You really can't make this stuff up!!!#Sweden to update Pippi Longstocking in new children's story, becoming a Roma migrant and 'warrior against injustice' @PeterSweden7 #MigrantCrisis #Breaking #BreakingNews #Children @AloisIrlmaier @StanM3
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) September 27, 2018
Bloody hell…#Sweden turns Pippi Longstocking into homeless Roma migrant living in Stockholm ghetto
(…when do you Swedes have enough???) #SocialEngineering #Children #Education #MigrantCrisis #Migrants
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) September 27, 2018
Will she also ‘get’ a brown/black horse (paid for by the Swedish government via social benefits) and migrant friends?
What’s next??? (I know I should not ask such a question.)
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