“Everyone Is Afraid Ahead Of The Open”: Reddit-Raiders Spark Nationwide Physical Silver Shortage

Let’s just see what will happen next week.

I’ve been telling you for all these years…

Got gold & silver?

Only physical gold and silver are real, everything else will turn out to be an illusion.

Once gold and silver start to explode higher & skyrocket you will not be able to buy the real (physical) stuff.

Never store your gold & silver with the banksters (i. e. in a safe deposit box).

(If you think that you are smart, because you have stored it in a vault in Singapore and/or Switzerland, then you have IMHO greatly underestimated TPTB. Best of luck!)

You can’t eat gold & silver, therefore you need lots of food supplies, water and survival gear (and a safe place).

The Ecstasy of SILVER

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Bill Gates Aghast Over ‘Crazy And Evil Conspiracy Theories’ About He And Fauci, Hints At Social Media Censorship – Flashback: Bill Gates admits on video that the #COVID19 vaccine will CHANGE your DNA FOREVER (MUST-WATCH VIDEO) & Inventor of the PCR Test Kary B. Mullis on Anthony Fauci (MUST-WATCH VIDEO)

Bill Gates admits on video that the #COVID19 vaccine will CHANGE your DNA FOREVER (Video):


And about Fauci…

Inventor of the PCR Test Kary B. Mullis on Anthony Fauci (MUST-WATCH VIDEO)

The Nobel Laureate inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, died at the age of 74 back in August of 2019.

And for those who still read books and not just headlines…

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Virginia Task Force Drops Gang Database After Complaints It Has Too Many Minorities In It – A tolerant country needs tolerant databases…

You really can’t make this stuff up!


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Lies, Lies And Then Some More Lies: Matt Hancock tells Britons they can expect ‘a happy and free great British summer’ THIS YEAR thanks to Covid vaccine rollout

#TheGreatReset, #Agenda21, #NWO…

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Biden Plagiarizes Again After Bloomberg Points Out Virus Plan Is Basically Trump’s – “What we’re seeing here is them marching through the playbook of Operation Warp Speed…”

Different here today, gone tomorrow Illuminati puppet…

…same Illuminati agenda…

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Reddit Preparing To Unleash “World’s Biggest Short Squeeze” In Silver

I’ve told you from the beginning of I. U. to buy gold and silver (50/50)…

…with silver being my personal favorite.

Those who personally know me remember that I highly recommended gold even before 2001 (long before I started I. U.).

Financial/economic collapse is planned by TPTB.

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Biden Attacks Farms – Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply – Engineered Famine (Video)


The Biden admin’s executive actions in the last 48 hours are attacking farms and implementing the technocratic takeover of food, accelerating a global collapse in food production by paying farmers NOT to grow food, cutting their financial support, tasking Tom Vilsack’s USDA with a Net-Zero goal, changing COVID guidance on grocery stores, restaurants, and meatpacking plants.

Meanwhile, the media is finally acknowledging the soybean shortage, and the US is now also experiencing a fertilizer shortage, which will further increase costs and cause yields will collapse.

As other countries stop exporting to protect domestic supplies, the US has been wholly sold out. This confluence of issues and cascading failures merits our attention urgently — start growing food today.

FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/01/…




Skull & Bones Member John Kerry reveals Biden’s devotion to radical ‘Great Reset’ movement: “And yes, it [the Great Reset] will happen,” Kerry continued. “And I think it will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine.

– Remember When Joe Biden Said “You Can’t Legislate By Executive Orders Unless You’re A Dictator”


Why did Obama nationalize the U.S. food supply with executive order 13603?

The US Has No Strategic Grain Reserves – Feed/Seed Shortages (Video)

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George Galloway: SOME OF US AREN’T WOKE | But we are awake and not standing for the BBC trying to teach our young children that there are 99 genders. Most people don’t accept that. And it’s not the job of the Beeb to teach our children about sex, that’s the parents’ job.

