The Latest Revolving Door Farce: Bernanke, Trichet And Gordon Brown To Form Pimco Advisory Board

bernanke truchet brown

The Latest Revolving Door Farce: Bernanke, Trichet And Gordon Brown To Form Pimco Advisory Board:

The public-to-private sector “revolving door” has crossed into the macabre twilight zone.

Moments ago an announcement by giant bond manager (technically, these days “merely above average height” bond manager, considering the collapse in the TRF’s AUM since Bill Gross’ departure over a year ago) revealed that public service cronyism is not only alive, but has never been better, when in a press release it reported that former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, ex-U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and former ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet will form the backbone of a “global advisory board” at Pimco.

Read moreThe Latest Revolving Door Farce: Bernanke, Trichet And Gordon Brown To Form Pimco Advisory Board

PIMCO Paid Bill Gross & Mohamed El-Erian Over $500 MILLION Dollars In 2013 Bonuses

Bill Gross and Mohamed El-Erian

– Pimco Paid Gross, El-Erian Over Half A Billion Dollars In 2013 Bonuses (ZeroHedge, Nov 14,  2014):

And a stunner just out of of Bloomberg:


More from the source:

Pacific Investment Management Co. paid its former Chief Investment Officer Bill Gross a bonus of about $290 million in 2013, a year in which his Total Return Fund trailed a majority of peers, according to documents provided to Bloomberg View by someone with knowledge of Pimco’s bonus policies.

Read morePIMCO Paid Bill Gross & Mohamed El-Erian Over $500 MILLION Dollars In 2013 Bonuses

Why Everyone Should Be Watching PIMCO (In 2 Worrying Charts)

–  Why Everyone Should Be Watching PIMCO (In 2 Worrying Charts) (ZeroHedge, Oct 12, 2014):

By now it is clear to everyone that the force-feeding of free-money into financial markets by The Fed et al. has led to a scale of financial repression never before witnessed as bond yields for even the riskiest of risky names collapse to record lows and cheap-financed share buybacks raise leverage to record highs and support an ever more fragile equity wealth creation machine. As Blackrock (and many others) have recently proclaimed, the corporate bond market is “broken” and the risk posed by investors trying to dump bonds is”percolating right under” the noses of regulators; so it is with grave concern we suggest the following two charts – showing the massive out-sized holdings of PIMCO’s funds in the high-yield and emerging market debt markets leave a bond marketplace in fear that forced sales via redemptions are the straw that breaks the ‘central bank omnipotence’ narrative’s back…

PIMCO – simply put – dominates the market for high-yield and emerging market debt…

Read moreWhy Everyone Should Be Watching PIMCO (In 2 Worrying Charts)

PIMCO Liquidations Begin; And So Does The Retaliation: All Bill Gross Tweets Deleted


PIMCO Liquidations Begin; And So Does The Retaliation: All Bill Gross Tweets Deleted (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

The last few days have been hectic for PIMCO executives. As we already noted, expectations of outflows persist and today’s open in CDS markets suggested major concerns among market participants that PIMCO redemptions would force selling through an illiquid market. Sure enough, Bloomberg reports that PIMCO’s Total Return Fund ETF was behind the auction of more than $170m of Fannie Mae CMBS on Friday (and more BWICs were seen today). As one trader noted, “you’re going to sell your most liquid stuff first.” Additionally, PIMCO has seen fit to delete all Bill Gross’ tweets… so here are the last six months for the record.

As Bloomberg reports, the PIMCO liquidations have begun…

Read morePIMCO Liquidations Begin; And So Does The Retaliation: All Bill Gross Tweets Deleted

Whopping Two-Thirds Of PIMCO’s Flagship Fund May Be Withdrawn

Gross To Have Final Laugh? Whopping Two-Thirds Of PIMCO’s Flagship Fund May Be Withdrawn (ZeroHedge, Sep 29, 2014):

The reason why the first article we wrote on Friday after news hit that PIMCO co-founder was shockingly leaving the firm on Friday, was listing the massive bond fund’s biggest holdings, was because it was only a matter of time: it, being of course, the massive redemptions that would follow Gross’ departure by people that his 30+ tenure at the bond fund made very rich, and who couldn’t care less about a brief central planning-inspired flame out. After all Gross isn’t the first person who has lost the plotline due to the Fed’s manipulation of every market.

