Mitt Romney’s 13 Globalist ‘Working Groups’ Exposed

Elite puppet Obama versus elite puppet Romney.

Yes, America is f*****!

George Carlin: The American Dream (Video)

George Carlin: The Illusion Of Freedom – ‘This Country Finshed!’

Mitt Romney’s 13 Globalist ‘Working Groups’ Exposed (Activist Post, June 29, 2012):

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled “Romney’s Foreign Policy Advisers Exposed as Globalists” where I compiled a list of the 22 individuals selected by Mitt Romney to serve as his foreign policy advising team back in October 2011.

Along with the names of each of these individuals, I included a list of globalist, neo-con, or otherwise nefarious organizations or government offices that they belong to or have belonged to in the past.

Besides announcing a foreign policy advising team, Romney also announced 13 (interesting number) working groups dedicated to regional and issue-specific policies. It is not surprising that the individuals, although somewhat less important in terms of their pedigree, are themselves diehard globalists.

As I wrote in my last article dealing with this subject:

Read moreMitt Romney’s 13 Globalist ‘Working Groups’ Exposed

US Exempts China From Iran Sanctions


The Best Reason In The World To Buy Gold (Forbes): Beijing Is Planning To Avoid U.S. Financial Sanctions On Iran By Paying For Oil With Gold


US exempts China from Iran sanctions (Telegraph, June 29, 2012):

The US gave China a six-month reprieve from Iran financial sanctions last night, avoiding a diplomatic spat with a country whose support it needs to try to quell violence in Syria and rein in Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.

With Thursday’s decision to grant exceptions to China, which buys up to a fifth of Iran’s oil exports, and Singapore, which buys Iranian fuel oil, the Obama administration has now spared all 20 of Iran’s major oil buyers from its unilateral sanctions.

Read moreUS Exempts China From Iran Sanctions

New Mayan Calendar Artifacts Discovered (FOX News)

New Mayan calendar artifacts discovered (FOX News, June 29, 2012):

In what is considered to be one of the most significant hieroglyphic discoveries in decades, archaeologists in Guatemala, announced the uncovering of panels reportedly showing the second-known reference to the Mayan 2012 “end date.”

The 1,300 year-old panels uncovered in Guatemala City, Guatemala, featured inscriptions showing a military victory visit to the city La Corona by the ruler of the Mayan city of Calakmul, Reuters reports.

“I was very amazed and amused yesterday to notice that that panel records the date of the end of the 13th baktun (20 cycles of the Mayan long count calendar), which for us is coming up in just a few months time in December of 2012,” Dr. David Stuart of the University of Texas at Austin told Reuters.

Read moreNew Mayan Calendar Artifacts Discovered (FOX News)

U.S. Army Develops Tesla-Style Lightning Bolt To Destroy Enemy Vehicles

U.S. Army develops Tesla-style lightning bolt to destroy enemy vehicles (and adds: ‘Sci-fi fans, you’re welcome!’) (Daily Mail, June 28, 2012):

The United States Army’s team of scientists are busy at work developing a device that will shoot lightning bolts down laser beams to destroy its target.

And they are doing it with gusto – announcing their work with a hearty: ‘Soldiers and science fiction fans, you’re welcome.’

The Laser-Induced Plasma Channel, or LIPC, is designed to take out targets that conduct electricity better than the air or ground that surrounds them.

And the research is a lot of work, but as George Fischer, lead scientist on the project, said: ‘We never got tired of the lightning bolts zapping our (simulated) targets.’

The idea is for a laser beam to be sent in the direction of the target.

Read moreU.S. Army Develops Tesla-Style Lightning Bolt To Destroy Enemy Vehicles

UK Superstorm: 153 Lightning Strikes A Minute, Hailstones The Size Of GOLF BALLS And Flooding Chaos

Must-see pictures here:

153 lightning strikes a minute and hailstones the size of GOLF BALLS as superstorm hits the Midlands and sweeps north (Daily Mail, June 28, 2012):

A huge clean-up operation was being carried out in parts of Britain today after yesterday’s downpours brought flooding chaos to parts of the country.

Hailstones as big as golf balls pummelled parts of Leicestershire after black thunderclouds descended. Residents reported cars being dented and damaged by the ice, some even smashing windows.

Torrential storms also left hundreds of homes flooded and motorists having to be rescued from their vehicles. At the storm’s peak, 153 lightning strikes were being recorded every minute.

