NATO’s Newest Member OKs Ukraine Using Its Weapons To Strike Deep In Russian Territory

Sweden is predicted to fight (‘heroically’) side by side with Norway against Russia during WW3, but they will lose against Russia.

Sweden has signed its own death warrant.


NATO’s Newest Member OKs Ukraine Using Its Weapons To Strike Deep In Russian Territory:

Calls are growing for escalation in Ukraine, with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Tuesday joining in the chorus of Western leaders urging allowing Kiev to attack Russian territory with West-supplied weaponry.

Borrell said that Ukraine has a right to strike back: “According with the law of war, it is perfectly possible and there is no contradiction,” he said in a meeting with European Union defense ministers. Sweden agrees with him.

Read moreNATO’s Newest Member OKs Ukraine Using Its Weapons To Strike Deep In Russian Territory

Civil Defense False Alarm Creates Panic Over ‘Russian Invasion’ In Norway Town

Civil Defense False Alarm Creates Panic Over ‘Russian Invasion’ In Norway Town:

A small Norwegian town just inside the Arctic circle and which lies close to the Russian border was jolted awake shortly before midnight on Wednesday as its Civil Defense warning system was triggered and sirens blared, causing locals to believe they were under threat of Russian invasion.

Vadso Norway is a town of only 5,000 but is positioned close enough to its neighbor that locals can see Russia on a clear day. There has long been a Norwegian military intelligence base in Vadso, which monitors the nearby Russian Murmansk naval base across the border to the East, long serving as an observation post for Severomorsk – the main administrative base of the Russian Northern Fleet, out of which at the height of the Cold War over 200 submarines operated.

Map source: UK Daily Mirror

Vadso, Norway. Image via

The false alarm originated when one of the town’s multiple defense early alert sirens was activated – subsequently discovered to be an alarm at the town’s old fire station, according to Norwegian public broadcaster NRK. The Norwegian language broadcaster further reported panic ensuing as “anxious residents feared a war had broken out” and as local police were flooded with phone calls from residents who believed “they were under attack.”

Read moreCivil Defense False Alarm Creates Panic Over ‘Russian Invasion’ In Norway Town

Norwegian government: We will abandon international law if Sweden collapses (from Muslim migration)… will close borders to fleeing Swedes

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Norway’s $1.1 Trillion Wealth Fund Goes All-In On Asset Bubbles, Seeks Permission To Invest In Private Equity

And what could go wrong?

Norway’s $1.1 Trillion Wealth Fund Goes All-In On Asset Bubbles, Seeks Permission To Invest In Private Equity:

“The fund’s size, long-term horizon and limited liquidity needs may make it well-suited to investing in unlisted equity. A broader investment universe may also enable the fund to be invested in different types of company to those that are available in the public equity market.”

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“Why Would We Come?” Norwegians Respond To Trump’s Immigration Offer

“Why Would We Come?” Norwegians Respond To Trump’s Immigration Offer:

Christian Christensen, an American professor of journalism at Stockholm University in neighbouring Sweden, tweeted:

“Of course people from #Norway would love to move to a country where people are far more likely to be shot, live in poverty, get no healthcare because they’re poor, get no paid parental leave or subsidized daycare and see fewer women in political power. #Shithole”

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Report on sexual assaults in Arctic rocks Norway

Report on sexual assaults in Arctic rocks Norway:

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Generations of native Sami people living in remote northern Norway have been victims of rape and child sex abuse that has gone largely unreported and uninvestigated, police have acknowledged in a report citing deep failings in the way authorities operated there.

A police report covering the period from 1953 to August 2017 documented at least 151 sexual assaults, including 43 rapes, in the Arctic municipality of Tysfjord, which has a population of less than 2,000. Most of the cases were not reported at the time.

The youngest of the 82 victims identified by the police was 4, while the 92 suspected offenders were aged between 10 and 80. Some people appeared on both lists. As well as the rapes, 40 cases dealt with sexual intercourse with underage children.

Read moreReport on sexual assaults in Arctic rocks Norway

Early snow in Norway

Early snow in Norway: 

Authorities recommended chains and winter tires for motorists travelling on the E6 motorway near Dovre after heavy snowfall this morning. Yes, chains! And winter tires. In September.

Snow at the E6 near Hjerkinn on 20th September 2017. Photo: Statens vegvesen webkamera / NTB scanpix

“The snowfall comes early in the autumn, when many motorists are still using summer tyres,” said The Local, a Norwegian website (link below).

Read moreEarly snow in Norway

Norway’s Washout Summer – Farmers Despair

Norway’s Washout Summer – Farmers Despair:

Rain, rain, rain. Rain on 70 out of 72 days! Large crops are lost.
“Same as start of the great famine of 1315,” says reader.

In Western Norway it’s been very wet in some places for 70 out of 72 days as the jet stream has increasingly taken a sojourn over Northwestern Europe, says astrophysicist Piers Corbyn.

70 out of 72 days! That’s 97 percent!