Read moreWhopping Two-Thirds Of PIMCO’s Flagship Fund May Be Withdrawn

PIMCO: Here’s What It Owns

PIMCO: Here’s What It Owns (ZeroHedge, Sep 26, 2014):

PIMCO is big. Scratch that, it’s massive: after all it holds over $2 trillion in global securities, mostly bond-related. It is so big, in fact, it takes two pages just to list the number of funds that comprise it, let alone the securities that these funds actually own. Which is a problem when trying to estimate the impact of what a possible asset-shift, if not outright liqudation of some/all of PIMCO’s holdings would have.  Yet one has to start somewhere, and the somewhere probably should be with the list of the TRF’s biggest holdings as a % of NAV. Here it is.

Bill Gross Quits PIMCO, Which He Co-Founded, Joining Janus

Bill Gross Quits PIMCO, Which He Co-Founded, Joining Janus (ZeroHedge, Sep 26, 2014):

After co-founding PIMCO in 1971, Bill Gross has called it quits…


“I look forward to returning my full focus to the fixed income markets and investing, giving up many of the complexities that go with managing a large, complicated organization,” said Mr. Gross.

Janus stock is +20% on the news. 40% now!)

Read moreBill Gross Quits PIMCO, Which He Co-Founded, Joining Janus

‘You Can’t Fire Me, I Quit’ – PIMCO Was Preparing To Fire Its Founder Bill Gross

“You Can’t Fire Me, I Quit” – PIMCO Was Preparing To Fire Gross (ZeroHedge, Sep 26, 2014):

With more than $65 billion pulled from PIMCO’s funds since May 2013, Bill Gross’ firm had been struggling amid spotty performance and it seems, according to The Wall Street Journal, PIMCO (not Allianz) was set to fire the 70-year old bond king this weekend. It seems clear that Mr. Gross move was pre-emptive as sources cite his “increasingly erratic behavior” and ultimatums as factors in the move. Assumptions about Mohamed El-Erian returning to run the company have been denied. Some have estimated PIMCO could see a further 10-30% in fund outflows on the back of Mr. Gross’ departure.

As The Wall Street Journal reports,

Read more‘You Can’t Fire Me, I Quit’ – PIMCO Was Preparing To Fire Its Founder Bill Gross

Mohamed El-Erian Quits Pimco, Becomes A Blogger

… a well-paid blogger.

Mohamed El-Erian

Mohamed El-Erian Quits Pimco, Becomes A Blogger (ZeroHedge, April 14, 2014):

We realize the future for blogging was bright, but this bright? Moments ago, Bloomberg View, Bloomberg’s in house blogging operation, announced that El-Erian had joined it as a columnist. And just like that Mohamed has his own unedited venue in which to spill all the dirt on his former employer.

From BusinessWeek:

Bloomberg View today announced that Mohamed A. El-Erian is joining the opinion and analysis site as a daily columnist covering economic developments, policy and financial markets.

“Mohamed is one of the world’s most highly-regarded financial and economic observers – and he’s also a wonderful writer” said David Shipley, the senior executive editor of Bloomberg View. “We’re thrilled that he’s going to be sharing his insights with our readers on a daily basis.”

Read moreMohamed El-Erian Quits Pimco, Becomes A Blogger

PIMCO To Buy BILLIONS In European Toxic Debt

PIMCO is an autonomous subsidiary of Allianz.

Nobody in his right mind (let alone Bill Gross, ‘the king of bonds’) would by toxic European debt.

I highly doubt that PIMCO is a FOMO (aka Fear of Missing Out) buyer.

From the article:

Recall that it was the IMF itself which said in October of 2012 that European banks needs to sell $4.5 trillion in assets until 2014.”

The elitists are intentionally running everything into the ground and there will be nothing left.

Again, prepare for total collapse.


PIMCO To Buy Billions In European Toxic Debt (ZeroHedge, March 5, 2014)

Earlier today we were surprised when none other than uber central-planning skeptic, not to mention bond fund manager, Bill Gross threw in the towel and in his latest letter advocated the purchase of risk assets – and Bill Gross is the last person needing reminding that in a day and age when the 10 Year yields just barely over 2.5%, this means not bonds but stocks. The surprise, however, promptly disappeared when we realized that PIMCO is merely the  latest entrant in the scramble for yield game following, with a substantial delay to all of its other “alternative” asset management peers, right into ground zero: European toxic debt.