The Environment Agency has 10 flood warnings in place in the Midlands, North East and North West, but the worst of the weather looks to be over.


Monsanto’s Seedy Legacy (Video)

YouTube Added: 26.06.2012 von RTAmerica


Agricultural giant Monsanto is best known for their production of pesticides and genetically modified foods, but they have a controversial history as a chemical company with a slew of toxic cover ups. In addition to their battle against small farmers, the
newest buzz about the corporation is the speculation that their GM seeds are linked to the die off of bees. Abby Martin of RT brings us more on their seedy practices and what they are up to now.

DOJ Says It Won’t Prosecute DOJ Head Holder

DOJ Says It Won’t Prosecute DOJ Head Holder (ZeroHedge, June 29, 2012):

How should we say this: we are shocked, shocked, that the DOJ won’t prosecute itself.

  • BREAKING: DOJ says it won’t prosecute Attorney General Holder after the GOP-led House voted to hold him in criminal contempt of Congress – Fox

From CNN:

The White House and the Justice Department made clear Friday what had been expected all along: Attorney General Eric Holder will not face criminal prosecution under the contempt of Congress citation passed by the U.S. House.

Legal experts noted this week in the runup to Thursday’s House vote that President Barack Obama’s assertion of executive privilege in the case would prevent a criminal prosecution under a practice dating to the Reagan administration.

The House also cited Holder for civil contempt to give it the option of filing a lawsuit compelling Holder to turn over documents sought by Oversight Committee investigators linked to the failed Operation Fast and Furious weapons crackdown. Such a case was expected to take years to complete.

Read moreDOJ Says It Won’t Prosecute DOJ Head Holder

Italy’s Revenge: VAFFANMERKEL

Spain and Italy are NEXT on the list (to be destoryed like Greece and Ireland).

And so both of them deserve to be in the ENDGAME.

Enjoy ‘panem et circenses’ whilst you can.

Spain is too big to be bailed out and Italy is even worse.

So my guess is that Italy will win the soccer game, …

… but will be burnt to the ground like Ireland and Greece, which is the endgame for the euro!

Italy’s Revenge: VAFFANMERKEL (ZeroHedge, June 29, 2012):

In this bizarro world, in which beggars have practically convinced themselves, and certainly the S&P500, they are now choosers, the latest escalation is actually biting the hand that feeds you. Below is today’s front page of Italian Libero. It is self-explanatory.

Just a thought (and one which so many people forget): every action has a bigger (sorry Newton) and opposite reaction. Italy may enjoy its day in the sun, but one day soon the surreal Stockholm syndrome will end. Then it will be the turn of all those 82 million very angry Germans, as we described last year, to have a word or two about their broke neighbors.

WSJ, NYT, WaPo Finally Report Massive Protests In Tokyo Against Nuclear Power Plant Restart

In Tokyo, Thousands Protest the Restarting of a Nuclear Power Plant (New York Times, June 29, 2012):

Protesters shouted, “No to restart!” as they held up banners outside Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s residence on Friday.

The crowd, including women with small children and men in suits coming from work, chanted “No more Fukushimas!” as it filled the broad boulevards near the residence and the national Parliament building, which were cordoned off by the police.

Estimates of the crowd’s size varied widely, with organizers claiming 150,000 participants, while the police put the number at 17,000. Local news media estimated the crowd at between 20,000 and 45,000, which they described as the largest protest in central Tokyo since the 1960s.

Protests of any size are rare in Japan, which has long been politically apathetic. However, there has been growing discontent among many Japanese who feel that Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda ignored public concerns about safety this month when he ordered the restarting of the Ohi power station in western Japan.

Ohi was the first plant to go back online since last year’s accident in Fukushima led to the idling of all of Japan’s 50 operational nuclear reactors, which supplied a third of the nation’s electricity. Three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant melted down after a huge earthquake and tsunami knocked out crucial cooling systems.

Huge Tokyo Rally Protests Nuclear Restart (Wall Street Journal, June 29, 2012):

TOKYO—Tens of thousands of people protested against the nation’s first nuclear reactor restarts at the Japanese prime minister’s residence Friday, in one of the largest demonstrations since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant last year set off wide opposition to nuclear power.

