Record cold in Hungary – July snow in Poland: Nobody expected this! – July Snow in Romania – Another snow surprise in another Turkish city – HISTORICALLY COLD & WET SPRING TO SLASH SOY STOCKPILE BY ONE-FOURTH (USDA)… CORN & WHEAT ALSO SUFFERING – Below average temperatures in Japan

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Brother Nathanael: Poland Holocaust Law Pisses Off Jews

Poland Holocaust Law Pisses Off Jews

H/t reader eric.



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Read moreBrother Nathanael: Poland Holocaust Law Pisses Off Jews

“Already too late for Germany”: refugee worker admits she was wrong and wants to flee to Poland out of fear – „Schon zu spät für Deutschland“: Flüchtlingsbetreuerin flieht aus Angst nach Polen

The Google translation (link above) is actually not too bad.

Original article in German:

„Schon zu spät für Deutschland“: Flüchtlingsbetreuerin flieht aus Angst nach Polen:

Die deutsche Menschenrechtlerin Rebecca Sommer, die zuvor aktiv die Migrationspolitik von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel unterstützte, will nun nach Polen ausreisen. Für Deutschland sei es bereits zu spät, erläuterte sie im Interview mit der polnischen Online-Zeitung „Do Rzeczy“.

Zuvor habe sie gedacht, dass die Migranten aus der Hölle geflohen seien und man sie in Deutschland aufnehmen müsse. Mit 300 weiteren Freiwilligen habe sie Deutschunterricht erteilt und den Neuankömmlingen geholfen, sich in die für sie neue Gesellschaft zu integrieren.

Eigenen Aussagen zufolge hat Sommer gehofft, dass die „mittelalterlichen Ansichten der Araber sich mit der Zeit ändern müssen“, aber bald musste die Frau begreifen, dass „die muslimischen Flüchtlinge mit einem deutlich anderem Wertesystem aufgewachsen sind, von Kindheit an der religiösen Gehirnwäsche unterzogen wurden und überhaupt keinen Wunsch haben, sich an das westliche Leben zu adaptieren“.Unter anderem hätten die Migranten Sommer mit „Arroganz und Verachtung“ behandelt. In Gesprächen unter sich hätten sie die Frau eine „dumme deutsche Schlampe“ genannt. Aus diesem Grund hätten die Freiwilligen leise ihre Stellen gekündigt.

Read more“Already too late for Germany”: refugee worker admits she was wrong and wants to flee to Poland out of fear – „Schon zu spät für Deutschland“: Flüchtlingsbetreuerin flieht aus Angst nach Polen

Israel Urges Poland to Postpone Security Chief’s Visit Amid Holocaust Tensions

Israel Urges Poland to Postpone Security Chief’s Visit Amid Holocaust Tensions:

Earlier in the week, Poland’s Senate approved the bill criminalizing any accusations against Poland of complicity in war crimes during World War II, including the Holocaust, prompting Israeli backlash.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has called on Poland to postpone the visit by its National Security Bureau chief Pawel Soloch amid tensions over Warsaw’s Holocaust bill, Haaretz reported.

The Polish official was due to arrive in Israel next week, however, Tel Aviv expects a “symbolic delay” of several weeks. In particular, Soloch was due to visit a national memorial commemorating Holocaust victims.

In their turn, Polish officials have voiced hope that “dialogue on security issues of strategic importance for both countries will continue in the near future.”

Read moreIsrael Urges Poland to Postpone Security Chief’s Visit Amid Holocaust Tensions

Polish President Andrzej Duda: “I can never come to terms with slandering us, Poles, as a Nation, or Poland as a country, by distortion of historical truth and by false accusations!”

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US urges Poland to drop Holocaust bill angering Israel


US urges Poland to drop Holocaust bill angering Israel:

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The United States asked Poland to rethink plans to enact proposed legislation regulating Holocaust speech that has sparked a diplomatic dispute with Israel, arguing Wednesday that if it passes it could hurt freedom of speech as well as strategic relationships.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Neather Nauert voiced her government’s concerns as the Polish Senate was preparing to approve the bill, a step that would put it closer to becoming law. The measure would next need to be signed into law by the president, who supports it.

Read moreUS urges Poland to drop Holocaust bill angering Israel

Israel says Poland agrees to talks in WW2 legislation spat

Israel says Poland agrees to talks in WWII legislation spat:

JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday night that Israel and Poland have agreed to hold talks seeking to resolve the uproar over proposed Polish legislation that would outlaw blaming Poland for any crimes committed during the Holocaust.

Earlier, Israel’s Foreign Ministry had summoned a Polish envoy to express its displeasure at the bill. But Polish officials dug in their heels, saying the measure was being misinterpreted and its wording would not be changed.

Netanyahu then spoke by phone with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki late Sunday. “The two agreed that teams from the two countries would open an immediate dialogue in order to try to reach understandings regarding the legislation,” Netanyahu’s office said in a statement.

