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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
– Alex Jones Gets Jump On Megyn Kelly – Leaks Recordings “To Set The Record Straight”:
Submitted by ZeroPointNow, originally published at iBankCoin.com
After NBC’s Megyn Kelly lied to Alex Jones about the scope and purpose of an upcoming Father’s Day airing of his sit-down interview for Sunday Night With Megyn Kelly, the Infowars host set the record straight on Thursday night – preempting Kelly’s segment with ‘leaked’ recordings of their conversations before she could smear Jones on Sunday.
As Jones and Kelly began to discuss the details of the NBC interview, Kelly played the part of earnest lawyer turned plucky journalist – batting her eyelashes and insisting her new show was about profiling ‘interesting people’ so the public can get to know them better.
Read moreAlex Jones Gets Jump On Megyn Kelly – Leaks Recordings “To Set The Record Straight”
– Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones loses primary custody of his kids:
A Texas jury has stripped right-wing radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of primary custody of his children and awarded joint custody to his ex-wife.
A Travis County jury returned the decision shortly before midnight Thursday after nine hours of deliberation. The verdict means Jones will have visitation rights with the children, ages 9, 12 and 14, but that ex-wife Kelly Jones will establish their primary residence.
Read moreConspiracy theorist Alex Jones loses primary custody of his kids
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– Alex Jones’ Former Editor Trashes Him as a Trump Sellout and Snake Oil Salesman:
Kurt Nimmo, a longtime former editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.com, has been publicly trashing his ex-boss as a “snake oil salesman” who sold out to support President Donald Trump.
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HUGE UPDATE! Alex Jones has a new wife. Alex Jones married Austin, Texas area Jewish escort / yoga instructor Erika Wulff in January, 2017. Alex Jones had been utilizing Erika Wulff’s escort services since at least early 2013, and this was the original reason that his ex-wife Violet Nichols divorced him.
BREAKING NEWS! Alex Jones was legally divorced from his Jewish wife Kelly Jones/Violet Nichols on March 23, 2015. Kelly/Violet initially filed for divorce from Alex Jones on December 18, 2013, and since then has been engaged in continuous litigation against him over custody of their three children.As part of the divorce settlement, Alex Jones was court ordered to deed the family house (valued at $900k) to Kelly/Violet as well as sign a promissory note payable to Kelly/Violet in the amount of $2.7 million (Kelly/Violet also owns an additional house valued at $1 million).Alex Jones’ separation from his wife was first revealed by Defense Intelligence Agency contractor Aaron Wilson of G.O.N.O.B. Radio / Alex Jones Critic / Alt-Media Radio / Alt-Right Radio / etc. (He serially reinvents himself.)
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In a dramatic example of the extreme polarization between the left- and right-leaning American public, a ‘brawl’ broke out between famous left-wing host of “The Young Turks” Cenk Uygur and controversial conservative Alex Jones (of InfoWars) on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention. The contretemps was caught on tape in Media Row at the GOP convention, but as The Hill reports, it’s unclear from the video what exactly they were arguing about beyond name-calling – “anti-liberal,” “bitch,” “hatchet man,” “liar” – and a suggestion that Uygur doesn’t talk enough about Saudi Arabia.
Uygur, the host of a popular left-wing web video show, called Stone a “piece of crap” and “the biggest liar in media.”
“Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!” shouted back Stone, a longtime Trump adviser who has no official role on the campaign.
InfoWars founder Jones stood over Uygur on the show’s set, holding a microphone, gesticulating in the progressive host’s face and urging him to debate Stone.
“First of all, Alex, this ain’t your f—ing show,” Uygur shouted back. “And Roger, this surely ain’t your f—ing show.”
Expert economist Peter Schiff thinks the coming collapse will be far worse than the Great Depression and you need to be prepared.
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– Alex Jones: “The Globalists Are Pure Evil… They’re Going To Kill Donald Trump”:
While Alex Jones is exuberant at the rise of The Donald, he is deathly concerned. Given that “the globalists are pure evil,” he exclaims, “they’re going to kill Donald Trump.”
It appears Trump himself is concerned as InfoWars reports, according to his former advisor Roger Stone, Trump now wears a bullet proof vest at all public appearances due to the sheer volume of death threats he receives on a regular basis.
Read moreAlex Jones: ‘The Globalists Are Pure Evil … They’re Going To Kill Donald Trump’
Sep 1, 2015
Alex Jones talks with former Clinton insider Larry Nichols about how Hillary will beat the email scandal.
Jun 24, 2015
Max Keiser: The Greatest Economic Collapses In History is Coming!
Alex Jones talks with Max Keiser about the coming economic collapse and how oblivious the American public is.Read moreMax Keiser: The Greatest Economic Collapses In History is Coming! (Video)
From the article:
“I have a ton of respect for Lindsey Williams, and I would listen to what he has to say very carefully. Back in 2008, an elite insider told him that the price of oil would drop from $140 a barrel to $40 a barrel, and it happened. This time around, Williams has been telling us throughout 2013 and 2014 that a global financial collapse was not going to happen during those years, and he was right about that.”
Lindsey Williams also made a lot of predictions that turned out to be dead wrong and he just wants to sell his DVDs, which is why when he gets interviewed he is beating around the bush, telling you that you need to buy his DVDs.
That said, there is a lot of evidence pointing to the fall of 2015 (in Sept.).
I can precisely tell you when it will happen and that is when Lord Rothschild …
… will press this button:
– Lindsey Williams, Martin Armstrong And Alex Jones All Warn About What Is Coming In The Fall Of 2015 (Economic Collapse, June 21, 2015):
Not since the financial crash of 2008 have so many prominent people issued such urgent warnings about a specific time period. Almost daily now, really big names are coming out with chilling predictions about what they believe is going to happen during the second half of 2015. But it isn’t just that these people have a “bad feeling” about things. The truth is that we are witnessing a confluence of circumstances and events in the second half of this year that is unprecedented. This is something that I covered in a previous article that went mega-viral all over the Internet entitled “7 Key Events That Are Going To Happen By The End Of September“. Personally, I have never been more concerned about any period of time than I am about the second half of 2015. And as you will see below, I am definitely not alone.
I’ve told you many times before that the elite have planned WW3 for us.
Jun 20, 2015
Alex makes an urgent message concerning the severity of the current global climate. Insider information pointed directly towards global financial meltdown and global war.
by red pill revolution
Alex Jones now – like Obama – using the latest state of the art MASS HYPNOSIS techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. ?
Start listening from 12:50 into the video …
“Now is the time to …”
– PDF: Obama’s_Use_of_Hidden_Hypnosis_techniques_in_His_Speeches:
Elementary pacing examples from Obama include, “now is the time”, and “as I stand here before you.”
These statements are undeniably true in the simplest terms and commonly used parts of his pacing techniques, because of course now is the time, and if he is there speaking, of course he is standing before us.
These are things the hypnotist says that are verifiably true, and used to lower our critical factor defenses to allow implantation of subconscious messages.
Added: Jul 12, 2014
Related info:
YouTube Added: Feb 12, 2014
Trends Forecaster: Proof the Markets are Rigged. At least five top level bankers have “fallen” to their deaths from high-rises in just the last two weeks. Are the worlds Stock Markets, Currency Exchanges and Interest Rates all rigged? Gerald Celente brings the facts from the news to the table.