Dr. Helen Caldicott, MD: The Horrible Truth About Fukushima (Video)


Feb 9, 2014

Author and Pediatrician Helen Caldicott takes time out of her busy schedule to join me to discuss the unfolding events at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station in Japan. Fukushima was devastated by a massive earthquake on March 11, 2011 which led directly to a massive failure causing hydrogen explosions which blew the roof off of at least two of the reactor buildings. Tepco and the Japanese government have understated the radiation dangers and the dire reality of the situation from day one.

Helen says, at this point there is no “best case scenario” for Fukushima, just worsening degrees of horror because it’s scientifically impossible to clean up what has already occurred. And with thousands of spent fuel rods and thousands more active rods still in the fuel pools of the damaged reactor buildings, the worst case scenario – if another major earthquake hits the area – is an ecological nightmare of biblical proportions for everyone living in the Northern hemisphere.

Dr. Helen Caldicott Receives Death Threats For Speaking About Nuclear Power In Japan

KPFA: Dr. Helen Caldicott threatened with death while in Japan for speaking about nuclear power — Students being charged with disturbing the peace for handing out flyers (AUDIO) (ENENews, March 21, 2014):

KPFA Flashpoints, Mar. 10, 2014 (at 3:00 in):

Steve Zeltzer, reporting from Japan: We went to Osaka […] we were told there’s continuing repression. Activists here are being threatened, including Professor Shimoji who was arrested for handing out leaflets. The government is trying to suppress opposition to nuclear power by passing the secrecy law which just passed the parliament and also by intimidating antinuclear activists and saying they have to keep quiet. […] We also learned from Dr. Helen Caldicott that she was threatened. She spoke at a meeting in Kyoto on the 8th and it was reported at the meeting that she had been threatened by right-wingers with death for speaking out about the dangers of nuclear power.

Read moreDr. Helen Caldicott Receives Death Threats For Speaking About Nuclear Power In Japan

A MUST-SEE: The Real Implications Of Cesium-137 Contamination Exposed (Video)


Prof. Yury Bandazhevsky: Over 50 Bq/Kg In Humans Leads To Irreversible Lesions In Vital Organs – CRIMINAL WHO And IAEA EXPOSED (Video)

Japanese TV Program In 1993: What Happened to Chernobyl Children 7 Years after the Accident? ‘Truly Terrible Things Emerged Several Years After The Accident’ – THE CRIMINAL IAEA EXPOSED (Video)



“The Implications of Massive Radiation Contamination of Japan with Radioactive Cesium”

Steven Starr
Senior Scientist, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Clinical Laboratory Science Program Director, University of Missouri

Helen Caldicott Foundation
The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Co-Sponsored by Physicians for Social Responsibility
March 11th & 12th, 2013

Dr. Helen Caldicott On Fukushima: 50 Years Or More Of Highly Contaminated Water Will Flow Into Pacific

Caldicott: 50 years or more of highly contaminated water flowing into Pacific from Fukushima — Tepco VP not optimistic: “I have concerns” for long-term plan — Location of melted fuel a mystery (VIDEO) (ENENews, Nov 7, 2013):

Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 7, 2013: […] The locations and the condition of the melted fuel for these reactors remain a mystery. It apparently dropped to the containment vessels through the inner pressure vessels housing the reactor cores. […] In addition, TEPCO has not determined the extent of damage to the pressure and containment vessels. […] The road map for decommissioning work could drastically change depending on the conditions of the melted nuclear fuel and the damage to the containment vessels. […] One obstacle in the decommissioning plan is the continuous leaks of water contaminated with radioactive materials. […] The division to deal with contaminated water is different from the one to remove nuclear fuel. So we will be able to sufficiently carry out work for the two issues,” said Akira Ono, director of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. However, TEPCO Vice President Zengo Aizawa was not so optimistic. “From the mid- and long-term perspective, I have concerns,” Aizawa said.

