Doctor removes 130 pound tumor from patient, was previously told he was “just fat”

Doctor removes 130 pound tumor from patient, was previously told he was “just fat”:

As if modern medicine couldn’t get any more twisted, doctors have recently removed a human-sized tumor from a Mississippi man who’d been told he was “just fat.”

The tumor, which had been growing for about 15 years, weighed a shocking 130 pounds. Roger Logan, the 57-year-old man afflicted by this massive tumor explained to television station KERO, “We did what we had to do to get here. Usually at home I would sit and it would rest on the floor.”

Read moreDoctor removes 130 pound tumor from patient, was previously told he was “just fat”

Medical Experts Warn ‘Terrible Tipping Point’ Reached In 2017 Will Have Worldwide Ramifications – ‘Luck Will Play A Bigger Role In Your Future Than Any Doctor Could’

Medical Experts Warn ‘Terrible Tipping Point’ Reached In 2017 Will Have Worldwide Ramifications – ‘Luck Will Play A Bigger Role In Your Future Than Any Doctor Could’:

‘The End To Modern Medicine As We Know It’

H/t reader squodgy.

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Drug and Device Makers Pay Thousands of Docs with Disciplinary Records

Drug and Device Makers Pay Thousands of Docs with Disciplinary Records:

Physicians whose state boards have sanctioned them for harming patients, unnecessarily prescribing addictive drugs, bilking federal insurance programs and even sexual misconduct nonetheless continue to receive payments for consulting, giving talks about products, and more.

This story was co-published with NPR’s Shots blog.

Pharmaceutical and medical device companies are continuing to pay doctors as promotional speakers and expert advisers even after they’ve been disciplined for serious misconduct, according to an analysis by ProPublica.

One such company is medical device maker Stryker Corp.

Read moreDrug and Device Makers Pay Thousands of Docs with Disciplinary Records

BOTCHED: Surgeons rarely apologize for horrific mistakes made during surgical procedures … They usually try to cover them up


BOTCHED: Surgeons rarely apologize for horrific mistakes made during surgical procedures … They usually try to cover them up:

Western medicine certainly has its benefits when it comes to emergency care, as advancements in technology are generally effective when it comes to saving one’s life in the event of traumatic injury. Preventative care, on the other hand, is essentially nonexistent in most Western nations. Simple, every day treatments aren’t all that safe, either.

Treatments such as pharmaceutical drug prescriptions, routine dental checkups and non-life threatening surgeries often turn out to be just that: life threatening. Harm caused by medical error is a lot more common than you might think.

In fact, an estimated 1.6 million Americans have died as a result of medical errors over the last decade and a half. In fact, death via medical error is so common, that it’s now considered the third leading cause of death in the U.S., below heart disease and cancer.

Read moreBOTCHED: Surgeons rarely apologize for horrific mistakes made during surgical procedures … They usually try to cover them up

Study Finds Medical Errors are 3rd Leading Cause of Death

Time for More Natural Approaches? Study Finds Medical Errors are 3rd Leading Cause of Death:

The ignorant vilification and unethical suppression of natural, plant-based approaches to medical issues of both a mental and physical nature has long been exposed for the world to see.

However, usually the proponents of pharmaceutically-derived mechanistic medicine point to the high success of the industry, but considering that in the US alone around 290 people die from prescription drugs each day and over 250 thousand people are dying from medical errors each year, this is simply not true.

Discovery article makes it clear why medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States of America:

Read moreStudy Finds Medical Errors are 3rd Leading Cause of Death

Cancer screening mostly a psychological terror campaign waged against women to enrich cancer treatment clinics, warns doctor


Cancer screening mostly a psychological terror campaign waged against women to enrich cancer treatment clinics, warns doctor:

Dr. H. Gilbert Welch is the author of Less Medicine More Health, one of the most fascinating and important books on medicine I’ve read all year.

The book is extraordinary, and it’s authored by a doctor who is thoughtful and systematic in his analysis of seven false assumptions in modern medicine that enrich drug companies, hospitals and surgeons while actually harming the public.

Below, I’m citing a short section from the book that explains how the cancer industry uses psychological terror to scare women and men into unnecessary cancer treatments.

