“Painstakingly Detailed” EU Brexit Document Demands UK Payment For Everything

“Painstakingly Detailed” EU Brexit Document Demands UK Payment For Everything:

Brexit without a signed agreement looks increasingly likely as I suggested all along.

EU documents reveal “Painstaking Brexit Detail” down to the smallest item demanded by every nation.

The document also demands arbitration by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). These are both non-starters from the UK side. 

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Russian Warship, Submarine Fire Four Cruise Missiles At ISIS Targets In Syria

Russian Warship, Submarine Fire Four Cruise Missiles At ISIS Targets In Syria:

A Russian warship and submarine fired four cruise missiles from the eastern Mediterranean at Islamic State targets near the Syrian city of Palmyra, the Defense Ministry said on Wednesday, as reported by CNN and Reuters. The strikes targeted militant ISIS “shelters” east of the ancient city, which housed heavy equipment and militant troops.

H/t reader Squodgy:

“I bet they thought that because Vlad publicly ithdrew from Syria, they had free reign to re-group.

Ha ha!”

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Comey To Testify Publicly That “Trump Did Push Him To End” Flynn’s Russia Probe

Comey To Testify Publicly That “Trump Did Push Him To End” Flynn’s Russia Probe:

The showdown between Donald Trump and James Comey will be televized after all. The former FBI director plans to testify publicly in the Senate as early as next week to confirm bombshell accusations that President Donald Trump “pushed Comey to end his investigation into a top Trump aide’s ties to Russia“, CNN reports.

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George Soros is funding European NGOs, mainly German, which are acting as taxi service for human traffickers by transporting Muslim invaders from just off the coast of Libya to Italy

European NGOs, mainly German, are acting as taxi service for human traffickers by transporting Muslim invaders from just off the coast of Libya to Italy

George Soros has given USD $500 million to fund these NGOs in order to flood Europe with as many Muslim freeloaders, rapists, and jihadists as possible. Just 2.65% of invaders to Italy are real refugees and only about 10% of that number are Syrian refugees.

H/t reader kevin a.

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SKYSCRATCH: Coherent Documentary Links “Contrails” to Climate Engineering

SKYSCRATCH: Coherent Documentary Links “Contrails” to Climate Engineering:

Harvard Scientists Moving Ahead on Plans for Atmospheric Geoengineering Experiments

A look at Media fear-mongering to convince public drastic geoengineering methods are necessary to mitigate “climate change”.


A sober look at history weather and climate have always been changing.
(1) Local network affiliate meteorologists report jets spraying aluminum particles in the atmosphere. (2) A segment on a BBC documentary on global dimming – a mysterious reduction in amount of sunlight reaching earth’s surface.

H/t reader Squodgy:

“I wonder what they’ll conjure up to stop global cooling?”

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Islamists from Across Europe Moving to UK for ‘Freedom’ to Practice Radical Islam

Report: Islamists from Across Europe Moving to UK for ‘Freedom’ to Practice Radical Islam:

A growing number of radical Muslims are flocking to move from France to Britain, where generous welfare payments, lack of scrutiny from the authorities, and the ease with which families can practice strict Islam have earned the UK a reputation as a halal paradise for Salafists who are unable to secure visas for Saudi Arabia.

French newspaper L’Obs reports that Small Heath, a neighbourhood of Birmingham where 95 per cent of residents practise Islam, is one of the most popular spots for French Muslims seeking a new home where women can wear the full face veil. The garment has been banned since 2010 in France.

Read moreIslamists from Across Europe Moving to UK for ‘Freedom’ to Practice Radical Islam

CNN Terminates Kathy Griffin After Trump Rages At “Sick” Comedian’s Stunt

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CNN Terminates Kathy Griffin After Trump Rages At “Sick” Comedian’s Stunt:

Update 2: CNN pulled the plug on Griffin…

Her partner for the New Year’s Eve shows, Andersoin Cooper, had already disowned her…

Read moreCNN Terminates Kathy Griffin After Trump Rages At “Sick” Comedian’s Stunt

FBI Knew Salman Abedi Was Plotting Attack & Warned UK Who Took No Action to Stop It

FBI Knew Salman Abedi Was Plotting Attack & Warned UK Who Took No Action to Stop It:

According to a security source, the FBI told MI5 that Abedi was part of a North African Islamic State cell plotting to strike a political target in the UK. MI5 even claimed to ‘investigate’ it, but did not act, paving the way for the Manchester bombing.

Manchester, UK — The massive Western police state, that is seemingly expanding at an exponential rate, is there to protect us — or so we are told. However, all the spying, phone call intercepts, spied on emails, facial scanners, CCTV cameras, and loss of freedoms did not stop Salman Abedi from murdering innocent people by detonating a bomb inside the Manchester Arena. What’s more, as we are now finding out, British intelligence was warned ahead of time that Abedi was plotting a terror attack in the UK — and they did absolutely nothing to stop it.

