The New Libyan Rebel Leader Spent The Past 20 Years In Suburban Virginia

WASHINGTON – The new leader of Libya’s opposition military spent the past two decades in suburban Virginia but felt compelled — even in his late-60s — to return to the battlefield in his homeland, according to people who know him.

Khalifa Hifter was once a top military officer for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, but after a disastrous military adventure in Chad in the late 1980s, Hifter switched to the anti-Gadhafi opposition. In the early 1990s, he moved to suburban Virginia, where he established a life but maintained ties to anti-Gadhafi groups.

Late last week, Hifter was appointed to lead the rebel army, which has been in chaos for weeks. He is the third such leader in less than a month, and rebels interviewed in Libya openly voiced distrust for the most recent leader, Abdel Fatah Younes, who had been at Gadhafi’s side until just a month ago.

Read moreThe New Libyan Rebel Leader Spent The Past 20 Years In Suburban Virginia

TEPCO’s Totally Insane Disaster Plan At Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Japanese Plant Had Barebones Risk Plan

Mar. 31 (Wall Street Journal) TOKYO—Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s disaster plans greatly underestimated the scope of a potential accident at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, calling for only one stretcher, one satellite phone and 50 protective suits in case of emergencies. (For hundreds of workers!!!)

Disaster-response documents for Fukushima Daiichi, examined by The Wall Street Journal, also contain few guidelines for obtaining outside help, providing insight into why Japan struggled to cope with a nuclear crisis after an earthquake and tsunami devastated the facility.

The disaster plans, approved by Japanese regulators, offer guidelines for responding to smaller emergencies and outline in detail how to back up key systems in case of failure. Yet the plans fail to envision the kind of worst-case scenario that befell Japan: damage so extensive that the plant couldn’t respond on its own or call for help from nearby plants. There are no references to Tokyo firefighters, Japanese military forces or U.S. equipment, all of which the plant operators eventually relied upon to battle their overheating reactors.

On Wednesday, the president of plant operator Tepco was hospitalized for dizziness, offering the latest sign of leadership trouble. Earlier in the disaster, Tepco was faulted for a sluggish initial response; now it appears that its written emergency plans were themselves inadequate.

“The disaster plan didn’t function,” said a former Tepco executive. “It didn’t envision something this big.”

Read moreTEPCO’s Totally Insane Disaster Plan At Fukushima Nuclear Plant

TEPCO Chairman Admits Battle To Safe Fukushima Plant Lost, Reactors To Be Entombed

But here is the problem with this ‘solution’:

Dr. Michio Kaku: Three Raging Nuclear Meltdowns In Progress!

Bodies of 1,000 victims of Japan earthquake left uncollected because of fears of high levels of radiation

Apology: Tokyo Electric Power Co. chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata, right, finally admitted that the battle to save the plant had been lost and apologised for the ‘trouble and anxiety’ caused by the radiation

* Police, rescue workers and family members could be exposed to radiation
* Radioactivity levels in the ocean 4,385 times above regulatory limit
* Fisherman warned not to operate within 12 miles of plant
* Compensation claims could top $12bn
* Power firm’s shares lose 80% of value – may need government bailout
* President still recovering in hospital recovering from ‘fatigue and stress’
* U.S. sends specialist Marine unit to assist in decontamination
* Traces of radioactive particles found in U.S. milk

Too dangerous: This aerial photograph of the Fukushima plant shows the damaged reactors three and four at the which will now be entombed in concrete after the battle to contain radiation was lost

Up to 1,000 bodies of victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami have not been collected because of fears of high levels of radiation.

Police sources said bodies within the 12-mile evacuation zone around the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant had been ‘exposed to high levels of radiation after death’.

It follows the discovery of a body on Sunday in Okuma, just three miles from the power plant, which revealed elevated levels of radiation.

Read moreTEPCO Chairman Admits Battle To Safe Fukushima Plant Lost, Reactors To Be Entombed

EU: Let them Eat Cloned Food! (No Labelling Required!)

The majority of the people don’t want cloned food, but who cares?

Meat from offspring of cloned animals to go on sale in UK (Telegraph):

Meat and milk from the offspring of cloned animals could be on sale in British supermarkets by the end of the summer, after attempts to impose controls through European regulation failed.

Families buying meat for barbecues are unlikely to be aware of their food’s controversial links because the labels on packaging will be no different from normal meat.

EU move on cloned food shunned (UPI):

Europe says no to cloned food labels”Meat from the offspring of cloned animals could find its way onto the EU market, with no one being any the wiser, after member state representatives refused the Parliament’s demand to label clone-derived products,” the European Parliament said in a statement.

UK accused over food labelling (Press Association):

The Government has been accused of ignoring consumer wishes by blocking moves to label meat and milk products which have genetic links to cloned animals.