Read morePIMCO To Buy BILLIONS In European Toxic Debt

America’s Giant Bubble Economy Is Going To Become An Economic Black Hole

America’s Bubble Economy Is Going To Become An Economic Black Hole (Economic Collapse, May 22, 2013):

What is going to happen when the greatest economic bubble in the history of the world pops?  The mainstream media never talks about that.  They are much too busy covering the latest dogfights in Washington and what Justin Bieber has been up to.  And most Americans seem to think that if the Dow keeps setting new all-time highs that everything must be okay.  Sadly, that is not the case at all.  Right now, the U.S. economy is exhibiting all of the classic symptoms of a bubble economy.  You can see this when you step back and take a longer-term view of things.  Over the past decade, we have added more than 10 trillion dollars to the national debt.  But most Americans have shown very little concern as the balance on our national credit card has soared from 6 trillion dollars to nearly 17 trillion dollars.  Meanwhile, Wall Street has been transformed into the biggest casino on the planet, and much of the new money that the Federal Reserve has been recklessly printing up has gone into stocks.  But the Dow does not keep setting new records because the underlying economic fundamentals are good.  Rather, the reckless euphoria that we are seeing in the financial markets right now reminds me very much of 1929.  Margin debt is absolutely soaring, and every time that happens a crash rapidly follows.  But this time when a crash happens it could very well be unlike anything that we have ever seen before.  The top 25 U.S. banks have more than 212 trillion dollars of exposure to derivatives combined, and when that house of cards comes crashing down there is no way that anyone will be able to prop it back up.  After all, U.S. GDP for an entire year is only a bit more than 15 trillion dollars.

But most Americans are only focused on the short-term because the mainstream media is only focused on the short-term.  Things are good this week and things were good last week, so there is nothing to worry about, right?

Read moreAmerica’s Giant Bubble Economy Is Going To Become An Economic Black Hole

PIMCO’s Bill Gross On Bernanke’s Latest Helicopter Flyover, ‘Money For Nothing, Debt For Free’ And The End Of Ponzi Schemes

Bill Gross On Bernanke’s Latest Helicopter Flyover, “Money For Nothing, Debt For Free” And The End Of Ponzi Schemes (ZeroHedge, Jan 3, 2013):

Back in April 2012, in “How The Fed’s Visible Hand Is Forcing Corporate Cash Mismanagement” we first explained how despite its best intentions (to boost the Russell 2000 to new all time highs, a goal it achieved), the Fed’s now constant intervention in capital markets has achieved one thing when it comes to the real economy: an unprecedented capital mismanagemenet, where as a result of ZIRP, corporate executives will always opt for short-term, low IRR, myopic cash allocation decisions such as dividend, buyback and, sometimes, M&A, seeking to satisfy shareholders and ignoring real long-term growth opportunities such as R&D spending, efficiency improvements, capital reinvestment, retention and hiring of employees, and generally all those things that determine success for anyone whose investment horizon is longer than the nearest lockup gate. Today, one calendar year later, none other than Bill Gross, in his first investment letter of 2013, admits we were correct: “Zero-bound interest rates, QE maneuvering, and “essentially costless” check writing destroy financial business models and stunt investment decisions which offer increasingly lower ROIs and ROEs. Purchases of “paper” shares as opposed to investments in tangible productive investment assets become the likely preferred corporate choice.

It is this that should be the focus of economists, and not what the level of the S&P is, as it is no longer indicative of any underlying market fundamentals, but merely how large, in nominal terms, the global balance sheet is. And as long as the impact of peak central-planning on “business models” is ignored, there can be no hope of economic stabilization, let alone improvement. All this and much more, especially his admissions that yes, it is flow, and not stock, that dominates the Fed market impact (think great white shark – must always be moving), if not calculus, in Bill Gross’ latest letter.


Read morePIMCO’s Bill Gross On Bernanke’s Latest Helicopter Flyover, ‘Money For Nothing, Debt For Free’ And The End Of Ponzi Schemes

Keiser Report: TINA’s Big Black Hole (Video)

FT: ‘Wages Have To Be Slashed By 30-40% In the UK’

YouTube Added: 04.12.2012


In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert investigate the black hole of debt sucking in our economies, jobs and wealth like strings of spaghetti past the economic event horizon. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Ned Naylor-Leyland of Cheviot Asset Management about the fishy smoke signals blowing at the LBMA regarding silver contracts and about the debate between inflation, deflation, hyperinflation actually being a debate about the final denouement of paper currencies. Ned also reveals that BBC’s flagship programme, Panorama, had interviewed him and Andrew Maguire about silver manipulation and yet have never aired the episode.

