Israel And Turkey Are Directly Supporting ISIS And Al-Qaeda Terrorists In Syria


–  Turkey and Israel Are Directly Supporting ISIS and Al Qaeda Terrorists In Syria (Washington’s Blog, Sep 29, 2014):

U.S. Allies Support the Terrorists We’re Supposedly “Fighting”

The Jerusalem Post reports that an ISIS fighter says that Turkey funds the terrorist group. Turkey is a member of NATO and a close U.S. ally.

A German news program – with English subtitles captions – shows that Turkey is sending terrorists into Syria:

Opposition Turkish lawmakers say that the government is protecting and cooperating with ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists, and providing free medical care to their leaders.

Read moreIsrael And Turkey Are Directly Supporting ISIS And Al-Qaeda Terrorists In Syria

82% Of Ebola Patients Turned Away From Hospitals To Die At Home, Spreading Infections To Family Members

… as planned by the power elite.


“AIDS is not an efficient killer because it is too slow. 
My favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world’s population is airborne Ebola, because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years. 
We’ve got airborne diseases with 90 percent mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that. You know, the bird flu’s good, too. For everyone who survives, he will have to bury nine”
– Dr. Eric Pianka


82% of Ebola patients are being turned away from hospitals to die at home, spreading infections to family members (Natural News, Sep 29, 2014):

A lack of available hospital beds in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, the three countries at the epicenter of the worst Ebola outbreak in history, is leaving many families with nowhere to take their sick and dying. More than 80 percent of Ebola patients, in fact, are being turned away from hospitals and sent back home, where they continue to spread the disease to family members, friends and others in the community.

A major shortage of beds and healthcare workers throughout the region has created an every-man-for-himself situation in which infected folks are having to basically fend for themselves. This is a worst-case scenario for containing the disease, as most of its spread is believed to occur when Ebola patients return home and try to hide their disease from everyone else, quietly spreading it in the process.

Read more82% Of Ebola Patients Turned Away From Hospitals To Die At Home, Spreading Infections To Family Members

Water Rationing Hits California; Huge Fines For Violators

Does the following video explain the extreme drought in California?

You decide for yourself.

Global Geoengineering Programs: ‘Why In The World Are They Spraying?’ (Full Length Documentary HD):


Water rationing hits California: limit of 50 gallons per person per day or face fines of $500 (Natural News, Sep 29, 2014):

Millions of Californians are about to be hit with strict water rationing — daily “allocation” numbers that represent the maximum amount of water you’re allowed to use for any purpose. Households that exceed the allocation limit will face stiff fines of hundreds of dollars per violation.

“In July, the State Water Resources Control Board passed stage one emergency regulations, giving powers to all local water agencies to fine $500 per violation,” reports the San Gabriel Valley Tribune. [1]

Keep in mind that these are only “stage one” emergency regulations. Stages two and three have yet to be invoked and will only become more severe.

Read moreWater Rationing Hits California; Huge Fines For Violators

Experimental Ebola Vaccine To Be Injected Into Humans (‘Useless Eaters’) En Masse Beginning This January: WHO

“AIDS is not an efficient killer because it is too slow. 
My favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world’s population is airborne Ebola, because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years. 
We’ve got airborne diseases with 90 percent mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that. You know, the bird flu’s good, too. For everyone who survives, he will have to bury nine”
– Dr. Eric Pianka


Experimental Ebola vaccine to be injected into humans en masse beginning this January: WHO (Natural News, Sep 29, 2014):

The United Nations isn’t letting a good crisis go to waste, having recently endorsed the use of untested, experimental Ebola vaccines being rushed to market as this is typed. Agence France-Presse reports that the vaccines, which are bypassing the normal testing and approval process, should be ready in bulk by early 2015 for use in West Africa.

Two vaccines in particular, one manufactured by British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and the other by U.S.-based NewLink Genetics, are being accelerated through clinical trials, according to World Health Organization (WHO) Assistant Director General Marie-Paule Kieny. If all goes as planned, the jabs will be available to health workers as early as November.

Read moreExperimental Ebola Vaccine To Be Injected Into Humans (‘Useless Eaters’) En Masse Beginning This January: WHO

US-Led Jets Bomb Grain Silos In Syria, ‘Civilians Killed’

Precision strikes!


… like we did in Libya.

