World News (Aug 31, 2019 EDN): Hong Kong Police Fire Live Rounds To Quell Protesters As Chaos Rules Streets – The Real “Helicopter Money”: Since 2009, China Has Created $21 Trillion Of New Money, More Than Double The US – 5 Dead, At Least 20 Injured In Another Texas Mass Shooting, Suspect Shot & Killed – Netanyahu Confirms Israeli Attacks In Iraq – Conspiracy Theories Are Terrorism (Video) – Lula Admits, BRICS Was Created As A Tool Of Attack Against The US Dollar – Syria: Coordinated Foreign Airstrike Kills Leaders Of Two Al-Qaeda Aligned Groups – Al-Qaeda Inc. mourns three of its top leaders killed by the Syrian army yesterday in Idlib. These terrorists were considered “freedom rebels” by most NATO countries. – YouTube Says It’s “More Important Than Ever” To Be Open Platform… One Day After Massive Banning Spree – iPhones Hacked As Malware Infected “Thousands Of Users A Week” For Years – AOC Claim That Millennials “Most Informed, Historically-Literate” Annihilated In Scathing Op-Ed – Panic Spreads To Georgia, Carolinas As Trump Warns Category 4 Hurricane Dorian “Very Hard To Predict” – How CIA-Backed Palantir Is Helping Police Root Out ‘Thought Crimes’ – Tulsi Gabbard releases video calling for everyone across the political spectrum to unite and fight Big Tech’s censorship – Tulsi Gabbard on DNC Dirty Tricks to Keep Her Out of Future Debates (Tucker Carlson Tonight, 28 Aug 2019 – Video) – Germany: Highly Toxic Gadolinum Found In Cola – Palestinian conflict: Diaries of childhood in Israeli military detention (BBC) – Russia closes Northern Sea Route for foreign warships




ISIS is an operation run by the Mossad, the CIA and MI6…

“Most Informed, Historically-Literate”… 😂😂😂😂😂


Read moreWorld News (Aug 31, 2019 EDN): Hong Kong Police Fire Live Rounds To Quell Protesters As Chaos Rules Streets – The Real “Helicopter Money”: Since 2009, China Has Created $21 Trillion Of New Money, More Than Double The US – 5 Dead, At Least 20 Injured In Another Texas Mass Shooting, Suspect Shot & Killed – Netanyahu Confirms Israeli Attacks In Iraq – Conspiracy Theories Are Terrorism (Video) – Lula Admits, BRICS Was Created As A Tool Of Attack Against The US Dollar – Syria: Coordinated Foreign Airstrike Kills Leaders Of Two Al-Qaeda Aligned Groups – Al-Qaeda Inc. mourns three of its top leaders killed by the Syrian army yesterday in Idlib. These terrorists were considered “freedom rebels” by most NATO countries. – YouTube Says It’s “More Important Than Ever” To Be Open Platform… One Day After Massive Banning Spree – iPhones Hacked As Malware Infected “Thousands Of Users A Week” For Years – AOC Claim That Millennials “Most Informed, Historically-Literate” Annihilated In Scathing Op-Ed – Panic Spreads To Georgia, Carolinas As Trump Warns Category 4 Hurricane Dorian “Very Hard To Predict” – How CIA-Backed Palantir Is Helping Police Root Out ‘Thought Crimes’ – Tulsi Gabbard releases video calling for everyone across the political spectrum to unite and fight Big Tech’s censorship – Tulsi Gabbard on DNC Dirty Tricks to Keep Her Out of Future Debates (Tucker Carlson Tonight, 28 Aug 2019 – Video) – Germany: Highly Toxic Gadolinum Found In Cola – Palestinian conflict: Diaries of childhood in Israeli military detention (BBC) – Russia closes Northern Sea Route for foreign warships

Migrant Crisis & Crime (Aug 31, 2019 EDN): Second Swedish municipality which took in too many welfare-dependent migrants faces financial ruin – Woman Tosses Molotov Cocktail Into Florida USCIS Office – Wave of child sex abuse lawsuits threatens Boy Scouts


Translate those tweets…

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World News (Aug 30, 2019 EDN): MOSCOW SHIVERS THROUGH ITS COLDEST SUMMER IN RECORDED HISTORY, IN OVER 150 YEARS OF DATA – More record cold, this time in the center of Russia – Trump 2020 Website Error Page Trolls “President Hillary” – Oval Office ‘Gatekeeper’ Reportedly Fired For Making Inappropriate Comments About Trump’s Daughters – ‘We’ll always have a presence’: Trump says 8,600 US troops will stay in Afghanistan – “It Scares Me To Death”: Coding Errors In Sex Robots Make Them Prone To Violence And Strangling Humans – Holy Sh*t: Leftist Politician Decides Cleaning Poop Off Seattle’s Streets With A Pressure Washer Is Racist – Feminist Thought-Leader Claims Milking Cows Is The Same As Rape – Recession Alarm: Crude Processing At US Refiners Falls The Most Since Financial Crisis – SHIVELUCH (KAMCHATKA) VOLCANO ERUPTS TO 34,000 FEET (10.4 KM). DIRECT COOLING EFFECT – Saudi Arabia Acknowledges Defeat In Yemen, Starts To Sue For Peace – TSA Launching Facial Recognition For Domestic Flights – Judge Denies Injunction of NY Law Repealing Religious Vaccine Exemption – Sweden ends sweeping ‘automatic asylum’ policy for Syrians – Russian telecom giant & China’s Huawei launch 5G zones in Russian cities – Why Silver Is Better Than Gold – YouTube Bans Infowars Relaunch… Days After Promising To Allow ‘Controversial’ Content – Scottish Judge Rejects Bid To Stop Boris Johnson From Suspending Parliament Ahead Of Brexit Day – Saturday Protest Canceled In Hong Kong After Sudden Arrest Of Key Activists – “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This”: China Reels As Pork Prices Explode To Record Levels – US Lobster Exports To China Crash 80% – Futurist Predicts Cyborgs Will Rise As “Our Supremacy…Is Rapidly Coming To An End”