PIMCO’s Bill Gross: US Fiscal Cliff Deeper Than Advertised. Its A Grand Canyon.

Deep Sunday Morning Thoughts From Bill Gross (ZeroHedge, Nov 11, 2012):

Just because Jack Handey never got to manage $1+ trillion in debt…

Read morePIMCO’s Bill Gross: US Fiscal Cliff Deeper Than Advertised. Its A Grand Canyon.

PIMCO’s Bill Gross Preemptively Summarizes Today’s Election Result In 22 Words

Bill Gross Preemptively Summarizes Today’s Election Result In 22 Words (ZeroHedge, Nov 6, 2012):

Presented without comment – adding anything to this concise summation of the state of the union is superfluous…

Read morePIMCO’s Bill Gross Preemptively Summarizes Today’s Election Result In 22 Words

PIMCO’s Bill Gross: ‘Ours Is A Country Of The SuperPAC, By The SuperPAC, And For The SuperPAC’

Elite puppets Obama & Romney 2012!

Bill Gross: “Ours Is A Country Of The SuperPAC, By The SuperPAC, And For The SuperPAC” (ZeroHedge, Nov 1, 2012):

Curious why we dedicate precious virtual real estate to periodically bring to you the “billionaires behind the best presidents money can buy“? Bill Gross explains why?

Time To Vote, from PIMCO’s Bill Gross

So I pulled out my magic lamp that for some reason works only every October 22nd, and rubbed until the Genie appeared in his red and white checkered cloak with a 10-inch diameter Flavor Flav clock hanging ceremoniously around his neck. Being a rather forward, although not disrespectful Genie, he immediately said, “Mr. G, instead of the yield on the 10-year Treasury, perhaps this year you should wish to know who is going to win the Presidential election?” After some thought I replied, “Nah, I need some breaking news, Mr. Genie, something that will make a difference, something that will shock the world, like when does the iPhone 6 come out?” Obama/Romney, Romney/Obama – the most important election of our lifetime? Fact is they’re all the same – bought and paid for with the same money. Ours is a country of the SuperPAC, by the SuperPAC, and for the SuperPAC. The “people” are merely election-day pawns, pulling a Democratic or Republican lever that will deliver the same results every four years. “Change you can believe in?” I bought that one hook, line and sinker in 2008 during the last vestige of my disappearing middle age optimism. We got a more intelligent President, but we hardly got change. Healthcare dominated by corporate interests – what’s new? Financial regulation dominated by Wall Street – what’s new? Continuing pointless foreign wars – what’s new?I’ll tell you what isn’t new. Our two-party system continues to play ping pong with the American people, and the electorate is that white little ball going back and forth over the net. This side’s better – no, that one looks best. Elephants/Donkeys, Donkeys/Elephants. Perhaps the most farcical aspect of it all is that the choice between the two seems to occupy most of our time. Instead of digging in and digging out of this mess on a community level, we sit in front of our flat screens and watch endless debates about red and blue state theologies or listen to demagogues like Rush Limbaugh or his ex-cable counterpart Keith Olbermann. To express my discontent, Genie, along with my continuing patriotism, I’ve created a modern-day version of our Pledge of Allegiance. Place your hand over your clock and recite after me:

Read morePIMCO’s Bill Gross: ‘Ours Is A Country Of The SuperPAC, By The SuperPAC, And For The SuperPAC’

PIMCO’s Bill Gross Warns ‘Very Likely’ Central Banks Will Cause 1987-Like Crash

Bill Gross Warns “Very Likely’ Central Banks Will Cause 1987-Like Crash (ZeroHedge, Oct 19, 2012):

What takes other Political Journalism majors (and CTRL-C/V minors) pages and pages of verbose essays full of acronyms and meaningless gibberish to refute, Bill Gross asserts in less than 140 characters.

Read morePIMCO’s Bill Gross Warns ‘Very Likely’ Central Banks Will Cause 1987-Like Crash

From Zero Interest Rate To Zero Retirement: How The Fed Doomed Elderly Americans To Endless Work

From Zero Interest Rate To Zero Retirement: How The Fed Doomed Elderly Americans To Endless Work (ZeroHedge, Oct 8, 2012):

Excerpted from PIMCO Viewpoints: What’s Your Number at the Zero Bound?