By mistake? US-led jets bomb grain silos in Syria, ‘civilians killed’ (RT, Sep  29, 2014):

US-led coalition airstrikes destroyed grain silos and other targets in parts of northern and eastern Syria dominated by Islamic State, killing civilians while only wounding ISIS fighters, according to an organization monitoring war in Syria.

The overnight bombings hit mills and grain storage facilities in Manbij, a militant-held town in northern Syria. Coalition forces possibly mistook the structures for Islamic State holdings, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Monday.

The US military responded to the claims later Monday morning, according to Reuters, saying that Islamic State vehicles were adjacent to the grain storage facility, and that there is no evidence of civilian casualties.

The United States and Arab allies have conducted airstrikes against Islamic State and other jihadist groups in Syria since last week, and in Iraq since last month. The stated goal of the coalition’s bombing campaign is to cripple Islamic State operations, including bases, combat forces, and supply lines. Islamic State, an Al-Qaeda splinter group that reportedly has as many as 30,000 fighters in the region, has come to control large areas of Syria and northern Iraq since the beginning

Read moreUS-Led Jets Bomb Grain Silos In Syria, ‘Civilians Killed’

Department of Defense Started Ebola Trials On Humans Just Weeks Before Outbreak – Ebola Is A Genetically Modified Virus

Scientists allege deadly diseases such as Ebola and AIDS are bio weapons being tested on Africans

‘Dark zones’ in GMO technology research allow secret development of deadly bioweapons (Natural News, Sep 29, 2014):

New evidence has emerged to suggest that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are a key factor in the spread of deadly pathogens like Ebola. The current Ebola outbreak appears to be a direct product of what former Soviet microbiologist Dr. Ken Alibekov calls “dark zones” in GMO technology that allow pathogens to be deliberately weaponized to harm humans.

Dating back to the 1970s, the U.S. government has been involved in covert bioweaponry programs that involved deliberately creating “AIDS-like viruses” to be used during warfare, according to a prominent professor of plant pathology. One such virus is Ebola, a manufactured bioweapon patented and owned by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the vaccine license rights of which are owned by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The CDC patent for Ebola can be viewed here:

Dr. Cyril Broderick, formerly of the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry but now teaching at Delaware State University, cites Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s book Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola — Nature, Accident or Intentional? to make the claim that the U.S. government has actually been testing its manufactured bioweapons on Africans for many decades, under the guise of promoting vaccines and “public health.”

Ebola is a genetically modified virus

Read moreDepartment of Defense Started Ebola Trials On Humans Just Weeks Before Outbreak – Ebola Is A Genetically Modified Virus

UK School To Fingerprint Children Like Criminals In Order To Monitor Their Diets


UK school to fingerprint children like criminals in order to monitor their diets (Natural News, Sep 29, 2014):

In another stellar example of the nanny state run amok, a public school in Britain has taken to fingerprinting students so officials there can keep an eye on what they are eating.

According to the Express & Star, a British newspaper, the Redhill School in Stourbridge is introducing a controversial (and costly) new biometric system “as part of a plan to implement a cashless system throughout the school.”

Read moreUK School To Fingerprint Children Like Criminals In Order To Monitor Their Diets

Martini Meltdown


Martini Meltdown (Ice Age Now, Sep 29, 2014):

Sea-ice in the Arctic. That ice ain’t melting and the polar bears are thriving.

Martini Meltdown

By Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser

The Sunday Times has reached a new height of incoherence with its science editor’s, (Jonathan Leake) column on Arctic ice cap in ‘death spiral.’

Nothing could be further from the truth. The ice cover in the Antarctic has recently reached a new all-(recorded)-time extent and the ice cover in the Arctic appears to be on a similar path. No wonder as the frost-free days in the Arctic, above 80 N have been fewer in the last two summers and the last winter in North America was brutally cold and long.

Read moreMartini Meltdown

Presenting ISIS-Beating “Mad Max” Battle Tanks And Buses


Full article and photos here:

Presenting ISIS-Beating “Mad Max” Battle Tanks And Buses (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

When it comes to fighting the barbaric beheaders formerly known as ISIS, Kurdish fighters appear to have gone to the 1979 movie “Mad Max” for inspiration. As The Daily Mail notes, while significantly outgunned by Islamic State, the Kurds have created a fleet of well-armored, elaborately-designed, ominous-looking battle-buses by converting tractors and trucks into tanks…

So to sum up – ISIS (the enemy) is using the latest and greatest US military equipment that it either stole from (or was given) Iraqi military and the Kurdish Peshmurga (our allies) are using tractors and trucks cobbled together with steel plates, duct tape, and surreal images.


