Kerri Rivera Interviewed About Chlorine Dioxide vs. Autism (Video) – #MMS #CDS #Autism #Coronavirus #Malaria #Lyme #Vaxxed #NWO #Depopulation


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Study Finds 100-Year-Old Drug Reverses Autism Symptoms In Kids: Children Said The First Sentences Of Their Lives About One Week After Single Suramin Infusion

‘Game Changer’: Study Finds 100-year-old Drug Reverses Autism Symptoms in Kids:

With just a single dose of this 100-year-old drug, autistic children experienced remarkable positive cognitive and emotional improvements. Some of the children spoke their first sentences in more than a decade. This is truly a ‘game changer.’

According to a revolutionary new study, a drug discovered more than a century ago may hold the key to combating the symptoms of autism. After just one dose, parents of the children in the study watched their kids make incredible improvements, with some speaking for the first time.

The study’s lead researcher, Dr. Robert Naviaux of the San Diego School of Medicine is an internationally known expert in human genetics, inborn errors of metabolism, metabolomics, and mitochondrial medicine. He is the discoverer of the cause of Alpers syndrome — the oldest Mendelian form of mitochondrial disease — and the developer of the first DNA test to diagnose it. Naviaux is, by far, one of the most qualified people in the world to conduct this study.

During his research, Naviaux noted the transformative results of the drug suramin which was first developed in 1916 and used as an anti-parasitic drug for treating African sleeping sickness and river blindness. After giving a single dose of suramin to boys with autism, between the ages of five and 14, Naviaux recorded something incredible — their symptoms were significantly alleviated.

“After the single dose, it was almost like a roadblock had been released,” he said. “If the future studies show that there’s continued health benefits, this could be a game-changer for families with autism.”

The study was published in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. During the study, five children were given suramin, while the remainder were given placebos. Included in the group were four non-verbal children, two 6-year-olds, and two 14-year-olds.

“The six-year-old and the 14-year-old who received suramin said the first sentences of their lives about one week after the single suramin infusion,” Naviaux told the UC San Diego Health website. “This did not happen in any of the children given the placebo.”

Read moreStudy Finds 100-Year-Old Drug Reverses Autism Symptoms In Kids: Children Said The First Sentences Of Their Lives About One Week After Single Suramin Infusion

New brain study reveals how music can change the structure of children’s brains, enhancing emotional and intellectual development, boosting decision-making network

Learn/study while listening to Mozart (It has been proven that the best result can be achieved with Mozart.) recorded in 432 Hz. (Low volume!)

(You will absolutely NOT get the same amazing effects and results by listening to the crap that can be found on YouTube, where they took Mozart’s pieces, slowed them down and changed pitch to 432 Hz.

All instruments really need to be tuned to 432 Hz before recording!!!).


New brain study reveals how music can change the structure of children’s brains, enhancing emotional and intellectual development, boosting decision-making network:

Two new studies from the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California have revealed that even just two years of music instruction has multiple benefits.

Music training can alter both the structure of the brain’s white matter, which transfers signals through the brain, and gray matter, which has most of the brain’s neurons that are active in processing information. It also improves brain network engagements that optimize decision-making abilities and the capacity to focus attention.

These findings have been talked about in studies that have been recently published in scientific journals, including one in the journal Cerebral Cortex. They are the result of an ongoing longitudinal study that started in 2012, when the institute – which is based at the USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences – partnered with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association and Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) to analyze the effects of music instruction on children’s emotional, cognitive, and social development.

Read moreNew brain study reveals how music can change the structure of children’s brains, enhancing emotional and intellectual development, boosting decision-making network

Babies feel touch in their DNA: Infants who were held more have a different molecular profile than children who had a lack of contact

Babies feel touch in their DNA: Infants who were held more have a different molecular profile than children who had a lack of contact:

Physical contact between babies and their caregivers doesn’t just foster emotional bonds — it also affects infants on a molecular level. This was the conclusion that researchers from the University of British Columbia and BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute came to in their landmark study. Though far from just impacting children in their infancy, physical contact (or lack thereof) elicit results that remain detectable well into childhood.

For the purposes of their study, the researchers recruited the parents of 94 healthy, five-week-old children. The parents were asked to keep journals of their children’s behavior (things such as crying, feeding, and sleeping), as well as the frequency amount of bodily contact they shared. By the time the children were four-and-a-half years old, the researchers swabbed the inside of their cheeks to attain DNA samples.

Read moreBabies feel touch in their DNA: Infants who were held more have a different molecular profile than children who had a lack of contact

This is CIA MKULTRA level stuff but hey what could go wrong with the US military’s research division DARPA controlling your emotions? Human Testing Begins: Brain Implants To ‘Change Moods Controlled By AI’

Brain implants to ‘change moods controlled by AI’ begin HUMAN TESTS:

SCIENTISTS have begun human testing on electronic brain implants designed to change peoples moods controlled by computers.

