Presstitute Piers Morgan Says Goodbye With GUN CONTROL Message (Video)

Added: Mar 28, 2014

Gun control doesn’t reduce crime rates:

Harvard Research: ‘Where Firearms Are Most Dense Violent Crime Rates Are Lowest, And Where Guns Are Least Dense Violent Crime Rates Are Highest’

Britain: ‘Gun Ban Caused 40% Jump In Gun Crime’ (Video)

Here Is What Happened When Guns Were Taken From Australians (Video)

Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World (Video)

Read morePresstitute Piers Morgan Says Goodbye With GUN CONTROL Message (Video)

Gerald Celente: Connecticut Refuses To Release Adam Lanza’s Medical Records – ‘Because Then You Can Cause A Lot Of People To Stop Taking Their Medications … Stop Cooperating With Their Treating Physicians.”‘ (Video)


Battle Royale On Piers Morgan: Glenn Greenwald, James Risen And Jeffrey Toobin (Video)

Battle Royale on Piers Morgan: Glenn Greenwald, James Risen and Jeffrey Toobin (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Aug 3, 2013):

“That’s the thing I don’t understand about the climate in Washington these days. People want to have debates on television and elsewhere, but then you want to throw the people that start the debates in jail.”
– James Risen, New York Times Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist (he now faces jail time)

The above quote occurred during an excellent discussion between Glenn Greenwald, James Risen and Jeffrey Toobin on Piers Morgan’s show. While pretty much everyone on planet earth knows who Glenn Greenwald is at this point, most people do not know who James Risen is. This is a situation that must change. Mr. Risen is at the center of another very important case that threatens the future of freedom of the press in these United States.

In his book State of War, James Risen published information leaked to him by former CIA agent Jeffrey Sterling, who is currently being charged under the Espionage Act by President Transparency, Barrack Obama. While a lower court had previously ruled Mr. Risen should be afforded reporter privilege to not testify against Mr. Sterling, a federal appeals court last month saw it differently in a 2-1 decision.

Read moreBattle Royale On Piers Morgan: Glenn Greenwald, James Risen And Jeffrey Toobin (Video)

Ron Paul Blasts Presstitute Piers Morgan & NSA ‘PRISM’ Defenders: ‘What Should The Penalty Be For People Who Destroy The Constitution?’ – ‘You’re Justifying Dictatorship!’ (Video)

“Truth is treason in the empire of lies.’
‘Let the revolution begin!”
– Ron Paul



(June 10, 2013) – Former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul appeared on CNN tonight to tell Piers Morgan why he objects to the NSA surveillance program.

Morgan directly asked Paul if he would have actually ended surveillance programs if he were president.

Paul said he would still want intelligence gathering, but it would be done in a more transparent way, maintaining that the current surveillance program are unquestionably unconstitutional.

He directly told NSA defenders that they are simply “justifying dictatorship.”

Paul dismissed the use of a FISA court as a significant enough of a check on the executive branch. He said this program is undeniably “destroying the Constitution,”, and posed a question to anyone who defends the widespread surveillance.

Ron Paul:

So my question should be, to all of you who defend this nonsense is, what should the penalty be for the people who destroy the constitution. They’re always worrying about how they’re going to destroy the American citizens who tell the truth to let us know what’s going on. We ask the question, what is the penalty for the people who deliberately destroy the constitution and rationalize and say, ‘we have to do it for security.’

Well, you know what Franklin said about that, you end up losing your security and you lose your freedoms too. So I think we’ve embarked on a very, very dangerous course. The American people are with us on this, it’s totally out of control, and I would say if you’re confused about what we should do, just read the constitution. What’s wrong with that? If you don’t like it, get people to repeal it and change the constitution, but not just to deny it.

We go to war without a declaration. We totally ignore the constitution. That is what our problem is today — we have no rule of law, and people say, ‘well, just let secret Courts do this,; and the governments to know everything, and the American people have no privacy. I mean you’re — that reflects intimidation, people are insecure, and think that we’ll need more authoritarianism. You’re justifying dictatorship, is what you’re doing.

Larry Elder Goes Toe-To-Toe With Piers Morgan

Larry Elder goes toe-to-toe with Piers Morgan (WND, Jan 19, 2013):

Author Larry Elder, who recently released “Dear Father, Dear Son,” has tamed Piers Morgan, the leftist CNN host who has released tirade after tirade in recent interviews on the issue of gun control.

Elder, on Morgan’s show last night to discuss his book, explained the significance of having fathers in homes, noting the high crime rate in Chicago, where 75 percent of black children are born into homes without a father.

“This book that I’ve written, ‘Dear Father, Dear Son,’ is by far the most important book I’ve ever written because it’s about the centrality of fathers,” Elder said.

“The face of gun violence in this country, as horrific as Sandy Hook was, is not Newtown. It is Chicago, where 500 people last year were shot,” he said.

“Chicago is a city with about a third black, a third white and a third Hispanic. However, 75 percent of murders in Chicago were committed by blacks, usually against other blacks, most of them gang-related.

“The question is why do these boys join these gangs, and the answer is they have no fathers in the house.”

Read moreLarry Elder Goes Toe-To-Toe With Piers Morgan

GOA’s Larry Pratt Was Right: British Gun Crime Stats Are A ‘Sham’

See also:

Britain, The Most Violent Country In Europe: Violence Rate Is 4.36 Times Worse Than in The U.S.

Britain: ‘Gun Ban Caused 40% Jump In Gun Crime’ (Video)

Piers Morgan calls the GOA Executive Director’s claim an “absolute lie.” Is it?