RT Live Chat with Dr. Helen Caldicott, Nov. 6, 2013 (at 34:00 in): I’m very much afraid that radioactive water is going to flow into the Pacific at least for the next 50 years, if not longer. […] To the back of the reactors are mountain ranges and the water flows down from the mountains, underneath the reactors. […] There have been 3 meltdowns and we think that these meltdowns — about a hundred tons of radioactive fuel in each units 1, 2, and 3 — may have melted their way into the earth, it’s called a melt though to China Syndrome in nuclear terminology. Even if they haven’t, on the bottom of the containment vessel building which is made of concrete which is all cracked, so the water’s flowing down, huge amounts every day, across and bathing those reactor cores which are furiously radioactive and the water that’s coming out and going into the ocean is incredibly radioactive. […] I can’t tell you how radioactive this water is, and there’s no way to stop it.

Read moreDr. Helen Caldicott On Fukushima: 50 Years Or More Of Highly Contaminated Water Will Flow Into Pacific

Dr. Helen Caldicott: Fukushima Much Worse Than Chernobyl – Nuclear Engineers Say There’s No End In Sight To This – I Predict They’ll Never Be Able To Fix It

YouTube Added: 30.09.2013

Caldicott: Fukushima much worse than Chernobyl — Nuclear engineers say there’s no end in sight to this — I predict they’ll never be able to fix it (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 5, 2013):

Title: Nicole Sandler speaks with Dr. Helen Caldicott
Source: The Nicole Sandler Show
Date: Sept. 30, 2013

At 25:30 in

Dr. Helen Caldicott, physician: It’s worse, it’s much worse — Chernobyl was absolutely ghastly […] This is worse, because there are 3 reactors which melted down […] Chernobyl stopped burning and it’s now sort of a radioactive mausoleum, it’s quiet. But these reactors are not quiet, and they are polluting millions of gallons of water. There’s no end in sight to this you see, there was an end in sight to Chernobyl. There’s not an end in sight for Fukushima. Nuclear engineers are saying that, and I predict they’ll never be able to fix it.

Dr. Helen Caldicott For RT: Endless Fukushima Catastrophe: Many Generations’ Health At Stake

Endless Fukushima catastrophe: Many generations’ health at stake (RT, Sep 13, 2013):

Bio-accumulation of radioactive elements around Fukushima will devastate many future Japanese generations, while the Pacific Ocean is also being contaminated by leaking radioactive water. Yet there is still no good solution from the Japanese government.

As I watched the tsunami power into the reactor complex at Fukushima on March 11, 2011, I realized the world would never be the same again. No nuclear reactor can withstand being drowned in a massive wave of water without catastrophic consequences.

There were three nuclear reactors undergoing fission at the time while one, unit four, had just been emptied of its radioactive core, which was now situated in an unprotected cooling pool on the roof of the building, 100 feet (30 meters) above the ground. As the power supply to the reactors was disrupted during the earthquake, and the auxiliary diesel generators in the basements of the reactors failed because they were flooded, the pumps which supplied up to 1 million gallons of cooling water to each reactor failed.

Within hours the intensely hot radioactive cores in units one, two and three started to melt. As they melted, the zirconium metal cladding on the uranium fuel rods reacted with water to produce hydrogen which exploded with overwhelming intensity in the buildings of units one, two, three and four releasing huge amounts of radioactive elements into the air.

On March 15 alone, it is estimated that 100 quadrillion Becquerels of cesium, 400 quadrillion of iodine plus 400 quadrillion of inert noble gases (xenon, krypton and argon) escaped. Over a period of time two-and-a-half to three times more noble gases were released into the air than at Chernobyl.

Read moreDr. Helen Caldicott For RT: Endless Fukushima Catastrophe: Many Generations’ Health At Stake

Helen Caldicott: The Medical Implications Of Fukushima, Nuclear Power And Nuclear Proliferation (Video)


YouTube Added: 22.05.2012


Dr. Helen Caldicott delivered this lecture on March 23, 2012 in Santa Barbara, California. Dr. Caldicott is a member of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation’s Advisory Council. For more information, visit www.wagingpeace.org.