The prospect of EU-wide rules introducing compulsory labelling ended early on Tuesday when last-ditch talks between Euro-MPs, the European Commission and officials representing Europe’s governments ended without agreement.

The commission and member states feared a trade war with Washington if tougher controls came in to highlight produce from the offspring of cloned animals.

Read moreEU: Let them Eat Cloned Food! (No Labelling Required!)

US Government Admits Radiation Found In Milk from Washington State

And there is a lot more to come:

“Nuclear radiation is forever,” she added. It doesn’t dissipate or disappear. Jeff Patterson, former Physicians for Social Responsibility president said, “There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources. Period.” In 1953, Nobel laureate George Wald agreed saying “no amount of radiation is safe. Every dose is an overdose.”

“Radioactive iodine releases from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi reactors may exceed those of Three Mile Island by over 100,000 times….While Chernobyl had one source of radioactivity, its reactor, there are seven leaking radiation sources at the Japanese site. Together, the three damaged reactors and four spent fuel pools at Fukushima Daiicho contain (much) more long-lived radioactivity, notably cesium-137, than the Chernobyl reactor.”

“The radioactive (iodine-131) fallout is now as much as 73 percent of the daily radiation emitted from Chernobyl following its meltdown disaster.” For cesium-137, it’s 60%.

“I hate to say it, but I am pessimistic….We have to think of all six (reactors) going down, and the possibility of that happening is not low.”
Updating Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

The US like now the EU has raised radiation limits for food:

EU Erhöht Grenzwerte Drastisch! EU Raises ‘Safe Level’ of Cesium in Japanese Food By 20 Times!

EU Drastically Raises Radiation Limits For Food! – EU Erhöht Drastisch Die Strahlungs-Grenzwerte Für Lebensmittel!

And those criminals will continue to play that game if necessary. All is well no need to prepare, which is exactly what the people in Japan were told before.

That recommendation says it all:

International Commission Recommends Japan Temporarily Increase Radiation Limits For Public

Raw milk is poison, whereas irradiated milk is safe!

Radiation Traces Found in U.S. Milk

(Wall Street Journal) –The U.S. government said Wednesday that traces of radiation have been found in milk in Washington state, but said the amounts are far too low to trigger any public-health concern.

The Environmental Protection Agency said a March 25 sample of milk produced in the Spokane, Wash., area contained a 0.8 pico curies per literlevel of iodine-131, which it said was less than one five-thousandth of the safety safety guideline set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The EPA said it increased monitoring after radiation leaked from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. It expects more such findings in coming days, but in amounts “far below levels of public-health concern, including for infants and children.”

Iodine-131 has a half-life of about eight days, meaning levels should fade quickly. “These findings are a minuscule amount compared to what people experience every day,” the agency said.

Read moreUS Government Admits Radiation Found In Milk from Washington State

EU Erhöht Grenzwerte Drastisch! EU Raises ‘Safe Level’ of Cesium in Japanese Food By 20 Times!

Added: 30.03.2011

Levels of radioactivity in Japanese food allowed in the EU market may now be many times higher! Some japanese food now can be imported to the EU (and Austria) with such increased levels of radioactivity, that even in Japan they would not get into the trade. According to the new EU regulation Japanese foods must be checked strictly, but in addition the new EU regulation says that the limits for cesium may be increased up to 20 times!

Austria, France and Great Britain voted against the new EU regulation.

Some practical examples: Milk and milk products had previously been limited with 370 Becquerel (Bq) per kilogram (kg). This limit was raised to 1000 Bq / kg. The limit for infant formula was increased from 370 to 400 Bq / kg, the limit for other food from 600 to 1250 Bq / kg. Certain products such as fish oil or spices should now be contaminated even with 12,500 Bq / kg, which is more than twenty times the previous limit.

Read moreEU Erhöht Grenzwerte Drastisch! EU Raises ‘Safe Level’ of Cesium in Japanese Food By 20 Times!

EU Drastically Raises Radiation Limits For Food! – EU Erhöht Drastisch Die Strahlungs-Grenzwerte Für Lebensmittel!

And our politicians have been prepared for this disaster since 1987!

They had the ‘new’ regulation already stored in the drawer,  just in case another nuclear disaster would happen!

And I can tell you that food reaching the upper radiation limits after Chernobyl would have been considered totally contaminated before Chernobyl.