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Satanist Insider: Goal Is 70% Depopulation By 2030


Satanist Goal is 70% Depopulation by 2030 – Insider:

Don asks: “Sounds like zero hope reading your postings lately. Evil has won. Anything to the contrary is fantasy and hopium. Since you have a frequent contributor named Aloysius Fozdyke who alerted the world to satanist control in 2010, why not invite him to tell us what is next and ask him why the Satanists haven’t come out in the open since they have clearly defeated the creator. We are supposedly powerless to resist so what are they waiting for?”
Fozdyke replies:  “The engineered and long-term deaths, poverty, social disorder, economic depression and currency collapse will be blamed on mutant cartoon viruses. The solutions are ours; the decisions are always yours.”
“Our Solutions – Your Decisions”
by Aloysius Fozdyke
What’s happening is depopulation. The figures were given by [my mentor, Frater] Narsagonan, as well as our timelines: 70% population reduction by 2030. We continue to use Paradigm Magick. If you can change or substitute a paradigm, then things change in the real world.
“All governments count on their sheeple to respond in typical infantile fashions, including unconsciously identifying with a more powerful force; even if it enslaves, brutalizes and humiliates them.”
On any objective assessment, there are too many “useless eaters”, many of whom are sick or ‘scrapings from the bottom of the gene pool’. Global human population is out of control. The games have begun! The elderly and chronically sick – in that order. After that, economics will cull the rest.
Medications will run out. That’s not insider information, that’s just obvious, given the state of supply-lines in just about everything – internationally. Catastrophic comes close. The engineered and long-term deaths, poverty, social disorder, economic depression and currency collapse will be blamed on mutant cartoon viruses. The solutions are ours; the decisions are always yours.
Freedoms were taken away by the salami method – a slice at a time. There’s so few and inconsequential freedoms left that it doesn’t really matter. When we tell you and your family to get on the cattle trains, you will. Your future, together with your pension and superannuation funds await their transformation. Solve et coagula!  [Dissolve & coagulate]
Our law is the law of the strong and the joy of the world. It’s predation consecrated. The young are mostly ours already and the rest don’t care, so there’s no way we can lose. Our solutions are brutal but work quickly. Fiefdom instead of freedom. The demonic instead of the democratic. We work with thrones, not throngs.
The western world has really settled into the new order and are getting ready to sell out to Chinese investors. This is how it’s done! Essentially, totalitarianism has finally been imposed and joyously accepted. Australians are ready, indeed anxious, to live in a Chinese Special Economic Zone. The new Empire is Chinese and Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians have their deserved place in that empire. None of these countries ever experienced a revolution, so they still have colonial mindsets which will make their handovers easier.
‘The Lord is my shepherd’ and like all good shepherds he eventually leads his sheep to the slaughterhouse. That’s what shepherds do, and that time is now! Even the churches have been neutered.
Internationally, America is a basket-case – with its mongrelized, uneducated population (possessing attention spans shorter than their pubes); ghost cities burning and unpayable debt. ‘Land of the free and the home of the brave’; don’t make me belly-laugh sardonically!
Satan is merely one of the innumerable names for the deity we worship. He is humanity’s true saviour, as will be seen through the deeds of His willing co-workers: that, “I may one day walk with Satan; in His world, with His bride; And that I may become greater than the mortal I am leaving behind; the mortal which must die that a God may be born!”
First Comment from Tony B
Do not dismiss the below article as a joke or wishful thinking.  As long as Henry Makow has been regularly posting this bragging satanist’s writings he has almost always been proven correct in his predictions.  He is apparently fairly high up in the devil’s army against God.
The depopulation mentioned has already started even though few have been willing to notice it.  A vast number of people around the world have already taken the Bill Gates/WHO/Fauci/et.al. shot of synthetic pathogen which has inserted foreign substances as part of every cell of their bodies.  It will now only take a normal cold or other common demand on the system for their immune system to kill THE BODY, thinking it is just killing the unnatural elements now in every cell.  This is not fear mongering, this is FACT, as presented by honest medical people who have refused to be bribed.
Still, this Satanist has a major flaw in his over confident beliefs.  He actually thinks that Satan, the creature, has overcome God, the creator.  Foolish to an unbelievable degree but not that uncommon today.
However, God will not stop the devil’s operations to destroy human life as well as proper world order UNLESS masses of people gain the necessary true sense to RETURN TO HIM, ASK FORGIVENESS FOR THEIR FORSAKING OF HIM AND OBEY HIS DICTATES FROM THAT DAY ON.
When so many of those close to God have repeatedly said that use of the Rosary of the Virgin Mary by masses of people is the most powerful weapon on earth they are only advising what real history has long proven.  I have discovered personally that to do so with honest intent can turn things around overnight.  Even for others not even aware of its use.  No doubt about it.
But the English speaking nations especially have been living pagan lives while mis-calling themselves Christians for too many centuries.  When only a small minority properly submit themselves to God, they will be slaughtered along with the scoffers, although with a very different final destination.  No English speaking nation, thanks to those centuries of insane protestantism, a weak pretence of do-as-you-please Christianity, will survive.  What the same satanist mode of operations did to Russia is in process already in all these nations.
In the U.S. Trump was our Kerensky (and now Biden somewhat) to be followed with full force mass murder when the self-chosen fully take over.  One who keeps track has already written that every last Biden appointee is a talmudic/satanic member of that tribe of Jews, as was basically true in the Soviet.
NO HOPE remains to us except that necessary MASSIVE PROPER, HONEST return to God.