Read moreCancer screening mostly a psychological terror campaign waged against women to enrich cancer treatment clinics, warns doctor

American Academy of Family Practice is 100% taken over by Big Pharma… It’s all about pushing drugs, drugs, DRUGS!

American Academy of Family Practice is 100% taken over by Big Pharma… It’s all about pushing drugs, drugs, DRUGS!

On April 15, renowned physician and holistic doctor, David Brownstein, took the exam to renew his board certification with the American Academy of Family Practice (AAFP). The experience he endured spurred him to decide that he would not likely renew his certification again, according to a blog post he wrote, titled “Family Practice Exam: Drugs, Drugs, and More Drugs.”

The re-certification process consisted of taking a seven-hour exam entirely focused on pharmaceutical drugs and the interactions between them, he said, with no questions about diet or nutrition.

Read moreAmerican Academy of Family Practice is 100% taken over by Big Pharma… It’s all about pushing drugs, drugs, DRUGS!

Most doctors who were terminally ill would AVOID aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy – despite recommending it to their patients


You’ll find a lot info on chemo here:

Study Published In The Journal Of Clinical Oncology Shows That The ‘Success’ Rate Of Chemotherapy To 5-Year Survival Is Only 2.1% … But Wait It Gets Worse …

and on radiation therapy here:

Radiation Exposure Chart Admits Cancer Radiotherapy Delivers Fatal Dose To Patients

So now you know these doctors know that the majority of the public doesn’t know about.

  • 88% of doctors would choose ‘do not resuscitate’ orders for themselves
  • However, most pursue aggressive, life-prolonging treatments for patients
  • This could be because the medical system rewards doctors for taking action
  • The researchers say there is a ‘tipping point’ where the high-intensity treatment becomes more of a burden than the disease itself

Most doctors would turn down the option of aggressive treatment if they were terminally ill, a study has found.

They say they would opt for a ‘do not resuscitate’ approach should they find themselves on the receiving end of medical treatment.

Yet they tend to pursue aggressive, life-prolonging treatment for patients facing the same prognosis, Stanford University School of Medicine found.

Read moreMost doctors who were terminally ill would AVOID aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy – despite recommending it to their patients

Eustace Mullins: The Truth About Cancer And The Medical Monopoly (Video)


The Gerson Therapy cures 100% stage 1 and 2 cancers and (very close to) 50% of terminal cancers!

The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses (!)


The Gerson Therapy: Dr. Jameth Sheridan Interviews Charlotte Gerson (Video)

Woman Rejects Chemotherapy, Heals Ovarian Cancer – Here’s How! (Video)

The Beautiful Truth (Video – Full Documentary – The Many Reasons For Chronic Diseases And The Cure)

‘Dying To Have Known’ (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)

The Gerson Miracle (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)


Related info:

Chemotherapy Doesn’t Work 97% Of The Time – 10 Questions To Ask Before Starting Cancer Treatments (Video)

The lost interview with the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Chemotherapy drugs are derived from World War I nerve gas chemicals

Woman Rejects Chemotherapy, Heals Ovarian Cancer – Here’s How! (Video)

US Scientists Find That Chemotherapy Boosts Cancer Growth

Study: Chemotherapy Actually Increases Cancer Growth, Cancer Cells Becoming Resistant To Treatment

Chemotherapy Backfires Causes Healthy Cells To Feed Growth Of Cancer Tumors

Read moreEustace Mullins: The Truth About Cancer And The Medical Monopoly (Video)

Hospitals Are Blatantly Ripping Us Off, Some Mark Up Treatments By 1,000%


Hospitals Are Blatantly Ripping Us Off (Economic Collapse, June 9, 2015):

Most Americans are deathly afraid to go to the hospital these days – and it is because of the immense pain that it will cause to their wallets.  If you want to get on a path that will lead you to bankruptcy, just start going to the hospital a lot.  In America today, hospitals and doctors are blatantly ripping us off and they aren’t making any apologies for it.  As you will read about below, some hospitals mark up treatments by 1,000 percent.  In other instances, basic medical supplies are being billed out at hundreds of times what they cost providers.  For example, it has been reported that some hospitals are charging up to 30 dollars for a single aspirin pill.  It would be difficult to argue that the extreme greed that we see in the medical system is even matched by the crooks on Wall Street.  These medical predators get their hands on us when we are at our most vulnerable.  They know that in our lowest moments we are willing to pay just about anything to get better or to make the pain go away.  And so they very quietly have us sign a bunch of forms without ever telling us how much everything is going to cost.  Eventually when the bills come in the mail, it is too late to do anything about it.