And now:

Here is a press statement from FOODWATCH and Umweltinstitut München e.V:

Gemeinsame Presseerklärung von foodwatch und Umweltinstitut München e.V.: Grenzwerte für radioaktive Belastung von Lebensmitteln aus Japan erhöht – Bundesregierung informiert Öffentlichkeit nicht:

Berlin/München. Die Verbraucherorganisation foodwatch und das Umweltinstitut München e.V. haben die Informationspolitik der Bundesregierung über die Lebensmittelsicherheit nach der Reaktorkatastrophe in Japan kritisiert. Bundesverbraucherministerin Ilse Aigner verweist seit Tagen auf „verstärkte Kontrollmaßnahmen“ und „spezielle Schutzstandards“ – sie informiert die Öffentlichkeit jedoch nicht darüber, dass die EU-weit geltenden Grenzwerte für die radioaktive Belastung von Lebensmitteln aus den betroffenen Regionen Japans am vergangenen Wochenende deutlich erhöht wurden. War bisher eine kumulierte Radioaktivität von Cäsium-134 und Cäsium-137 von maximal 600 Becquerel/Kilogramm zulässig, traten am vergangenen Wochenende bis zu 20-fach höhere Obergrenzen von bis zu 12.500 Becquerel/Kilogramm für bestimmte Produkte aus Japan in Kraft.

Google translate:

Berlin / Munich. The consumer organization foodwatch and the Environment Institute Munich eV have criticized the information policy of the federal government on food safety after the nuclear disaster in Japan. Federal Consumer Protection Minister Ilse Aigner as in days of “enhanced control measures” and “special protection standards ” – it informs the public but not the fact that the EU-wide limit values ??for the radioactive contamination of foodstuffs from the affected areas in Japan increased over the weekend clear. Was previously a cumulative radioactivity of cesium-134 were cesium-137 and allowed maximum of 600 becquerels per kilogram, this past weekend up to 20 times higher ceilings of up to 12,500 becquerels per kilogram for certain products in Japan in force.

So according to Foodwatch the upper limit is now 20 times higher for cesium-134 and cesium-137!!!


Use Google translate for the following articles.

Strahlengrenze: Alleingang Österreichs? (ORF):

Die neuen Strahlen-Grenzwerte der EU für Lebensmittelimporte aus Japan sind doppelt so hoch wie die bisher erlaubten Werte. Umweltschützer meinen, dass Österreich diese niedrigeren Werte im Alleingang beibehalten könnte. Gesundheitsminister Alois Stöger (SPÖ) will das zumindest bei den Direktimporten aus Japan tun.

Katastrophe in Japan: EU zeigt sich großzügig bei strahlenden Lebensmitteln (Financial Times Deutschland):

In der Europäischen Union gelten laxere Grenzwerte für radioaktiv verstrahlte japanische Lebensmittel als in Japan selbst. Aus dem asiatischen Land sind stärker kontaminierte Lebensmittel erlaubt als nach der Reaktorkatastrophe von Tschernobyl 1986.

Der Grenzwert für Cäsium 134 und 137 ist mit 1250 Becquerel pro Kilogramm doppelt so hoch angesetzt wie die Schwelle, die weiterhin beispielsweise für Pilze gilt, die infolge von Tschernobyl belastet sind. Das sieht eine Notverordnung der EU-Kommission vor, die seit Ende vergangener Woche gilt. In Japan gilt derzeit bei Cäsium 134 ein Grenzwert von 500 Becquerel.

EU erhöht Strahlungs-Grenzwerte (Sueddeutsche):

Brüssel – In der Europäischen Union gelten seit einigen Tagen höhere Strahlungs-Grenzwerte für Lebensmittel aus Japan. In einem Eilverfahren hat die EU-Kommission eine sogenannte Schubladen-Verordnung aus dem Jahr 1987 in Kraft gesetzt. Diese sieht vor, dass die Belastung von Lebensmitteln mit radioaktivem Cäsium mehr als doppelt so hoch sein darf wie in den vergangenen Jahren. Milchprodukte aus Japan dürften sogar mit 1000 Becquerel strahlen, statt mit 370 Becquerel. Damit liegen die Grenzwerte jetzt so hoch wie nach der Katastrophe von Tschernobyl. Verbraucherorganisationen wie Foodwatch kritisierten das Vorgehen der EU-Behörden scharf.

Import aus Japan: Laschere Grenzwerte für strahlende Lebensmittel (STERN):

Die Nachrichten aus Fukushima werden immer erschreckender: Im Meerwasser nahe des Atomkraftwerks lag die Konzentration von radioaktivem Jod am Donnerstag über 4000 Mal höher als der zulässige Grenzwert. Auch hochgiftiges Plutonium ist mittlerweile in die Umwelt gelangt. Und die radioaktiven Partikel verteilen sich weiter – über das Wasser und die Luft. Sie lagern sich auf Feldern ab und reichern sich im Boden an.

