Excerpts from Nuclear Hotseat w/ Libbe HaLevy, Nov. 12, 2014 (at 33:15 in):
- Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education: We have firsthand knowledge from at least a half dozen Japanese doctors… who have said they have been threatened… if they speak frankly to their patients about the health effects that they’re experiencing; or if they frankly speak in public about their fears — and, in fact, measurements — of how bad radioactive illnesses really are. So we know of at least a half a dozen doctors who are being ‘sat on’, and if 6 are, you can be certain that many more are as well. It’s a pressure that’s being applied up and down the spectrum… [You would now expect] exactly what we’re seeing — earlier cancers and thyroid nodules. Then over the next 15 to 20 years, increased organ cancers as well as muscular cancers… The fact of the matter is, we’re going to see cancers in that 4 to 30 year time span. And I still stand by what I’ve been saying now for 3 years. I think there will be a million extra cancers as a result of Fukushima Daiichi.
Arnie Gundersen
Doctors being threatened for linking illnesses to Fukushima — Strange tumors, kids dying, pets dying — Much higher incidences of whole range of health problems reported — Experts: 1,000,000 cancers, plus many other ailments poss
Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education on Radio Ecoshock, released Oct 29, 2014:
- Alex Smith, host of RadioEcoshock (at 10:30 in): We’ve heard almost nothing about the impacts [of the Fukushima catastrophe] on people in that region. There are accounts coming out of there of strange tumors, kids dying, pets dying — what have you heard? Can we ever expect an honest accounting from Japanese authorities?
- Arnie Gundersen, nuclear engineer (emphasis added): That’s a pretty good summary, frankly. We continue to get information from people who live there about cancer rates — and illnesses in general, not just cancer. We think of radiation as a cancer causing thing, but it also causes many other ailments. Much higher incidences of a whole range of illnesses than they had in 2010, the year before the accident… We’re also working with doctors in Japan, and some brave doctors are saying that they’ve been threatened — that their hospital rights have been threatened — if you tell your patient this illness is radiation related you’ll lose your right to practice and things like that. So there’s enormous pressure on the medical community to tell the patients that what they’re experiencing is not at all related to radiation. The key is statistics, and the question is when will the statistics be released for mortality, morbidity, and general illnesses… We’re not seeing the data. The medical community now has to file every report that it writes with the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, before it’s issued. So if you’re a hospital, and you’ve got mortality data, you’re not allowed to issue that to the public until those reports have been cleared by the IAEA. Well, Article II of the IAEA charter is to promote nuclear power. So even if the hospital was conscientious — there’s a lot of political pressure not to be — but even if it was conscientious, there’s another step in the process, and they’ve got to clear an IAEA hurdle before those numbers are released. It’s truly frightening, the pressure the medical community is undergoing in Japan. Very few of them are willing to tell the truth.
AP: Ticking time bombs of nuclear waste at multiple U.S. sites? Lab checking for ‘smoking’ drums — CNN: “Imminent threat from radiation” — Gundersen: Serious public health effects if one blows; “Very, very volatile… like nitroglycerin”
– AP: Ticking time bombs of nuclear waste at multiple U.S. sites? Lab checking for ‘smoking’ drums — CNN: “Imminent threat from radiation” — Gundersen: Serious public health effects if one blows; “Very, very volatile… like nitroglycerin” (VIDEO) (ENENews, May 23, 2014):
AP, May 21, 2014: Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL] on Wednesday told state government it has isolated and is closely monitoring nuclear waste […] packed with a type of cat litter suspected in a radiation leak at [WIPP]. [LANL] said the 55-gallon barrels have been secured in special containers and moved to an isolated area with a fire protection system. They also are being monitored 24 hours a day for any change in temperature, smoking or other abnormalities. […] More than 100 other suspect containers are being stored temporarily at Waste Control Specialists in Andrews, Texas.
Gundersen: This Video ‘Confirms Our Worst Fears’ – Scientist: Reactor Core Materials Found Almost 500 Km From Fukushima Plant – 40,000,000,000,000,000,000 Bq/Kg
Fairewinds Energy Education, Apr. 3, 2014:
- At 0:45 in – Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education: If Fairewinds Energy Education was a Japanese website, the State Secrets Law would likely prevent us from issuing this video.