Read moreSatanist Insider: Goal Is 70% Depopulation By 2030

Secret File On Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten, The German Virologist Who Is Responsible For The PCR Protocol To Detect #COVID19 (Video)

#COVID1984, #Plandemic, #Agenda21, #TheGreatReset, #NWO…


See also:

Inventor of the PCR Test Kary B. Mullis on Anthony Fauci (MUST-WATCH VIDEO)

The PCR Deception (Listen To The Inventor Of The PCR Test Kary B. Mullis And Others – MUST-WATCH VIDEO)

Inventor of the PCR Test Kary B. Mullis (Video – German Subtitles)

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Robinhood Caps Maximum Holdings In 36 Stocks To Just One Share – FedEx is storing thousands of body bags (Video) – A DELETED BILL GATES DOCUMENTARY HAS BEEN REVIVED (VIDEO) – Bill Gates: We must prepare for the next pandemic like we prepare for war – 130K Dislikes Removed From White House YouTube Channel in 24 Hours (Video) – Tulsi Gabbard Warns Against the Danger of New ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Laws – Biden’s ‘Diverse’ Cabinet, Anti-Semitism, Proud Boys Fed | Know More News LIVE (Video)




H/t reader Squodgy:

“Please forgive this heresy but, a total official CoVid deaths claim of 102,000 divided by a total infection of 3.72 million or 3,720,000 works out at .000274% of those infected. Not of the population! Coincidentally that is, over the same period almost equivalent to the average annual Flu deaths tally over the past ten years, and very strangely this last year’s flu deaths crashed to almost zero per the World Health Organisation. These figures do NOT qualify CoVid as a Pandemic on which to destroy business & livelihoods. Equally disturbing is the fact that a Portuguese Court just ruled the test for infections, the PCR test is 100% unreliable, as its inventor also claimed. Equally disturbing is the Governments inclusion as CoVid deaths all those who died following the NHS withdrawal of primary care since Lockdown i.e. Lockdown deaths.

In other words, COVID is a smokescreen through which the establishment will, unless checked, will most certainly destroy society and cull the population, either by vaccine, starvation, suicide, poverty, rioting, violence, civil war, tax hikes and pestilence.”