Larry Pratt: British Gun Crime Stats are a “Sham” (THE END RUN, Jan 10, 2013):

Last night, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America appeared on Piers Morgan Tonight for a debate with the host. Morgan is a British “citizen” (“subject“?) who has recently been using his platform on CNN to promote the idea that the U.S. Constitution is “inherently flawed” and to advocate stricter, more British-style gun control policies in the U.S. This was Pratt’s second appearance on the show in the past month, having previously appeared in the wake of the Sandy Hook event.

At one point in the exchange (around 11:18 in this video), Morgan says that he “actually dug out the official figures… the homicide figures from guns in England and Wales by comparison to the United States of America going back to 2003,” and proceeds to read off numbers showing that the U.S. has a much higher gun murder rate. Morgan then claims that the lower numbers in England and Wales are “the result” of the “responsible action” taken in “respon[se]” to the 1996 school shooting in Dunblane, Scotland — namely a “handgun and assault weapon ban.”

To begin with, More Guns, Less Crime author John Lott has recently explained that this is a misleading representation of the statistics: Yes, the gun murder rate is relatively low in England and Wales, but it was already low before the ban, and the stats do not show a decrease in murders committed with guns (nor overall murders) since the ban was instituted, as Morgan implies. “There is a difference between levels and changes,” Lott notes. Meanwhile, The Telegraph reported in 2009 that gun crime had “almost doubled in the last decade”.

Read moreGOA’s Larry Pratt Was Right: British Gun Crime Stats Are A ‘Sham’

Natural News: ‘Alex Jones Blasts Out With Justified Outrage At Piers Morgan And Other Traitors To Human Freedom’

See my commentary on this ‘debate’ HERE.

Alex Jones blasts out with justified outrage at Piers Morgan and other traitors to human freedom (Natural News, Jan 8, 2013):

Outspoken pro-liberty radio host Alex Jones angrily blasted CNN talking head Piers Morgan on national television yesterday evening, expressing the total outrage that millions of Americans share over issues like unconstitutional gun control. Morgan, a British subject, has called for Americans to be completely disarmed as if they were colonial slaves to the British Empire. Morgan is just one of many foreigners who are actively attempting to subvert Americas freedoms and destroy the Bill of Rights. That’s why over 100,000 Americans have so far signed a White House petition to deport Morgan.

Click here to watch the full interview on

CNN producers invited Alex Jones to appear as a guest on Piers Morgan’s show, no doubt to help increase the lagging ratings of Morgan’s show which only has a fraction of the viewers of the Alex Jones Show. There, Alex began by schooling Morgan on the purpose of the Second Amendment:

Mao said political power goes out of the barrel of a gun, he killed about 80 million people because he’s the only guy who had the guns — so we did it to point out that this is globalism, and the mega banks that control the planet and brag they have taken over — in Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, you name it — brag that they’re going to get our guns as well. They’ve taken everybody’s guns, but the Swiss and the American people and when they get our guns, they can have their world tyranny while the government buys 1.6 billion bullets, armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters, predator drones, armed now in U.S. skies, being used to arrest people in North Dakota. The Second Amendment isn’t there for duck hunting. It’s there to protect us from tyrannical government and street thugs…

Read moreNatural News: ‘Alex Jones Blasts Out With Justified Outrage At Piers Morgan And Other Traitors To Human Freedom’

British Launch Counter-Petition To Make Sure Presstitute Piers Morgan Stays In The U.S.

See also:

Deport (Presstitute) Piers Morgan, Demands US Petition (Over 63,000 Signatures So Far)

Piers Morgan Debates Larry Pratt Of Gun Owners Of America (Video):

Please don’t kick out Piers, we don’t want him back! British critics launch counter-petition to make sure he stays in U.S. (Daily Mail, Dec 26, 2012):

  • A petition to have the journalist deported after he criticised pro gun campaigners has attracted 71,000 signatures
  • Now a second petition saying he must stay because the British do not want him also has around 1,100 votes of support
  • First Piers Morgan became the subject of a petition calling for him to be deported from the US for upsetting the gun lobby there.

    Now a counter-petition has been started, asking for America to keep him – not because he’s popular there but (allegedly) because no one here wants him back.

    Read moreBritish Launch Counter-Petition To Make Sure Presstitute Piers Morgan Stays In The U.S.

    Deport (Presstitute) Piers Morgan, Demands US Petition (Over 63,000 Signatures So Far)

    Related info:

    Piers Morgan Debates Larry Pratt Of Gun Owners Of America (Video):

    Deport Piers Morgan, demands US petition (Independent, Dec 24, 2012):

    A petition calling for TV host Piers Morgan to be deported from the US following his outspoken comments on gun control has attracted more than 63,000 signatures.

    The CNN host provoked the fury of gun rights activists when he interviewed Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt, in the wake of the school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, and said to him: “You’re an unbelievably stupid man, aren’t you?

    “You have absolutely no coherent argument. You don’t actually give a damn about the gun murder rate in America.”

    Read moreDeport (Presstitute) Piers Morgan, Demands US Petition (Over 63,000 Signatures So Far)

    Piers Morgan Debates Larry Pratt Of Gun Owners Of America (Video)

    YouTube Added: 18.12.2012

    Don’t miss:

    Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: ‘You Can’t Have A Police State And An Armed Population’ – ‘So There’s No Doubt They’re Going To Take The Guns Away’ (RT Video)

    Britain: ‘Gun Ban Caused 40% Jump In Gun Crime’ (Video)

    Here Is What Happened When Guns Were Taken From Australians (Video)

    Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World (Video)