University Creates Language Guide That Erases ‘Man’ And ‘Mother’ From Existence

University Creates Language Guide That Erases ‘Man’ And ‘Mother’ From Existence


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$15BN US Arms Sale To Poland Amid Continued NATO ‘Eastern Flank’ Build-Up

$15BN US Arms Sale To Poland Amid Continued NATO ‘Eastern Flank’ Build-Up:

The State Department announced it authorized selling $15 billion in advanced air defense systems to Poland. The deal comes as Washington wants to increase NATO’s military presence in Eastern Europe.A press release distributed by the State Department on Wednesday says, “This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a NATO Ally that is a force for political stability and economic progress in Europe.”

Read more$15BN US Arms Sale To Poland Amid Continued NATO ‘Eastern Flank’ Build-Up

Supreme Court Sides With Christian Web Designer Vs. Same-Sex Couple

Supreme Court Sides With Christian Web Designer Vs. Same-Sex Couple:

The Supreme Court on Friday sided with a Christian graphic web designer, Lorie Smith, who objected to designing wedding websites for same-sex couples.

The 6-3 decision, split among ideological lines, cam after Smith sued the state of Colorado over its anti-discrimination law prohibiting businesses from denying services based on a customer’s sexual orientation.

In its ruling, the Court’s conservative majority ruled that the First Amendment bars Colorado from forcing “an individual to speak in ways that align with its views but defy her conscience about a matter of major significance.”

Smith, who owns design company 303 Creative – which has previously served gay customers – only wants to work with heterosexual couples for her wedding website business. She argued that Colorado’s law would force her and other artists to offer customized messages which violate her beliefs and First Amendment rights.

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Biden Close To Approving Cluster Bombs, Banned In 120 Countries, For Ukraine

Biden Close To Approving Cluster Bombs, Banned In 120 Countries, For Ukraine:

President Biden is said to be close to approving controversial cluster munitions for Ukraine. CNN on Friday cites administration sources to say he is “strongly considering” approval of the transfer.

“Officials told CNN that a final decision is expected soon from the White House, and that if approved, the weapons could be included in a new military aid package to Ukraine as soon as next month,” the report says.

“These would undoubtedly have a significant battlefield impact,” a US official said to the outlet. CNN further acknowledges that “Cluster munitions, which the US has stockpiled in large numbers since phasing them out in 2016, could help fill that gap, officials said.”

Read moreBiden Close To Approving Cluster Bombs, Banned In 120 Countries, For Ukraine

NYC Mayor Compares Constituent To A Slave Owner In Response To Criticism

NYC Mayor Compares Constituent To A Slave Owner In Response To Criticism:

Submitted by ‘BlueApples’,

Eric Adams’ quintessential brash attitude was initially an attribute that cultivated a sense of commonality with the New Yorkers who voted to make him the city’s 110th mayor. Since he took office, that defiance and hard-headedness in the wake of a seemingly endless carousel of controversies has seen the city’s attitude on the mayor sour. Time after time, Adams’ has come off overly defensive and dismissive of criticisms. The latest episode in that pattern of behavior came at a community panel discussion the mayor hosted at Gregorio Luperon High School for Science and Mathematics in Washington Heights.

The event followed last week’s vote by the NYC Rent Board to approve rent increases of up to 6% for one-year residential leases on rent-stabilized apartments. The board approved that increase by a 5-4 vote, which Adams subsequently praised, drawing the ire of one of the attendees of the even in Washington Heights. When she rose from her seat to chastise Adams for the Rent Board’s decision, the mayor responded in kind by lashing out at the woman, demanding her respect. He continued lambasting the guest by playing the race card and equating the disgruntled, now presumable former supporter of his, as a slave owner, saying “I’m the mayor of this city and [you should] treat me with the respect that I would deserve to be treated [with]. Don’t treat someone like they’re on the plantation that you own.”