Dr. Helen Caldicott On ‘Democracy Now’ TV: ‘About Half Of Japan Is Contaminated’ – Huge Censorship On What’s Happening With Fukushima

Caldicott Live on TV as US Election Called: “About half of Japan is contaminated” — Huge censorship on what’s happening with Fukushima… Host interrupts to say Obama re-elected (VIDEO) (ENENews, Nov 7, 2012):

Helen Caldicott Interview
Democracy Now Election Special
Link TV
Nov. 6, 2012 at 11:00p ET

Dr. Helen Caldicott, Physician: About half of Japan is contaminated. I’m going there next week. There’s a huge, a very big press censorship on what’s happening in Japan with Fukushima.

Watch the broadcast here

CONFIRMED: 36 Percent Of Fukushima Kids Have Abnormal Thyroid Growths And Doctors Are In The Dark

See also:

Study: 15-Year-Olds From Fukushima Town Got An Estimated 77,000 Becquerels Of Iodine-131 … In Just 4 Hours

CONFIRMED: 36 Percent Of Fukushima Kids Have Abnormal Thyroid Growths And Doctors Are In The Dark (Business Insider, July 19, 2012):

A few days ago we reported that 36 percent of Fukushima children have abnormal thyroid growths likely from radiation exposure, based on the “Fukushima Prefecture Health Management Survey.”We got in touch with Australian pediatrician Dr. Helen Caldicott, who has spoken about the growths, to ask her about the implications of the study.

After confirming the validity of the report, Caldicott reinforced the alarming nature of the findings:

1. “It is extremely rare to find cysts and thyroid nodules in children.

2. “This is an extremely large number of abnormalities to find in children.

3. “You would not expect abnormalities to appear so early — within the first year or so — therefore one can assume that they must have received a high dose of [radiation].”

4. “It is impossible to know, from what [officials in Japan] are saying, what these lesions are.”

Doctors worry about these abnormal growths because even though thyroid nodules are relatively common, they are not as common in children and some of them could become cancerous.

When asked why these results haven’t been widely reported, Calidcott noted that Japanese officials are not sharing ultrasound results with foremost experts of thyroid nodules in children and accused the media of “practicing psychic numbing,” saying that she doesn’t understand why media outlets are choosing to ignore the nuclear fallout.

Read moreCONFIRMED: 36 Percent Of Fukushima Kids Have Abnormal Thyroid Growths And Doctors Are In The Dark

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Will Contaminate ‘The Pacific Ocean For The Rest Of Time’ … If Fuel Can’t Be Removed

Fukushima plant “to keep contaminating the Pacific Ocean for the rest of time” if fuel can’t be removed — No good solution, must constantly pump out water from under buildings (VIDEO) (ENENews, Sep 3, 2012):

Title: Arnold Gundersen with another update on the unfolding effects of the Fukushima disaster
Source: KPFT Houston, If You Love This Planet Radio
Date: Aug 31, 2012
Description: This week, Dr. Caldicott brings on nuclear engineer Arnold Gundersen  […]

At 19:00 in

Caldicott: If you put concrete on it, you know it’s going to keep going down into the water table.

Gundersen: Right.

Caldicott: And you know it’s going to keep contaminating the Pacific Ocean for the rest of time.

Gundersen: Right. So the solution — there is no good solution — but the solution would be to bore holes underneath and constantly pull water out from under the buildings.


At 23:00 in

Caldicott: You are sacrificing the Pacific by leaving this stuff there for the rest of time, which will leak and drain consistently into the Pacific.

Gundersen: You’re right. It needs to be constantly pumped out



Listen to the report here

Arnie Gundersen And Helen Caldicott: A Ton Plutonium Was In Each Fukushima Reactor – The Global Risks Posed By Reactor No. 4 SFP (VIDEO)

Gundersen: A ton of plutonium was in each Fukushima reactor — Host shocked (VIDEO) (ENENews, July 30, 2012)

Title: Arnold Gundersen with the latest on Fukushima: its effects on Japan, and the global risks posed by the No. 4 reactor
Source: If You Love This Planet Radio
Author: Dr. Helen Caldicott
Date: July 27, 2012

This week, Dr. Caldicott has a new conversation with nuclear engineer Arnold Gundersen about the ongoing nuclear disaster at the Fukushima plant and its effects on Japan and the rest of the world. […]

At ~15:00 in

Arnold Gundersen, Nuclear Engineer: Unit 3 had 30 bundles of MOX fuel… All the reactors have plutonium in them… Uranium-238 becomes plutonium-239 when it absorbs a neutron… There was close to a ton of plutonium in each of the reactors… scattered throughout the fuel… A ton of plutonium in each reactor… you and I know how dangerous plutonium can be… makes the cleanup that much more difficult.