Wenig erstaunlich ist es daher, dass Spuren davon mittlerweile auf Lebensmitteln aus Japan entdeckt worden sind. So haben südkoreanische Behörden in einigen Produkten geringe Mengen radioaktives Jod und Cäsium nachgewiesen. Zeitgleich wächst auch in Deutschland die Angst vor radioaktiv verseuchter Ware aus Japan. So rüstet sich der Hamburger Hafen für die Ankunft von verstrahlter Fracht.

Laschere Grenzwerte

Erst am vergangenen Freitag hatte Bundesverbraucherministerin Ilse Aigner (CSU) verkündet, dass die EU die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen verschärft habe: Lebensmittel aus den betroffenen japanischen Regionen dürften künftig nur noch in Deutschland eingeführt werden, wenn sie “in Japan streng kontrolliert und zertifiziert wurden”. An EU-Außenkontrollstellen würden zudem alle Waren geprüft, die aus den betroffenen Präfekturen stammen. “Vorsorgender Verbraucherschutz hat absolute Priorität”, sagte Aigner. Klingt gut, ist auch gut – und dennoch sind Verbraucherschützer erzürnt.

Denn parallel zu den neuen Regeln, die seit vergangenem Wochenende gelten, hat die EU per Eilverordnung auch neue Grenzwerte für die radioaktive Belastung von Lebensmitteln aus Japan verabschiedet. Und die seien lascher als die nach der Tschernobyl-Katastrophe gültigen, kritisiert die Verbraucherorganisation Foodwatch. Erfahren hat die Öffentlichkeit davon allerdings erst, nachdem Foodwatch und das Umweltinstitut München darauf aufmerksam gemacht haben. Damit ist der Eindruck entstanden, als habe die EU klammheimlich die Grenzwerte verändert, was nicht gerade das Vertrauen der Bürger in die Behörden stärken dürfte.

Japan Nuclear Crisis: TEPCO Workers Threatened by Heat Bursts And Sea Radiation Rises

(Updates with Moody’s downgrade in 18th paragraph.)

March 31 (Bloomberg) — Japan’s damaged nuclear plant may be in danger of emitting sudden bursts of heat and radiation, undermining efforts to cool the reactors and contain fallout.

The potential for limited, uncontrolled chain reactions, voiced yesterday by the International Atomic Energy Agency, is among the phenomena that might occur, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters in Tokyo today. The IAEA “emphasized that the nuclear reactors won’t explode,” he said.

Three workers at a separate Japanese plant received high doses of radiation in 1999 from a similar nuclear reaction, known as ‘criticality.’ Two of them died within seven months.

Read moreJapan Nuclear Crisis: TEPCO Workers Threatened by Heat Bursts And Sea Radiation Rises

Greenpeace Radiology Experts Find High Levels Of Radiation Beyond No-Go Zone

(Japan Times) — Radiology experts from Greenpeace urged the government Wednesday to expand the evacuation zone around the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant after they found high levels of radiation outside the 20-km mandatory no-go zone.

Jan van de Putte, the radioactivity safety adviser of the NGO, said the survey, taken on a road between the villages of Iitate and Tsushima in Fukushima Prefecture, saw a radiation level of 100 microsieverts per hour, despite being outside of the evacuation area.

One would reach the annual legal limit of 1,000 microsieverts — or 1 millisievert — of radiation in about 10 hours in such an environment, van de Putte said, adding that it is likely the people living in Iitate, about 9 km outside the no-go zone, “have surpassed that level” of exposure already.

Read moreGreenpeace Radiology Experts Find High Levels Of Radiation Beyond No-Go Zone

US Treasury Sells $29 Billion In Bonds, Bringing Total Settled US Debt To 14.311 Trillion, More Than The Debt Ceiling

First, the irrelevant news:

Today’s $29 billion 7 Year auction just closed at a yield of 2.895%, the highest since April 2010, just the time when QE1 was ending and everyone was certain there would be no follow through monetization. The Bid To Cover was 2.79, weaker compared to recent auctions, and 2 bps wider of the When Issued, implying the auction was not all that hot. Directs took down 8.76%, in line with the last year average, Indirects accounts for 49.41%, or the lowest foreign take down since November 2010, while PDs bought 41.83% of the auction. Altogether a weak auction but it’s not like the PDs would let it fail especially not with QB9 becoming the next “flip back to the Fed” bond for the PD community.

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Next, the relevant news:

Now bear with us for a second: the most recently disclosed total debt was 14,211,567,662,931.23 as of March 28. This excludes the settlement of all of this week’s auctions which amount to $35 + $35 + $29 billion (including today) or $99 billion. Adding the two amounts to $14,310,567,662,931.23. As a reminder the debt ceiling is $14,294,000,000,000.00. In other words, the total US debt just passed the debt limit – break out the Champagne! Granted there is a buffer of $52.2 billion between the total debt and the debt actually subject to the ceiling, meaning that America is not in default, yet.