China Housing Bubble Bursts: Q3 Land Sales Crater 50%

China Housing Bubble Bursts: Q3 Land Sales Crater 50% (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

China may be doing everything in its power to divert attention from the simple fact that its housing bubble, the largest in the world in terms of both assets comprising it as well as divergence from fair value, has burst. But while there is no clear threshold of what constitutes a bursting bubble when it comes to housing, the latest data out of Soufun, China’s largest real-estate website, which said that land sales have dropped a massive 22% to 1.7 trillion Yuan in 2014 so far, is likely as clear an indication as any that Beijing is about to panic.

And if that was not enough Bloomberg adds that land sales in 300 cites followed by Soufun fell almost 50% Y/Y to 415.9 billion yuan in 3Q, while residential land sales declined more than 50% to 265.3b yuan in 3Q.

Read moreChina Housing Bubble Bursts: Q3 Land Sales Crater 50%

PIMCO Liquidations Begin; And So Does The Retaliation: All Bill Gross Tweets Deleted


PIMCO Liquidations Begin; And So Does The Retaliation: All Bill Gross Tweets Deleted (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

The last few days have been hectic for PIMCO executives. As we already noted, expectations of outflows persist and today’s open in CDS markets suggested major concerns among market participants that PIMCO redemptions would force selling through an illiquid market. Sure enough, Bloomberg reports that PIMCO’s Total Return Fund ETF was behind the auction of more than $170m of Fannie Mae CMBS on Friday (and more BWICs were seen today). As one trader noted, “you’re going to sell your most liquid stuff first.” Additionally, PIMCO has seen fit to delete all Bill Gross’ tweets… so here are the last six months for the record.

As Bloomberg reports, the PIMCO liquidations have begun…

Read morePIMCO Liquidations Begin; And So Does The Retaliation: All Bill Gross Tweets Deleted

Whopping Two-Thirds Of PIMCO’s Flagship Fund May Be Withdrawn

Gross To Have Final Laugh? Whopping Two-Thirds Of PIMCO’s Flagship Fund May Be Withdrawn (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

The reason why the first article we wrote on Friday after news hit that PIMCO co-founder was shockingly leaving the firm on Friday, was listing the massive bond fund’s biggest holdings, was because it was only a matter of time: it, being of course, the massive redemptions that would follow Gross’ departure by people that his 30+ tenure at the bond fund made very rich, and who couldn’t care less about a brief central planning-inspired flame out. After all Gross isn’t the first person who has lost the plotline due to the Fed’s manipulation of every market.

Read moreWhopping Two-Thirds Of PIMCO’s Flagship Fund May Be Withdrawn


Related info:

Catalonia President Orders Independence Referendum On Nov. 9

Spot The Total Logic Fail (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

It appears the leadership in Spain has reached its panic-point. Following Catalonia’s President Artur Mas signing of a decree calling for an ultimately democratic referendum on independence for the region, Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy uttered this mind-numbing phrase:


It appears Rajoy’s perspective on democracy and the will of the people is a little different as the situation has become serious enough that he has gone full-Juncker.

As The BBC reports,

“Catalonia wants to speak,” he said after signing on Saturday. “Wants to be heard. Wants to vote. Now is the right time and we have the right legal framework to do so.”

The referendum’s two questions


“This Is What We Do” Warns 2nd Oklahoman ISIS-Supporter Arrested For Threatening To Behead Co-Worker


“This Is What We Do” Warns 2nd Oklahoman ISIS-Supporter Arrested For Threatening To Behead Co-Worker (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

It appears the appeal of ISIS-supporting beheadings in Oklahoma is growing. In what can only be described as an uncomfortable coincidence for the state, a 2nd Oklahoma man was arrested Friday for threatening to behead a co-worker. As The Oklahoman reports, Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, who was recently fired from his job at a nursing home, threatened a female christian co-worker that he “represented ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians.” When she asked him why, he replied, “This is just what we do,” according to the affidavit.


Via The Oklahoman,

An Oklahoma City fired nursing home employee, Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, is being held in the Oklahoma County jail on a terrorism complaint with bail set at $1 million, according to The Oklahoman.