For the HEROIN…

‘Coding errors’?…


#BigBrother, #NWO…

Wait a minute…. Your classic car might be the only car functioning, when the grid will go down!!!…


Read moreWorld News (Aug 30, 2019 EDN): MOSCOW SHIVERS THROUGH ITS COLDEST SUMMER IN RECORDED HISTORY, IN OVER 150 YEARS OF DATA – More record cold, this time in the center of Russia – Trump 2020 Website Error Page Trolls “President Hillary” – Oval Office ‘Gatekeeper’ Reportedly Fired For Making Inappropriate Comments About Trump’s Daughters – ‘We’ll always have a presence’: Trump says 8,600 US troops will stay in Afghanistan – “It Scares Me To Death”: Coding Errors In Sex Robots Make Them Prone To Violence And Strangling Humans – Holy Sh*t: Leftist Politician Decides Cleaning Poop Off Seattle’s Streets With A Pressure Washer Is Racist – Feminist Thought-Leader Claims Milking Cows Is The Same As Rape – Recession Alarm: Crude Processing At US Refiners Falls The Most Since Financial Crisis – SHIVELUCH (KAMCHATKA) VOLCANO ERUPTS TO 34,000 FEET (10.4 KM). DIRECT COOLING EFFECT – Saudi Arabia Acknowledges Defeat In Yemen, Starts To Sue For Peace – TSA Launching Facial Recognition For Domestic Flights – Judge Denies Injunction of NY Law Repealing Religious Vaccine Exemption – Sweden ends sweeping ‘automatic asylum’ policy for Syrians – Russian telecom giant & China’s Huawei launch 5G zones in Russian cities – Why Silver Is Better Than Gold – YouTube Bans Infowars Relaunch… Days After Promising To Allow ‘Controversial’ Content – Scottish Judge Rejects Bid To Stop Boris Johnson From Suspending Parliament Ahead Of Brexit Day – Saturday Protest Canceled In Hong Kong After Sudden Arrest Of Key Activists – “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This”: China Reels As Pork Prices Explode To Record Levels – US Lobster Exports To China Crash 80% – Futurist Predicts Cyborgs Will Rise As “Our Supremacy…Is Rapidly Coming To An End”

Migrant Crisis & Crime (Aug 30, 2019 EDN): Germany: Nearly 40 percent of knife attackers in North Rhine-Westphalia are migrants – Boza, Boza”: 150 African overcome border fence and storms Spanien enclave of Ceuta! – EU Crisis Re-accelerates: 100s Of Migrants Suddenly Land On Greek Islands – Spain interior minister priority removal of the barbed wire on fences at border to Morocco last summer. – Belgium: Town to open ‘asylum center’ packed with ‘young’ military-aged migrant men – ‘Executioner of Raqqa’: ISIS killer who received UK housing benefits for years finally captured – Deportation on the cards for shopping centre security guard (Name: Mohammed Hassan Al Bayati) who indecently assaulted toddler – Jeanine Pirro Compared To Mass Shooter For Discussing ‘Plot To Replace American Citizens With Illegals’ – Meet the NEW Europeans!!! (Video) – Idaho Ordered To Pay For Pedophile Sex Offender’s Gender Reassignment Surgery

It’s an invasion…





Read moreMigrant Crisis & Crime (Aug 30, 2019 EDN): Germany: Nearly 40 percent of knife attackers in North Rhine-Westphalia are migrants – Boza, Boza”: 150 African overcome border fence and storms Spanien enclave of Ceuta! – EU Crisis Re-accelerates: 100s Of Migrants Suddenly Land On Greek Islands – Spain interior minister priority removal of the barbed wire on fences at border to Morocco last summer. – Belgium: Town to open ‘asylum center’ packed with ‘young’ military-aged migrant men – ‘Executioner of Raqqa’: ISIS killer who received UK housing benefits for years finally captured – Deportation on the cards for shopping centre security guard (Name: Mohammed Hassan Al Bayati) who indecently assaulted toddler – Jeanine Pirro Compared To Mass Shooter For Discussing ‘Plot To Replace American Citizens With Illegals’ – Meet the NEW Europeans!!! (Video) – Idaho Ordered To Pay For Pedophile Sex Offender’s Gender Reassignment Surgery

Jay Weidner/Yvonne Palermo: Grand Solar Minimum w/ Ice Age Farmer on REALiTY CHeCK (Video) – #Agenda2030 #NWO #Transhumanism #GSM #GrandSolarMinimum #ClimateChange #GlobalCooling #Collapse #EndTimes #FoodCrisis

Yes, TPTB know exactly what is coming….