Read moreUS Treasury Sells $29 Billion In Bonds, Bringing Total Settled US Debt To 14.311 Trillion, More Than The Debt Ceiling

Japan Nuclear Meltdown Emergency: Fukushima Beyond Point Of No Return As Radioactive Core Melts Through Containment Vessel

(NaturalNews) The battle to save the Fukushima nuclear power plant now appears lost as the radioactive core from Reactor No. 2 has melted through the containment vessel and dropped into the concrete basement of the reactor structure. This is “raising fears of a major release of radiation at the site,” reports The Guardian, which broke the story (…). A former General Electric nuclear expert told The Guardian that Japan appears to have “lost the race” to save the reactor.

The only feasible interpretation from this analysis is that radiation emissions from Fukushima could suddenly become much greater. It is also now obvious that the radioactive fallout from Fukushima will last for decades, if not centuries.

Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan last night admitted the situation at Fukushima remains “unpredictable.” Meanwhile, the presence of plutonium in soil samples is proof that the nuclear fuel rods have been compromised and are releasing material into the open atmosphere. (…)

But don’t worry (and don’t prepare)

How many times were we told over the last two weeks that the Fukushima situation was solved? How many times were we assured there was “no danger” to the world? President Obama even went out of his way to tell Americans they should not prepare for anything, since there was nothing to worry about.

Don’t acquire any potassium iodide, people were told. The situation is completely under control and nuclear power is safe, clean and green!

Read moreJapan Nuclear Meltdown Emergency: Fukushima Beyond Point Of No Return As Radioactive Core Melts Through Containment Vessel

Japan Nuclear Meltdown: ‘Fukushima Plutonium Leak Comparable To Chernobyl Disaster’ (RT)

Don’t miss:

–  Japan Nuclear Meltdown Emergency: Fukushima Beyond Point Of No Return As Radioactive Core Melts Through Containment Vessel

And TEPCO tells us that plutonium is SAFE:

Unbelievable: TEPCO: Plutonium Found On 5 Locations Around Fukushima Plant A Week Ago (But The Deadliest Substance On The Planet ‘Poses No Human Health Risk’!)


“Plutonium is the deadliest substance on the planet since 1 molecule of Plutonium in your body guarantees the development of cancer, according to radiation medicine experts.”
– Dr. Rima Laibow

Added: 30.03.2011

See also:

Read moreJapan Nuclear Meltdown: ‘Fukushima Plutonium Leak Comparable To Chernobyl Disaster’ (RT)

US: At Least 15 States Detect Radiation From Japan

At least 15 states have found trace amounts of radiation from the crippled nuclear plant in Japan, but officials say the levels of radioactivity are much too low to prompt health concerns.

Very low concentrations of iodine-131 were found last week in a rainwater sample in Boston. “It is not a problem for public safety nor is it a threat to the drinking water supply,” said Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Richard Sullivan.

Sullivan ordered the collection of drinking water samples from 12 locations Sunday. Tests showed the water was “absolutely clean,” he said.

Read moreUS: At Least 15 States Detect Radiation From Japan

US To Purchase Oil From Libyan Rebels, Thereby Funding Al Qaeda

There is no Al-Qaeda (only Al-CIAda):

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US.”
– Robin Cook, Former British Foreign Secretary

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)

See also:

‘CIA Spy’ Raymond Davis Was Giving Nuclear Bomb Material to Al-Qaeda, Says Report

(FOX NEWS) Inside Job: ‘The US Government Escorted The Underwear Bomber Through Security Without A Passport To Board The Plane’, Say Two Attorneys, Eyewitnesses Who Were On Site

How the US let Al-CIAda get its hands on an Iraqi weapons factory

US To Purchase Oil From Libyan Rebels, Thereby Funding “Flickers” Of Al Qaeda

Following recent news that the supremely organized Libyan rebels have established their own central bank and oil company (does anyone recall when rebels merely rebelled instead of immediately setting up an oil export infrastructure and a fiat counterfeiting authority… those were the days), we now learn that this impressively “impromptu” development may have actually been intended all along.From Reuters: “The United States on Monday gave a green light to sales of Libyan crude oil from rebel-held territory, giving a potential boost to forces battling Muammar Gaddafi. A U.S. Treasury Department official said Libyan rebels would not be subject to U.S. sanctions if they avoid entities linked to Gaddafi’s regime, which would allow them to sell oil under their control.” And confirming just hos hypocritical any international embargo attempts are, here is the Un confirming that when it comes to determining international priorities, the only word that matters is the one that did not figure once in Obama’s Libya speech yesterday: “There is no U.N. embargo on Libyan oil,” a U.N. Security Council diplomat told Reuters on condition of anonymity. “The rebels can sell oil. But they can’t do it through the Libyan National Oil Corporation.”” And the kicker: according to the US NATO leader among those profiting from this latest move of US desperation is none other than Al Qaeda.

