Former Government Engineer Phil Schneider On Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.) (Denver, November 1995 – Full Lecture – Video)


(Posted this in 2011 & 2014 before and the videos got removed, so I guess it’s time for a repost.

This video is up on YouTube since 2013. Let’s see how long it will be still up after I post it here on I. U.

Download the video first and watch later.)


Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Police State (FEMA Concentration Camps & FEMA Coffins) – Full Length Video:

Flashback & MUST-WATCH.


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Regius Professor Of Medicine John Bell Oxford University: “These (#COVID19) Vaccines Are Unlikely To COMPLETELY STERILISE a Population” – Probably Only 60-70% Effective!!! (Video)

#COVID1984, #Agenda21, #NWO…

He says it at 01:45 into the video!!!…



Related info:

Bill Gates admits on video that the #COVID19 vaccine will CHANGE your DNA FOREVER (MUST-WATCH VIDEO)

Vaccine Whistleblower: New vaccine causes sterility in 97% of women!:


#RichieFromBoston: GSK Whistleblower… Vaccine Cases Sterility in 97% Of Women – The Country Belongs To FEMA Right Now. Period. – “You Cannot ALLOW Them To Lock You Down Again, Or It’s Over!!!!” (Video)


New York Times: Spike the food supply with sterilization chemicals to cause global infertility and depopulation

Insanity: New Zealand Academics Propose Temporary Sterilization Of All Young Girls

California Government Forcibly Sterilized Latina Women Without Their Consent

Female Inmates Sterilized In California Prisons Without Approval

UK Funds FORCED Sterilisation Of India’s Poor

Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 – 2007)

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Putin Orders Mass Covid Vaccinations To Begin Next Week In Russia

Just another Freemason & Illuminati puppet, as I’ve been telling you for a looong time…

Masonic handshakes…


Sochi 2014 Olympic Games Masonic Opening Ceremony:

Sochi opening ceremony:


Sotchi logo with pentagram:


Masonic neck tie…




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Partisans in the German forest: ‘Syrians’ practice killing German police officers in Brandenburg – Partisanen im deutschen Wald: Syrer üben in Brandenburg die Ermordung deutscher Polizisten

(‘Syrians’ = More often than not migrants from countries like Afghanistan (and what have you), who claim to have ‘lost’ their passport and are pretending to be from Syria. Also a lot of those ‘Syrian Rebels’ (= ISIS, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda) have made their way into Europe.

Partisanen im deutschen Wald: Syrer üben in Brandenburg die Ermordung deutscher Polizisten:

Von MANFRED ROUHS | Der 24-jährige Fayez Kanfash hat in Deutschland Manches erreicht, wovon viele seiner Landsleute in Syrien nur träumen können: Ein schönes Leben, regelmäßige Einkünfte, eine Zwei-Zimmer-Wohnung im brandenburgischen Luckenwalde und mehr als eine Million Abonnenten auf Youtube. Mit jedem Video, das er dort hochlädt, mehrt er seinen Ruhm in der europäischen arabischen Community. Einen Höhepunkt erklomm seine Popularität, als er einen Mann mit Macron-Maske vor laufenden Kameras durch Berlin-Neukölln trieb und symbolisch auspeitschte (PI-NEWS berichtete).

Muslimische Helden fürchten nichts und niemanden, außer Allah. Was also täte Kanfash, wenn die deutsche Polizei ihn jagen würde? Nun, er würde den Beamten im brandenburgischen Wald auflauern, sie überwältigen und töten. Wie das dann aussähe, zeigt sein jüngstes Video.

Der Dreh erinnert an jugoslawische Kinofilme über den zweiten Weltkrieg aus den 1970er Jahren. Sie verherrlichen den Partisanenkrieg Titos gegen die deutschen Besatzer, die als roboterhaft handelnde Vollidioten inszeniert wurden, denen die umsichtig und heldenhaft kämpfenden Kommunisten den wohlverdienten Todesstoß versetzten. Ich habe diese Filme in den 1980er Jahren gesehen und mich gewundert, warum Jugoslawien von Deutschland Wiedergutmachung für Massenerschießungen an Partisanen und ihren Helfern forderte, obwohl die doch laut filmischer Darstellung annähernd unbesiegbar gewesen sein sollen. Nach diesen widersprüchlichen Eindrücken war seinerzeit meine Fähigkeit, Mitgefühl für die Tito-Partisanen zu entwickeln, nicht so stark ausgeprägt, wie es mein Geschichtslehrer für wünschenswert hielt, womit ich mir in der Schule Ärger eingehandelt habe.

