– ‘The Sleeper’: Unit 3 building ‘fatally flawed’ (ENENews, May 21, 2012):
Arnold Gundersen with a new report on the Fukushima meltdowns and their worldwide implications
IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET, A Weekly Radio Program with Dr. Helen Caldicott
May 18, 2012Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Chief Nuclear Engineer: This is the sleeper as far as I’m concerned.
Unit 3 has about half the nuclear fuel in its pool than Unit 4 does.
Some of it is still quite hot.
It had been removed about 6 months before the meltdowns.
So it has a hot enough quarter of a core that it could burn in air.
And of course the Unit 3 building is fatally flawed.
So my concern is the same problem on Unit 4 could occur on Unit 3, we seem to just worry about Unit 4.
Later in the program Gundersen notes that, unlike Unit 4, workers cannot enter Unit 3 for reinforcement work.
Listen to the hour-long broadcast here