From Reuters:

The rebels, who retook a number of oil fields and terminals in eastern Libya over the weekend and were advancing west toward Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte, must first establish clear lines of control and payment systems that do not involve Libya’s National Oil Corp, its central bank nor any other government entity, the official said.

No special permission would be needed from the Security Council’s Libya sanctions committee, which oversees compliance with the sanctions, for the rebels to sell oil, envoys said.

The Treasury on February 25 banned U.S. transactions with Libya’s state oil producer, the central bank and other state entities in an effort to cut off revenues to Gaddafi’s regime, in line with sanctions imposed by the U.N. and European Union.

With the backing of Western air strikes, Libyan rebels have retaken the main oil terminal cities in eastern Libya, including Es Sider, Ras Lanuf, Brega, Zueitina and Tobruk.

A senior Libyan rebel official said on Monday that rebels were in “active discussions” to have sanctions lifted on sales of oil from east Libyan fields.

Ali Tarhouni, who is in charge of the rebels’ economic, financial and oil matters in Benghazi said the fields were capable of pumping 100,000 to 130,000 barrels per day of crude, and most of this would be exported because of low refining capacity in eastern Libya. Before the crisis began, Libya was producing about 1.6 million barrels per day.

“We hope they will be lifted for the liberated areas as quickly as possible,” Tarhouni said of the sanctions. “Not with everybody, but with some countries.”

While we will not comment on the apparent hypocrisy of this latest development by the light crude starved US administration (sorry Saudi Arabia, nobody buys your lies about excess capacity anymore – proof here), what we will comment on is that the next time Gaddafi’s forces retake any and all oil fields currently in rebel hands, and pumping on behalf of the US, they will likely not receive a very friendly treatment. Especially since it now appears that K-Daf was actually spot on when he argued that Al Qaeda is reinforcing the rebels:

There is a good chance NATO pressure will encourage Libyan tyrant Moammar Gadhafi to leave power, the U.S. NATO commander told Congress Tuesday, but the opposition that could come in the Libyan leader’s wake has “flickers” of al Qaeda.

While there is a wide range of possible outcomes in Libya, running from a static stalemate to Gadhafi cracking, there is a “more than reasonable” chance of Gadhafi leaving power, Adm. James Stavridis said before the Senate Armed Services Committee,

But potential “flickers” of al Qaeda and Hezbollah elements have been seen in intelligence regarding the Libyan opposition, which is poised to take power if Gadhafi leaves, Stavridis said. However, he added there is no evidence of a significant presence of al Qaeda or other terrorist groups. Stavridis is also the commander of U.S. European Command.

“The intelligence that I’m receiving at this point makes me feel that the leadership that I’m seeing are responsible men and women who are struggling against Col. Gadhafi,” Stavridis added.

There is probably “a sprinkling of extremists to perhaps include al Qaeda” in Libya among the rebels, “but no one should think the opposition is being led by al Qaeda or one of its affiliates,” the official said. Al Qaeda has had a presence in North Africa for years. It “wouldn’t be surprising if small numbers — a handful”– of extremists or al Qaeda are in Libya.

Thus in one easy step, the administration appears to have lost all its prior animosity toward Al Qaeda (and after all September 11 was so long ago…), and is now bypassing international embargoes to deal directly with them.

What next: we get confirmation that Al Qaeda is also providing crystal meth to Libya’s rebels?

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/29/2011 17:22 -0400

Source: ZeroHedge

Libya: Rebels Create New National Oil Company AND Form A Central Bank!

As you can see this war is certainly not about oil and financial control and the rebels are ‘real rebels’.

This war has certainly nothing to do with the fact that Gaddafi wanted/threatened to nationalize the oil industry in Libya and to kick out foreign corporations.

Mar. 29 (Bloomberg) — Libyan rebels in Benghazi said they have created a new national oil company to replace the corporation controlled by leader Muammar Qaddafi whose assets were frozen by the United Nations Security Council.

The Transitional National Council released a statement announcing the decision made at a March 19 meeting to establish the “Libyan Oil Company as supervisory authority on oil production and policies in the country, based temporarily in Benghazi, and the appointment of an interim director general” of the company.

The Council also said it “designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.”

The Security Council adopted a resolution on March 17 that froze the foreign assets of the Libyan National Oil Corp. and the Central Bank of Libya, both described in the text as “a potential source of funding” for Qaddafi’s regime.

Libya holds Africa’s largest oil reserve. Output has fallen to fewer than 400,000 barrels a day, Shokri Ghanem, chairman of the National Oil Corp., said on March 19. The country produced 1.59 million barrels a day in January, according to estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Exports may be halted for “many months” because of sanctions and unrest, the International Energy Agency said.

