Spain and Italy are NEXT on the list (to be destoryed like Greece and Ireland).
And so both of them deserve to be in the ENDGAME.
Enjoy ‘panem et circenses’ whilst you can.
Spain is too big to be bailed out and Italy is even worse.
So my guess is that Italy will win the soccer game, …
… but will be burnt to the ground like Ireland and Greece, which is the endgame for the euro!
– Italy’s Revenge: VAFFANMERKEL (ZeroHedge, June 29, 2012):
In this bizarro world, in which beggars have practically convinced themselves, and certainly the S&P500, they are now choosers, the latest escalation is actually biting the hand that feeds you. Below is today’s front page of Italian Libero. It is self-explanatory.
Just a thought (and one which so many people forget): every action has a bigger (sorry Newton) and opposite reaction. Italy may enjoy its day in the sun, but one day soon the surreal Stockholm syndrome will end. Then it will be the turn of all those 82 million very angry Germans, as we described last year, to have a word or two about their broke neighbors.