- At 1:15 in — Marco Kaltofen, Civil Engineer & Ph.D. Candidate at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI): In looking at indoor environments, they tend to be much more contaminated than the surroundings outside. Houses act like a trap and they tend to collect outdoor contaminants and they expose people as much as 24 hours a day.
- At 9:15 in – Kaltofen: The sample that we got came from Nagoya in Japan, its 460 kilometers from the accident site. That’s about 300 miles away.
- At 9:30 in — Kaltofen: It’s actually in the size range of dusts that can be inhaled and then retained in the lungs. This is important because if your health physicist and calculating and you’re calculating the dose that you would get from this particle you’d have to consider that this particle might actually be trapped and result in a lifetime exposure.
Nuclear Expert Arnie Gundersen Explains The WIPP Nuclear Safety Failure – WIPP Whistleblowers Claim Mine Ceiling Collapsed Directly On Top Of Canisters Storing Highly Radioactive Waste (Video)
Located near Carlsbad, New Mexico this Department of Energy (DOE) experimental nuclear waste dump is attempting to store leftover radioactive plutonium and americium from the US weapons program. On February 14, 2014 there was a nuclear safety failure at the site and the Department of Energy is not being honest about it. In this film Fairewinds Energy Education’s Arnie Gundersen pieces together what happened and points out Fairewinds’ major concerns about the facility, the accident and the lack of transparency at the DOE.
Related info:
– WIPP Nuke Accident: Every Single Worker Contaminated With Plutonium & Americium
– South Central US Poisoned With Plutonium By New Mexico Nuke Garbage Dump (Veterans Today)
Gundersen: ‘Nuclear Core Has Disintegrated’ At Fukushima Unit 3
– Gundersen: “Nuclear core has disintegrated” at Fukushima Unit 3 — Japan Energy Expert: Location of melted fuel for 3 reactors is unknown, this has never happened anywhere before (VIDEO) (ENENews, Feb 28, 2014):
Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, Feb. 21, 2014 (at 39:30 in) — Question: What is your assessment of what is going on right now inside the cores of the nuclear reactors? […] Give us your analysis of what the situation of the nuclear core is now. — Hisayo Takada, energy expert at Greenpeace Japan: Nobody knows, we cannot go into that to look at what it looks like. So that’s the magnitude of this disaster, it is a triple meltdown. Any people never experienced this kind of nuclear disaster and it is still going on.
Jan van de Putte, radiation safety expert at Greenpeace, Feb. 21, 2014 (at 43:00 in): We have […] very little information of the actual situation of the fuel […] exactly where it is, in what state it is, and in what location it is.
Arnie Gundersen interview on Radio New Zealand, Jan. 26, 2014 (at 7:30 in): The worst problem is at the bottom of [Fukushima] Unit 3, the water is much more radioactive than where this leak was. So what that tells me is that the nuclear core has disintegrated and it’s basically a powder. Almost like one of those glass balls you shake up and it makes snow. […] That bodes very poorly for nuclear decommissioning.
Read moreGundersen: ‘Nuclear Core Has Disintegrated’ At Fukushima Unit 3
Nuclear Expert On Florida Nuke Plant; ‘The Damn Thing Is Grinding Down’ – Gundersen: ‘Magnitude Of What’s Going On At St. Lucie Is Off The Charts’; 100 Times Worse Than Industry Average
– Nuclear Expert: “They must be terrified” at South Florida nuke plant; “The damn thing is grinding down” — Gundersen: “Magnitude of what’s going on at St. Lucie is off the charts”; 100 times worse than average (ENENews, Feb 22, 2014):
Tampa Bay Times, Feb. 22, 2014: Yet another Florida nuclear plant may be in trouble. […] More than 3,700 tubes that help cool a nuclear reactor at Florida Power & Light’s St. Lucie facility exhibit wear. Most other similar plants have between zero and a few hundred. Worst case: A tube bursts and spews radioactive fluid. That’s what happened at the San Onofre plant in California two years ago. The plant shut down forever because it would have cost too much to fix. […] FPL is so confident in St. Lucie’s condition that it boosted the plant’s power. The utility acknowledged that will aggravate wear on the tubes, located inside steam generators. […] FPL insisted St. Lucie should not be linked to San Onofre from either a safety or financial standpoint.[…] During hearings, [officials at San Onofre] repeatedly pointed to St. Lucie as having the same problem […] When it closed, San Onofre 3 had 2,519 wear spots at least 20 percent deep into a tube wall. When last inspected in 2012, the St. Lucie plant had 1,920, the Times analysis found.
