– Study: Aronia, Curcumin Extracts Effectively Kill Brain Cancer Cell Line
– Marijuana Compound Kills Brain Tumors in Humans
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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
There’s a powerful, health-boosting herb from Asia that you need to know about. It’s in the same family as the daisy and the sunflower. But it has a hidden talent that neither of its relatives has…
It can demolish breast cancer cells in as little as 16 hours.
Now, the Chinese have used this herb for over 2,000 years to break fevers, improve digestive health and expel parasites. (In fact, it’s used across the world as a cure for malaria because of its powerful ability to get rid of those nasty little buggers.)
But it’s most impressive power to date is annihilating cancer cells. And the scientific evidence supporting its anti-cancer prowess is astounding…
Breast cancer cells, leukemia cells, gallbladder cancer cells, lung cancer cells, bladder cancer cells, brain cancer cells, prostate cancer cells — research shows that none of these stand a chance against an unassuming little herb known as sweet wormwood.
The reason cancer cells cower in sweet wormwood’s presence is because it contains a compound called artemisinin. Artemesinin kills everything from parasites to bacteria to fungus to cancer cells… while leaving healthy cells unscathed.
Now, there is a trick to killing cancer cells with artemisinin. On its own, artemisinin can kill cancer cells (in one study it killed about 28 percent of breast cancer cells). But its true cancer-killing power is unleashed when it’s combined with iron.
That’s because iron activates artemisinin’s drive to seek and destroy. Which is why it’s so good at treating malaria — the malaria parasite is packed with iron. And cancer cells tend to be iron-rich too. They need iron to replicate and will steal it from other cells so they can keep reproducing at a rapid pace.
A 2012 study published in the journal Anticancer Drugs found that breast cancer cells treated with iron and artemisinin died at lightning speed — 98 percent were dead within 16 hours.
This is the most dramatic example of what artemisinin can do to cancer cells, but it’s far from the only example…
A 2016 study published in the journal Nutrition Research and Practice found that artemisinin also kills glioblastoma brain cancer cells. But, yet again, it was most effective when combined with iron.
Other studies published just this year show that artemisinin kills head and neck cancer cells, bladder cancer cells, leukemia cells, lung cancer cells, prostate cancer cells, colon cancer and bone cancer cells. Just to reiterate, these studies were all published this year… and the year’s not even over yet!
Read moreArtemisia Annua Annihilates 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours
Antibodies against any disease (incl. cancer) and many other unspecific cancer fighting substances can be found in urine (serum ultrafiltrate).
– Antibody fights pediatric brain tumors in preclinical testing, study finds
H/t reader kevin a.
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You’ll find a lot more additional info on chemotherapy down below.
Learn what highly toxic, cancer causing chemical is actually used to treat cancer.
(Click on image to enlarge.)
A groundbreaking 14-year study was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology called “The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies”.
Read the full study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (Dec. 2004) here (and take a look at those tables at page 3 & 4):
“The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies” (PDF)
Studied were the 5-year survival rates of chemotherapy on 22 types of cancers in the US and Australia.
154,971 Americans & Australians cancer patients, age 20 and older, were treated with chemotherapy.
The survival of only 3,306 could be ‘credited’ to chemo.
A short info from WebMD:
– The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies:
Study Results: “The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1 % in The USA”
Study Conclusion:“As the 5-year survival rate in Australia is now over 60%, it is clear that cytotoxic chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to cancer survival.To justify the continued funding and availability of drugs used in cytotoxic chemotherapy, a rigorous evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and impact on quality of life is urgently required.”
Chemotherapy contributed on average only 2,1% to the overall survival rate!
– 15 News Stories from 2015 You Should Have Heard About But Probably Didn’t:
In 2015, the iron fist of power clamped down on humanity, from warfare to terrorism (I repeat myself) to surveillance, police brutality, and corporate hegemony. The environment was repeatedly decimated, the health of citizens was constantly put at risk, and the justice system and media alike were perverted to serve the interests of the powers that be.
However, while 2015 was discouraging for more reasons than most of us can count, many of the year’s most underreported stories evidence not only a widespread pattern that explicitly reveals the nature of power, but pushback from human beings worldwide on a path toward a better world.
1. CISA Pushed Through the Senate, Effectively Clamping Down on Internet Freedom: For years, Congress has attempted to legalize corporate and state control of the internet. In 2011, they attempted to pass PIPA and SOPA, companion bills slammed by internet and tech companies and ultimately defeated after overwhelming public outcry. Then they passed CISPA — which the president threatened to veto, having caught wind of the public’s opposition to heavy regulation of the internet (earlier this year, Obama reversed his position). However, corporate interests, like Hollywood’s studio monopoly, kept lawmakers’ tenacity afloat.
Read more15 News Stories from 2015 You Should Have Heard About But Probably Didn’t
– Beau Biden, son of vice president, dies of brain cancer (USA Today, May 31, 2015):
BETHESDA, Md. — Former Delaware attorney general Beau Biden, the oldest son of Vice President Joe Biden, died Saturday of brain cancer, the vice president’s office said. He was 46.