Of course, the irony that someone who owns a property would be complaining about rent increases was lost on Adams as he reveled in the applause from those onlooking and continued on with his tangent by insisting that everyone know that he is a grown man before finally moving on to the next question. Initially, the woman who became Adams’ target had interjected into a question being asked during the event as she couldn’t contain herself from chastising the major for his hypocrisy on the rent increases. She expounded upon that point when reflecting on the exchange, stating The fact of the matter is that he is a landlord himself,” she said. “He [Adams] got millions from the real estate industry and he’s paying them back. He’s as corrupt as that.”

Read moreNYC Mayor Compares Constituent To A Slave Owner In Response To Criticism

“Life In The UK Is Becoming Completely Unlivable”: Brexiteer Farage Is Being Systemically Un-Banked


“Life In The UK Is Becoming Completely Unlivable” – Brexiteer Farage Is Being Systemically Un-Banked:

Despite winning the “news presenter of the year” award, Nigel Farage has mixed feelings this week.In the following clip, he reveals his concern about a recent development that may significantly impact his future career and even his ability to live in the UK. The Brexit-provocateur shares his experience of having his bank accounts abruptly closed by a major banking group, without a valid reason provided.

Worse still, he discloses his attempts to open new accounts with several other banks, all of which have been unsuccessful so far.

Farage speculates on three possible reasons for his inability to secure a bank account:

  1. the EU’s definition of a politically exposed person (PEP),
  2. prejudice from corporate institutions, and
  3. false allegations made by a member of Parliament regarding funds from the Russian government.

If they can do it to him, do you have any doubt that you are at risk?

Watch the full Farage address below:

Full Transcript (emphasis ours):

Read more“Life In The UK Is Becoming Completely Unlivable”: Brexiteer Farage Is Being Systemically Un-Banked

JUST IN: France is falling into utter chaos. Someone just drove into a shopping center and everyone is looting the store ⚠️⚠️⚠️ (Video)

Planned all-out civil war is coming to France, as predicted.

All of Paris getting burned to the ground (during the planned civil war) is one of the last signs before planned WW3 will take place.


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‘This Is Not A Normal Court’ – Biden Slams Color-Blind SCOTUS’ Decision To End Affirmative Action

‘This Is Not A Normal Court’ – Biden Slams Color-Blind SCOTUS’ Decision To End Affirmative Action:

Update (1300ET): It didn’t take long for The White House to come out swinging against the racists on the Supreme Court who dared to disallow race-based decision-making on college admissions.

“The court has effectively ended affirmative action in college admissions,” the president raged “and I strongly, strongly disagree with the court’s decision.”

Biden added that equal opportunity “is not everywhere across this country.”

College and universities “should not abandon their commitment to ensure student bodies of diverse backgrounds and experience,” he adds – seemingly telling them to ignore SCOTUS’ ruling. As Charlie Kirk noted, he appears to be openly calling on universities to defy the ruling by lumping race into the new catch-all term: “adversity”.

As Noah Rothman noted, “Did President just make make institutionalized racial discrimination against Asian-Americans a campaign platform?”

“So that includes the adversity faced by poor white kids, right? Right?”

“The truth is,” Biden repeats three times, “we all know it — discrimination still exists in America.”

Indeed – and SCOTUS just ruled against that discrimination being used against smart white kids wanting to get into the Ivy League.

Of course, the DoJ stepped in with AG Garland saying that he “will use legal tools to promote student diversity.”

He concluded that “we need to remember diversity is our strength.”

And then as he was leaving, a reporter shouted out “is this a rogue court?” to which he replied pensively, “this is not normal.”

That sounds very ‘insurrectiony’ to us.