Ein gutes Vierteljahrhundert später droht mir ein ähnliches empathisches Missgeschick: Nehmen wir einmal an, die echte deutsche Polizei würde Herrn Kanfash festnehmen und ihm dabei versehentlich den Arm auskugeln, was ja sehr schmerzhaft sein soll, dann würde ich es wahrscheinlich erneut nicht hinbekommen, darüber im offiziös eingeforderten Ausmaß moralisch entrüstet zu sein …

Das Video zeigt, welchen Stellenwert Polizisten für die heutige deutsche politische Klasse haben. Der Staat lässt muslimische Partisanen gewähren, die deren Ermordung üben. Er erlaubt ihnen die kampflose Einreise nach Deutschland und besorgt ihnen eine schöne Bleibe und verhätschelt sie. Und die öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien dieses States inszenieren jeden als gefühlloses Monster, der sich in deutschen Landen etwas mehr Partisanenbekämpfung wünscht.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. discusses the problems with HPV vaccine clinical trials and the subsequent cervical cancers in the generation that first got the shot, Julie Gerberding, lack of CDC-FDA regulatory oversight, “anti-vaxxers”, pharmaceutical industry corruption and more (Video)

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You Really Can’t Make All Of This Stuff Up!!! …UNLESS You Are A Here Today, Gone Tomorrow Illuminati Puppet Like Boris Johnson


Boris Johnson & Jacob Rothschild:

Boris Johnson and his PEDOPHILE friend Greville Janner:

Eton’s Bullingdon Club.

David Cameron is second from the left in the back row.

Boris Johnson is seated on the right of the front row:

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Trump and Melania “CONTRACT” The Virus (Richie From Boston Video) – #Agenda21 #NWO

According to the internet…

There is NO Simpson’s episode that predicted Trump’s death.

Source: BitChute

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Australia Prime Minister Puts Citizens On Notice: All Will Likely Undergo Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations – “I would expect it to be as mandatory as you could possibly make it,” PM Scott Morrison said, already going on the offensive against resisters…

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Turkey Hit By Bank Runs, Currency Panic As Locals Sell Their Cars And Houses To Buy Gold While Lira Implodes

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‘Black Lives Matter’-Mob Demands White People Give Up Their Homes – “Now we’re bringing it to your front door!”

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Planet X warning for Earth: An interview with John Moore, The Liberty Man (Video)

INTERVIEW: John Moore “The Liberty Man” warns of Planet X fly-by, pole shift, asteroid impacts and government cover-ups:

A large, planet-sized mass inhabits our solar system, and its large elliptical orbit around the sun brings it across Earth’s orbital plane every 3,600 years or so, wreaking havoc on our planet due to strong gravity effects. The U.S. government has been aware of the approach of “Planet X” for over forty years, warns John Moore “The Liberty Man,” in a jaw-dropping new interview on Brighteon Conversations. (See below.)

While Planet X won’t strike the Earth, it’s nearby approach will unleash cataclysmic consequences across our planet that may bring an end to human civilization as we know it, Moore explains in the interview. Those effects may include a global “pole shift,” which means the Earth’s crust slips to a new orientation, unleashing extreme winds, volcanoes, earthquakes, flooding, tidal waves and more.

“Every structure on the surface of the Earth would be destroyed,” explains Moore, who reveals the governments of the world are frantically constructing more underground bunkers in anticipation of catastrophic events.

John Moore is a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst and took part in 57 air combat missions over Vietnam and Cambodia. He later become a homicide detective for the state of Missouri. As a long-time radio host, Moore has developed a long list of sources inside government and the U.S. military. He hosts a radio show each weekday from 8 – 10 am central time, via Republic Broadcasting. Learn all the details at

As Moore explains in the video below, the pole shift would place North America closer to the equator than its current position, and the “bulge” of ocean water at the equator (due to centrifugal forces of the rotating planet) would raise the level of the ocean by hundreds of feet compared to the continental United States. John Moore’s website — — hosts this map of anticipated changes. Note that Florida and much of the Eastern seaboard are under water in this depiction:

In the video below, John Moore explains how people living in other areas of the world can easily determine whether their current locations will be inundated with higher relative ocean levels.

Read morePlanet X warning for Earth: An interview with John Moore, The Liberty Man (Video)

Dr. Andrew Wakefield warns about coronavirus vaccines and outrageous legal immunity for vaccine makers in must-see interview

Dr. Andrew Wakefield warns about coronavirus vaccines and outrageous legal immunity for vaccine makers in must-see interview

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Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth (Full Documentary)


DR. JUDY MIKOVITS: A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH (VIDEO) – #COVID19 #XMRV #HIV #CFS #Autism #Depopulation #Vaccination #Vaxxed:

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A Titanic story about the Federal Reserve Bank (ROBERT SEPEHR – Video) – Ancient Giants, Rituals, and Elite of Jekyll Island (ROBERT SEPEHR – Video)

Eustace Mullins said himself that G. Edward Griffin copied (from) his book “The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve” to write “The Creature from Jekyll Island”.

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Seattle Moves To Replace ‘Racist’ Police With ‘Trauma-Informed, Gender-Affirming, Anti-Racist’ Organizations

You really can’t make this stuff up!…

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