GO areas – UK: The true agenda of Islam, the Downing Street will get a new door, flag and new wallpaper.

Irlmaier, anyone?

One of the last signs before WW3 will be the Pope having to flee the Vatican, with most priests in the Vatican getting killed….

Read moreMigrant Crisis & Crime (August 26, 2018 Edition): In “Historic Bombshell”, Vatican Official Accuses Pope Francis Of Covering Up Sexual Abuse, Calls For Resignation – 4 Dead, 11 Wounded In Mass Shooting During Madden 2019 Tournament In Jacksonville – Italy Lets Vatican Take Stranded Migrants, Salvini Under Investigation For ‘Kidnapping And Illegal Arrest’ – German cities becoming NO-GO areas – UK: The true agenda of Islam, the Downing Street will get a new door, flag and new wallpaper.

World News (August 25, 2018 Edition): Russia Sends Largest Naval Armada Of Syrian War Amidst New Chemical Attack Warnings – John McCain Dead At 81 – Yet Another US-Saudi Massacre In Yemen: UN Condemns Airstrike Killing 22 Children – Ebola Deaths In DRC Spike 21% In Four Days

Read moreWorld News (August 25, 2018 Edition): Russia Sends Largest Naval Armada Of Syrian War Amidst New Chemical Attack Warnings – John McCain Dead At 81 – Yet Another US-Saudi Massacre In Yemen: UN Condemns Airstrike Killing 22 Children – Ebola Deaths In DRC Spike 21% In Four Days

Migrant Crisis & Crime (August 25, 2018 Edition): German President Declares There are ‘No Native Germans, We are a Nation of Immigrants’ – Violent crime is through the roof in the capital as the number of homicides in London hits 100 already for 2018. – South Africa: “We are cutting the throat of Whiteness”

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World News (August 24, 2018 Edition): CIA’s Kremlin Spies Suddenly Go Dark – Extreme Flash Floods Hit Hawaii As Dangerous Hurricane Lane Could Dump “30-40 Inches Of Rain” …as predicted – “Thank God This Is Happening” Russia Says Time Has Come To Ditch The Dollar – Majority Of Young Americans Live In A Household Receiving Welfare – Experts Say Eventually Everyone Will Get A Microchip Implant – Model-Turned-Escort Auctioning Off Virginity To “Buy House For Mum” – Mexico: Dismembered bodies line the streets of paradise

Read moreWorld News (August 24, 2018 Edition): CIA’s Kremlin Spies Suddenly Go Dark – Extreme Flash Floods Hit Hawaii As Dangerous Hurricane Lane Could Dump “30-40 Inches Of Rain” …as predicted – “Thank God This Is Happening” Russia Says Time Has Come To Ditch The Dollar – Majority Of Young Americans Live In A Household Receiving Welfare – Experts Say Eventually Everyone Will Get A Microchip Implant – Model-Turned-Escort Auctioning Off Virginity To “Buy House For Mum” – Mexico: Dismembered bodies line the streets of paradise

Migrant Crisis & Crime (August 24, 2018 Edition): AND NOW… Vatican: Migrants Will Teach Westerners ‘To Be A Borderless Global Family’

You really can’t make this stuff up!!!….

Read moreMigrant Crisis & Crime (August 24, 2018 Edition): AND NOW… Vatican: Migrants Will Teach Westerners ‘To Be A Borderless Global Family’