NHK: Failure at Fukushima – Gundersen: Extraordinarily radioactive leak will be in Pacific shortly; ‘Site is going to bleed into ocean for 100 years’
– NHK: Failure at Fukushima — Gundersen: Extraordinarily radioactive leak will be in Pacific shortly; “Site is going to bleed into ocean for 100 years” (ENENews, Feb 21, 2014):
NHK, Feb. 21, 2014: Measures fail to stop Fukushima plant leaks — [Tepco] has been coming up with countermeasures to deal with repeated leaks […] despite the measures, 100 tons of radioactive water leaked on Wednesday and Thursday. […] Last August, more than 300 tons of highly radioactive wastewater leaked from one of the plant’s storage tanks. […] In October, another leak of highly contaminated water occurred, this time from a different tank on the site. [Tepco] said the leak resulted from overfilling the tank. […] This time the water again overflowed out of a tank […] they will seek additional measures to address these new problems.
New TEPCO Report Shows Damage To Fukushima Unit 3 Spent Fuel Pool MUCH Worse Than That At Unit 4 (Video)
New TEPCO Report Shows Damage to Unit 3 Fuel Pool MUCH Worse Than That at Unit 4 from Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo.
As the eyes of the world have been focused on the Unit 4’s removal of spent fuel,
TEPCO released a report entitled, TEPCO’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Roadmap, that contained some astounding information regarding Unit 3. Follow Fairewinds Energy’s Arnie Gundersen as he shows you the 35-ton refueling bridge that fell in the Unit 3 spent fuel pool during the Unit 3 detonation explosion. Do the math. The bottom line here is that TEPCO has just acknowledged that at least 50-tons of rubble has fallen on top of and into the spent fuel pool in Unit 3. What does this 50-ton pile of debris mean to the Unit 3 spent fuel pool and its cleanup?Please support our work, so we can continue to bring you breaking nuclear news: fairewinds.org/donate/
Please also support my work here at Infinite Unknown.
CBS: Tepco says fuel removal even worse than Gundersen’s analogy — It’s like pulling ‘lit’ cigarettes from a crushed pack — Going to get far more difficult in future
– CBS: Tepco says fuel removal even worse than Gundersen’s analogy — It’s like pulling ‘lit’ cigarettes from a crushed pack — Going to get far more difficult in future (VIDEO) (ENENews, Jan 27, 2014):
CBS News, Jan. 27, 2014 at 7:07p ET:
CBS: I’ve read an analogy that this is like removing a cigarette from a crushed pack.
TEPCO: Take that analogy and imagine that it’s like the cigarette in that box is lit.
CBS: So you’re saying it’s even more difficult than that?
TEPCO: I think so.
Nuclear Expert: This is just 1st radioactive wave hitting U.S. and Canada; Fukushima pouring into ocean, unstoppable for years and years — Marine Expert: No sign it will stop anytime soon; Plant unstable, potentially worse than Chernobyl
Interview with nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, Jan. 16, 2014 (at 27:30 in): It’s the first wave that we’re going to see. The Pacific is becoming more and more contaminated because the leak from Daiichi has not been stopped, and is proven to be unstoppable for at least several more years. So we’re going to continue to be pouring in radioactive cesium and strontium into the ocean. Now for the first time we’ve detected it in salmon in Alaska. >> Full Gundersen interview here
Jay Cullen, associate Professor, UVic School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, CFAX, Jan. 16, 2014 (at 41:00 in):
Host: Based on your information, is this disaster in Fukushima worse than Chernobyl?