Devices plugged into people’s skulls are being developed by boffins funded by the US military’s research division DARPA.These implants will use electronic pulses to alter the chemicals in people’s brains in a process called “deep brain stimulation”.

This will then change people’s moods and is believed to be able to treat mental illness and provide therapy.

Artificial intelligence in implants will detect and study the brain to know what pulses to send – described by scientists as a “window on the brain”. 

Read moreThis is CIA MKULTRA level stuff but hey what could go wrong with the US military’s research division DARPA controlling your emotions? Human Testing Begins: Brain Implants To ‘Change Moods Controlled By AI’

Neuroscientists Discover a Song That Reduces Anxiety by 65 Percent (Listen)

Hmmm. (For me personally the music is not testing good.)


Neuroscientists Discover a Song That Reduces Anxiety by 65 Percent (Listen):

(TMU) Anxiety — that feeling of dread, fear, worry and panic — is certainly nothing new. Hippocrates wrote about it in the fourth century BCE. As did Søren Kierkegaard in the 1860s. And Sigmund Freud addressed the disorder in 1926.

However, jump to the present and we’re seeing a significant uptick — especially with youth.

Pharmaceutical drugs tend to be the classic treatment for treating anxiety (as well as the biggest money maker). Cognitive therapy is a common approach as well. Those with a holistic bent often turn to meditation, yoga, massage and other relaxation techniques. Music therapy has also been used with some success. But now neuroscientists in the U.K. have zeroed in on a single song that results in a dramatic 65 percent reduction in overall anxiety…

Read moreNeuroscientists Discover a Song That Reduces Anxiety by 65 Percent (Listen)

Scientists zapped people’s brains with magnetic pulses and it changed their taste in music

Scientists zapped people’s brains with magnetic pulses and it changed their taste in music:

Participants’ enjoyment of music, and the amount they were willing to spend on it, were both affected by stimulation of neural circuits

Stimulating someone’s brain with magnetic pulses is enough to change their taste in music, according to new research.

Using a non-invasive technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation, Scientists managed to change the enjoyment of music felt by their subjects.

Not only did the treatment alter the way participants rated music, it even affected the amount of money they were willing to spend on it.

Read moreScientists zapped people’s brains with magnetic pulses and it changed their taste in music

Neuroscientist Prof. Dr. Dr. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt Warns Of The Detrimental Effects Digital Media Have On Our Brain – “A Cyberattack On The Nerve Nets Of The Brain”

She warns especially on the negative effects that the digital media have on the brains of our children, where they are causing irreversible damage!

(And TPTB know all about this!)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt leitete den Bereich Neuroanatomie/Humanbiologie an der Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Biologie. Spezielle Forschungsgebiete: unter anderem quantitative Immunhistochemie von Neurotransmittern und neuronale Netzwerke in der Entwicklung psycho-kognitiver Hirnfunktionen. In ihren Vorträgen setzt sie sich kritisch mit der Wirkung digitaler Medien auf das Gehirn auseinander, so Anfang Mai an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt oder im Juni 2016 bei einer Veranstaltung des Netzwerks culture2business im Juni 2016. Titel des Vortrags: „Cyberangriff auf unser Gehirn? Strategien für einen gesunden Umgang mit digitalen Medien in Unternehmen.“ – Quelle:

Digitale Medien: die große Gefahr für unser Gehirn?:

„Digitale Medien erfüllen inzwischen einen fundamentalen Traum der Menschheit: Die Beherrschung von Zeit und Raum. Doch das birgt gleichzeitig ein große Gefahr in sich“, sagt Hirnforscherin Professor Dr. Dr. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt von der Universität Bielefeld. Behalten Medien-User nicht die Oberhand über ihr Tun und Planen, erliegen sie unmerklich einer Art Cyberattacke auf die Netzwerke ihres Gehirns. 