‘Extended Shutdown’

Read moreLibya: Rebels Create New National Oil Company AND Form A Central Bank!

Japan Nuclear Meltdown: Fatal Radiation Detected Outside Damaged Reactor No. 2

March 28 (Bloomberg) — Radiation levels that can prove fatal were detected outside reactor buildings at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant for the first time, complicating efforts to contain the worst disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.

Water in an underground trench outside the No. 2 reactor had levels exceeding 1 sievert an hour, a spokesman for plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. told reporters in the capital yesterday. Exposure to that dose for 30 minutes would trigger nausea and four hours might lead to death within two months, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Preventing the most-contaminated water from leaking into the ground or air is key to containing the spread of radiation beyond the plant. A partial meltdown of fuel rods in the No. 2 reactor probably caused a jump in the readings, Japan’s chief government spokesman said.

“There’s not much good news right now,” said Gennady Pshakin, a former IAEA official based in Obninsk, the site of Russia’s first nuclear power plant. “There’re questions arising on how much fuel will leak out, what isotopes will be carried and how quickly they will settle. It’s becoming less predictable.”

Read moreJapan Nuclear Meltdown: Fatal Radiation Detected Outside Damaged Reactor No. 2

Unbelievable: TEPCO: Plutonium Found On 5 Locations Around Fukushima Plant A Week Ago (But The Deadliest Substance On The Planet ‘Poses No Human Health Risk’!)

Plutonium poses no human health risk??? Unbelievable!!!

“Plutonium is the deadliest substance on the planet since 1 molecule of Plutonium in your body guarantees the development of cancer, according to radiation medicine experts.”
– Dr. Rima Laibow

Take a close look at the half-lives of the plutonium isotopes below.

It is now safe to say that plutonium is much less dangerous to the health of the Japanese people than TEPCO and the government.

Now listen to total ignorance …

TEPCO says plutonium found on quake-damaged plant grounds (CNN):

Tokyo (CNN) — Some plutonium found in soil on the grounds of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may have come from its earthquake-damaged reactors, but it poses no human health risk, the plant’s owners reported Monday.

The element was found in soil samples taken March 21-22 from five locations around the plant, the Tokyo Electric Power Company told CNN late Monday. The company said it was equivalent to the amounts that fell on Japan following aboveground nuclear weapons tests by other countries in past decades.

“It is not a health risk to humans,” the company said. But it added, “Just in case, TEPCO will increase the monitoring of the nuclear plant grounds and the surrounding environment.”

Plutonium is a byproduct of nuclear reactions that is also part of the fuel mix at the plant’s No. 3 reactor. It can be a serious health hazard if inhaled or ingested, but external exposure poses little health risk, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Three plutonium isotopes — Pu-238, -239 and -240 — were found in soil at five different points inside the plant grounds, Tokyo Electric reported. It said that plutonium found in two of the samples could have come out of the reactors that were damaged by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that ravaged northern Japan.

All three isotopes have long half-lives, with plutonium-239 taking 24,000 years to lose half its radioactivity. Plutonium-238 has an 87-year half-life, while plutonium-240’s is more than 6,500 years.

Read moreUnbelievable: TEPCO: Plutonium Found On 5 Locations Around Fukushima Plant A Week Ago (But The Deadliest Substance On The Planet ‘Poses No Human Health Risk’!)

Japanese Government: High Radiation Due To Partial Meltdown – TEPCO Admits Crisis May Last For ‘Months Or Years’

* Battle to control Fukushima plant seen far from over

* Japan crisis helps tip Germany poll against Merkel

* More than 27,000 dead or missing from quake and tsunami

* Magnitude 6.5 quake in north Japan triggers small tsunami

* Low-level radiation found in Massachusetts rainwater (Updates with Edano’s comments on melted fuel rods)

TOKYO, March 28 (Reuters) – The high level of radiation in water flooding the basement of a reactor at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is likely due to a partial melting of fuel rods after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the government said on Monday.

“The radiation seems to have come from fuel rods that were partially melted down and came in contact with the water used to cool the reactor,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told a news conference. “Steam may have condensed … carrying water from within the containment vessel.”

The partial meltdown would have happened after the tsunami crashed through the reactor and knocked out its cooling system.

Read moreJapanese Government: High Radiation Due To Partial Meltdown – TEPCO Admits Crisis May Last For ‘Months Or Years’

How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation


Lugols solution is perfectly safe (this is also mentioned by another forum user in the following thread below) and a very good choice to protect yourself from radioactive iodine.

See also:

Dr. Donald W. Miller, MD: Iodine for Radioactive Fallout

Dr. Rima Laibow Recommends What to Do About Radiation


How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

This is a further summary of radioprotective dietary supplements and other products that are available without a prescription. There are other products that are available by prescription, but I wanted to center on what people could fairly easily obtain.

