New Mining Stock Portfolio: Gold – Silver – Copper – Bitcoin (HKCM – Philip Hopf – Video)

The New Mining Portfolio:

Click on image to enlarge…


See also:

Rick Rule RANKS 40+ Stocks: Gold, Silver, Uranium, Coal, Oil & Gas (Video):

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Reddit Preparing To Unleash “World’s Biggest Short Squeeze” In Silver

I’ve told you from the beginning of I. U. to buy gold and silver (50/50)…

…with silver being my personal favorite.

Those who personally know me remember that I highly recommended gold even before 2001 (long before I started I. U.).

Financial/economic collapse is planned by TPTB.

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Gold & Silver Eagle Sales Drop Sharply Due To Central Bank Intervention

Gold & Silver Eagle Sales Drop Sharply Due To Central Bank Intervention:

Thanks to the Fed and Central bank intervention, sales of Gold and Silver Eagle sales declined sharply over the past year. Yes, it’s true… precious metals investors have lost interest in gold and silver as the stocks, real estate, and crypto markets reached new highs in 2017. So, who wants to continue purchasing gold and silver when many cryptocurrencies were experiencing 10% increases in a day.

H/t reader squodgy:

“Another sign that the herd is being herded…….

Paper money and electronic money have a questionable and thus insecure lifespan.”

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Andrew Maguire: “The Jig Is Up For The Dollar” – Paper Gold Markets Have Leverage 1,000 to 1 – Price Reset Coming for Gold (Video)

“The Jig Is Up For The Dollar” – Andrew Maguire:

Will physical gold and silver prices ever break free of manipulation and price suppression?

Renowned gold expert Andrew Maguire with Tom Coughlin, who is CEO of Kinesis that will be rolling out a gold backed currency in the fall, both say yes.  So, what is it about?  Coughlin explains, “It’s actually classified as a monetary system, and it’s called Kinesis.  The reason we call it Kinesis is that it actually stimulates the flow of money.  We see this as reintroducing the gold and silver standard through this monetary system.”

Maguire says there will be actual precious metal backing it up. Maguire says,

Read moreAndrew Maguire: “The Jig Is Up For The Dollar” – Paper Gold Markets Have Leverage 1,000 to 1 – Price Reset Coming for Gold (Video)

Doug Casey on Why Gold Could Go “Hyperbolic”

Doug Casey on Why Gold Could Go “Hyperbolic”:

Justin’s note: Volatility has come storming back.

Just look at the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), which measures how volatile investors expect the market to be over the next 30 days.

It’s up 89% since the start of the year. Last week, it hit the highest level since 2016.

Investors aren’t used to this. After all, last year was the least volatile year ever for U.S. stocks. That lulled many investors to sleep. It led them to take risks they would normally never take.

Now, those same people are wondering what to do. They aren’t sure if this is just a run-of-the-mill pullback…or the start of something much worse.

To help answer this question, I called up Doug Casey. I knew he would have an interesting take on this matter…


Justin: Doug, U.S. stocks took a beating recently. Where do you see things going from here?

Doug: Well, I hate to make a firm prediction of timing. The fact that things have held together, against all odds, since 2009, has underlined the old saying about just because something is inevitable doesn’t mean it’s imminent. Predictions of disaster, and all these things unwinding, have been wrong over the last half a decade. And the smart bet is always for muddling through, in the direction of progress. But it seems that we’ve finally reached a peak, a major turning point.

Justin: So, what have you done to protect your wealth?

Doug: At the beginning of the year, I took all my original capital out of cryptos, plus 150% profits. I also took profits on crypto stocks. I got in late, and out a bit late. But it was a happy experience.

Read moreDoug Casey on Why Gold Could Go “Hyperbolic”

WORLD’S LARGEST SILVER MINES: Suffer Falling Ore Grades & Rising Costs

WORLD’S LARGEST SILVER MINES: Suffer Falling Ore Grades & Rising Costs:

The world’s two largest silver mines have seen their productivity decline substantially due to falling ore grades and rising costs.  Gone are the days when silver mines could produce silver at 15-20 ounces per ton.  Today, the Primary Silver Mining Industry is likely producing silver at an average yield of 4-5 ounces per ton.

In my newest video, I discuss the changes that have taken place in the world’s two largest silver mines, the Cannington Mine in Australia and the Fresnillo Mine in Mexico.  Falling ore grades and rising energy costs have contributed to the doubling and tripling of production costs at many silver mining companies.  Investors who believe it still only costs $5 an ounce to produce silver, as it did in 1999, fail to grasp what is taking place in the silver mining industry:

A big problem that has confused investors is the reporting of the “CASH COST” metric by the mining industry.  Some silver mining companies can brag that they have a very low cast cost of $5 an ounce, but they arrive at that figure by deducting their “by-product credits.”  By-product credits are the revenues they receive from producing copper, zinc, lead, and gold along with their silver.

Read moreWORLD’S LARGEST SILVER MINES: Suffer Falling Ore Grades & Rising Costs

Whistleblower claims accountants turned a blind eye to Dubai firm he says painted 5 tons of gold to look like silver

Whistleblower claims accountants turned a blind eye to Dubai firm he says painted 5 tons of gold to look like silver:

  • An E&Y whistleblower claims his former employer is guilty of suppressing information about money laundering and other wrongdoing in its audit of a Dubai gold company.
  • Amjad Rihan is suing his former employer and has accused E&Y of continuing to work with Kaloti group after he blew the whistle in 2014.
  • Kaloti group is accused of painting gold bars silver to avoid export restrictions and of doing business with organisations listed by US authorities as fronts for terrorism and organised crime, according to documents filed in the high court.
  • E&Y and Kaloti group have denied any wrongdoing.

