1 thought on “TEPCO Downplays Huge Risks Involved in Removing Fukushima Fuel Rods (Video)”

  1. Sure, they don’t care, they are just another rotten corporation. They are using people who are retarded, desperate gamblers who owe their loan sharks, and low wage workers to do the work. Where are the engineers and the scientists? This is a total rape……they have already killed the Pacific Ocean, it is only a matter of months before it is completely dead……100% toxic.
    They don’t care, they only care about profits.
    If I had my way, the TEPCO executives, the political leaders of Japan, and other countries that covered this up until they could no longer hide it, they would all go to live in Fukushima. Let them live in the houses they offered free to pregnant women. How depraved is that? Let them die there, as millions of us in the US are going to die.
    I hope there is a special hell for these people.


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