Japan TV: It gets worse every minute at Fukushima plant, groundwater mixing with melted fuel — Arnie Gundersen: There’s no end in sight because the nuclear core is in contact with groundwater
– Japan TV: It gets worse every minute at Fukushima plant, groundwater mixing with melted fuel — Gundersen: There’s no end in sight because the nuclear core is in contact with groundwater (VIDEO) (ENENews, Jan 17, 2014):
Interview with nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, Power Hour, Jan. 16, 2014 (at 58:00 in): What makes Fukushima different than Chernobyl and TMI […] they were essentially stopped in less than a year. We’re at 3 years ¬and there’s no end in sight. The reason is that the nuclear core is in contact with the groundwater and that’s bad, and that’s going to be bad for years to come.
NHK Nuclear Watch, Jan. 16, 2014: An issue that gets worse with every passing minute […] the build-up of contaminated water. […] Lake Barrett, Tepco advisor: “Water is a continuing challenge, control of the contaminated water is a very complex matter. It’s a very complicated site with groundwater movements.” Groundwater becomes tainted hour after hour at the plant. It seeps into the damaged reactor buildings and mixes with melted fuel. […]
Arnie Gundersen: New Development At Fukushima, ‘Essentially Entire Plant Has A Gamma Ray Haze Over It … A Haze Of Radioactive Particles’
– Gundersen: New development at Fukushima, “Essentially entire plant has a gamma ray haze over it… a haze of radioactive particles” — Tepco: It’s impossible to stop, using more shielding won’t help (AUDIO) (ENENews, Jan 16, 2014):
Interview with nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, Power Hour, Jan. 16, 2014: “The most fascinating new thing is there’s a gamma ray haze over the plant. Gamma rays are like x-rays. Essentially, the entire plant has a gamma ray haze over it to the tune of about 1,000 millirem a year […] There’s essentially a haze of radioactive particles.”
Source: Fairewinds Energy EducationTepco Press Conference with summary translation by Fukushima Diary, Jan. 10, 2014: There is no way to shield Bremsstrahlung from contaminated water tanks, Tepco stated […] shielded by water and the tank material, it turns into Bremsstrahlung. […] it is technically impossible to shield each tank. Even if they put the shielding material inside of the tanks, it also causes Bremsstrahlung. […]
From last week: Radiation jumps at Fukushima plant — Now almost 1,000% previous levels — Officials knew of increase but ‘too busy’ to do anything
Arnie Gundersen On U.S. Gov’t Buying 14 Million Potassium Iodide Pills (Used During Nuclear Disasters)
We will know more details when the next false flag (much bigger than 9/11) has hit America.
I suggest you all have enough Lugol’s solution (Dr. Clark) at hand.
See also:
– Feds Want To Buy 14 Million Potassum Iodide Tablets
– Gundersen: U.S. gov’t buying 14 Million potassium iodide pills used during nuclear disasters — “I don’t know why they placed this big order right now” (AUDIO) (ENENews, Jan 12, 2014):
Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, Jan. 6, 2014 (1:39:15): I don’t know why the government is buying 14 million KI tablets […] The United States has bought a large order — 14 million pills — but the interesting part about this is that the iodine from Fukushima Daiichi is gone. It decays away — in less than 90 days, there is no more radioactive iodine left. So the question is why are the buying pills now? Are they going to stock pile them for another nuclear accident, another nuclear bomb explosion? […] The pill doesn’t protect you from depleted uranium, it doesn’t protect you from cesium, or anything. The pills that the government is buying is just to protect you from radioactive iodine. When a nuclear plant shuts down, within 90 days there’s no iodine left. So, I don’t think they’re buying them for Fukushima Daiichi, but I don’t know why they placed this big order right now.
NRC comments on steam at Fukushima Unit 3 — Gundersen: Plutonium could be causing fissions, heating up melted fuel (AUDIO)
– NRC comments on steam at Fukushima Unit 3 — Gundersen: Plutonium could be causing fissions, heating up melted fuel (AUDIO) (ENENews, Jan 10, 2014):
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman David McIntyre on steam coming from Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3, Jan. 9, 2014: “This also happened last year at this time, and periodically since the tsunami in 2011 […] We are in touch with the Japanese regulator and TEPCO, and from what we’ve seen and heard there is no reason to suspect that this steam is an indicator of anything bad happening.”
