8 Financial Experts That Are Warning That A Great Financial Crisis Is Imminent

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8 Financial Experts That Are Warning That A Great Financial Crisis Is Imminent (Economic Collapse, Aug 4, 2015):

Will there be a financial collapse in the United States before the end of 2015?  An increasing number of respected financial experts are now warning that we are right on the verge of another great economic crisis.  Of course that doesn’t mean that it will happen.  Experts have been wrong before.  But without a doubt, red flags are popping up all over the place and things are lining up in textbook fashion for a new financial crisis.  As I write this article, U.S. stocks have declined four days in a row, the Dow is down more than 750 points from the peak of the market in May, and one out of every five U.S. stocks is already in a bear market.  I fully expect the next several months to be extremely chaotic, and I am far from alone.

The following are 8 financial experts that are warning that a great financial crisis is imminent…

Read more8 Financial Experts That Are Warning That A Great Financial Crisis Is Imminent

Keiser Report: Deadly Sales (Video)



Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the hell (of a profit) to be made by killing a man – and his family – as Lockheed Martin assures analysts from Deutsche Bank there is enough fear of war to maintain its deadly sales. In the second half, Max interviews Swiss banker, Egon von Greyerz about QE, gold and the economic and financial disasters wrought by central banks.

Read moreKeiser Report: Deadly Sales (Video)

Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management: ‘A Hyperinflationary Deluge Is Imminent’, And Why, Therefore, Bernanke’s Motto Is ‘Après Nous Le Déluge’

Apres Nous, Le Deluge

Happy days are here again! Stock markets are strong, company profits are up, bankers are making record profits and bonuses, unemployment is declining, and inflation is non-existent. Obama and Bernanke are the dream team making the US into the Superpower it once was.

Yes, it is amazing the castles in the air that can be built with paper money and deceitful manipulation of all economic data.  And Madame Bernanke de Pompadour will do anything to keep King Louis XV Obama happy, including flooding markets with unlimited amounts of printed money. They both know that, in their holy alliance, they are committing a cardinal sin. But clinging to power is more important than the good of the country.  An economic and social disaster is imminent for the US and a major part of the world and Bernanke de Pompadour and Louis XV Obama are praying that it won’t happen during their reign: “Après nous le déluge”. (Warm thanks to my good friend the artist Leo Lein).

Moral and financial decadence

A deluge of an unprecedented magnitude is both inevitable and imminent. The consequences of the economic and political mismanagement will have a devastating impact on the world for a very long time. And the consequences will touch most corners of the world in so many different areas; economic, financial, social, political and geopolitical. The adjustment that the world will undergo in the next decade or longer, will be of such colossal magnitude that life will be very different for coming generations compared to the current social, financial and moral decadence. But history always gives us lessons and the one that is coming will be necessary and eventually good for the world. But the transition and adjustment will be extremely traumatic for most of us.

Read moreEgon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management: ‘A Hyperinflationary Deluge Is Imminent’, And Why, Therefore, Bernanke’s Motto Is ‘Après Nous Le Déluge’