The massive demonstration was called to protest a government decision to restart Sunday two reactors at the Oi plant in western Japan. It was the 14th demonstration organized by a coalition of anti-nuclear groups outside the premier’s residence since March 29.

Thousands protest outside Japanese PM’s office before 1st nuclear reactor is turned on Sunday (Washington Post, June 29, 2012):

TOKYO — Thousands of people have protested outside the Japanese prime minister’s office before a nuclear reactor is restarted this weekend.

At least 10,000 protesters filled the street outside Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s office Friday, blocking traffic and chanting “No to restart!” as they held up banners with anti-nuclear slogans. The rally was the latest weekly protest there this month. Noda’s government recently approved restarting two reactors in western Japan.

One of them, Ohi No. 3 reactor, will be switched on Sunday for the first time since last year’s tsunami disaster triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.

Nigel Farage: Van Rompuy, Barroso Worst People In EU Since 1945 – ‘All We Do Is Kick The Can Down The Road’ – ‘The Whole Thing Is Headed For A Gigantic Bust’ – ‘There Is Not Enough Money In Europe To Bail Out Italy’ (Video)

YouTube Added: 29.06.2012


After a tough night of wrangling, EU leaders have agreed to set up a new authority – tasked with keeping sinking banks afloat. And to do that, the new agency will be given access to Europe’s mammoth bailout funds – stocked in a large part by taxpayer money. This exact function was previously carried out by governments. But now, the EU can bailout a nation’s banks – without adding to the government’s debt levels – at least on the books. It’s something that Germany strongly opposed, but was forced to relent on due to Spanish and Italian insistence. Nigel Farage, a member of the European Parliament and leader of the UK Independence Party, believes that it’s Germany who plays the deciding role in these talks.

The Dummy’s Guide To Healthcare (Video)

The Dummy’s Guide To Healthcare (ZeroHedge, June 28, 2012):

Initially presenting the potential problems of our current healthcare environment, the creator of ‘the bears that explained Quantitative Easing’ provides much food for thought on the unintended consequences of Obamacare (in all its 2700 page glory). For everything you need to know about how it devolved to this (“To understand healthcare in America, you have to think about bananas”) and how to think about the new tax’s potential implications (e.g. lower quality of service, capped hiring rates among employers), seven minutes well spent.


The Story That Got Bloomberg News Blocked In China

The Story That Got Bloomberg News Blocked In China (ZeroHedge, June 2,, 2012):

Bloomberg News may be the most read news source in the world, but as of today, it is no longer available in China. Why? According to Bloomberg TV News Editor Denise Pellegrini, all it takes is for some investigative reporting exposing the dirty laundry, or in this case the even dirtier assets of one Xi Jinping – “the man in line to be China’s next president.” In “Xi Jinping Millionaire Relations Reveal Fortunes of Elite” Bloomberg writes: “Xi warned officials on a 2004 anti-graft conference call: “Rein in your spouses, children, relatives, friends and staff, and vow not to use power for personal gain.” As Xi climbed the Communist Party ranks, his extended family expanded their business interests to include minerals, real estate and mobile-phone equipment, according to public documents compiled by Bloomberg. Those interests include investments in companies with total assets of $376 million; an 18 percent indirect stake in a rare- earths company with $1.73 billion in assets; and a $20.2 million holding in a publicly traded technology company.” That a country’s will seek to block the internet when the wealth of its humble leaders is exposed is expected. However, what is unexpected is that the hidden assets of China’s president in waiting are rather easily discovered is troubling: it means Goldman has still much work to do in China, and much more advisory work to the country’s elite over how to best hide its assets in various non-extradition locations around the world under assorted HoldCos. Just like in the US. The good news, for GS shareholders, however, is that this indeed provides a huge new potential revenue stream.

More from Bloomberg:

Xi has risen through the party over the past three decades, holding leadership positions in several provinces and joining the ruling Politburo Standing Committee in 2007. Along the way, he built a reputation for clean government.

Read moreThe Story That Got Bloomberg News Blocked In China

A Mystery In The Syrian Desert

Archaeologist Robert Mason spoke at the Semitic Museum about the discovery of mysterious rock formations near the Syrian monastery Deir Mar Musa (above), and the need for further exploration.

Desert mystery (Harvard Gazette, June 22, 2012):

There’s a mystery in the Syrian desert shielded by the conflict tearing apart the Middle Eastern nation.