Watch the full address below:

Not divisive at all…

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Germany’s Ruling SPD Party Ready To Talk WWII Reparations With Poland

“Germany Must Perish” (Wikipedia)

Germany’s Ruling SPD Party Ready To Talk WWII Reparations With Poland:

…estimated Germany owed Poland up to €1.5 trillion due to material and humanitarian losses during the Second World War…


Adolf Hitler was a Freemason and an Illuminati puppet…


Freemason and Illuminati puppet Adolf Hitler married a Jewish woman: DNA tests ‘show Eva Braun associated with Ashkenazi Jews’:

Adolf Hitler has been a Freemason and an Illuminati (Rothschild and the other 12 elite families) puppet from the start.

Masonic handshake between Hitler and Himmler

Down below you’ll find more masonic handshakes/signs and Illuminati hand signs by Adolf Hitler.

WW2 has been a staged event.

Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill have also been Freemasons and Illuminati puppets.

Other well known Freemasons and Illuminati puppets are/have been:

Read moreGermany’s Ruling SPD Party Ready To Talk WWII Reparations With Poland

Fentanyl Responsible For 80% Of Overdose Deaths Under 24 In US

An easy way brought to you by TPTB to get rid of what they call “USELESS EATERS” and make a lot of money on the way…

Fentanyl Responsible For 80% Of Overdose Deaths Under 24 In US:

Of the 296 million users of illegal drugs worldwide in 2021, 60 million were taking opioids like morphine, codeine or heroin…

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Russian Oil Exports Deliver A $1 Billion Per Month Windfall To “Mystery” Middlemen

Russian Oil Exports Deliver A $1 Billion Per Month Windfall To “Mystery” Middlemen:

Every month, about $900 million goes into the hands of a web of “gray market” intermediary firms — traders, shipbrokers and tanker owners — who are getting insanely rich thanks to idiotic Western policies.

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Hunger Risk Hotspots Around The World

Hunger and/or exploding food prices coming to all countries near you very soon.


Hunger Risk Hotspots Around The World:

The UN’s latest Hunger Hotspots report highlights the countries where substantial parts of the population are experiencing severe food insecurity and where this is at risk of deteriorating further.

As Statista’s Katharina Buchholz reports, the report sees the biggest problems or the risk of their development – defined as food catastrophe or the lack of food after all coping strategies have been exhausted – in Africa’s Sahel Zone (Burkina Faso, Mali) as well as in Nigeria, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Haiti and Afghanistan.

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National Geographic Magazine Lays Off Remaining Staff Writers: Report

National Geographic Magazine Lays Off Remaining Staff Writers: Report:

Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times,

Disney-owned National Geographic magazine has laid off the last of its staff writers and replaced them with freelancers, according to reports, making it the latest media outlet to slash jobs amid an uncertain economic environment.

Following job cuts earlier this year, just 19 members of the editorial department had remained at the publication, according to The Washington Post. The remaining staff members were reportedly notified of the upcoming terminations back in April.

The latest layoffs are the second within months as parent company Disney looks to cut costs. Back in September, the award-winning Washington-based magazine also reportedly laid off six top editors who specialized in an array of popular topics such as travel, science, and the environment.


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France Mobilizes 40,000 Police After All Hell Breaks Out

Planned all-out civil war is predicted to ‘break out’ in France prior to WW3…

France Mobilizes 40,000 Police After All Hell Breaks Out:

Social unrest exploded across France this week, forcing the government to deploy 40,000 police officers to quell the violence. The turmoil was sparked after police fatally shot a 17-year-old teenager of North African descent during a traffic stop.

The police killing of the teenager occurred on Tuesday, captured on video, shocked the country, and has since unleashed riots across major cities.

The epicenter of the unrest is around Nanterre, located on the western outskirts of Paris. A map of the unrest shows riots are occurring nationwide.

On Wednesday night, chaos worsened, leading Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin to announce that 40,000 officers would be immediately deployed. He said:

“The professionals of disorder must go home. There will be a lot more police and gendarmes present tonight.”

Read moreFrance Mobilizes 40,000 Police After All Hell Breaks Out