Arnie Gundersen: I’m now not eating Pacific Ocean fish — Bio-accumulation of Fukushima nuclear waste concerning — Effects of lower-level radiation worse than predicted
I’ve advised everybody to not eat fish/seafood since 1997, because it is totally contaminated mercury .
– Gundersen: I’m now not eating Pacific Ocean fish — Bio-accumulation of Fukushima nuclear waste concerning — Effects of lower-level radiation worse than predicted (VIDEO) (ENENews, Jan 9, 2014):
Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, Jan. 9, 2014:
At 0:30 in — We’ve spoken to other scientists we respect; radiation chemists, environmental engineers and ocean biologists, and we all agree that while the contamination of the Pacific Ocean is serious, it’s not as dire as some bloggers are urging you to believe. […] According to the National Academy of Sciences BEIR VII report, and contrary to what the nuclear industry would like you to believe, all radiation is harmful. The math is quite simple — the more radiation you receive, the bigger the risk, the less radiation you receive, the smaller the risk. […] However, many scientists also believe that radiation effects are actually worse at low levels than the BEIR 7 report predicts — and we at Fairewinds support that analysis. In Dec. 2012 radiological biologist Ian Fairlie wrote an excellent article detailing the discrepancies […]
Arnie Gundersen: Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 is not going to explode
– Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 is not going to explode (Fairewinds, Jan 1, 2014):
Steam heat? What is happening at Fukushima Daiichi?
Beginning on Monday December 30, 2013, the Internet has been flooded with conjecture claiming that Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 is ready to explode. Fairewinds Energy Education has been inundated with questions about the very visible steam emanating from Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3. Our research, and discussions with other scientists, confirms that what we are seeing is a phenomenon that has been occurring at the Daiichi site since the March 2011 accident.
Read moreArnie Gundersen: Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 is not going to explode
Hot Particle Detected 400 Km From Fukushima With Over 40 BILLION Bq/Kg
– Hot particle found 400 kilometers from Fukushima with radioactivity over 40 billion Bq/kg — Large black puddles of fallout along roadsides might well be from inside failed fuel rods (VIDEOS) (ENENews, Dec 17, 2013):
Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer at Fairewinds, Dec. 16, 2013 (at 3:30 in): Large puddles of black particles have been found on the side of the road, each individual grain is extraordinarily radioactive. This is fall-out, this is hot particles that have coalesced together on the side of the road. Recently a hot particle was discovered 250 miles [400 kilometers] away from Fukushima. It was so radioactive that if it were a pound of material instead of just a particle, the pound would be giving off 20 billion disintegrations per second [44 billion becquerels per kilogram] […] That small speck could easily be lodged in someone’s lung. >> Watch the video here
Read moreHot Particle Detected 400 Km From Fukushima With Over 40 BILLION Bq/Kg
Arnie Gundersen: All Of Japan Is Contaminated, Gov’t Covering Up Enormous Exposures To Public; Epidemic Is Just Beginning – Evacuee: We Are In Fact Dying In Fukushima; What Happened To Us Will Soon Affect All Japanese People
– Gundersen: All of Japan is contaminated, gov’t covering up enormous exposures to public; Epidemic is just beginning — Evacuee: We are in fact dying in Fukushima; What happened to us will soon affect all Japanese people (VIDEOS) (ENENews, Dec 16, 2013):
Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer at Fairewinds, Dec. 16, 2013: The Japanese parliament has just passed the state secrets law. It’s really an information ‘iron curtain’ that’s preventing people in Japan from learning just how bad the exposures were that they received after the accident at Fukushima. […] They’re trying to underestimate the amount of radiation that the Japanese received […] I think they’re neglecting some really serious sources of radiation in their effort to convince the Japanese people that nuclear power is safe. […] These exposures not being calculated by the Japanese, or the IAEA, are in fact enormous. [..] Fukushima was 3 times worse than Chernobyl as far as the noble gases [e.g. xenon, krypton] that were released. […] There’s already a 10-fold increase in thyroid issues in Japan and we’re just at the beginning of the thyroid epidemic. […] As I discovered when I was in Tokyo during the book tour during 2012, all of Japan is a radiologically contaminated area, and the people in Japan need to take extraordinary precautions. The net effect of all this is the total exposure to the Japanese is being grossly underestimated. >> Watch the video here