See also: Physician: “A millionth of a gram of plutonium, or less, can induce cancer, or will induce cancer”


The Sleeper: Unit 3 Building ‘Fatally Flawed’

– ‘The Sleeper’: Unit 3 building ‘fatally flawed’ (ENENews, May 21, 2012):

Arnold Gundersen with a new report on the Fukushima meltdowns and their worldwide implications
IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET, A Weekly Radio Program with Dr. Helen Caldicott
May 18, 2012

Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Chief Nuclear Engineer: This is the sleeper as far as I’m concerned.

Unit 3 has about half the nuclear fuel in its pool than Unit 4 does.

Some of it is still quite hot.

It had been removed about 6 months before the meltdowns.

So it has a hot enough quarter of a core that it could burn in air.

And of course the Unit 3 building is fatally flawed.

Read moreThe Sleeper: Unit 3 Building ‘Fatally Flawed’

Radioactive Japan: Double-Headed Worm Found In Miyagi (Pics)

Double-headed worm in Miyagi (Fukushima Diary, May 19, 2012):

Following up this article..Double-headed flowers

Double-headed worm was found in Natori city Miyagi. It was in the street gutter.

Read moreRadioactive Japan: Double-Headed Worm Found In Miyagi (Pics)

Japan Government To Send Disaster Debris To The U.S.

JP gov is going to send disaster debris to USA (Fukushima Diary, May 19, 2012):

TBS reported Japanese government is planning to send disaster debris to Pagan Island of Saipan, USA.


The amount is 10 million tones from Ishinomaki city Miyagi.

Because there is no incineration facility in Pagan island, Japanese government will mine minerals and fill the land with disaster debris.

Benigno Fitial governor states, they need money.


Trillions Of Becquerels Per Day Still Being Emitted From Fukushima Daiichi (VIDEO)

??- Trillions of becquerels per day still being emitted from Fukushima Daiichi — Radioactive steam continues (VIDEO) (ENENews, May 20, 2012):

Dr. Helen Caldicott interviews Arnold Gundersen
If You Love This Planet Radio
May 8, 2012

I would say there are billions, actually trillions, of becquerels per day being released airborne, mainly from Units 2 and 3.

Actually on cold nights you can still the steam coming off those reactors, its not just steam its radioactive steam.

Something on the order of trillions of becquerels per day… trillions of disintegrations per second per day are being released even now.

Download the broadcast here

Dr. Helen Caldicott: ‘When The Earthquake Occurred The Fukushima Reactors Sunk About A Meter In The Earth’ (Video)


Helen Caldicott, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Kate Orff, Columbia University GSAPP

At 49:55 into the video:

“When the earthquake occurred actually the reactors sunk about a meter in the earth.”

Fukushima Is Falling Apart: Are You Ready … For A Mass Extinction Event?

Update 3:

Fukushima: While No One Is Watching Humanity Faces The Most Dangerous Situation Ever

Update 2:

‘The Greatest Threat Humanity Has Ever Faced’: Fukushima Reactor No. 4 SFP ‘An Immediate Problem’ – Building Is Sinking, Over 30 Inches In Places


Which Will Collapse First, The Economy Or The Spent Fuel Pool At Fukushima? (Ambassador Murata: Total Number Of Spent Fuel Rods At Fukushima Daiichi Site Excluding The Rods In The Pressure Vessel Is 11,421!!!)