130K Dislikes Removed From White House YouTube Channel in 24 Hours


Biden’s ‘Diverse’ Cabinet, Anti-Semitism, Proud Boys Fed | Know More News LIVE


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Vladimir Putin (Virtual Meeting Of The World Economic Forum – Jan 27, 2021 – Video): World Risks “Fight Of All Against All” In “Grim Dystopia” Amid Growing Crises – “the situation might develop unpredictably and uncontrollably if we sit on our hands doing nothing to avoid it… that might result in a fight of all against all”

And here is an article (in German) about Xi Jinping in Davos:

Die milliardenschwere Linke verneigt sich in Davos vor Xi Jinping:

Nicht umsonst ist Xi Jinping, Präsident der Volksrepublik China und Generalsekretär der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas, Ehrengast der 51. Sitzung des Davoser Forums.

Der chinesische kommunistische Generalsekretär eröffnete das Forum mit einer triumphalen Rede, die von klarem Weltführerschaftsanspruch zeugt. Er brüstete sich damit, die einzige Wirtschaft zu sein, die trotz der Pandemie gewachsen sei, und prophezeite, dass „die Welt nicht mehr so sein wird, wie sie vorher war“.

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A Mystery Guest Just Booked All 446 Rooms At An Iconic Canadian Lodge For 65 Days


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Beijing Uses Anal Swabs To Detect COVID-19 Strains – Tony Blair: “Inevitable” Global Vaccine Passports Should Be Implemented Now


#COVID1984, #NWO…

Read moreBeijing Uses Anal Swabs To Detect COVID-19 Strains – Tony Blair: “Inevitable” Global Vaccine Passports Should Be Implemented Now

GameStop Squeeze Was Helped By 34 Year Old YouTubing CFA Who Turned $50,000 Into $48 Million – A Major Bank Publishes A List Of Shorts That Will Surge Next – “This Is For You, Dad”: Redditor Shares Heartbreaking Reason For Destroying Short-Sellers In WSB Raids (“I’ll burn it all down just to spite them”) – Cash-Strapped Robinhood Scrambles To Raise $1 Billion From The Rich – ‘Highly-Shorted’ Stocks Slammed As WallStreetBets Reddit Site Goes Down For Some – SEC Publishes Statement On Short Squeeze Insanity, “Will Protect Investors From Manipulative Trading” – Crypto Restricted On Robinhood After Musk Comments Spike Bitcoin – Bitcoin Soars 15% On Elon Musk Tweet – GME Soars 75% After-Hours, Erases Losses After Liquidity-Constrained Robinhood Lifts Trading Ban – DogeCoin Up 800%; WallStreetBets, Elon Musk Involved

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Commerzbank Fires One-Third Of German Bankers – Democrats Introduce Senate Bill To Make D.C. The 51st State – The Dollar’s Reserve Currency Status Won’t Last Forever – Explosion Reported Near Israeli Embassy In New Delhi – NYC To Reopen Indoor Dining; Dr. Fauci Says Vaccine Makers Must Keep Up With Mutating Virus – Newspeak In The 21st Century: How To Become A Model Citizen In The New Era Of Domestic Warfare – Putin Declares Virus “Slowly Receding” In Russia Amid Sputnik V Mass Vaccination Campaign – US Outraged After Pakistan’s Top Court Frees Islamist Who Beheaded Journalist Daniel Pearl

So every 6 months another killer vaccine shot?…

So it’s only 50% effective in suppressing symptoms, but it’s still 100% harmful to your health, just like the others…

Fauci is not wrong, just evil…

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Here’s Antony Blinken, Biden’s Secretary of State pick, speaking at the 2015 AJC Global Forum, boasting about how the US stood with Israel against human rights resolutions at the UN: “We will continue to stand with Israel…even if we are the only country on Earth to do so.”

Joe Biden on Shalom TV: ‘I am a ZIONIST’:

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