Sweden ruled against a mother (24) of two in favor of her Muslim husband from Iraq and gave full custody to him. She was forced to marry at 13 and raped by him.

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MUST WATCH: This is the video that has the whole of Denmark laughing hysterically at Sweden right now. It’s a Danish TV series where they completely destroy Sweden on political correctness. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Comedy is now turning into reality.

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Sweden sees a massive increase in attacks against women after refugee influx. 47% increase of attempted rapes of girls aged 15-17 yrs old in just a one year period after Sweden took in 162 000 refugees. Even the mainstream media are now talking about it


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#Sweden: aggressive migrant did not get a seat in the tram. He attacks an elderly lady & tries to beat & kick a young woman because she wanted to protect the elderly lady from his aggression. The Swedes will not wake up from this nightmare & they will regret it bitterly.

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NYT Gets Around To Reporting On Sweden’s Immigrant Crime Problem, Leaves Out A Few Key Details Photo of Will Racke

NYT Gets Around To Reporting On Sweden’s Immigrant Crime Problem, Leaves Out A Few Key Details:

  • The New York Times reported Sunday on the increasing problem of immigrant gangs in Sweden
  • TheNYT criticized President Donald Trump for commenting on the problem over a year ago
  • TheNYT took great pains not to mention where the violence was coming from

The New York Times published a report Sunday on Sweden’s growing problem with immigrant gangs — more than a year after the paper chided President Donald Trump for calling attention to the same worrisome development.

Entitled “Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden’s Middle Class,” the report examines how weapons of war and clan-like violence have accompanied an influx of immigrants from certain parts of Europe and the greater Middle East.

Read moreNYT Gets Around To Reporting On Sweden’s Immigrant Crime Problem, Leaves Out A Few Key Details Photo of Will Racke

Swedish Police Officer: “I think we’re going to see…more drive-by shootings with Kalashnikovs & hand grenades…They throw rocks & bottles at our cars & they trick us in an ambush. When will it happen that they ambush us with Kalashnikovs? It’s coming”

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Sweden: Ten Bullet Holes Found in Police Station Attacked Overnight

Sweden has fallen…


Related info:

Sweden: Prime Minister might use the military to get back control from migrant gangs because the police are mocked, attacked and chased away regularly.

Sweden Hell: Armed Migrant Teens Roaming With Kalashnikovs; Military May Be Deployed

Swedish PM: ‘Attack Against Our Democracy’ – Police Station Bombed – 2 BOMBS IN SWEDEN IN 1 DAY!!! – 4 BOMBS IN 5 DAYS!!!

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Sweden: Emergency Calls in Foreign Languages up 34 Per Cent in 2017

Sweden: Emergency Calls in Foreign Languages up 34 Per Cent in 2017:

The number of emergency calls to police and ambulances by people speaking foreign languages rose by 34 per cent in 2017, with Arabic and Somali being the most common.

Sweden saw a total of 7,783 emergency calls made by individuals speaking a language other than Swedish or English in 2017, requiring an even greater need for interpreters, according to SOS Alarm, the group who run the 112 emergency line.

Gunnar Bergström, who is responsible for the 112 emergency line, said: “The caller of SOS Alarm needs to be able to answer two questions: where are you and what has happened? With interpreting help, we get better precision in this in more conversations and reduce the risk of misunderstandings.

Read moreSweden: Emergency Calls in Foreign Languages up 34 Per Cent in 2017

Swedish Left Pushing for ‘Skin Color Registry’ to Weed Out Discrimination

Swedish Left Pushing for ‘Skin Color Registry’ to Weed Out Discrimination:

The Swedish Left Party has urged the Nordic nation’s Statistics Bureau to start collecting data on citizens’ skin color, ethnicity and religion. The decision to do so was taken at the party congress against the will of the party board, national broadcaster SVT reported.

The motion on “equality data” is designed to eliminate discrimination and bias by identifying the vulnerability of different groups. According to the Left MP Daniel Riazat, one of the masterminds behind the motion, there is no problem whatsoever collecting this sort of data based on the grounds of self-identification and anonymity.

“The most important thing is to have evidence when talking about structural discrimination,” Riazat told SVT, brushing aside the risk of the statistics being misused.

Read moreSwedish Left Pushing for ‘Skin Color Registry’ to Weed Out Discrimination

Teen in Sweden Beat Sister with Baseball Bat for Refusing to Wear Islamic Veil

Teen in Sweden Beat Sister with Baseball Bat for Refusing to Wear Islamic Veil:

A 19-year-old man in Sweden has been charged with abuse after he beat his 14-year-old sister with a baseball bat because she refused to wear an Islamic veil.

The young man, who lives in the municipality of Karlskrona, was brought before the Blekinge District Court last week on charges of abuse and assault. He is alleged to have struck his younger sister with a baseball bat several times while yelling at her “wear a veil”, 24Blekinge reports.

The 19-year-old is said to have become angry with his sister after she returned from a shopping trip with their mother and he noticed she was not wearing an Islamic veil. When he asked her why she was not wearing a veil, the girl refused to answer. The brother then walked to his room and emerged with a baseball bat which he used to strike the 14-year-old on the head, leg, and arm.

Read moreTeen in Sweden Beat Sister with Baseball Bat for Refusing to Wear Islamic Veil

A new agreement between Sweden and Morocco on the exchange of fingerprints has shown that 90 % ” of underage” Moroccan asylum seekers are actually adults.

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Sweden: North African asylum seekers rob and assault 97-year-old woman in her own home

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Swedish Whistleblower Cop Put on Notice for Claiming Gang Rape ‘Cultural Phenomenon’ Linked to Mass Migration

H/t reader kevin a.

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Sweden wants to deport American student while giving jihadis housing and benefits


Swedish city to offer returning Isis fighters housing and benefits in reintegration programme

H/t reader kevin a.

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Norwegian government: We will abandon international law if Sweden collapses (from Muslim migration)… will close borders to fleeing Swedes

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