Read more“This Is What We Do” Warns 2nd Oklahoman ISIS-Supporter Arrested For Threatening To Behead Co-Worker

Stunning Drone Clip Reveals Massive Size Of Hong Kong Protest

Stunning Drone Clip Reveals Massive Size Of Hong Kong Protest (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

Ferguson was for amateurs.

For those curious why the Hong Kong protests over the weekend have sent shivers across the world’s capital markets, pushed the Hang Seng 2% lower, and impacted both European and US futures, not to mention leading to worries that China may get involved any second and result in another Tiananmen square event, the following clip from HK’s Apple Daily, taken by a drone, shows just how massive the demonstrations, which according to some estimates involved just why of 100,000 people, taking place in Hong Kong are.

As Mashable adds, “far from a small protest by a limited number of outspoken citizens, the video shows just how large the movement to preserve Hong Kong’s democratic elections has become. Currently, the protests have grown so large that parts of Hong Kong’s business district have been brought to a standstill, prompting the temporary closure of 17 local banks. In addition to the drone footage, Apple Daily has also posted a live video stream of the protests, allowing the world to watch as events develop in real time.”

Hong Kong Stocks Tumble Erase 2014 Gains, Volatility Soars As Protests Freeze City: Full Summary

Hong Kong Stocks Tumble Erase 2014 Gains, Volatility Soars As Protests Freeze City: Full Summary (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

The Hong Kong protests, which we covered over the weekend, and which took a dramatic turn for the worse overnight when thousands of students camped out and demand universal suffrage on the city streets and were in turn tear-gassed and arrested en masse by the local riot police demanding students disperse or else, and where the leader of the student protest, Joshua Wong – who had been previously arrested and was released on Sunday night – has openly called for the resignation of Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying in an interview with Hong Kong Cable TV, have done the unthinkable: they have impacted financial markets and the “wealth effect” transmission mechanism of the local billionaires.

Here as a summary of the latest market activity via Bloomberg:

The US Is Now 50% More Unequal Than Ancient Rome (And That Includes Slaves)

–  The US Is Now 50% More Unequal Than Ancient Rome (And That Includes Slaves) (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

As we previously noted, only the highest income earners have seen any gains in compensation since the crisis began around 2007 to the current ‘recovery’ tops. It is perhaps not entirely surprising then that, the total income controlled by the Top 1% is drastically above that of the slave-included times of Ancient Rome and as high as the peak in the roaring 20s. “The greatest irony is that the President is railing against inequality as one of the most important problems of the day, despite the fact that his policies are squeezing the middle class and causing the Fed – with the President’s encouragement – to engage in the radical monetary policy, which is exacerbating inequality. This simple truth cannot be repeated often enough.”


Smoking Gun Evidence That The New York Fed Serves The Interests Of Goldman Sachs

It is said that 80% of the New York Fed is owned by just 8 families:

Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller, Lehman, Kuhn Loeb, Rothschild, Warburg, Lazard and Israel Moses Seif.

Smoking Gun Evidence That The New York Fed Serves The Interests Of Goldman Sachs (Economic Collapse, Sep 29, 2014):

For years, many people have suspected that the New York Fed is more or less controlled by the “too big to fail” banks.  Well, now we have smoking gun evidence that this is indeed the case.  A very brave lawyer named Carmen Segarra made a series of audio recordings while she was working for the New York Fed.  The 46 hours of meetings and conversations that she recorded are being called “the Ray Rice video for the financial sector” because of the explosive content that they contain.  What these recordings reveal are regulators that are deeply afraid to do anything that may harm or embarrass Goldman Sachs.  And it is quite understandable why Segarra’s colleagues at the New York Fed would feel this way.  As a recent Bloomberg article explained, it has become “common practice” for regulators to leave “their government jobs for much higher paying jobs at the very banks they were once meant to regulate.”  If you think that there is going to be a cushy, high paying banking job for you at the end of the rainbow, you are unlikely to do anything that will mess that up.

To say that the culture at the New York Fed is “deferential” to big banks such as Goldman Sachs would be a massive understatement.