Read moreNorway’s Washout Summer – Farmers Despair

Militarization of Scandinavian Peninsula: Time to Ring Alarm Bells

Militarization of Scandinavian Peninsula: Time to Ring Alarm Bells:

Much has been said about NATO reinforcements in the Baltic States and Poland perceived in Moscow as provocative actions undermining security in Europe, while very little has been said about gradual but steady militarization of Scandinavia. The theme does not hit headlines and it is not in focus of public discourse but one step is taken after another to turn the region into a springboard for staging offensive actions against Russia.

Ørland in southern Norway is being expanded to become Norway’s main air force base hosting US-made F-35 Lightnings – the stealth aircraft to become the backbone of Norwegian air power. Norway has purchased 56 of such aircraft. F-35 is an offensive, not defensive, weapon. The nuclear capable platforms can strike deep into Russia’s territory.

Read moreMilitarization of Scandinavian Peninsula: Time to Ring Alarm Bells

Norwegian Officials Deny ‘No Go Zones’ in Migrant Suburb Despite Weeks of Arson, Attacks on Police

Norwegian Officials Deny ‘No Go Zones’ in Migrant Suburb Despite Weeks of Arson, Attacks on Police:

Oslo city representatives have blamed three weeks of arson and violence against police by “youths” in the migrant-dominated Norwegian suburb of Stovner on young people feeling “rootless and restless”.

District Director Elf Humborstad Sørland told Norwegian broadcaster NRK: “There is a general problem that many young people are out too late in the evenings.”

The district of Stovner, which according to Statistics Norway has one the highest immigrant populations in the country at over 50 per cent, has seen three weeks of youths setting cars on fire and throwing stones at police, ambulance personnel, and the fire brigade responding to the fires.

Read moreNorwegian Officials Deny ‘No Go Zones’ in Migrant Suburb Despite Weeks of Arson, Attacks on Police

Norway proposes national ban on full-face veils in educational institutions

Norway proposes national ban on full-face veils in educational institutions:

The Norwegian government is seeking to prohibit face-covering garments in all schools nationwide, having sent the proposal for comments to educational institutions. The ban’s advocates say the garments prevent students from communicating with each other.

The bill, put forward Monday, would cover both private and public institutions, including kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities. It would apply to students and staff alike.

Read moreNorway proposes national ban on full-face veils in educational institutions

EU Orders Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway To Stop Border Controls: Or What?

EU Orders Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway To Stop Border Controls: Or What?:

Bureaucrats should not go about making orders they cannot enforce. It
serves no purpose other than to make the bureaucrats look ridiculous.

Here is a case in point: Brussels Orders EU Countries to SCRAP Internal Checks Within Six Months.

In an announcement tonight, eurocrats said there was no justification for keeping police checkpoints at frontiers within the

bloc and said they must be removed by the end of the year.

Read moreEU Orders Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway To Stop Border Controls: Or What?

Shock Report: Migrants Become Less Integrated the Longer They Stay in Europe – #MigrantCrisis

Shock Report: Migrants Become Less Integrated the Longer They Stay in Europe:

A new Norwegian study has found the gap in labour participation rates between citizens born in Norway and third world migrants widens the longer newcomers have been in the country.

Researchers at the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research uncovered “encouraging signs of labour market integration during an initial period upon migrants’ admission”.

Read moreShock Report: Migrants Become Less Integrated the Longer They Stay in Europe – #MigrantCrisis

‘Refugees’ reject free Norwegian apartments, demand houses – #MigrantCrisis

You can’t make this stuff up!

‘Refugees’ reject free Norwegian apartments, demand houses:

Modum, a small municipality in the south of Norway, is faced with an uprising of Syrian asylum seekers, who are angered by the community’s decision to house them for free in moderately sized student flats.

In order to voice their protest against this ‘grave injustice’, the six Arab men involved in the revolt have recently rejected the apartments by refusing to sign contracts allowing them to reside in the flats, with total floor areas of up to 20 square meters.

The Syrians, who claim to have fled the war in their homeland, are between 20 and 33 years of age. Abdulhadi Alkhalaf is one of the complainants. In Syria, the 31-year-old was working as a lawyer, and now he’s claiming “moral rights“, Document reports using Bygdeposten as a source. Alkhalaf:

Read more‘Refugees’ reject free Norwegian apartments, demand houses – #MigrantCrisis

2 Recent Papers Further Confirm That Natural Cycles Are Indisputable, Powerful Climate Drivers

2 Recent Papers Further Confirm That Natural Cycles Are Indisputable, Powerful Climate Drivers:

Two recent papers dispelling claims often made by global warming alarmists have been presented by the Die kalte Sonne site. here.

No. 1

Insidious preindustrial warm phase: 4000 years ago glaciers in Norway had  almost completely melted away

By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt
(German text translated/edited by P Gosselin)

The University of Bergen in Norway reported 14 February 2017 on the climate in Norway 4000 years ago, when in the summertime it was on average two to three degrees warmer than today. Most glaciers in the country at the time had almost completely melted away and gone. Instead of examining these what for many are unexpected warm phases, the team of authors in the press release chose to focus the public’s attention on concern and fear for the future.

Read more2 Recent Papers Further Confirm That Natural Cycles Are Indisputable, Powerful Climate Drivers