How would you feel if someone sold you something for ten times the amount that it was worth?

Would you feel ripped off?

Well, that is what hospitals all over the country are doing every single day.  Just check out what one brand new study has discovered

Some hospitals are marking up treatments by as much as 1,000 percent, a new study finds, and the average U.S. hospital charges uninsured patients three times what Medicare allows.

Twenty of the hospitals in the top 50 when it comes to marking up charges are in Florida, the researchers write in the journal Health Affairs. And three-quarters of them are operated by two Tennessee-based for-profit hospital systems: Community Health Systems and Hospital Corporation of America.

“We just want to raise public awareness of the problem,” said Ge Bai of Washington & Lee University in Virginia, an accounting professor who wrote the study along with Gerard Anderson of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

Does reading that make you angry?

It should.

They are greedily taking advantage of all of us.

Other studies have come up with similar results.  Here is one example

According to National Nurses United, U.S. hospital charges continue to soar with a handful of them, such as Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center in Secaucus, N.J., going as far as charging more than ten times the total cost — or almost $1,200 per $100 of the cost of care. Meanwhile, the hundred priciest hospitals in the nation were found to have this cost ratio begin at 765 percent, which is more than twice the national average of 331 percent.

Much of the time, we are being overcharged for tests, services and procedures that we don’t even need.

It has been estimated that the amount of truly wasteful spending in the U.S. medical system comes to a grand total of about $600 billion to $700 billion annually.  That means that wasteful medical spending in the U.S. each year is greater than the GDP of the entire country of Sweden.

And of course almost everyone has a story about an absolutely ridiculous medical bill that they have received.  In fact, if you have one that you would like to share, please feel free to share it at the end of this article.  The following are just a few examples that were shared in an editorial in a local newspaper

Have you heard about the little girl who required three stitches over her right eye? The emergency room sent her parents a bill for $1,500 — $500 per stitch (NY Times, Dec. 3). My neighbor recently spent six hours in the emergency room with bleeding from the mouth. He was on a blood thinner, needed several blood tests, and his heart was monitored. His hospital bill came to $22,000. A California man diagnosed with lung cancer chose to fight his cancer aggressively. Eleven months later his widow received a bill exceeding $900,000.

One of the most disturbing trends that we are witnessing all over the nation is something called “drive by doctoring”.  That is where an extra doctor that isn’t even necessary “pops in” to visit patients that are not his or “assists” with a surgery in order to stick the patient with a big, fat extra bill.  The following is from a New York Times article about this disgusting practice…

Before his three-hour neck surgery for herniated disks in December, Peter Drier, 37, signed a pile of consent forms. A bank technology manager who had researched his insurance coverage, Mr. Drier was prepared when the bills started arriving: $56,000 from Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, $4,300 from the anesthesiologist and even $133,000 from his orthopedist, who he knew would accept a fraction of that fee.

He was blindsided, though, by a bill of about $117,000 from an “assistant surgeon,” a Queens-based neurosurgeon whom Mr. Drier did not recall meeting.

How would you like to receive a bill for $117,000 from a doctor that you had never met and that you did not know would be at your surgery?

This is how broken our medical system has become.

And of course this type of abuse is not just happening in New York.  It is literally happening all over the nation

In operating rooms and on hospital wards across the country, physicians and other health providers typically help one another in patient care. But in an increasingly common practice that some medical experts call drive-by doctoring, assistants, consultants and other hospital employees are charging patients or their insurers hefty fees. They may be called in when the need for them is questionable. And patients usually do not realize they have been involved or are charging until the bill arrives.

If you or a close family member has been to the hospital recently, you probably know how astronomical some of these bills can be.