From the article:

If they are MOX fuel, containing 6% plutonium, one fuel rod has the potential to kill 2.89 billion people. If this pool collapses, as Senator Wyden is now saying too, we would face a mass extinction event from the release of radiation in those rods.

That is, if we aren’t in one already. Nuke experts like Arnie Gundersen and Helen Caldicott are prepared to evacuate their families to the southern hemisphere if that happens. It is that serious.

So now you know, if you didn’t before. We are in big trouble.

More info on reactor 4 down below.

Fukushima is falling apart: are you ready? (End The Lie, April 21, 2012):

Thirteen months have passed since the Fukushima reactors exploded, and a U.S. Senator finally got off his ass and went to Japan to see what is going on over there.

What he saw was horrific.

And now he is saying that we are in big trouble.

See the letter he sent to U.S. Ambassador to Japan Ichiro Fujisaki, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and NRC’s Chairman Gregory Jaczko here.

But what is so ironic about this is that we have been in this heap of trouble since March of 2011. March 17th, to be exact, when the plume of radioactive materials began bombarding the west coast of California.

And Oregon. And Washington. And British Columbia. And later Maine, Europe, and everywhere in between.

Independent researchers, nuke experts, and scientists, from oceanography to entomology and everywhere in between, having been trying to sound the alarm ever since.

The scientists most upset are those who have studied the effects of radiation on health. I’ll say it again, so its really clear: we are in big trouble.

The most preliminary reports of soil contamination are starting to come in from the USGS, who has seemed reluctant to share this information. Los Angeles, California, Portland, Oregon, and Boulder, Colorado, so far have the highest radioactive particle contamination out of the entire US.

That being said, every single city tested across the country showed contamination from Fukushima. What is even more alarming, however, about the numbers coming in, is that they are from samples taken April 5th, of last year.

Read moreFukushima Is Falling Apart: Are You Ready … For A Mass Extinction Event?

Dr. Helen Caldicott (Co-Founder Of Physicians For Social Responsibility): Pacific Northwest Got Whacked Hard By Fallout From The Fukushima Disaster With Radiation Rates Hundreds Of Thousands Of Times Higher Than Normal Background Radiation (Video – April 2, 2012)


Watch the video here:

Dr. Helen Caldicott (Co-Founder Of Physicians For Social Responsibility): What We Learned From Fukushima (Video – April 2, 2012)

Dr. Helen Caldicott (Co-Founder Of Physicians For Social Responsibility): If Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 Collapses I Am Evacuating My Family From Boston (Video – April 2, 2012)


Watch the video here:

Dr. Helen Caldicott (Co-Founder Of Physicians For Social Responsibility): What We Learned From Fukushima (Video – April 2, 2012)

Dr. Helen Caldicott (Co-Founder Of Physicians For Social Responsibility): What We Learned From Fukushima (Video – April 2, 2012)

Helen should really educate herself about global warming and about the elitists who really run our governments, MSM and the corporations.

Other than that THANK YOU so much Dr. Helen Caldicott!!!


YouTube Added: 04.04.2012


Dr. Helen Caldicott: If Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 collapses I am evacuating my family from Boston.

Few people know that the Pacific Northwest got whacked hard by fallout from the Fukushima disaster with radiation rates hundreds of thousands of times higher than normal background radiation.

The damage from this is not something that the corporate media or the government is talking about.  It mysteriously disappeared from the radar almost immediately.

Dr. Caldicott referred to this as a process of “cover-up and psychic numbing.”  Looks like it may be working.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission just approved two new nuclear power plants this week (4/2/12) in South Carolina in addition to the two approved earlier this year in Georgia.

Dr. Caldicott talks about the dangers and hidden costs of nuclear power then tells the awful truth in minute detail about the actual scale of the Fukushima disaster and compares it to the nuclear disasters of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island.

Recent studies estimated that a million people have died so far from Chernobyl.

Dr. Helen Caldicott is a physician, Nobel Peace Prize winner, noted author, anti-nuclear power advocate and has founded numerous national and international groups which oppose nuclear power & weapons, including Physicians for Social Responsibility.