In 2009, archaeologist Robert Mason of the Royal Ontario Museum was at work at an ancient monastery when, walking nearby, he came across a series of rock formations: lines of stone, stone circles, and what appeared to be tombs.

Mason, who talked about the finds and about archaeology at the monastery on Wednesday at Harvard’s Semitic Museum, said that much more detailed examinations are needed to understand the structures, but that he isn’t sure when he will be able to return to Syria, if ever.

Analysis of fragments of stone tools found in the area suggests the rock formations are much older than the monastery, perhaps dating to the Neolithic Period or early Bronze Age, 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Mason also saw corral-like stone formations called “desert kites,” which would have been used to trap gazelles and other animals. The region is dry today (“very scenic, if you like rocks,” Mason said), but was probably greener millennia ago.

It was clear, Mason said, that the purpose of the stone formations was entirely different from that of the stone-walled desert kites. The kites were arranged to take advantage of the landscape and direct the animals to a single place, while the more linear stone formations were made to stand out from the landscape. In addition, he said, there was no sign of habitats.

“What it looked like was a landscape for the dead and not for the living,” Mason said. “It’s something that needs more work and I don’t know if that’s ever going to happen.”

The monastery is home to many frescoes — some badly damaged— depicting Christian scenes, female saints, and Judgment Day.

In a talk in 2010, Mason said he felt like he’d stumbled onto England’s Salisbury Plain, where Stonehenge is located, leading to the formations being dubbed “Syria’s Stonehenge.”

Read moreA Mystery In The Syrian Desert

Residents Continue To Flee Fukushima One Year After Disasters

Residents continuing to flee Fukushima one year after disasters: ministry (Japan Times/Jiji, June 28, 2012):

Fukushima saw a net outflow of 9,779 residents between March and May this year, indicating the prefecture is continuing to lose residents more than 12 months after the nuclear crisis started, according to data compiled by the internal affairs ministry.

However, the findings also showed that around 45 percent fewer residents departed compared to the mass exodus of 17,524 in the same period last year, following the meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant sparked by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Read moreResidents Continue To Flee Fukushima One Year After Disasters

Cold Shutdown In Japan: ‘The Highest Level Of Radiation To Date Detected At Fukushima No.1 Reactor’ (NHK, June 27, 2012)

Highest radiation found at Fukushima No.1 reactor (NHK, June 27, 2012):

The highest level of radiation to date has been detected inside the No.1 reactor vessel at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

Tokyo Electric Power Company said it used endoscopes and dosimeters to examine the interior of the reactor on Tuesday. Internal measurements were made for the first time since the accident in March last year.

The utility detected a record level of 10,300 millisieverts per hour. The measurement was taken 20 centimeters above the surface of a contaminated water puddle in the reactor’s suppression chamber. This high level of radiation would be fatal for humans within 50 minutes. No broken parts were identified in the containment vessel during the survey.

1,000 millisieverts per hour was detected about 4 meters above the water surface. The figure is 10 times higher than measured in the No.2 and No.3 reactors.

Read moreCold Shutdown In Japan: ‘The Highest Level Of Radiation To Date Detected At Fukushima No.1 Reactor’ (NHK, June 27, 2012)

Why Is SOCOM Lying About Domestic Drone Activities?

Why is SOCOM Lying About Domestic Drone Activities? (Public Intellibence, June 27, 2012):

An April 2012 list of potential basing locations for DoD drone activities inside the U.S. includes Portland, Oregon as a proposed site controlled by U.S. Special Operations Command. A spokesman for USSOCOM told the Willamette Week last week that it “does not have nor will it have” a drone base in Portland.

Public Intelligence

A spokesman for U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has provided statements to publications in New Hampshire and Oregon indicating that information regarding domestic drone activities provided by Public Intelligence is inaccurate, despite confirmations from the offices of two U.S. Senators.  Following our publication last week of a map of current and proposed Department of Defense drone activities within the U.S., several journalists with local publications around the country wrote articles regarding drone activities that were listed in their area.  David Brooks of the Nashua Telegraph wrote about the listing of New Hampshire’s Mt. Washington as the site of a USSOCOM drone activity involving small unmanned aerial vehicles including the Raven and Wasp.  Corey Pein of the Willamette Week wrote about a planned USSOCOM drone activity in Portland that was listed as utilizing the same types of drones.

