For your WTF folder …
From the article:
“… even though the most exposed children may face an increased risk”
Now here is what those UN scientists call ‘increased risk’:
– Arnie Gundersen: Terrifying Cancer Data For Fukushima – ‘Statistics Are Astounding Especially For Young Girls’
– 75 Fukushima Children Confirmed Or Suspected With Thyroid Cancer – Expert: ‘Gene Pool Is Damaged’; Surge In Disease Expected
– Over 44% Of Fukushima Children Have Thyroid Abnormalities
– Fukushima: More Then 42% of Children Have Thyroid Nodules Or Cysts (German TV Video, Nov 18, 2012):
More than 42% of 57,000 tested children have nodules or cyst, reports Dr. Suzuki who leads the examinations. In Chernobyl they found only 0.1 – 1%.
From the article:
“The amounts of radioactive substances such as iodine-131 released after the 2011 accident were much lower than after Chernobyl,…”
– U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Alan Thompson Reported 1,500 MICROSIEVERTS Per Hour Thyroid Dose South Of Tokyo On March 20, 2011
From the article:
“… and Japanese authorities also took action to protect people living near the stricken plant, including evacuations.”
By hiding the true extend of the disaster & failing to hand out potassium iodide tablets to the Japanese people?
So Fukushima shouldn’t have any effects here in the US, right?
– Study: 28% Increase In Thyroid Problems In Babies Born After Fukushima in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington
– Fukushima Is An Extinction Level Event: 17.91 Billion Lethal Doses (By Ingestion) Chasing Each And Every One Of Us On The Planet … And That’s Just From The Amount Of Cesium-137 (Veterans Today)
– Fukushima Now Equal To 50 Plus Chernobyls & 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses Of Radiation (Veterans Today)
– Japanese TV Program In 1993: What Happened to Chernobyl Children 7 Years after the Accident? ‘Truly Terrible Things Emerged Several Years After The Accident’ – THE CRIMINAL IAEA EXPOSED (Video)
– Prof. Yury Bandazhevsky: Over 50 Bq/Kg In Humans Leads To Irreversible Lesions In Vital Organs – CRIMINAL WHO And IAEA EXPOSED (Video)
– UN Reports Fukushima Is Not Chernobyl; Expects No “Significant Changes” In Cancer Rates (ZeroHedge, April 6, 2014):
Just as we should be re-assured by Shinzo Abe’s declaration that the Olympics will be ‘safe’ in Japan (despite his incessant calls for recovery in the Japanese economy when it is actually collapsing under its own devalued currency import costs); the UN is out with a report that states it did not expect “significant changes” in future cancer rates that could be attributed to radiation exposure from the reactor meltdowns. The levels, according to their report, were much lower than Chernobyl and therefore the Fukushima nuclear disaster is unlikely to lead to a rise in people developing cancer. But… some children ‘might’ have received doses that could affect their risk of developing cancer later in life…
Via Japan Times,
The Fukushima nuclear disaster is unlikely to lead to a rise in people developing cancer as happened after Chernobyl in 1986, even though the most exposed children may face an increased risk, U.N. scientists said Wednesday.
Read moreAND NOW: UN Scientists Report Fukushima Is Not Chernobyl; Expect No ‘Significant Changes’ In Cancer Rates