More info:

The Radiation Warnings You Won’t Get From MSM And Your Traitor Government

Los Angeles Rain Radiation Over Five Times Normal (Video): ‘This Might Be The Hottest Rain That We’ve Ever Had In Los Angeles’

MUST-SEE: Fukushima Totally Out Of Control – Radioactive Fallout In the US – Reactor 4 SFP Is the Highest Risk Now: If The Cooling Water Is Lost It’ll Be Just A Few Hours At Most Before That Waste Is On Fire (RT – The Big Picture – Video)

Read moreDr. Helen Caldicott (Co-Founder Of Physicians For Social Responsibility): What We Learned From Fukushima (Video – April 2, 2012)

Prof. Dr. Timothy Mousseau With More About Chernobyl’s Effect On Wildlife / Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Speech In Berlin

Dr. Timothy Mousseau with more about Chernobyl’s effect on wildlife / Dr. Caldicott’s speech in Berlin:

Listen Now (MP3) – Download the show by right-clicking the link.

This week’s guest is Dr. Timothy Mousseau, a professor of biological sciences at the University of South Carolina.

For the past 12 years, Dr. Mousseau and his colleagues have been studying the ecological impacts of the Chernobyl disaster on wild plant and animal populations living in the so-called zone of alienation surrounding the destroyed nuclear power plant.

Dr. Mousseau is considered one of the leading world authorities concerning the impacts of low-dose radiation on natural ecosystems. For background, check out Pictures: Animals Inherit Mixed Legacy at Chernobyl and Chernobyl Birds Have Smaller Brains. Watch the BBC interview with Mousseau.

In this interview, Dr. Mousseau discusses his research team’s continued findings of major abnormalities in birds and other wildlife in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, the effects of radiation on genes, and the prognosis for human, animal and plant life in the areas affected by the Fukushima disaster.

Read moreProf. Dr. Timothy Mousseau With More About Chernobyl’s Effect On Wildlife / Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Speech In Berlin

Dr. Helen Caldicott Interviews Arnie Gundersen: A Fresh Report On Fukushima (Audio): Melted Core To Hit Groundwater, Will Leak Out Anyway, Groundwater Already Contaminated, Massive Contamination Of The Ocean

MP3: Listen Now (Download the show by right-clicking the link.)

Arnold Gundersen with A Fresh Report on Fukushima (Dec. 23, 2011):

This week, Dr. Caldicott and Arnold Gundersen, a nuclear energy consultant with Fairewinds Associates, have another look at how the Fukushima disaster is affecting Japan, and how the U.S. nuclear industry continues its plans to build new plants in America. As background for today’s program, read the recent articles Mothers Rise Against Nuclear Power in Japan, Nuclear Russian Roulette in California:
Dr. Helen Caldicott and Dan Hirsch Warn How Accident at San Onofre Would Trap Eight Million People
, and Fukushima Shutdown Still At Least 40 Years Away. Be sure to visit Gundersen’s website for many articles, reports, videos and
other resources about Fukushima and the hazards of nuclear power. Watch Gundersen’s October presentation on YouTube (9 minutes), Nuclear Oversight Lacking WORLDWIDE. And fully inform yourselves about nuclear energy with Dr. Caldicott’s books Nuclear Power is Not the Answer and Nuclear Madness: What You Can Do.

More info:

Read moreDr. Helen Caldicott Interviews Arnie Gundersen: A Fresh Report On Fukushima (Audio): Melted Core To Hit Groundwater, Will Leak Out Anyway, Groundwater Already Contaminated, Massive Contamination Of The Ocean

Dr. Helen Caldicott: ‘After Fukushima: Enough Is Enough’ (New York Times)

More from Dr. Caldicott (Co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility):

Radioactive Xenon-133 400,000 Times Normal Found In Chiba Air Immediately After Fukushima Nuke Accident (Mainichi) – Dr. Helen Caldicott And Arnie Gundersen: Xenon-133 Causes Dramatic Increase In Lung Cancer, Bombards Humans With Very Powerful X-Rays And Turns Into Iodine, Cesium