And if you have a chronic, life threatening disease, you can very rapidly end up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

If you doubt this, just check out the following excerpt from an article that appeared in Time Magazine.  One cancer patient out in California ran up nearly a million dollars in hospital bills before he finally died…

By the time Steven D. died at his home in Northern California the following November, he had lived for an additional 11 months. And Alice had collected bills totaling $902,452. The family’s first bill — for $348,000 — which arrived when Steven got home from the Seton Medical Center in Daly City, Calif., was full of all the usual chargemaster profit grabs: $18 each for 88 diabetes-test strips that Amazon sells in boxes of 50 for $27.85; $24 each for 19 niacin pills that are sold in drugstores for about a nickel apiece. There were also four boxes of sterile gauze pads for $77 each. None of that was considered part of what was provided in return for Seton’s facility charge for the intensive-care unit for two days at $13,225 a day, 12 days in the critical unit at $7,315 a day and one day in a standard room (all of which totaled $120,116 over 15 days). There was also $20,886 for CT scans and $24,251 for lab work.

The sad truth is that the U.S. health care system has become all about the money.

A select few are becoming exceedingly wealthy while millions go broke.  One very disturbing study discovered that approximately 41 percent of all working age Americans either have medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt.  And collection agencies seek to collect unpaid medical bills from approximately 30 million Americans every single year.

Once upon a time, going into the medical profession was a sacrifice and you did it because you wanted to help people.

Today, it is considered to be a path to riches.

If the U.S. health care system was a separate country, it would actually be the 6th largest economy on the entire planet.  Even though our system is deeply broken, nobody wants to rock the boat because trillions of dollars are at stake.  If it was up to me, I would tear the entire thing down and rebuild it from scratch.

So what about you?  How would you fix our broken health care system?  Please feel free to share your ideas by posting a comment below…

Chemotherapy Is A Waste Of Money – 97% Of The Time Chemo Doesn’t Work – 10 Questions To Ask Before Starting Cancer Treatments (Video)







Related info:

The Gerson Therapy: Dr. Jameth Sheridan Interviews Charlotte Gerson (Video)

Woman Rejects Chemotherapy, Heals Ovarian Cancer – Here’s How! (Video)


The Beautiful Truth (Video – Full Documentary – The Many Reasons For Chronic Diseases And The Cure)

‘Dying To Have Known’ (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)

The Gerson Miracle (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)


US Hospital Kidnaps Disabled Teen Patient For Profit


US hospital kidnaps disabled teen patient for profit (Natural News, Jan 11, 2015):

Never forget that treating disease in America is a high-profit business. Health care is one of the few situations in which the for-profit business providing services to a customer doesn’t need the customer (the patient) to agree to the price being charged. Instead, hospitals bill the federal government for services rendered to the patient, and the government sends the hospital a hefty check for each service rendered. The patient, meanwhile, never even knows how much was billed to the government.

This is half the reason doctors and hospitals now routinely order a battery of useless blood labs and medical tests on patients. It has nothing to do with medical need and everything to do with padding the Medicare bills.

But what happens when patients say NO and decide to opt out of the whole system? That’s a threat to the profits of the hospitals, doctors and drug companies. So what they’re increasingly doing today is kidnapping patients and forcing them to undergo expensive medical treatments against their will.

Case in point: Teenager Isaiah Rider, the latest victim of for-profit medical kidnapping in the United States of America.

Read moreUS Hospital Kidnaps Disabled Teen Patient For Profit

British couple stranded in NYC with £130,000 medical bill, son born prematurely


British couple stranded in NYC with £130,000 medical bill, son born prematurely (RT, Jan 2, 2015):

A British couple have been left stranded in New York City for the next three months with a £130,000 ($200,000) medical bill after their son was born 11 weeks earlier than expected.

Katie Amos, 30, and her fiancée Lee Johnston, 29, were not prepared for their son Dax to be born at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan during a Christmas trip to the city. The couple had planned the trip as a last holiday before their baby arrived.

Read moreBritish couple stranded in NYC with £130,000 medical bill, son born prematurely

How Doctors Prescribing Meds Based on Drug Company Payoffs is Further Evidence of Systemic Failure


How Doctors Prescribing Meds Based on Drug Company Payoffs is Further Evidence of Systemic Failure (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Dec 8, 2014):

When the drug maker Genentech introduced a major product in 2006, it found itself in an awkward position: persuading eye doctors to start using its new more expensive drug instead of a popular cheaper version that the company already sold.

