YouTube Added: Jan 7, 2014
Alex continues with special guest Dr. Christopher Busby regarding the massive wave of radiation headed for the US West Coast from the Fukushima disaster in Japan.
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
YouTube Added: Jan 7, 2014
Alex continues with special guest Dr. Christopher Busby regarding the massive wave of radiation headed for the US West Coast from the Fukushima disaster in Japan.
YouTube Added: Jan 5, 2014
YouTube Added: Jan 5, 2014
Read moreGun Confiscations Have Begun & The Death Of The Second Amendment (Video)
… doing his best to discredit the truth movement with his bad behaviour?
Grow up Alex!
Related info:
– World’s Leading Vaccine Pioneer Dr. Maurice Hilleman Admits: HIV And Cancer Come From Vaccines (Video)
YouTube Added: 09.06.2013
The annual conference of the secretive Bilderberg Group is meeting near Watford, with some leading political and business leaders from the US and Europe.
American “shock jock” Alex Jones joined Times columnist David Aaronovitch to discuss it – and ended up disrupting the show in spectacular fashion.
Presenter Andrew Neil described him as “the worst person” that he had ever interviewed.
– Ron Paul’s Biggest Supporter Is Bilderberger, International Financier Peter Thiel
– Ron Paul And Freemasonry: Ritual And The Scottish Rite
– Ron Paul Files International Trademark Complaint Against His Own Fans (Buzzfeed, Feb 9, 2013):
Ron Paul has filed a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization against the proprietors of and, according to a blog post on their site on Friday.
The authors of see the move as the ultimate betrayal from a politician who, more than many others, depended on an astounding level of grassroots support on the Internet in order to keep his longshot presidential campaigns running.
“Last month, after Ron Paul expressed regret on the Alex Jones show over not owning (in an interview titled “Ron Paul: The Internet Is Our Last Chance to Awaken America”), dozens of supporters urged us to contact Ron Paul to work out a deal,” the owners of write.
They say they offered Paul the use of as a “free gift” but wanted to keep Their price, should Paul really want, was $250,000.
“Claims that we tried to sell Ron Paul “his name” for $250k or even $800k are completely untrue, and there is little doubt that our mailing list would have enabled Ron Paul to raise several million dollars for the liberty movement this year. It would have been a win/win/win situation for everyone involved,” they write.
Even more shocking to the proprietors is that Paul’s complaint was lodged with a U.N. agency, an organization that garners mistrust among libertarians.
Read moreRon Paul Files International Trademark Complaint Against His Own Fans
– Alex Jones On HuffPost Live: ‘YOU’RE IN DANGER! YOU’RE IN DANGER!’ (VIDEO) (Huffington Post, Jan 11, 2013):
Alex Jones, the radio host whose tussle with Piers Morgan was felt ’round the world, appeared on HuffPost Live on Friday to talk about the fallout from his interview.
For most of the chat, Jones was relatively restrained — a far cry from the high-decibel ranter who shouted at Morgan about the Second American Revolution. Towards the end, though, he regained his old spark with a tirade that truly has to be seen to be believed.
After quoting liberally (and loudly) from the famed “mad as hell” speech from “Network,” Jones began going on a wide-ranging monologue that encompassed everything from drone wars and curtailments on privacy to more boutique topics.
“Learn about the New World Order!” he said at one point. “Learn about eugenics and the cancer viruses and the vaccines! Learn about the GMO’s designed to sterilize you!”
He then held up a book called “Ecoscience,” and took his shouting to a new level. A rough transcript follows:
See my commentary on this ‘debate’ HERE.
– Pro-Gun Advocate Alex Jones Goes Completely Berserk On Piers Morgan’s Show: ‘1776 Will Commence Again!’ (Business Insider; Jan 7, 2013)
See my commentary on this ‘debate’ HERE.
– Alex Jones blasts out with justified outrage at Piers Morgan and other traitors to human freedom (Natural News, Jan 8, 2013):
Outspoken pro-liberty radio host Alex Jones angrily blasted CNN talking head Piers Morgan on national television yesterday evening, expressing the total outrage that millions of Americans share over issues like unconstitutional gun control. Morgan, a British subject, has called for Americans to be completely disarmed as if they were colonial slaves to the British Empire. Morgan is just one of many foreigners who are actively attempting to subvert Americas freedoms and destroy the Bill of Rights. That’s why over 100,000 Americans have so far signed a White House petition to deport Morgan.
Click here to watch the full interview on
CNN producers invited Alex Jones to appear as a guest on Piers Morgan’s show, no doubt to help increase the lagging ratings of Morgan’s show which only has a fraction of the viewers of the Alex Jones Show. There, Alex began by schooling Morgan on the purpose of the Second Amendment:
Mao said political power goes out of the barrel of a gun, he killed about 80 million people because he’s the only guy who had the guns — so we did it to point out that this is globalism, and the mega banks that control the planet and brag they have taken over — in Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, you name it — brag that they’re going to get our guns as well. They’ve taken everybody’s guns, but the Swiss and the American people and when they get our guns, they can have their world tyranny while the government buys 1.6 billion bullets, armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters, predator drones, armed now in U.S. skies, being used to arrest people in North Dakota. The Second Amendment isn’t there for duck hunting. It’s there to protect us from tyrannical government and street thugs…
WTF? Ranting is not debating. Grow up Alex!
The people will just ‘hear’ your rant and not your valid points.
If your intention was to make gun owners look really bad, then you did a great job.