Testimony of a Fukushima Evacuee, Oct. 30, 2013 — Miko from Iwaki City (at 7:00 in): What the state announces is different from the reality. […] As I just told you what the media says and the facts are entirely different. […] What happened to Fukushima residents will soon affect all Japanese people […] While some say the radiation has dispersed, we are now safe people are in fact dying in Fukushima. One day a nephew of my friend died of Leukemia. The next day her husband also died. […] There are people living in Fuksuhima, now, they all say: “We’re guinea pigs after all […] many people are dying, huh? There’s nothing we can do, it’s useless, so why bother? I’d rather focus on happy things” and continue with their decontamination. […] People refuse to face the fact that these will eventually come back to haunt them. >> Watch all of Miko’s testimony here
Arnie Gundersen: They Want To Dump All Fukushima’s Radioactive Water Into The Pacific – Tepco: It Will Be Diluted, Then Released
– Gundersen: They want to dump all Fukushima’s radioactive water in Pacific — Tepco: It will be diluted, then released — Professor suggests pumping it out in deep ocean (VIDEOS) (ENENews, Dec 2, 2013):
Interview with Arnie Gundersen, The Real News Network, Dec. 1, 2013: Dale Klein is now suggesting is that we’re just going to take [Fukushima’s radioactive water] and pump it into the Pacific. And I don’t think that’s a very good idea. It’s cheap and it’s fast, it’s the expedient way of doing it, but really there’s something called the London dumping convention. And back in 1972, Greenpeace was very active in preventing radiation from being dumped into the ocean and to my way of thinking, this would violate the London Dumping Convention if they did it.
Interview with Tepco adviser Dale Klein, ABC Australia, Nov. 20, 2013: “At the end of the day, when the water is discharged, it will be released in a way that it’s diluted so there’s no risk to public health and safety. But it’s an emotional issue.”
Enformable, Dec. 2, 2013: TEPCO forced to shut down contaminated water processing system at Fukushima Daiichi again
TEPCO Downplays Huge Risks Involved in Removing Fukushima Fuel Rods (Video)
YouTube Addded: Dec 1, 2013
Columnist: The Truth Must Be Told, Fukushima A Major Global Threat To All Living Flora And Fauna … – Gundersen: Only Thing Saving Us Is The Internet
– Columnist: The truth must be told, Fukushima a major global threat to all living flora and fauna… Mainstream media not best source of information — Gundersen: Only thing saving us is the internet (AUDIO) (ENENews, Nov 16, 2013):
Columnist Kay MacDuffee, for the Caledon Enterprise (Greater Toronto), Nov. 13, 2013: […] perhaps the most pressing and disturbing information that goes unreported is the urgency of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant situation. […] 300 tons [now reported to be 400 tons] of contaminated water are flowing out of this facility daily into the Pacific Ocean […] While much of the world has continued with their lives forgetting about the Fukushima disaster, scientists from across the world who have been monitoring the radiation leaking out of Fukushima Plant, have found that the rate of flow has actually been increasing dramatically, causing a major global threat to all living flora and fauna. […] I am always reluctant to spread bad news, but the truth must be told. I have read and researched the facts on this story from many sources and it keeps coming up the same. This, despite the fact that after each CBS news story reporting radioactivity signs on the US West Coast, the reporter adds with a cheery smile, “But you can still play and swim on the beaches here”. Or “But you may still eat (the contaminated) bluefin tuna.” […] And more and more often, mainstream media is not the best source of information.
Arnie Gundersen: Remove TEPCO Before Removing Fuel Rods From Fukushima Reactor No. 4 SFP (Video)
Remove TEPCO Before Removing Fuel. from Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo.
Fairewinds has fielded a number of questions regarding the removal of the fuel rods from the spent fuel pool in Unit 4 at Fukushima Daiichi. Today’s video shows Arnie debunking TEPCO’s animated film point by point, and highlights the issues TEPCO will have removing the fuel rods. TEPCO needs to be removed as the organization overseeing the cleanup of the site prior to the removal of the fuel rods.