LONDON — Big Four consulting firm Ernst & Young (E&Y) has been accused of “unlawful, unprofessional, and unethical” behaviour relating to its audit of a Dubai gold company accused of money laundering and buying gold from conflict zones.

The allegations were made in documents, seen by the Guardian, filed in the high court by lawyers acting for Amjad Rihan, a former E&Y partner who blew the whistle on the alleged scandal in 2014.

Read moreWhistleblower claims accountants turned a blind eye to Dubai firm he says painted 5 tons of gold to look like silver

The 2018 Stock Market Bubble vs. Gold & Silver

The 2018 Stock Market Bubble vs. Gold & Silver:

The U.S. Stock Market is reaching its biggest bubble in history.  When the price of the Dow Jones Index only moves in one direction… UP, it is setting up for one heck of a crash.  While market corrections aren’t fun for investors’ portfolios, they are NECESSARY.  However, it seems that corrections are no longer allowed to take place because if they did, then the tremendous leverage in the market might turn a normal correction into panic selling and a meltdown on the exchanges.

So, we continue to see the Dow Jones Index hit new record highs, as it moved up 765 points since the beginning of the year.  Now, if w go back to 1981 when the Dow was trading about 800 points, it took five years to double itself by another 800 points.  However, the Dow Jones Index just added 765 points in less than two weeks.  It doesn’t matter if the (1) point increase in the Dow Jones today is insignificant compared to a (1) point increase in 1981, investors feel rich when the numbers are increasing in a BIG WAY.

Read moreThe 2018 Stock Market Bubble vs. Gold & Silver

WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT SILVER [& Andy Hoffman] (Video)

My view: HERE.


Bitcoin: The Greatest Story Ever Sold

Evidence points to Bitcoin being an NSA-engineered psyop to roll out one-world digital currency

EXPOSED: The real creator of Bitcoin is likely the NSA as One World Currency

If you are interested on what Mike Krieger & Andy Hoffman are thinking now, watch this:

Mike Krieger & Andy Hoffman: Bitcoin, Crypto Assets and Decentralization (Video)


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100 Billion Reasons To Have Non-Reportable Assets

100 Billion Reasons To Have Non-Reportable Assets:

In early March 1938 in a dusty corner of the Arabian desert, Max Steineke finally had the breakthrough he was hoping for.

Steineke was the chief geologist for the California Arabian Standard Oil Company (CASOC), a venture owned by what we know today as Chevron.

And he hadn’t had a lot of success despite years of effort.

Steinke was convinced that massive oil reserves were beneath the sands. He just couldn’t find any.

Read more100 Billion Reasons To Have Non-Reportable Assets

Analyzing the Mainstream Analysts: Are SLV Holdings Really Plummeting?

Analyzing the Mainstream Analysts: Are SLV Holdings Really Plummeting?:

It was a headline designed for shock value. The title screamed, Investors Dumping SLV at Fastest Pace in 6 Years!

The headline came from Bloomberg, the epitome of “mainstream” news in my opinion. The article reported that investors were “dumping” holdings in SLV, the largest silver exchange-traded fund. They claimed the silver market had been “hit by a gale force, spurring an exit from ETFs backed by the metal.”

H/t reader squodgy:

“The zionist MSM disinfo machine at full speed….Bloomberg.”

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THE UNKNOWN FUNDAMENTAL: This Will Push The Silver Price Up Much Higher

THE UNKNOWN FUNDAMENTAL: This Will Push The Silver Price Up Much Higher

H/t reader Squodgy:

“Since all the initial scaremongering after the 2008 crash, gold & silver prices have generally been depressed by daily manipulations on behalf of the banksters.
Consequently the ensuing nine years have given little comfort to those hopeful their investment, whether real or paper will prove fruitful.
This analysis goes a long way to explain why and also why it will all change, not because of industrial supply and demand, but because of the coming energy crisis, as oil starts to go up, so does silver.”

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Why Precious Metals Are The Better LONG-TERM Store Of Value Over Bitcoin

Full article here:

Why Precious Metals Are The Better LONG-TERM Store Of Value Over Bitcoin:

Many precious metals investors are starting to question whether gold and silver are still the best store of wealth in the future.  The reason Alternative Media community is starting to have doubts about their gold and silver investments is due to the rapidly rising value of the cryptocurrency market.  Also, a number of precious metals analysts have jumped ship and are now only supporting the cryptocurrencies as the next best thing since sliced bread.

While some precious metals analysts now believe that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are the better assets to own in the future rather than gold and silver, I do not belong to that group or mindset.  I differ from these analysts based upon my energy analysis.  Unfortunately, these analysts that promote cryptocurrencies as the “New” digital assets of the future, are ignorant about the Falling EROI – Energy Returned On Investment, or are clueless to the dire energy predicament the world is facing.

Read moreWhy Precious Metals Are The Better LONG-TERM Store Of Value Over Bitcoin

Tom Cloud’s Precious Metals Investing & Updates (September 27, 2017 – Video)

H/t reader squodgy:

“Now this is a natural and logical development.

Up to now the value of Bitcoin etc has never made sense to me, mainly because of its ethereal unbacked nature.

Backing these with precious metals gives them legitimacy.”

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