The math of what happens when assumed rates of return go down, driven by a pro-active ZIRP from the Fed, is pretty straightforward. To make up for this, PIMCO notes that those approaching retirement have three choices: a) save more, b) work longer, or c) tighten their belts in retirement. Each of these are clear, individual family choices, but what happens when the whole of society is faced with the same dilemma? What works for one household can be grossly sub-optimal for society.

Read moreFrom Zero Interest Rate To Zero Retirement: How The Fed Doomed Elderly Americans To Endless Work

PIMCO On Gold – The Simple Facts

PIMCO On Gold – The Simple Facts (ZeroHedge, Oct 1, 2012):

Via Nicholas Johnson and Mihir Worah of PIMCO,

GOLD – The Simple Facts

When it comes to investing in gold, investors often see the world in black and white. Some people have a deep, almost religious conviction that gold is a useless, barbarous relic with no yield; it’s an asset no rational investor would ever want. Others love it, seeing it as the only asset that can offer protection from the coming financial catastrophe, which is always just around the corner.

Our views are more nuanced and, we believe, provide a balanced framework for assessing value. Our bottom line: given current valuations and central bank policies, we see gold as a compelling inflation hedge and store of value that is potentially superior to fiat currencies.

We believe investors should consider allocating gold and other precious metals to a diversified investment portfolio. The supply of gold is constrained, and we see demand increasing consistent with global economic growth on a per capita basis. Regarding inflation in particular, we feel that the Federal Reserve’s decision to begin a third round of quantitative easing makes gold even more attractive.

Read morePIMCO On Gold – The Simple Facts

PIMCO’s Bill Gross Sells $30 Billion In Treasurys In August As Total Return Fund Cuts Government Exposure By Over A Third

Bill Gross Sells $30 Billion In Treasurys In August As Total Return Fund Cuts Government Exposure By Over A Third (ZeroHedge, Sep 12, 2012)

See also:

PIMCO’s Bill Gross (‘The King Of Bonds’): Buy Gold, Not Bonds (Video)

PIMCO’s Bill Gross (‘The King Of Bonds’): Buy Gold, Not Bonds (Video)

The “Bond King”: Buy Gold, Not Bonds (ZeroHedge, Sep 10, 2012):

The “Bond King” – Pimco boss Bill Gross – says:

[There’s] a diminished or dying cult of both bonds and stocks from the standpoint of a belief that they can return 10% ….

Gold can’t be reproduced. It could certainly be taken out of the ground in an increasing rate but there’s a limiting amount of gold.

And there has been an unlimited amount of paper money over the past 20 to 30 years and now – in this period of central bank expansion where it’s QE1 or QE2, or whether it’s the LTROs of the ECB or this potential new program … then central banks are at their leisure to basically print money.

Gold is a fixed commodity that has a considerable store of value that paper money has not….

When a central bank starts writing checks and printing money in the trillions of dollars, it’s best to have something tangible that can’t be reproduced, such as gold.


Gold … is a better investment than a bond or a stock, which probably will only return a 3 to 4 percent return over the next 5 to 10 years.

Gross doesn’t believe that gold is a crowded trade at this point.

Has Mr. Gross been reading Zero Hedge?

Here’s background for newbies to Zero Hedge.

The Scary Math Behind The Mechanics Of QE3, And Why Ben Bernanke’s Hands May Be Tied

The Scary Math Behind The Mechanics Of QE3, And Why Bernanke’s Hands May Be Tied (ZeroHedge, Sep 7, 2012):

When it comes to the NEW QE, everyone has an opinion, and most seem to believe that the NEW QE will come next week, now that the US economy added “just” 96,000 people (but, but, the unemployment rate ‘fell’). Certainly, and far more importantly, if the most recent FOMC minutes are any guide, the Fed shares this view. Sadly, as so often happens, most, and this includes the FOMC’s various voting members, have once again made up their minds without actually evaluating the limitations posed by simple math. After all it is far easier to form an opinion, and actually think about the underlying facts later. The math, for those who actually have looked at the numbers behind the scenes, is scary (in UBS’ words, not ours).Here is the math.

