Artemisia Annua Annihilates 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours


Artemisia-Annua-Amazing Herb Kills 98 Percent Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours

Artemisia annua also happens to be one of the most important herbs for Lyme disease, malaria and ”’autoimmune”’ diseases.

Aaaand it’s very easy to grow (and produces an enormous amount of seeds)!!!!!


Asian herb annihilates cancer cells in 16 hours:

There’s a powerful, health-boosting herb from Asia that you need to know about. It’s in the same family as the daisy and the sunflower. But it has a hidden talent that neither of its relatives has…

It can demolish breast cancer cells in as little as 16 hours.

Now, the Chinese have used this herb for over 2,000 years to break fevers, improve digestive health and expel parasites. (In fact, it’s used across the world as a cure for malaria because of its powerful ability to get rid of those nasty little buggers.)

But it’s most impressive power to date is annihilating cancer cells. And the scientific evidence supporting its anti-cancer prowess is astounding…

Breast cancer cells, leukemia cells, gallbladder cancer cells, lung cancer cells, bladder cancer cells, brain cancer cells, prostate cancer cells — research shows that none of these stand a chance against an unassuming little herb known as sweet wormwood.

The reason cancer cells cower in sweet wormwood’s presence is because it contains a compound called artemisinin. Artemesinin kills everything from parasites to bacteria to fungus to cancer cells… while leaving healthy cells unscathed.

Now, there is a trick to killing cancer cells with artemisinin. On its own, artemisinin can kill cancer cells (in one study it killed about 28 percent of breast cancer cells). But its true cancer-killing power is unleashed when it’s combined with iron.

That’s because iron activates artemisinin’s drive to seek and destroy. Which is why it’s so good at treating malaria — the malaria parasite is packed with iron. And cancer cells tend to be iron-rich too. They need iron to replicate and will steal it from other cells so they can keep reproducing at a rapid pace.

A 2012 study published in the journal Anticancer Drugs found that breast cancer cells treated with iron and artemisinin died at lightning speed — 98 percent were dead within 16 hours.

This is the most dramatic example of what artemisinin can do to cancer cells, but it’s far from the only example…

A 2016 study published in the journal Nutrition Research and Practice found that artemisinin also kills glioblastoma brain cancer cells. But, yet again, it was most effective when combined with iron.

Other studies published just this year show that artemisinin kills head and neck cancer cells, bladder cancer cells, leukemia cells, lung cancer cells, prostate cancer cells, colon cancer and bone cancer cells. Just to reiterate, these studies were all published this year… and the year’s not even over yet!

Read moreArtemisia Annua Annihilates 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours

Not Just For Athletes – Low Iron & Ferritin? What Now? Here Is The Solution (Videos)

If you are an athlete and you have done iron infusions before, then you may have noticed that you feel great afterwards, but then comes the crash down to earth.

Here is an iron supplement that will almost be fully absorbed by the body (100% bioavailable).

I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true and it really works.

I’ve seen this with patients.

(An additional parasite treatment is recommended, because parasites love iron and you do not want to feed them.)

For those athletes of you, whose ferritin level is too low and do not want to go into the iron infusion rollercoaster, this is the way to get your iron and ferritin levels back on track.

This is the only product I know of that really keeps up to its promises.

You can take two pipettes iron as suggested by Roy Hinnen daily, but you can also take 2 x 2 pipettes or 1 x 4 pipettes per day to get there faster (as suggested by Dr. Töth).


If you are an athlete and you try this product you will very soon very much appreciate this product.

The videos are in German.