The prime minister said at his weekly Cabinet meeting earlier Sunday that Israel has “no tolerance for the distortion of the truth, the rewriting of history and the denial of the Holocaust.” The lower house of the Polish parliament’s bill calls for prison time for referring to “Polish death camps” and criminalizes the mention of Polish complicity.

Read moreIsrael says Poland agrees to talks in WW2 legislation spat

US, Poland oppose gas pipeline linking Russia to Germany

US, Poland oppose gas pipeline linking Russia to Germany:

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The United States and Poland on Saturday took a strong stand against a planned gas pipeline linking Russia to Germany, saying it is part of a Kremlin scheme to politicize energy and undermine attempts to make Europe less dependent on Moscow.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Polish Foreign Minister Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz, after meeting in Warsaw, denounced the pipeline, which would bypass Poland and leave Central Europe vulnerable to Russian pressure.

H/t reader squodgy:

“Of course the US are upset, they’d got dollar signs in their eyes at the prospect of selling fracking gas to Germany. Money rules everything in America, and Germany got one over on Poland….so much for EU togetherness.”

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Poland is pillorying Pedophiles: The data of sex offenders is now available online. The convicted perpetrators are listed with name, photo and personal details.

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Poland: Only we decide whether to accept refugees or not


“The Polish position regarding the relocation of refugees remains unchanged. Only Poland decides whether it is able to accept refugees or not,” stated the Polish government spokeswoman Joanna Kopci?ska. “Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki will continue the policy of supporting the needy in their home countries,” she added.

“It is Poland who decides whether it is able to accept refugees or not. It is our sovereign decision, which lies in the hands of Poles, not officials who have little in common with Poland and know little about us “- said the government spokeswoman in an interview with the

Read morePoland: Only we decide whether to accept refugees or not

The West Proves That Poland’s Loyalty Was Worthless

The West Proves That Poland’s Loyalty Was Worthless:

Poland, one of the most loyal EU members, was just stabbed in the back by Brussels after the bloc initiated punitive Article 7 proceedings against it, proving that Warsaw’s unwavering loyalty to the West was worthless this entire time and thus giving Poles a reason to reconsider whether it’s time that they attempted to restore their long-lost Great Power status in Europe.

Many Poles were shocked to hear that Brussels had begun the process to sanction their country, despite knowing in the back of their minds all along that this was a very probable scenario. The EU had been warning Poland for months now that it wouldn’t tolerate the ruling Law & Justice party’s (PiS) judicial reforms, labelling them as “anti-democratic” in spite of the same envisioned changes already being in place in many Western European countries. All that PiS wants to do is make it so that judges are accountable to the people, not to one another, and break the backs of the communist-era clique that still controls the country’s courts. This is crucial in the modern context because PiS follows a EuroRealist ideology that aspires to improve Poland’s sovereign standing in the EU, a vision which is directly at odds with EU-hegemon Germany’s EuroLiberalism that instead wants all member states to be subservient to an unelected bureaucracy in Brussels.

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EU Triggers “Unprecedented Nuclear Option” Against Poland; Sanctions May Follow

EU Triggers “Unprecedented Nuclear Option” Against Poland; Sanctions May Follow:

Yesterday we reported that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron had publicly agreed to back Article 7 proceedings against Poland for refusing to comply with EU immigration quotas and changes to its judicial system. The only thing that was missing was the official triggering of the so-called “nuclear option” Article 7.

On Wednesday morning, in a historic development – one which may herald the future fracturing of the EU – the European Commission launched an injunction against Poland for a “serious breach” of European common values and rule of law. The European Commission said it decided to take the next step in its infringement procedure against Poland for breaches of EU law by the Law on the Ordinary Courts Organisation, referring Poland to the EU Court of Justice.  And while only a warning now, Article 7 could lead to sanctions and a suspension of EU voting rights.

Read moreEU Triggers “Unprecedented Nuclear Option” Against Poland; Sanctions May Follow

The Latest: Polish president says critics in EU are ‘lying’

“When it becomes serious, you have to lie.”

– Jean-Claude Juncker

The Latest: Polish president says critics in EU are ‘lying’:

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The Latest on EU action against Poland (all times local): 10:00 p.m. Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has accused European Union leaders of “lying” by saying judicial changes in Poland threaten the rule of law and democratic standards.

Duda gave an interview to a private TV station on Wednesday, hours after the EU’s executive commission launched a procedure to censure Poland. Duda says there is a lot of “hypocrisy” in the EU’s decision. He argued that the Polish government was inspired to overhaul the laws for appointing judges and other aspects of the judicial system by reviewing regulations in many EU countries and the United States.

The president insisted that the changes to the Supreme Court and a top judicial body that he signed into law Wednesday are constitutional and strengthen Poland’s democracy. With emotion in his voice, Duda said: “Many representative of European institutions are simply saying untruths about Poland. They are lying.”

Read moreThe Latest: Polish president says critics in EU are ‘lying’