The references following each entry on the list, for the most part are taken from peer reviewed scientific literature rather than from other sources, as I wanted to be as accurate as possible. Full articles are available from pubmed for a fee, but the abstracts are posted as they are free.

This list is supplied for those who wish to be proactive rather than counting on governmental institutions, so it is intended for those who are interested in what they personally can do to protect themselves and their family members from radioactive contamination.

The dosages listed are only suggestions, and many sources vary considerably as to dosage recommendations for a given product. In some instances the dosages given were those used to treat radiation victims.

Please be alert that doses for Adults and children may be radically different, and persons with health conditions such as kidney disease, liver disease, or other serious medical conditions should always consult with their personal health care provider before using any supplements. Also if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, discuss any supplements with your health care provider before using them.

(1) Probably most useful, (2) Potassium Iodide, Iodate and related products, (3) Vitamins, (4) Supplements, (5) Food items and (6) Miscellaneous products

(1) Probably most useful is here in the first post:


Pectin is found in large quantities in Apples and was used to detoxify radioactive Cesium from the children of Chernobyl. Dose for children was 5 grams twice daily during 18-25 day treatments.

“Twenty-two years after the Chernobyl releases, the annual individual dose limit in heavily contaminated territories of Belarus, Ukraine, and European Russia exceed 1 mSv/year just because of the unavoidable consumption of locally contaminated products.”

“For practical reasons the curative-like use of apple-pectin food additives might be especially helpful for effective decorporation of Cs-137. From 1996 to 2007 a total of more than 160,000 Belarussian children received pectin food additives during 18 to 25 days of treatment (5 g twice a day). As a result, levels of Cs-137 in children’s organs decreased after each course of pectin additives by an average of 30 to 40%.

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Blocks uptake of stronium-90. Adults may take 1500 mg daily.

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(either calcium alginate or sodium alginate) as an alternative treatment for radioactive strontium: “The data obtained show that the uptake of ingested strontium from milk was reduced by a factor of nine when alginate was added to milk. It is concluded that alginate preparations are a suitable antidote against radio-strontium.”

“A pilot production procedure has been established. Na alginate (sodium alginate) from S. siliquastrum (algae species)was proven to be a potent agent for reducing Sr (strontium) absorption, with high efficiency and virtually no toxicity. Strontium absorption in human subjects was reduced by 78% (+/- 8.9) or completely suppressed the increase of serum Sr at 2 h after ingestion. In cases of emergency, an alginate syrup preparation appears to be more suitable because of its rapid action.”
“It was found that administration of sodium alginate as a jelly overcomes the problem of constipation and effectively reduces Sr(89) uptake, up to 83%. This fact represents a significant finding with respect to the use of the compound in human subjects.”

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Read moreHow To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

Proof Libyan Invasion Was Planned 10 Years In Advance

Added: 20.03.2011

U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.), explains that the Bush Administration planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years:

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.

The invasion of Libya via the UN and the 2003 Iraq invasion were both done on March 19 as with many other military conflicts. There is an occult connection with March 19.

International Commission Recommends Japan Temporarily Increase Radiation Limits For Public

They increased the radiation limits for food when Chernobyl happened, but …

Updating Japan’s Nuclear Disaster:

“Nuclear radiation is forever,” she added. It doesn’t dissipate or disappear. Jeff Patterson, former Physicians for Social Responsibility president said, “There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources. Period.” In 1953, Nobel laureate George Wald agreed saying “no amount of radiation is safe. Every dose is an overdose.”

Farmer Sumiko Matsuno, left, and her freind, bag carrots on her farm to eat as she fears no one will buy them with the current radiation fallout, Thursday, March 24, 2011 in Fukushima, Fukushima prefecture, (AP Photo/Wally Santana)

An international advisory body has recommended the Japanese government temporarily raise the annual limit of radiation exposure for the general public in light of the ongoing crisis at the quake- and tsunami-crippled nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture.

The government stipulates that regular citizens in Japan should be exposed to no more than 1 millisievert of radiation per year, but the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) on March 21 recommended the limit be tentatively raised to 20 to 100 millisieverts per year, with the nuclear crisis showing no signs of abating.

The institution pointed out that even if the power plant comes safely out of the critical situation, areas affected by the accident will remain radioactive for many years to come. Therefore, it suggested, even after the power plant crisis is resolved, the government should keep the upper limit at 1 to 20 millisieverts per year before it gradually brings it back to its original 1, in order to prevent residents of Fukushima Prefecture from abandoning their hometowns.

Read moreInternational Commission Recommends Japan Temporarily Increase Radiation Limits For Public