YouTube Added: 07.01.2013
YouTube Added: 30.11.2012
YouTube Added: 15.05.2012
In this exclusive wide-ranging May 15, 2012 interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABD), updates the viewing audiences on the status of the ongoing Fukushima radiation-depopulation rollout, stating that “Fukushima radiation has taken over our planet.” Leuren Moret also exposes inaccuracies in a recent Fukushima “Estimate of the Situation” video by former Gen. Albert S. Stubblebine (U.S. Army, Ret.). Stubblebine has publicly denied his involvement in a secret 1968 – 73 DARPA time travel and teleportation program despite direct eye witness whistleblower testimony to the contrary by Washington State attorney Andrew D. Basiago. Leuren Moret also offers solutions on how humanity can adapt positively to the challenges of this Fukushima radiation false flag depopulation plan, instigated by an international war crimes racketeering organization led by the Dutch and British Monarchs and City of London bloodline families including the Rothschilds.
YouTube Added: 16.09.2012
– Former State Dept. Veteran Drops Bombshell: WWIII Starts Sept. 25 (The Stock Market Watch, Sep 18, 2012):
Speaking with Infowars’ Alex Jones, former Assistant Deputy Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik says Israel plans to attack Iran before the U.S. elections of Nov. 6., and, that an attack on Iran will assuredly kickoff WWIII, according to him.
Moreover, Pieczenik, a man whose career inspired the character Jack Ryan of the Tom Clancy book series, says the ‘October Surprise’ will not take place in October. Instead, the big surprise will come earlier, in late September.
Dr. Pieczenik says the specific date of the strike on Iran is Sept. 25th or 26th, Yom Kippur—the Jewish holiday, which commences in the year 2012 at sundown on the 25th, and ends at nightfall, the following day.
“It [an Israeli attack on Iran] could be earlier than October, because we have Yom Kippur. And I predicted on your radio show, and I predicted to our national security people, privately, that Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu would start something on Rosh Hashanah,” says Pieczenick.
“This [prediction] was over a year ago, and I said it on your radio show. He was as predictable as a clock, and the Israelis will be very predictable, on Yom Kippur,” he adds.
Pieczenik says it’s clear to him that Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu has already planned to attack Iran and has been desperately trying to enlist the U.S. to back him up. But, with or without U.S. direct help, Pieczenik is certain that Israel will attack Iran.
Moreover, he says Netanyahu is an extremest, who will “lie” for his personal and selfish cause, a conclusion also drawn by many Israelis who protest his regime.
“Everything Bibi is saying to the Americans and the American Jews is an absolute, unmitigated lie,” Pieczenik, a Jew, himself, says forcefully,
“What we have here is a collusion between Saudi Arabia, neocon Jews of America and Israel, against a president, who, whether I like or dislike, and may have lied about Osama Bin Laden,” he adds, “he [President Obama] is the son . . . a son of a CIA operative, the grandson of a CIA operative, who understands very well what the issues of intelligence are.”
With help from his neocon friends, Netanyahu threatens the entire world with the suicidal notion that Iran must be attacked, and the Israeli prime minister must be stopped, even if it means assassination, according to Pieczenik
Highly recommended!!!
YouTube Added: 05.09.2012
Alex talks with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and war correspondent Chris Hedges. “Revolt is all we have left. It is our only hope,” Hedges recently wrote. Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt
YouTube Added: 10.08.2012
Alex welcomes veteran of the Black Panther Party, former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, and author-activist Larry Pinkney to discuss a host of various topics.
YouTube Added: 01.08.2012
YouTube Added: 27.06.2012
If Nostradamus were alive today, he’d have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente.
– New York PostWhen CNN wants to know about the Top Trends, we ask Gerald Celente.
– CNN Headline NewsThere’s not a better trend forecaster than Gerald Celente. The man knows what he’s talking about.
– CNBCThose who take their predictions seriously … consider the Trends Research Institute.
– The Wall Street JournalA network of 25 experts whose range of specialties would rival many university faculties.
– The Economist
– The Great Culling – a hard-hitting film about water, fluoride, food, vaccines and more – needs your support to be completed (Natural News, April 01, 2012)
The Great Culling is a film trilogy that’s already in production. The film’s creators — who also helped produce What In the World Are They Spraying
— have already wrapped up numerous interviews for the film including one with myself, the Health Ranger.
See the powerful, hard-hitting trailer about the first chapter of this trilogy, called The Great Culling: Our Water:
This first film includes interviews with:
• Dr. Paul Connett, PhD
• Dr. Charlie Goetschel, PhD
• Mike Adams
• Gary O. Pittman
• Dr. James E. Rota, DDS
• Dr. Laura Pressley, PhD
• Dr. Doris Rapp, MD
• Jeff Green
• Former Senator Karen Johnson
• Luca ZannaHere’s an update from the filmmakers about work on the water segment:
Read moreThe Great Culling – A Hard-Hitting Film About Water, Fluoride, Food, Vaccines And More
Watchable from 18:18 minutes into the video.
Interview with Wayne Madsen starts at 21:25 into the video.
Obama is not a communist. He was/is a CIA operative working for his elite masters to establish the fascist New World Order.
He is just another elite puppet President.
YouTube Added: 03.03.2012
In case you want to download the video here is a new upload:
Alex Jones comments on the Google/YouTube video censorship on behalf of the US government.
The Video TSA Does Not Want You To See!
– Congress OKs 30,000 Flying Drones Spying On Americans Across U.S. Cities