Published on May 28, 2014

Sportler können einen Eisenmangel entwickeln, weil sie oftmals dem erhöhten Bedarf an Nährstoffen und Spurenelementen durch ihre Ernährung nicht ausreichend nachkommen. Wer pro Woche mehr als 6 Stunden Sport treibt hat ein höherer Bedarf an Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen. Der Eisenverlust kann bei Sportlern bei ca. 2 mg pro Tag liegen und ist damit etwa doppelt so hoch wie normal.
Das Spurenelement Eisen ist vor allem an der Bildung roter Blutkörperchen beteiligt und somit unverzichtbar für den lebensnotwendigen Sauerstofftransport im Blut. Eisen hat auch eine Funktion bei der Zellteilung und somit eine vorteilhafte Wirkung auf den Stoffwechsel. Es trägt zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems und zur Abwehr gegen äußere Einflüsse bei und ist für die Erhaltung der normalen Muskelfunktion und den Energiestoffwechsel von Bedeutung.
Beim Ausdauerathleten schaue ich dann beim Bluttest auf das Ferritin. Herkömmliche pharmakologische Arzneimittel verfügen selten über eine höhere Bioverfügbarkeit von 10%. Mit solchen Arzneien lässt sich das Ferritin fast nie in das richtige “Arbeitsfenster” von über 100ug/L bringen. Viele Athleten gehen dann zum Arzt und bekommen eine Eiseninfusion. Das ist ein grosser schock für den Körper.
Per Zufall bin ich auf ein Produkt von Dr. Ewald Töth (Licht-Quanten aktivierte Eisen-Oxydul-Oxyd Verbindungen) gestossen und machte einen selbsttest. Über 3 Monate habe ich das Eisen in einen gesüssten Tee getropft und jeden Tag 2 Pipetten genommen, mein Ferritin stieg von anfänglich 35ug/L auf 138ug/L innert 3 Monaten.
Täglich 1 x 4 ml (1 Pipette) in 0.3L Wasser oder Tee mit 1 TL Honig enthalten 11mg Fe2+ und Fe3+ Eisen. Den besten Nutzen erzielen Sie, wenn Sie das Stoffwechsel-Eisen-Energetikum in der Früh oder tagsüber trinken. Wenn Sie Diabetiker sind, verwenden Sie einfach Ihren gewohnten Süßstoff in der jeweiligen Menge. Als Dosierungshilfe verwenden Sie einfach die in der Packung beiliegende Pipette!
Was für ein Eisen verwendet Herr Dr. Ewald Töth?
Das alchemistische Eisen besteht aus der essigsauren Eisen-Oxyduloxydverbindung so wie sie von Paracelsus beschrieben wurde. Es handelt sich um ein spezielles Eisensulfat, das Heptahydrat, ein in der Natur als Melanterit vorkommendes Eisensulfat. Es hat die Eigenschaft, sich mit 7 Wassermolekülen zu verbinden. Da beim Lösungsvorgang Fe2 sauer und Fe3 basisch reagieren, bilden sie eine bestmögliche Pufferung und eine optimale zellgängigen PH-Wert. Diese bio-elektrische und bio-magnetische Energie führt zu einer Erhöhung und Neubildung von roten Blutkörperchen und Hämoglobin. Somit erreicht das eisen eine Bioverfügbarkeit von 100%.
Durch die vermehrte Hämoglobin-Produktion erhöht sich als unmittelbare Folge der Sauerstofftransport und die Versorgung des Organismus mit Sauerstoff wesentlich. Die damit verbundene Optimierung aller biochemischen und elektromagnetischen Stoffwechselvorgänge wird z.B. durch eine bessere Verdauung, ein reineres Hautbild, gesteigerte Muskelleistung und Ausdauer, eine rasche Regeneration bei Stressbelastung, eine verminderte Infektanfälligkeit, eine bessere Konzentrationsfähigkeit, eine bessere Gedächnisleistung, eine Normalisierung des Blutbildes und der Blutwerte, durch den Wegfall von Blähungen oder Verstopfung oder durch einen ausgeglichenen Hormonhaushalt sichtbar und für den Betreffenden spürbar.
Durch einen alchemistischen Prozess entsteht ein Eisen-Konzentrat mit einer neuen Synthese von essigsauren Eisenverbindungen mit der regulativen kraft des Schwefels und von basischen Mineralstoffen. Diese alchemistische Eisenverbindung von Paracelsus kann als ein Blutbildendes, die Nerven stärkendes, den Stoffwechsel aktivierendes sowie ein entgiftendes und das Immunsysthem kräftigendes Mittel angesehen werden.

 Der große Wissenschaftler, Alchemist und Arzt Paracelsus entwickelte Heilmittel auf der Basis der Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften. Alchemistische Rezepturen vereinten Natur- und Geisteswissenschaft. So entstand eine Eisenverbindung, welche die physiologischen und biochemischen Schlüsselformeln für die zentralen Stoffwechselvorgänge im Körper besitzt. Aufgrund des alchemistischen Herstellungsprozesses entsteht eine organisch gebundene Eisenoxyduloxyd Verbindung. Diese besitzt zwei Oxidationsstufen des Eisens und hat daher ein hohes Redoxpotential – mit vielen für Eisen neuen Eigenschaften. Eisen hat auf der Schleimhaut eine blutstillende, adstringierende und Schleimhaut bewahrende Wirkung. Es wirkt zudem Säure-Basen regulierend im sauren Bereich, Fäulnis hemmend und Schwefelwasserstoff bindend. Es wird optimal über die Schleimhäute resorbiert und fast vollständig aufgenommen. Die Sauerstoffbindekapazität ist um Potenzen höher als bei herkömmlichen Eisenverbindungen. Das alchemistische Stoffwechsel-Eisen ist weltweit die einzige Verbindung, welche zu 100% Bioverfügbar ist (herkömmliches Eisen ist nur zu 3% – 15% resorbierbar).