As part of its Operation Twist, the Fed is buying long-term bonds, and selling short-term (0-3 years) bonds. As we reported in April, the biggest limitation for the Fed is that it is rapidly running out of short-term bonds to sell. There is a fix to this: the Fed will simply have to sell longer dated bonds from its SOMA portfolio, first up to 5 years, then 7, and so on. Of course, this will also force the Fed to extend its ZIRP language by an appropriate amount of time, through 2017, then 2019, and so on (which also means all bets that the Fed will hike any time in the next 5 years will be immediately null and void, and one can position accordingly in the Eurodollar space).

This move, however, will simply permit the Fed to extend Twist 2 beyond its year-end maturity. As a reminder, the primary role of Twist, aside from that stated one which is to keep the curve as flat as possible (i.e., boost housing which as we showed yesterday is not working, as refis have plunged recently despite record low mortgage rates), is to absorb virtually all the long-end supply: after all, it is all about the funding of the US $1 trillion+ annual budget deficit.

Said otherwise, when it comes to the 10-30 year sector the Fed is already monetizing all new issuance. This is part of the entire flow argument which we have been discussing for the past 6 months, and why we, correctly, say that Operation Twist is really QE 3 and QE 3.5 (for the recent extension of Twist). So far so good.

Here comes the important part.

Three weeks ago we presented a video courtesy of Stone McCarthy which showed a timelapse of the “takeover” of the Fed as the primary holder of public debt. For those short on time, here is how the Fed’s holdings portfolio looked like then…

and now:

The shaded region is important for two reasons: this is where the Fed will be buying new bonds as part of any new QE Large Scale Asset Purchase program, and it tells us all there is to know about how big and how effective QE3 (really 4) will be. The bottom line, as calculated by UBS’ Michael Schumacher and confirmed by anyone with access to the detail behind the Fed’s SOMA holdings, which incidentally just hit a record 116 months two months ahead of Twist 2 schedule, is that “the Fed owns all but $650 billion of 10-30 year nominal Treasuries.” Also as pointed out above, Twist 2, aka QE 3.5 is already absorbing all of the long end supply. And herein lies the rub. To quote UBS: “Taking out, say, $300 billion in long-end Treasuries almost certainly would put tremendous pressure on liquidity in that market….Ploughing ahead with a large, fixed size QE program could cause liquidity to tank.

In other words, anyone expecting a full blown LSAP focusing only on US Treasurys will very likely be disappointed as the Fed will certainly realize, quite soon we hope, that it has only $650 billion in total 10 year + bonds available in the entire private market!

Well, perhaps the Fed will just monetize MBS, as Bill Gross has been betting on for nearly a year now. It could do that… but when once factors in “math“, the results are once again quite startling. Quote UBS again:

Read moreThe Scary Math Behind The Mechanics Of QE3, And Why Ben Bernanke’s Hands May Be Tied

PIMCO And JPMorgan Halt Vacations To Prepare For Economic Crash: Market Rumor

Market rumor: Pimco and JP Morgan halt vacations to prepare for economic crash (Examiner, June 3, 2012):

On June 1, market rumors were coming out of a hedge fund luncheon stating that Pimco, JP Morgan, and other financial companies were cancelling summer vacations for employees so they could prepare for a major ‘Lehman type’ economic crash projected for the coming months.  These rumors came on a day when the markets nearly came to capitulation, with the DOW falling more than 274 points, and gold soaring over $63 as traders across the board fled stocks and moved into safer investments.

Todd Harrison tweet: Hearing (not confirmed) @PIMCO asked employees to cancel vacations to have “all hands on deck” for a Lehman-type tail event. Confirm?

Todd M. Schoenberger tweet: @todd_harrison @pimco I heard the same thing, but I also heard the same for “some” at JPM. Heard it today at a hedge fund luncheon.

Todd Harrison is the CEO of the award winning internet media company Minyanville, while Todd Shoenberger is a managing principal at the Blackbay Group, and an adjunct professor of Finance at Cecil College.

Pimco and JP Morgan Chase are not the only financial institutions worried about a potential repeat of the 2008 credit crisis.  On May 31, one day before Pinco rumors began to spread around the markets, World Bank President Robert Zoellick issued the same warnings of a potential ‘rerun of the great panic of 2008’.

Read morePIMCO And JPMorgan Halt Vacations To Prepare For Economic Crash: Market Rumor