Attackiert würden speziell diejenigen Subsysteme, die für die Gedächtnisbildung und für die kognitiven Leistungen verantwortlich sind. Das könne Sucht, Burnout oder Depressionen auslösen. Eine neue Herausforderung sowohl im Studium, als auch in der Arbeitswelt werde es sein, nicht zuzulassen, dass die Medien uns in ihre Dienste stellen. Es sei deshalb nützlich, mehr über jene Nervennetze im Gehirn zu wissen, die uns stark dafür machen. Anfang Mai referierte die Hirnforscherin an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt zum Thema „Wohin führt die digitale Revolution?“. „Wenn wir den Karren so weiter laufen lassen, wird das eine ganze Generation von digitalisierten Kindern in die Steinzeit zurückwerfen“, warnt Teuchert-Noodt. Frau Professor Teuchert-Noodt,  Sie sprechen von der ,Cyberattacke auf die Nervennetze des Gehirns´. Was ist damit gemeint, was kann/muss sich der Laie darunter vorstellen?
Prof. Getraud Teuchert-Noodt: Es ist was es ist: egal, ob eine Cyberattacke mittelbar auf die für spezifische Infrastrukturen wichtigen Computernetzwerke von digital hochgerüsteten Einrichtungen oder unmittelbar auf spezifische Nervennetze des Gehirns gerichtet ist, beides hat eine entsprechende Durchschlagskraft. Also, ebenso wie Hacker die Stromversorgung eines Krankenhauses lahm legen können, können Medien User in ihrem eigenen Gehirn die Versorgungszentrale für die gesamte Informationsverarbeitung auf psycho-kognitiver Ebene außer Kraft setzen und eine emotionale/geistige Erschöpfung  herbeizuführen. Vielleicht ist ein Hirn-Crash sogar noch schlimmer. Denn die neurochemisch und hirnrhythmisch gesteuerten Funktionen in den entsprechenden höchsten Hirnarealen – dem Limbisch-präfrontalen System –  tun sich mit einer Erholung von einer digital induzierten Attacke sehr schwer, zumal diese mit einer sich unmerklich einschleichenden Symptomatik einhergeht.

Read moreNeuroscientist Prof. Dr. Dr. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt Warns Of The Detrimental Effects Digital Media Have On Our Brain – “A Cyberattack On The Nerve Nets Of The Brain”

The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed – Episode 3 (Video) – #Cannabis, #CBD

Related info:

The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed – Episode 1 (Video) – #Cannabis, #CBD, #Cancer, #Lyme, #PTSD

The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed – Episode 2 (Video) – #Cannabis, #CBD

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The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed – Episode 2 (Video) – #Cannabis, #CBD

Episode 1:

The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed – Episode 1 (Video) – #Cannabis, #CBD, #Cancer, #Lyme, #PTSD

More info on cannabis/CBD here:

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The Lancet, The World’s Most Renowned Medical Journal, Classifies Fluoride As Neurotoxin


“Fluoride causes more human cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.”
– Dean Burk, Chief Chemist Emeritus, US National Cancer Institute

Dr. Dean Burk Former Head Of National Cancer Institute Research: ‘Fluoridated Water Amounts To Public Murder On A Grand Scale’ (Video)

Neuroscience journal confirms adverse effects of fluoride on brain development:

Fluoride is commonly found in tap water thanks to a process called fluoridation – which the U.S. government has been repeatedly telling us is a safe and effective way to protect teeth from decay, according to Global Research.

But a recent study published in The Lancet, the world’s most renowned medical journal, has actually classified fluoride as a neurotoxin – something which has a negative impact on brain development – alongside other extremely toxic compounds such as arsenic, lead and mercury.

Read moreThe Lancet, The World’s Most Renowned Medical Journal, Classifies Fluoride As Neurotoxin

Donation & The Many Benefits Of Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) has been used to treat many conditions for thousands of years in India, China, and Indonesia. Centella asiatica has been used as a medicine in the Ayurvedic tradition of India (for thousands of years) and is listed in the historic ‘Sushruta Samhita’, an ancient Indian medical text. In China, known as gotu kola, it is one of the reported “miracle elixirs of life” known over 2000 years ago. Its Chinese name means “fountain of youth.” Gotu kola activates the release of  brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that acts like fertilizer for your brain encouraging new brain cell formation. It takes a few weeks for gotu kola’s effects to kick in and it seems to work by encouraging dendrite branching, increasing brain plasticity and communication between brain cells. Gotu kola also increases nerve growth factor (NGF) which stimulates the growth of new nerve cells and safeguards existing ones. It is very easy to grow and tastes quite good. For more info on gotu kola see articles down below.

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Twenty-sixth donation in 2016.

Infinite Unknown reader A.K. donated $10 (AUD)

Thank you for your continuing support!

Very much needed and appreciated.

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Donations in May: $55, £25, $10 (AUD)

Read moreDonation & The Many Benefits Of Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)

Gregg Braden – The Language Of The Divine Matrix (Full Presentation)

Reader squodgy has sent me a link to this video ….

Some years ago I was thinking about posting Gregg Braden’s lecture in full, but the upload disappeared and I forgot about it.

The video above is part of the following lecture:

In German:

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Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther: Persönliche Einstellung, Begeisterung & Freude – Vorraussetzungen Für Echtes Lernen & Wahre Heilung (Video)

Kein Gesundheitswesen der Welt kann darauf verzichten, dass die Menschen selbst Verantwortung für Ihre Gesundheit übernehmen – Anmerkung eines Hirnforschers

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