Read moreSmoking Gun Evidence That The New York Fed Serves The Interests Of Goldman Sachs

Bangladesh government admits Bt eggplant hasn’t passed safety tests and ignores GMO labeling law


Bangladesh government admits Bt eggplant hasn’t passed safety tests and ignores GMO labeling law (Natural News, Sep 29, 2014):

The director of a government testing agency in Bangladesh that granted approval for genetically modified (GM) Bt eggplant (brinjal), which turned out to be a total failure, exploded recently after being questioned about the safety of the “Frankencrop.” Dr. Rafiqul Islam Mondal* from the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) angrily told a room full of reporters and farmers that, if they are so concerned about the safety of Bt brinjal, they should conduct their own safety research on the plant.

BARI insists that Bt brinjal does not harm humans, the environment or biodiversity. But the organization never actually tested the crop to see if any of this is true, a fact that ended up sparking a lively debate at a recent news conference. BARI had intended to use the conference as a platform to assert the safety of Bt brinjal, as well as defend its decision to approve it. Instead, its director ended up having a full-on meltdown when the public relations scheme didn’t go as planned.

Read moreBangladesh government admits Bt eggplant hasn’t passed safety tests and ignores GMO labeling law

What’s Killing All The Sea Stars Along The West Coast?


What’s killing all the sea stars along the West Coast? (Natural News, Sep 29, 2014):

Millions of sea stars have mysteriously been wiped out along the Pacific coast, stretching from Alaska all the way to Mexico. Sea stars, belonging to the class Asteroidea, have been around for 450 million years, according to researchers. More than 20 species of sea stars are showing signs of what experts call “wasting syndrome,” a condition causing the ancient star’s limbs to disintegrate and melt, resulting in massive die-offs.

Read moreWhat’s Killing All The Sea Stars Along The West Coast?

9/11 TRUTH GOES NUCLEAR: Massive Download In Progress

Huge caverns of melted granite were found below the foundations of the Twin Towers
Huge caverns of “melted granite” were found below the foundations of the Twin Towers. Were they caused by thermo-nuclear explosions detonated to obliterate the steel reinforced, cast concrete, tubular core structure of WTC Buildings 1 & 2?

9/11 TRUTH GOES NUCLEAR: Massive Download In Progress (State of The Nation, Sep 27, 2014):

Russia Disseminates,
Snowden Validates,
NSA Evidence Corroborates
New 9/11 Data Dump

‘The Information War For Ukraine’ – Satirical German Program ‘Die Anstalt’ (Video – English Subtitles)


Just activate the English subtitles and enjoy!!!

Sep 25, 2014


Related videos:

German satire: Volker Pispers about double standards in international law and democracy…

FAKE evidence: Ukraine ‘proves’ Russian invasion…

MH17 Crash: Ukrainian media stories about looting of toy and wedding ring proven FAKE…

Gerald Celente : ‘Another New War!’ … Slowing Economy, More Stimulus (Video)

Sep 24, 2014

“US home sales tumble in August, Mario Draghi wants to impose larger stimulus measures in Europe & the beginning of US airstrikes upon Syria. Trends Journal subscribers got the first hint of a possible Syrian airstrike more than 7 weeks ago!”

Original release: 9/23/14.

Why Is The USDA Buying Submachine Guns?


Why Is The USDA Buying Submachine Guns? (ZeroHedge, Sep 28, 2014):

“Submachine guns, .40 Cal. S&W, ambidextrous safety, semi-automatic or 2 shot bur[s]t trigger group, Tritium night sights for front and rear, rails for attachment of flashlight (front under fore grip) and scope (top rear), stock-collapsib[l]e or folding, magazine – 30 rd. capacity.”

In May, the USDA’s Office of Inspector General filed a request for these weapons. But why exactly do they need them?

According to a USDA press rep, the guns are necessary for self-protection.

Read moreWhy Is The USDA Buying Submachine Guns?

The ECB, European Commission And IMF Threatened To Bankrupt Ireland

Revealed – the Troika threats to bankrupt Ireland (The Irish Independent, Sep 28, 2014):

Honohan: ECB officials agreed to threaten Ireland with bankruptcy if the government tried to burn bondholders

The threat was made at a high-level teleconference meeting, details of which have been revealed for the first time by the Central Bank governor, Dr Patrick Honohan.

Mr Honohan, who famously told the nation Ireland would be entering the Troika bailout programme live on radio as government ministers were publicly denying it, also revealed he was kept out of loop about the meeting.

Read moreThe ECB, European Commission And IMF Threatened To Bankrupt Ireland