* * *

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Little Known Chinese Herb & Iron Kill 98% of Cancer Cells in 16 Hours

Artemisia annua also happens to be one of the most important herbs to cure Lyme disease and malaria.

Related info:

Artemisia Annua – Amazing Herb Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours



Little Known Chinese Herb & Iron Kill 98% of Cancer Cells in 16 Hours:

According to studies that were published in an issue of Life Sciences, artemesinin – a derivative of the wormwood plant used in Chinese Medicine – can kill 98% of breast cancer cells in less than 16 hours. The herb used alone caused a 28% reduction in breast cancer cells, but when paired with iron, sweet wormwood was able to eradicate cancer almost entirely. What’s more, normal cells were not negatively affected in the experiment by this treatment.

Artemisinin has been used in the past as a powerful anti-malarial herb, but it now has been proven to be a cancer-fighter, too. When subjects in the published study were given an iron supplement, which often accumulates in the breast tissue but especially so in cancerous cells, the artemisinin was able to selectively target ‘bad’ cells and leave ‘good’ cells alone.

Read moreLittle Known Chinese Herb & Iron Kill 98% of Cancer Cells in 16 Hours

Asian Herb (Artemisia Annua) Annihilates Cancer Cells In 16 Hours

Artemisia-Annua-Amazing Herb Kills 98 Percent Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours

Artemisia annua also happens to be one of the most important herbs to cure Lyme disease, malaria and ”’autoimmune”’ disorders.

Artemisia Annua – Amazing Herb Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours



Asian herb annihilates cancer cells in 16 hours:

There’s a powerful, health-boosting herb from Asia that you need to know about. It’s in the same family as the daisy and the sunflower. But it has a hidden talent that neither of its relatives has…

It can demolish breast cancer cells in as little as 16 hours.

Now, the Chinese have used this herb for over 2,000 years to break fevers, improve digestive health and expel parasites. (In fact, it’s used across the world as a cure for malaria because of its powerful ability to get rid of those nasty little buggers.)

But it’s most impressive power to date is annihilating cancer cells. And the scientific evidence supporting its anti-cancer prowess is astounding…

Read moreAsian Herb (Artemisia Annua) Annihilates Cancer Cells In 16 Hours

Lists On How To Protect And Detoxify Yourself From Radiation

Here are two excellent lists on what you can do to protect yourself from radiation:

How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

Dr. Rima Laibow Recommends What to Do About Radiation

Related info:

Prof. Chris Busby: Help Save Children Of Fukushima From Radiation! (Video Exposing The Evil Japanese Government)

How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation


Lugols solution is perfectly safe (this is also mentioned by another forum user in the following thread below) and a very good choice to protect yourself from radioactive iodine.

See also:

Dr. Donald W. Miller, MD: Iodine for Radioactive Fallout

Dr. Rima Laibow Recommends What to Do About Radiation


How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

This is a further summary of radioprotective dietary supplements and other products that are available without a prescription. There are other products that are available by prescription, but I wanted to center on what people could fairly easily obtain.

The references following each entry on the list, for the most part are taken from peer reviewed scientific literature rather than from other sources, as I wanted to be as accurate as possible. Full articles are available from pubmed for a fee, but the abstracts are posted as they are free.

This list is supplied for those who wish to be proactive rather than counting on governmental institutions, so it is intended for those who are interested in what they personally can do to protect themselves and their family members from radioactive contamination.

The dosages listed are only suggestions, and many sources vary considerably as to dosage recommendations for a given product. In some instances the dosages given were those used to treat radiation victims.

Please be alert that doses for Adults and children may be radically different, and persons with health conditions such as kidney disease, liver disease, or other serious medical conditions should always consult with their personal health care provider before using any supplements. Also if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, discuss any supplements with your health care provider before using them.

(1) Probably most useful, (2) Potassium Iodide, Iodate and related products, (3) Vitamins, (4) Supplements, (5) Food items and (6) Miscellaneous products

(1) Probably most useful is here in the first post:


Pectin is found in large quantities in Apples and was used to detoxify radioactive Cesium from the children of Chernobyl. Dose for children was 5 grams twice daily during 18-25 day treatments.

“Twenty-two years after the Chernobyl releases, the annual individual dose limit in heavily contaminated territories of Belarus, Ukraine, and European Russia exceed 1 mSv/year just because of the unavoidable consumption of locally contaminated products.”

“For practical reasons the curative-like use of apple-pectin food additives might be especially helpful for effective decorporation of Cs-137. From 1996 to 2007 a total of more than 160,000 Belarussian children received pectin food additives during 18 to 25 days of treatment (5 g twice a day). As a result, levels of Cs-137 in children’s organs decreased after each course of pectin additives by an average of 30 to 40%.