Ophthalmologists had been enthusiastically using the company’s cancer drug Avastin, which cost about $50 a dose, to treat a common eye disease in the elderly, wet macular degeneration. Then Genentech introduced Lucentis, a nearly equivalent drug that cost $2,000 a dose and was approved specifically to treat the disease.

Now, a new federal database shows that many of the doctors who were the top billers for Lucentis were also among the highest-paid consultants for Genentech, earning thousands of dollars to help promote the drug. The data raises questions about whether financial relationships between doctors and drug companies influence treatment decisions, even though physicians maintain they cannot be swayed.

Half of the 20 doctors who received the most money from Genentech to promote Lucentis in 2013 were among the highest users of the drug in 2012, billing for higher amounts of Lucentis than 75 percent of their peers. The figures were compiled from two federal databases that covered different periods, and it is not known whether or how much Genentech paid the doctors in 2012.

– From the New York Times article: Paid to Promote Eye Drug, and Prescribing It Widely

The topic at the heart of the following post is not a commonly discussed one here at Liberty Blitzkrieg. It has to do with big corporate money influencing and corrupting the medical profession. The reason I chose to highlight this particular article, is because it perfectly puts into focus two of the most important macro cancers plaguing these United States today: A complete loss of ethics, and the dangers of over-centralization/corporatization.

Read moreHow Doctors Prescribing Meds Based on Drug Company Payoffs is Further Evidence of Systemic Failure

Eustace Mullins: Murder By Injection (Video)


Eustace Mullins (1923-2010), discusses one of his best-selling books; ‘Murder by Injection’ exposing the unholy dynasty of the big drug companies, the medical establishment, the Rockefeller syndicate and the evils of the cut-slash-and-burn cancer racket that has killed millions in the name of ‘fighting cancer.’

While there are many books on the corruption of modern medicine, there is no other book out there that so effectively tells the whole story as does this seminal volume, laying bare the criminal machinations of those who profit in the name of “promoting good health.” The federal bureaucracy that ostensibly “regulates” the big drug companies is all part and parcel of the problem.

Related info:

“Fluoride causes more human cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.”
– Dean Burk, Chief Chemist Emeritus, US National Cancer Institute

Dr. Dean Burk Former Head Of National Cancer Institute Research: ‘Fluoridated Water Amounts To Public Murder On A Grand Scale’ (Video)

The Great Culling: Our Water Official (Full Documentary):

YouTube Added: Mar 22, 2013

The Shocking Truth: The U.S. Medical System Is Woefully Unprepared for Ebola

The Shocking Truth: The U.S. Medical System Is Woefully Unprepared for Ebola (Washington’s Blog, Oct 4, 2014):

Government spokesmen and mainstream talking heads keep saying that Ebola is no threat to the U.S., because our medical system is thoroughly prepared.

However, Reuters notes that American nurses say they are not prepared for Ebola:

Nurses, the frontline care providers in U.S. hospitals, say they are untrained and unprepared to handle patients arriving in their hospital emergency departments infected with Ebola.


A survey by National Nurses United of some 400 nurses in more than 200 hospitals in 25 states found that more than half (60 percent) said their hospital is not prepared to handle patients with Ebola, and more than 80 percent said their hospital has not communicated to them any policy regarding potential admission of patients infected by Ebola.

Read moreThe Shocking Truth: The U.S. Medical System Is Woefully Unprepared for Ebola

Seeds Of Death: Unveiling The Lies Of GMO’s (Full Documentary)


YouTube Added: 23.05.2013


The world’s leading Scientists, Physicians, Attorneys, Politicians and Environmental Activists expose the corruption and dangers surrounding the widespread use of Genetically Modified Organisms in the new feature length documentary, “Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs”.

Senior Executive Producer / Writer / Director: Gary Null PhD
Executive Producer/Writer/Co-Director: Richard Polonetsky
Producers: Paola Bossola, Richard Gale, James Spruill, Patrick Thompson, Valerie Van Cleve
Editors: James Spruill, Patrick Thompson, Richie Williamson, Nick Palm
Music: Kevin MacLeod (, Armando Guarnera
Graphics: Jay Graygor

‘Never Has There Been A Safe Vaccine. Never Will There Be A Safe Vaccine’

“Never Has There Been A Safe Vaccine. Never Will There Be A Safe Vaccine” (The Daily Sheeple, March 17, 2014):

The world is constantly bombarded with the idea that vaccines are completely safe and necessary, it’s mass marketing at its best. It’s always best to do some examination and research before blindly believing what you are told. It’s good to know that more doctors who have spent years researching the topic are sharing their professional opinions. Sure, there are doctors that support and trust vaccinations, but just as valid are the arguments of those that don’t support them. They should not be ignored. The point I’m trying to make is that there is no definite answer, that the debate has not been settled as so many governing health authorities claim it to be.