Read moreWhy Is SOCOM Lying About Domestic Drone Activities?

U.S. Army’s $5 BILLION Failed Pixelated Uniform Gets Scrapped … Because The Design Stood Out In Nearly Every Environment Making Soldiers Easy Targets

Army’s $5B failed pixelated uniform getting scrapped (Stars And Stripes, June 26, 2012):

The Army’s pixelated camouflage uniform is getting scrapped — after costing $5 billion and making soldiers easier targets because the design stood out in nearly every environment they were worn in, according to a report in The Daily.

Researchers at the Natick Soldier Center in Natick, Mass. told The Daily that the gray-green uniform debuted in 2004 after Army brass interfered in the selection process, choosing looks and politics over science,

Researchers are now testing new patterns to replace the gray Universal Camouflage Pattern, known as UCP, and troops in the field have been given a greenish, blended replacement called MultiCam, according to The Daily.

“Essentially, the Army designed a universal uniform that universally failed in every environment,” an Army specialist who served two tours in Iraq, wearing UCP in Baghdad and the deserts outside Basra, told The Daily.  “The only time I have ever seen it work well was in a gravel pit.”

“As a cavalry scout, it is my job to stay hidden. Wearing a uniform that stands out this badly makes it hard to do our job effectively,” he said. “If we can see our own guys across a distance because of it, then so can our enemy.”

Source: The Daily

80,000 Protesters Join Demonstration, Riot Police Protects The Japanese TRAITOR Government

[Live] Riot police barricaded official residence (Fukushima Diary, June 29, 2012)

[Live] Aerial movie of the demonstration (Fukushima Diary, June 29, 2012)

[LIVE] Over 80,000 joined the demonstration. Helicopter will soon fly to report (Fukushima Diary, June 29, 2012)

[Live] Over 60,000 people joined (Fukushima Diary, June 29, 2012)

[LIve] The demonstration is growing to be bigger than ever (40,000 before its start) (Fukushima Diary, June 29, 2012)

Google Was Secretly Planting Cookies On ‘Millions’ Of iPhone Browsers

Your FTC Privacy Watchdogs: Low-Tech, Defensive, Toothless (Wired/ProPublica, June 28, 2012):

Jonathan Mayer had a hunch.

The young computer scientist suspected that online advertisers might be following consumers around the web — even when they set their browsers to block the snippets of tracking code called cookies. If Mayer’s instinct was right, advertisers were eying people as they moved from one website to another even though their browsers were configured to prevent this sort of digital shadowing. Working long hours at his office, Mayer ran a series of clever tests in which he purchased ads that acted as sniffers for the sort of unauthorized cookies he was looking for. He hit the jackpot, unearthing one of the biggest privacy scandals of the past year: Google was secretly planting cookies on a vast number of iPhone browsers. Mayer thinks millions of iPhones were targeted by Google.

The feds are often the last to know about digital invasions of your privacy.

Read moreGoogle Was Secretly Planting Cookies On ‘Millions’ Of iPhone Browsers

SWAT Team Throws Flashbangs, Raids Wrong Home Due To Open WiFi Network

Whoops! Those anonymous Internet threats came from up the block.

A still from the SWAT raid, captured on video by a local TV crew

SWAT team throws flashbangs, raids wrong home due to open WiFi network (Ars Technica, June 28, 2012):

The long-standing, heavily documented militarization of even small-town American police forces was always going to create problems when it met anonymous Internet threats. And so it has, again—this time in Evansville, Indiana, where officers acted on some Topix postings threatening violence against local police. They then sent an entire SWAT unit to execute a search warrant on a local house, one in which the front door was open and an 18-year old woman sat inside watching TV.

The cops brought along TV cameras, inviting a local reporter to film the glorious operation. In the resulting video, you can watch the SWAT team, decked out in black bulletproof vests and helmets and carrying window and door smashers, creep slowly up to the house. At some point, they apparently “knock” and announce their presence—though not with the goal of getting anyone to come to the door. As the local police chief admitted later to the Evansville Courier & Press, the process is really just “designed to distract.” (SWAT does not need to wait for a response.)

Officers break the screen door and a window, tossing a flashbang into the house—which you can see explode in the video. A second flashbang gets tossed in for good measure a moment later. SWAT enters the house.

Read moreSWAT Team Throws Flashbangs, Raids Wrong Home Due To Open WiFi Network