Senior Scientist at MIT Event: Japanese scientists censored – Not allowed to publish research that compared Fukushima to Chernobyl – Fukushima ‘arguably’ bigger

Senior Scientist at MIT Event: Japanese scientists censored — Not allowed to publish research that compared Fukushima to Chernobyl — Fukushima ‘arguably’ bigger (ENENews, Jan 24, 2014):

MIT Center for International Studies — Japan’s Continuing Nuclear Nightmare, Oct 24, 2013:

Ken Buesseler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (at 31:00 in):

I kind of look at these [Chernobyl and Fukushima] and say these are similar in scale, we can argue about which one’s bigger.

It was politically impossible, the first paper I wrote, for Japanese scientists to be co-author because I compared Fukushima to Chernobyl and that was considered not appropriate by his bosses at his institution.

Buesseler during a recent radio interview: Fukushima released “100, or 50 to 80 petabecquerels” of cesium-137 in 2011 — Chernobyl total was 70 petabecquerels

Watch the presentations here

1 thought on “Senior Scientist at MIT Event: Japanese scientists censored – Not allowed to publish research that compared Fukushima to Chernobyl – Fukushima ‘arguably’ bigger”

  1. One needs only to look at the CA coast to see the damage. No rain, no cooling winds from a dying ocean. Children cannot play on our beaches, sardines are dead, crab is gone, salmon is yellow………..the ocean is dying. The living ocean does more than provide food and earnings for millions, it provides oxygen and life to all it touches. Here in CA it is hot, dismal and absolutely miserable. Soon, CA will be unlivable. Nobody wants to look at that reality, but it is there.
    Because I have an illness that will soon take my life, it is more obvious to me because I have come to terms with my own mortality. I see people I know scratching up real estate at cheap prices, and living and acting as if nothing is changed. Don’t they realize CA will soon be unlivable?
    In Costa Rica a couple of months ago, hundreds of dead sea turtles washed ashore. Dogs that ran to eat them died instantly. That tells me the radioactive poisons are far more intense then the liars in control of the media will tell us. Costa Rica is south of us by a few hundred miles, but on the same coast……the Pacific.
    I’ve been to Costa Rica, and I have been on a cruse ship along the Pacific from the Panama Canal to Alaska…..what a waste of such massive beauty and wealth by a few greedy guts who had to get more. More….that drive is the disease of the 21st century.

    We depend on the ocean for many things, food and oxygen being two important ones. We also used to go there to sun ourselves, cruse in ships, play on the beaches………it has been a gift from nature we took for granted all our lives. Now, it is dying, and the lying cheats causing it won’t even honor us with the truth.

    CA made billions from tourists who came to visit our beautiful ocean……now, they won’t be able to go in the water….What will that do to our tourist industry?

    By the way, the Gulf of Mexico is already dead thanks to BP Oil. How many billions has that cost the good people of New Olean’s through Florida………corporations are destroying our lives.

    I fear it is too late for many of us, but if any people survive the fallout that is reaching all of us now, I hope they are wise enough to embrace Abe Lincoln’s view of corporations, and refuse to allow them to exist in any future man might have


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