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Blocks uptake of stronium-90. Adults may take 1500 mg daily.

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(either calcium alginate or sodium alginate) as an alternative treatment for radioactive strontium: “The data obtained show that the uptake of ingested strontium from milk was reduced by a factor of nine when alginate was added to milk. It is concluded that alginate preparations are a suitable antidote against radio-strontium.”

“A pilot production procedure has been established. Na alginate (sodium alginate) from S. siliquastrum (algae species)was proven to be a potent agent for reducing Sr (strontium) absorption, with high efficiency and virtually no toxicity. Strontium absorption in human subjects was reduced by 78% (+/- 8.9) or completely suppressed the increase of serum Sr at 2 h after ingestion. In cases of emergency, an alginate syrup preparation appears to be more suitable because of its rapid action.”
“It was found that administration of sodium alginate as a jelly overcomes the problem of constipation and effectively reduces Sr(89) uptake, up to 83%. This fact represents a significant finding with respect to the use of the compound in human subjects.”

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Read moreHow To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

US ‘Discovers’ Vast Mineral Riches Worth Nearly $1 Trillion In Afghanistan

A bleak Ghazni Province seems to offer little, but a Pentagon study says it may have among the world’s largest deposits of lithium. (The New York Times)

WASHINGTON — The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials.

The previously unknown deposits – including huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals like lithium – are so big and include so many minerals that are essential to modern industry that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world, the United States officials believe.

An internal Pentagon memo, for example, states that Afghanistan could become the “Saudi Arabia of lithium,” a key raw material in the manufacture of batteries for laptops and BlackBerrys.

The vast scale of Afghanistan’s mineral wealth was discovered by a small team of Pentagon officials and American geologists. The Afghan government and President Hamid Karzai were recently briefed, American officials said.

While it could take many years to develop a mining industry, the potential is so great that officials and executives in the industry believe it could attract heavy investment even before mines are profitable, providing the possibility of jobs that could distract from generations of war.

Read moreUS ‘Discovers’ Vast Mineral Riches Worth Nearly $1 Trillion In Afghanistan

The New World Order Poisoning Your Rain Water

Added: 23. Januar 2010

The rain water was tested by government labs:

Aluminum (780 times over the save level.)

Arsenic (593 times over the save level.)

Manganese (4000 times over the save level.)

Barium (300 times over the save level.)

Zinc (8000 times over the save level.)

Iron (2000 times over the save level.)

Boron (4000 times over the save level.)

New World Order already controlling population with poisoned water and air

Added: 9. Februar 2010

WA gas explosion fallout serious for iron ore, gold and base metals suppliers

The Varanus Island gas explosion and subsequent loss of around 30 percent of the state’s gas supplies is creating serious problems for the state’s massive mining industry and will affect productivity and supply for months, rather than weeks.

“Western Australia supplies about a third of the world’s iron ore, 20 percent of the gold and tens of thousands of tonnes of copper, nickel, zinc, lead and other industrial staples.”

PERTH (Reuters) – Western Australian miners, which supply the world with metals and iron ore, fear sharp falls in productivity and lay-offs after a gas-plant explosion robbed them of power, industry and local government officials said on Sunday.

“This is very serious,” Reg Howard Smith, head of the state’s Chamber of Minerals and Energy, said after crisis talks with some of the world’s biggest resources firms, including BHP Billiton BHP..AX(BLT.L), Rio Tinto (RIO.AX)(RIO.L) and BP (BP.L).

“We’re seeing some stand-downs of staff occurring and we’re still deciding what needs to be done,” Smith told Reuters.

Western Australia lost about a third of its energy supplies last week when an explosion crippled a gas-handling plant on the tiny island of Varanus, about 100 km (62 miles) off Australia’s northwest coast. The Varanus plant, close to offshore gas fields, is operated by a unit of U.S.-based Apache Corp (APA.N).

Tim Wall, managing director of Apache’s Australian unit, said on Sunday he was sticking with an earlier estimate of “months, not weeks” before damage to the plant and associated gas pipelines was repaired and operations could restart.

Western Australia’s state government is trying to import more diesel from Asia to offset the drop in gas supplies, state premier Alan Carpenter said, noting that BP, which operates a diesel refinery in the state, was already at maximum production.

But getting diesel to remote, outback mines could take time.

“There is no wand to make this crisis disappear,” Carpenter told reporters on Sunday. “It’s one thing to get the diesel here on ships and another to where it’s needed by truck.”

Western Australia supplies about a third of the world’s iron ore, 20 percent of the gold and tens of thousands of tonnes of copper, nickel, zinc, lead and other industrial staples.

Read moreWA gas explosion fallout serious for iron ore, gold and base metals suppliers