Read moreFBI Knew Salman Abedi Was Plotting Attack & Warned UK Who Took No Action to Stop It

New Tumor Evidence Found in Confidential Glyphosate Data

New Tumor Evidence Found in Confidential Glyphosate Data:

Major news on the glyphosate front: the first ever independent analysis of the complete confidential data set sent by industry to the EU for the re-licensing of glyphosate shows EFSA and ECHA’s safety assessment would have failed to identify several cases of tumors and cancer following an exposure to the substance. It is high time the complete data set is published in full to enable scrutiny by the scientific community.

Source: corporateeurope.org

According to Christopher Portier, a leading environmental health and carcinogenicity specialist 1 who has been actively defending the IARC assessment in the glyphosate re-licensing process in the EU, the public agencies who performed the scientific assessment of glyphosate’s toxicity (BfR, EFSA and ECHA) would have failed to identify eight cases of statistically significant increase in tumors following glyphosate exposure in the confidential data set provided by industry.

Read moreNew Tumor Evidence Found in Confidential Glyphosate Data

“It Felt Like An Earthquake”: Huge Bomb Explosion Kills 80 Near Embassies, Military Bases In Afghan Capital

“It Felt Like An Earthquake”: Huge Bomb Explosion Kills 80 Near Embassies, Military Bases In Afghan Capital:

A huge bomb exploded near heavily guarded embassies and military bases in the Afghan capital on Wednesday, killing at least 80 people and wounding more than 300 others, many as they headed to work on foot or in buses, the interior ministry and witnesses said, the WSJ reported. 

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Putin: “Russian Meddling Is A Fiction Democrats Invented To Divert Blame For Their Defeat”

Putin: “Russian Meddling Is A Fiction Democrats Invented To Divert Blame For Their Defeat”:

“They want to explain to themselves and prove to others that they had nothing to do with it, their policy was right, they have done everything well, but someone from the outside cheated them,” he continued. “It’s not so. They simply lost, and they must acknowledge it.”

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Pending Home Sales Crash Most In 3 Years, Hit By “Double Whammy” Of Price, Inventory

Pending Home Sales Crash Most In 3 Years, Hit By “Double Whammy” Of Price, Inventory:

Signed contracts in April tumbled 5.4% YoY (NSA). This is the biggest drop in pending home sales since August 2014 and comes on the back of last week’s disappointing housing ‘recovery’ data as perhaps Fed- and Trump-driven mortgage-rate rises have finally hit the American ‘pocketbook’.

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Shifting the Blame: How US Made Iran Responsible for 9/11

Shifting the Blame: How US Made Iran Responsible for 9/11:

The official U.S. government line is that Iran is the main country responsible for the 9/11 attacks in America. On 9 March 2016, a U.S. civil court ruled that Iran must pay to some victims of the 9/11 attacks $10.5 billion in fines, and the Obama Administration had no comment, so the U.S. press ignored the verdict almost totally. But this verdict was the only official U.S. court ruling thus far about state-sponsorship of the 9/11 attacks, 16 years after the event. It was therefore huge news on 9 March 2016 — it created a precedent, for the U.S. government to allege that Iran had caused the 9/11 attacks and is consequently ‘the number one terrorist state’ (as Israelis have long claimed). But it received very little coverage at the time. 

Read moreShifting the Blame: How US Made Iran Responsible for 9/11

Man Arrested At Trump Hotel Near White House With Glock, Assault Rifle

Man Arrested At Trump Hotel Near White House With Glock, Assault Rifle:

 A man staying at the Trump Hotel in the 1100 block of Pennsylvania Avenue NW, five blocks from the White House, was arrested after guns were found inside his car, D.C. police report according to ABC. Police said he was charged with possession of firearms without a license and illegal possession of ammunition.

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Germany: Just 368 of 8,000 Rejected North African Asylum Seekers Deported in 2016 – #MigrantCrisis

Just 368 of 8,000 Rejected North African Asylum Seekers Deported in 2016:

The German government has taken in tens of thousands of migrants from North Africa over the course of the migrant crisis and of the 8,363 who have been rejected for asylum only 368 were actually deported in 2016.

The German government has released deportation figures for the first 11 months of 2016 and the number of North Africans that have been deported are a fraction of those who have come into the country in the last year. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the agency in charge of processing of asylum claims, has rejected many North Africans, yet they still remain in the country, Die Welt reports.

Read moreGermany: Just 368 of 8,000 Rejected North African Asylum Seekers Deported in 2016 – #MigrantCrisis