Doug Casey on Why Gold Could Go “Hyperbolic”

Doug Casey on Why Gold Could Go “Hyperbolic”:

Justin’s note: Volatility has come storming back.

Just look at the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), which measures how volatile investors expect the market to be over the next 30 days.

It’s up 89% since the start of the year. Last week, it hit the highest level since 2016.

Investors aren’t used to this. After all, last year was the least volatile year ever for U.S. stocks. That lulled many investors to sleep. It led them to take risks they would normally never take.

Now, those same people are wondering what to do. They aren’t sure if this is just a run-of-the-mill pullback…or the start of something much worse.

To help answer this question, I called up Doug Casey. I knew he would have an interesting take on this matter…


Justin: Doug, U.S. stocks took a beating recently. Where do you see things going from here?

Doug: Well, I hate to make a firm prediction of timing. The fact that things have held together, against all odds, since 2009, has underlined the old saying about just because something is inevitable doesn’t mean it’s imminent. Predictions of disaster, and all these things unwinding, have been wrong over the last half a decade. And the smart bet is always for muddling through, in the direction of progress. But it seems that we’ve finally reached a peak, a major turning point.

Justin: So, what have you done to protect your wealth?

Doug: At the beginning of the year, I took all my original capital out of cryptos, plus 150% profits. I also took profits on crypto stocks. I got in late, and out a bit late. But it was a happy experience.

Read moreDoug Casey on Why Gold Could Go “Hyperbolic”

Doug Casey Warns “Every American Needs To Be Concerned Right Now”

Doug Casey Warns “Every American Needs To Be Concerned Right Now”:

Authored by Doug Casey via,

Editor’s Note: This weekend, we’re sharing a must-read essay from Casey Research founder Doug Casey.

Doug says the odds are high that the U.S. is going into a time of troubles “at least as bad as any experienced in any advanced country in the last century.”

In short, every American needs to be concerned right now. Today and tomorrow, Doug will share his thoughts on this coming crisis… and explain why it will be much worse—and last much longer—than people expect…

Making The Chicken Run, Part 1

“Making the chicken run” is what Rhodesians used to say about neighbors who packed up and got out during the ’60s and ’70s, before the place became Zimbabwe. It was considered “unpatriotic” to leave Rhodesia. But it was genuinely idiotic not to.

I’ve written many times about the importance of internationalizing your assets, your mode of living, and your way of thinking. I suspect most readers have treated those articles as they might a travelogue to some distant and exotic land: interesting fodder for cocktail party chatter, but basically academic and of little immediate personal relevance.

Read moreDoug Casey Warns “Every American Needs To Be Concerned Right Now”

Doug Casey: “Right now, we are exiting the eye of the giant financial hurricane that we entered in 2007”

Doug Casey on Making the Most of Your Personal Freedom and Financial Opportunity Around the World:

(Editor’s Note: This is Doug Casey’s foreword to Casey Research’s Handbook for Surviving the Coming Financial Crisis.)

Right now, we are exiting the eye of the giant financial hurricane that we entered in 2007, and we’re going into its trailing edge.

It’s going to be much more severe, different, and longer lasting than what we saw in 2008 and 2009.

Read moreDoug Casey: “Right now, we are exiting the eye of the giant financial hurricane that we entered in 2007”

8 Financial Experts That Are Warning That A Great Financial Crisis Is Imminent

Related info:

SHEMITAH EXPOSED: Financial Crisis Planned For September 2015 (Video)


8 Financial Experts That Are Warning That A Great Financial Crisis Is Imminent (Economic Collapse, Aug 4, 2015):

Will there be a financial collapse in the United States before the end of 2015?  An increasing number of respected financial experts are now warning that we are right on the verge of another great economic crisis.  Of course that doesn’t mean that it will happen.  Experts have been wrong before.  But without a doubt, red flags are popping up all over the place and things are lining up in textbook fashion for a new financial crisis.  As I write this article, U.S. stocks have declined four days in a row, the Dow is down more than 750 points from the peak of the market in May, and one out of every five U.S. stocks is already in a bear market.  I fully expect the next several months to be extremely chaotic, and I am far from alone.

The following are 8 financial experts that are warning that a great financial crisis is imminent…

Read more8 Financial Experts That Are Warning That A Great Financial Crisis Is Imminent