Germany’s Ruling SPD Party Ready To Talk WWII Reparations With Poland

“Germany Must Perish” (Wikipedia)

Germany’s Ruling SPD Party Ready To Talk WWII Reparations With Poland:

…estimated Germany owed Poland up to €1.5 trillion due to material and humanitarian losses during the Second World War…


Adolf Hitler was a Freemason and an Illuminati puppet…


Freemason and Illuminati puppet Adolf Hitler married a Jewish woman: DNA tests ‘show Eva Braun associated with Ashkenazi Jews’:

Adolf Hitler has been a Freemason and an Illuminati (Rothschild and the other 12 elite families) puppet from the start.

Masonic handshake between Hitler and Himmler

Down below you’ll find more masonic handshakes/signs and Illuminati hand signs by Adolf Hitler.

WW2 has been a staged event.

Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill have also been Freemasons and Illuminati puppets.

Other well known Freemasons and Illuminati puppets are/have been:

Obama, the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, Cheney, Trump, Gorbachev, Putin, Xi Jinping, Merkel, May, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron, etc.

TPTB have WW3 planned for us.

Hitler hired Hjalmar Schacht to run the Reichsbank.

Now look up who created the BIS, the central bank of central banks!!!

More masonic handshakes and Illuminati hand signs:

Related info:

D-Day Was Staged Too – Part 1 & Part 2 (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Why Was The Strait Of Gibraltar Crucial For Hitler? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Why Did Jewish Leaders Reveal That Hitler Was A Jew? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The strange Greco-Italian war decided by Mussolini (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Yes, 99 % of websites saying Hitler was a Jew or an agent are made by Jews (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The absurdity of wanting to develop the vital space to the east (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Adolf Hitler: A puppet of International Jewry tasked with the destruction of Germany

Why didn’t Hitler attack British forces in North Africa in 1940? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The sleazy things regarding the invasion of Italy (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Hitler and Dunkirk: it was not a mistake (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

How Jewish leaders forced Jews to go to Israel (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Myron Fagan explains Hitler – Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967] (Video)

Insider Exposed NEW WORLD ORDER Plans In 1969 (MP3 & Transcipt)

Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars In 1871

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