Biden had been hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center May 19 for treatment of a then-undisclosed illness. The vice president’s office said Saturday he had a relapse of a brain cancer first diagnosed and thought cured in 2013.
Related info:
The vice president and the rest of his extended family were at his side when he died, the vice president’s office said.
Read moreBeau Biden, son of vice president, dies of brain cancer
– Extensive cell phone use can triple brain cancer risk (Natural News, May 17, 2014):
Questions continue to arise about cell phones and their contribution to certain cancers. Even the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has raised some concern about extensive cell phone use. The NCI explains that cell phones emit radio frequency energy in the form of non-ionizing radiation. In other words, a cell phone basically lets off radio waves which are absorbed by the nearest tissues of the body. If a person carries a phone in their pocket all day long, energy can be absorbed into the person’s side and midsection.
How does this energy affect the cells over time?
Does this constant exposure disrupt cellular processes, especially when held up to the brain?
Read moreExtensive Cell Phone Use Can Triple Brain Cancer Risk
‘Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine thy food.’
– Hippocrates
– Groundbreaking study: Aronia, curcumin extracts effectively kill brain cancer cell line (Natural News, Oct 9, 2012):
Researchers from the Department of Natural Sciences at Middlesex University in the U.K. have made a fascinating discovery concerning two natural “superfood” compounds and their ability to kill cancer cells. It turns out that both chokeberry extract (Aronia melanocarpa) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) work together with one another to stop the spread of malignant cancer cells, as well as induce cancer cell death, a process more commonly known as apoptosis.
The study, which was published in the journal Oncology Reports, evaluated the effects of both Aronia and curcumin on a specific glioblastoma line of brain cancer cells known as U373. Because earlier studies have already established that both herbs possess unique anticancer properties, the researchers, who themselves have been studying the herbs’ therapeutic benefits for several years, decided to examine further how one of the most common and deadly forms of brain cancer might respond to these two anticancer superfoods.
It turns out that Aronia berry, which is rich in anthocyanin flavonoids and other antioxidants and nutrients, is necrotic to the U373 cancer cell line, which means it actually kills cancer cells. And turmeric, which is abundant in the anticancer polyphenol curcumin, effectively induces apoptosis in U373, meaning that it stops this deadly cell line from producing new cells and spreading. When used together, both Aronia and turmeric appear to elicit a one-two punch defense against brain cancer.
Read moreStudy: Aronia, Curcumin Extracts Effectively Kill Brain Cancer Cell Line
Related info:
– Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt: Smart Meters & EMR – The Health Crisis Of Our Time (Video)
– Smart Meters – Correcting the Gross Misinformation (Waking Times, March 2, 2013):
Quebec-based magazine La Maison du 21e siecle asked physician David O. Carpenter, former founding dean of the University at Albany (NY)’s School of Public Health, to comment on a letter published in the Montreal daily Le Devoir last May 24. This letter claimed wireless smart meters pose no risk to public health. Some forty international experts contributed to the following rebuttal.
We, the undersigned are a group of scientists and health professionals who together have coauthored hundreds of peer-reviewed studies on the health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). We wish to correct some of the gross misinformation found in the letter regarding wireless “smart” meters that was published in the Montreal daily Le Devoir on May 24. Submitted by a group Quebec engineers, physicists and chemists, the letter in question reflects an obvious lack of understanding of the science behind the health impacts of the radiofrequency (RF)/microwave EMFs emitted by these meters.
Read moreSmart Meters – Scientists And Health Professionals Correct The Gross Misinformation
See also:
– Ban Mobile Phones And Wireless Networks In Schools, Say European Leaders:
Mobile phones and computers with wireless internet connections pose a risk to human health and should be banned from schools, a powerful European body has ruled.
A Council of Europe committee examined evidence that the technologies have “potentially harmful” effects on humans, and concluded that immediate action was required to protect children.
– WHO panel warns that cell phone use may cause cancer (Natural News, June 04, 2011):
(NaturalNews) Scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a group affiliated with the World Health Organization (WHO), say that mobile phones are a “possible” carcinogen that may be a cause of cancer. The findings, which support previous research on the subject, add to the growing body of evidence which suggests that the electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile phones causes serious health problems.
“A positive association has been observed between exposure to the agent and cancer for which a causal interpretation is considered … to be credible,” states the IARC. However, in the same train of thought, the agency claims that evidence is “limited” to suggest that mobile phone usage is linked to glioma or acoustic neuroma, two types of brain cancer.
Read moreWHO Panel Warns That Cell Phone Use May Cause Cancer
Aspartame is a lethal poison.
More on excitotoxins and Aspartame:
– Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed (YouTube)
– EPA List of Dangerous Chemicals Includes Aspartame
– Study: Aspartame Induces Lung And Liver Cancer
Read moreAspartame: Sweet Misery – A Poisoned World (Documentary – Full Length)