Bilderberger George Osborne appointed Mark Carney (Freemason, Goldman Sachs, Bilderberger) to be governor of the Bank of England.
H/t reader squodgy:
“Classic Poacher turned Gamekeeper.
Can you believe this man?
As a senior cog in the Bank that co-ordinated, mastered and milked the sub-prime debacle of lending money to unworthy risk borrowers, then fed off the QE process, he is now telling the lenders (while interest rates are still rock bottom) that they are lending too much…..
- Bank of England Governor Mark Carney was speaking last night in London
- Called low interest rates – 0.5 per cent since 2009 – a ‘tremendous burden’
Ultra low interest rates could damage the economy by encouraging excessive household borrowing, Mark Carney admitted last night.
The Governor of the Bank of England also said he is ‘fully aware’ the policy is not without considerable risks, putting ‘a tremendous burden’ on the Bank as it battles to restore the economy to health.
Speaking at the Mais Lecture in the Cass Business School in London, Mr Carney warned: ‘An environment of relatively low and predictable interest rates could encourage excessive risk taking in financial markets and by households.