Read more‘Never Has There Been A Safe Vaccine. Never Will There Be A Safe Vaccine’

Boston Children’s Hospital Kidnaps Teen Girl For 10 Months, Holds Her As Prisoner While Threatening Parents

Boston Children’s Hospital kidnaps teen girl for 10 months, holds her as prisoner while threatening parents (Natural News, Nov 21, 2013):

A 15-year-old Connecticut girl remains held by Boston Children’s Hospital, a victim of the hospital’s “kidnap and ransom” operation, traditionally called “K&R.” K&R is not usually seen in hospitals, and that’s what makes this story so bizarre and disturbing.

Boston Children’s Hospital kidnapped the teen girl from her Connecticut family nearly 10 months ago under the excuse of a contrived medical diagnosis. Through legal maneuvering, the hospital managed to gain legal custody of the girl, and the “ransom demand” is the demand that the parents stop trying to remove the girl from the hospital so that Boston Children’s can generate maximum revenue from so-called “treatments” which have so far accomplished nothing.

“It is kidnapping,” said the girl’s father, Lou Pelletier. “It’s beyond any wildest nightmare that you could think of.”

Read moreBoston Children’s Hospital Kidnaps Teen Girl For 10 Months, Holds Her As Prisoner While Threatening Parents

Total Insanity: Japan Doctors Help Perpetuate Fukushima Cover-Up – Patients Not Told Illnesses Are From Exposure To Radiation

“It’s Madness”: Doctors in Japan helping perpetuate Fukushima cover-up — Patients not being told their illnesses are from exposure to radioactive contamination — Scientific reports showing radiation health damage to humans are forbidden to be published (AUDIO) (ENENews, Oct 14, 2013):

Title: Arnie Gundersen Interview
Source: WBKM
Date: Oct. 2013

At 3:30 in

Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Chief Engineer: We’re seeing scientist after scientist here at Fairewinds writing to us saying that they’ve got good science and they’re being ostracized in Japan and being forbidden for publishing scientific reports that show radiation health damage to Japanese people. So basically the government is sitting on the scientific community and preventing goods science from being done. Same as the doctors, the doctors have contacted us as well. They say they’ve been told not to tell their patients that their illness is radiation induced. So these guys have an oath as a doctor to be honest with their patients, and yet they’re basically ignoring their own oath and helping perpetuate a cover-up in the Japanese government. […]

Host: From where I sit, what you just described is madness essentially.

Gundersen: From where I sit it’s madness too. That’s the problem in Japan right now, is that nobody is willing to admit that the path they have chosen to take for the last two and a half years is crazy.

Full broadcast here

Gerald Celente: Connecticut Refuses To Release Adam Lanza’s Medical Records – ‘Because Then You Can Cause A Lot Of People To Stop Taking Their Medications … Stop Cooperating With Their Treating Physicians.”‘ (Video)


Court Rules Amish Girl To Be Forcefully Poisoned With Chemotherapy

Court rules Amish girl to be forcefully poisoned with chemotherapy; Akron Children’s Hospital now practicing predatory medicine (Natural News, Oct 8, 2013):

Just weeks after an Ohio court ruled that medical authorities could not force chemotherapy upon a 10-year-old Amish girl against the wishes of her parents, an appeals court overturned the rule, allowing the hospital — which profits from chemotherapy treatments — to force this girl to receive chemotherapy against the wishes of her parents.

This is, essentially, chemotherapy at gunpoint or what I call “predatory medicine.” If the parents refuse the court order, they will be arrested at gunpoint and charged with various crimes. The Akron Children’s Hospital, which stands to profit from this decision, is the new medical mafia, poisoning children with mandatory “life sentences” handed down by a corrupt, medically ignorant justice system.

Read moreCourt Rules Amish Girl To Be Forcefully Poisoned With Chemotherapy