Dr. Helen Caldicott On The Japan Nuclear Disaster – The Truth MSM Won’t Tell You! (Video)

Dr. Helen Caldicott: How Nuclear Apologists Mislead The World Over Radiation

After Fukushima: Enough Is Enough (New York Times, Dec. 2, 2011):

The nuclear power industry has been resurrected over the past decade by a lobbying campaign that has left many people believing it to be a clean, green, emission-free alternative to fossil fuels. These beliefs pose an extraordinary threat to global public health and encourage a major financial drain on national economies and taxpayers. The commitment to nuclear power as an environmentally safe energy source has also stifled the mass development of alternative technologies that are far cheaper, safer and almost emission free — the future for global energy.

When the Fukushima Daiichi reactors suffered meltdowns in March, literally in the backyard of an unsuspecting public, the stark reality that the risks of nuclear power far outweigh any benefits should have become clear to the world. As the old quip states, “Nuclear power is one hell of a way to boil water.”

Instead, the nuclear industry has used the disaster to increase its already extensive lobbying efforts. A few nations vowed to phase out nuclear energy after the disaster. But many others have remained steadfast in their commitment. That has left millions of innocent people unaware that they — all of us — may face a medical catastrophe beyond all proportions in the wake of Fukushima and through the continued widespread use of nuclear energy.

The world was warned of the dangers of nuclear accidents 25 years ago, when Chernobyl exploded and lofted radioactive poisons into the atmosphere. Those poisons “rained out,” creating hot spots over the Northern Hemisphere. Research by scientists in Eastern Europe, collected and published by the New York Academy of Sciences, estimates that 40 percent of the European land mass is now contaminated with cesium 137 and other radioactive poisons that will concentrate in food for hundreds to thousands of years. Wide areas of Asia — from Turkey to China — the United Arab Emirates, North Africa and North America are also contaminated. Nearly 200 million people remain exposed.

That research estimated that by now close to 1 million people have died of causes linked to the Chernobyl disaster. They perished from cancers, congenital deformities, immune deficiencies, infections, cardiovascular diseases, endocrine abnormalities and radiation-induced factors that increased infant mortality. Studies in Belarus found that in 2000, 14 years after the Chernobyl disaster, fewer than 20 percent of children were considered “practically healthy,” compared to 90 percent before Chernobyl. Now, Fukushima has been called the second-worst nuclear disaster after Chernobyl. Much is still uncertain about the long-term consequences. Fukushima may well be on par with or even far exceed Chernobyl in terms of the effects on public health, as new information becomes available. The crisis is ongoing; the plant remains unstable and radiation emissions continue into the air and water.

Recent monitoring by citizens groups, international organizations and the U.S. government have found dangerous hot spots in Tokyo and other areas. The Japanese government, meanwhile, in late September lifted evacuation advisories for some areas near the damaged plant — even though high levels of radiation remained. The government estimated that it will spend at least $13 billion to clean up contamination.

Read moreDr. Helen Caldicott: ‘After Fukushima: Enough Is Enough’ (New York Times)

Radioactive Xenon-133 400,000 Times Normal Found In Chiba Air Immediately After Fukushima Nuke Accident (Mainichi) – Dr. Helen Caldicott And Arnie Gundersen: Xenon-133 Causes Dramatic Increase In Lung Cancer, Bombards Humans With Very Powerful X-Rays And Turns Into Iodine, Cesium

Xenon 400,000 times normal found in Chiba air immediately after Fukushima nuke accident (Mainichi Japan, Dec. 2, 2011):

CHIBA — Radioactive xenon-133 some 400,000 times normal levels was detected in the atmosphere here immediately after the outbreak of the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, a radiation survey organization said.

It took three months before the volume of radioactive substances returned to normal levels.

Read moreRadioactive Xenon-133 400,000 Times Normal Found In Chiba Air Immediately After Fukushima Nuke Accident (Mainichi) – Dr. Helen Caldicott And Arnie Gundersen: Xenon-133 Causes Dramatic Increase In Lung Cancer, Bombards Humans With Very Powerful X-Rays And Turns Into Iodine, Cesium