Keiser Report: Deadly Sales (Video)



Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the hell (of a profit) to be made by killing a man – and his family – as Lockheed Martin assures analysts from Deutsche Bank there is enough fear of war to maintain its deadly sales. In the second half, Max interviews Swiss banker, Egon von Greyerz about QE, gold and the economic and financial disasters wrought by central banks.

As a side note:

Cancer drugs are NOT extending your life expectancy. They are in fact killing you. (See links on chemo down below.)

The Gerson Therapy has an extremely high success rate in healing cancer.

The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses Price: $11.18

If you combine it with the Hippocrates Diet from Ann Wigmore your results will be – in my opinion – even better:

The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program Price: $12.29

Hippocrates LifeForce Price: $11.91

Soak Your Nuts: Cleansing With Karyn: Detox Secrets for Inner Healing and Outer Beauty Price: $16.17

On the importance of iodine, which is very important in the Gerson Therapy (Lugol’s solution) and in the Hippocrates Diet (seaweed, which I do not recommend anymore because of pollution):

The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life Price: $14.14

Juicing, enemas/colonics, parasite cleanses, rebuilding the intestinal flora and (some important) supplements are the keys to cure cancer.

 In summary:

Optimal nutrition combined with optimal detoxification is THE CURE.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
– Hippocrates

* * *

On chemotherapy:

Take a close look at the cancer drug 5-Fluoracil and then try to explain how that poison can possibly heal cancer.

Here is some historic background:

Dr. Louis Bullock, president of the Los Angeles branch of the American Cancer Society touted the new cancer drug 5-Fluoracil as “one of the most effective drugs used to treat and control cancer”, stating that they ‘safely’ gave cancer patients 150 to 500 mg of fluoride a day”, and that “it strengthened the bones”. [Yet, the 1965 Modern Drug Encyclopedia and Therapeutic Index Pharmaceuticals, Biologicals and Allergens contains a three-column listing of disasterous effects from 5-Fluoracil, one of them being “fatalities may be encountered occasionally in patients in relatively good condition”. In March 31, 1972, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner headlined a story “Scientist Hots Cancer Drug ‘Overkill’ “, which stated that 5-Fluoracil as a cancer treatment represents a case of classic overkill which does more harm than the cancer itself.” In other words, Bullock was either naive or he lied at the July 21, 1966 meeting ]. See 1969 LA Times.

Well, and here is the ugly truth:

“Fluoride causes more human cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.”
– Dean Burk, Chief Chemist Emeritus, US National Cancer Institute

Dr. Dean Burk Former Head Of National Cancer Institute Research: ‘Fluoridated Water Amounts To Public Murder On A Grand Scale’ (Video)

Fluoride makes people docile, infertile and gives them cancer. With about 70% of the public drinking water being fluoridated in the U.S. it is safe to say that TPTB turned the U.S. into one big concentration camp. This is genocide!

More info:

US Scientists Find That Chemotherapy Boosts Cancer Growth

Study: Chemotherapy Actually Increases Cancer Growth, Cancer Cells Becoming Resistant To Treatment

Chemotherapy Backfires Causes Healthy Cells To Feed Growth Of Cancer Tumors

Chemotherapy And Radiotherapy Make Cancer More Malignant (Video)

Study: Chemotherapy Can Backfire And Boost Cancer Growth (AFP)

Steve Jobs Dead At 56, His Life Ended Prematurely By Chemotherapy And Radiotherapy For Cancer

New Documentary ‘Cut Poison Burn’ Exposes Cancer Industry’s Death Agenda (Official Trailer)

Former Model Battles Breast Cancer With Diet Changes; Refuses Chemo And Surgery; Tumor Is Breaking Down

Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation … Brain Tumors Reappear … 8-Year Old Girl Given Weeks To Live, Shrinks Cancer Tumors By 75 % With Diet (Video)

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