Read the article (removed (!) by the Telegraph) in full here:

Telegraph Article Reporting “GLOBAL COOLING” On BILDERBERG Discussion Agenda Has Been REMOVED:

The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.

Yep, that’s right. Global Cooling.


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World News (Aug 29, 2019 EDN): Lebanese Army Opens Fire On Multiple Israeli Drones At Southern Border – FBI Crime Lab Analyzing Two Broken Cameras From Outside Epstein Cell – Strong eruption at Sheveluch volcano on August 29, ash to 10.3 km (34 000 feet) a.s.l., Russia – US Offers Venezuela’s Maduro Amnesty If He Steps Down (The Gaddafi route is another option…) – Israel destroys homes of Palestinian village in Negev desert for 156th time – “I Feel Helpless”: Bottled Water, Gas Shortages Reported As Floridians Brace For Hurricane Dorian – Treasonous Ilhan Omar calls for UN occupation of the United States of America – Comey “Is A Proven Liar And Leaker” White House Slams Former FBI Director After IG Report – Guess What Warren Buffett Is Doing With His Money Right Now? – Why Is DARPA Asking The Public For An Underground Research Facility By Friday – Sacramento Zombie Apocalypse – Cost of U.S. War in Afghanistan: About $1 Trillion – Watch Live: The Purge Continues: Banned From YouTube Again – Trump Made Up “High Level Phone Calls” With China To Boost Markets, Aides Admit – Florida Declares State Of Emergency As Hurricane Dorian Set To Ruin Labor Day Weekend – MSNBC Anchor Cowers Away From Lies About Trump-Russia Ties – 29% Of London Homeowners Are Panic Selling Homes Ahead Of Brexit Deadline – USSA Social Credit: US Denied Entry To Student Because Of Friend’s Social Media Posts – The Next Economic Crisis’ Fuel: Americans Over-Burdened By Debt – In Ominous Warning, Ray Dalio Says The Current Period Is Just Like 1935-1945 – Perfect timing: Global Gold Industry Hit By “Forgery Crisis” As Fake Kilobars Flood The Physical Market – People Disappearing and Being Purged: Who’s Next, Who’s Behind It, and Why (Video) – Left-wing media now pushing CANNIBALISM in America


“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”

-Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991


Imagine what they will do after the collapse, when there will be no more drugs and food…

Wait,… what?…

People Disappearing and Being Purged: Who’s Next, Who’s Behind It, and Why… (Video)
Engineered?… Next Economic Crisis’ Fuel: Americans Over-Burdened By Debt

Doomed (after the coming collapse)…

You are potentially living in 1938 right now (but planned WW3 will be cut short by massive earth changes and there will be much less food available)…

Only PHYSICAL gold (and silver) is real, everything else will turn out to be an illusion.

So will they manage to keep you from buying the real thing?…

Even cannibalism is predicted to happen in the US and Europe, because the coming financial collapse, civil war and WW3 (all planned by TPTB) will push humanity over the edge. TPTB are preparing the people on many levels to do the depopulation work for them…

To buy more food just before when the SHTF…

Read moreWorld News (Aug 29, 2019 EDN): Lebanese Army Opens Fire On Multiple Israeli Drones At Southern Border – FBI Crime Lab Analyzing Two Broken Cameras From Outside Epstein Cell – Strong eruption at Sheveluch volcano on August 29, ash to 10.3 km (34 000 feet) a.s.l., Russia – US Offers Venezuela’s Maduro Amnesty If He Steps Down (The Gaddafi route is another option…) – Israel destroys homes of Palestinian village in Negev desert for 156th time – “I Feel Helpless”: Bottled Water, Gas Shortages Reported As Floridians Brace For Hurricane Dorian – Treasonous Ilhan Omar calls for UN occupation of the United States of America – Comey “Is A Proven Liar And Leaker” White House Slams Former FBI Director After IG Report – Guess What Warren Buffett Is Doing With His Money Right Now? – Why Is DARPA Asking The Public For An Underground Research Facility By Friday – Sacramento Zombie Apocalypse – Cost of U.S. War in Afghanistan: About $1 Trillion – Watch Live: The Purge Continues: Banned From YouTube Again – Trump Made Up “High Level Phone Calls” With China To Boost Markets, Aides Admit – Florida Declares State Of Emergency As Hurricane Dorian Set To Ruin Labor Day Weekend – MSNBC Anchor Cowers Away From Lies About Trump-Russia Ties – 29% Of London Homeowners Are Panic Selling Homes Ahead Of Brexit Deadline – USSA Social Credit: US Denied Entry To Student Because Of Friend’s Social Media Posts – The Next Economic Crisis’ Fuel: Americans Over-Burdened By Debt – In Ominous Warning, Ray Dalio Says The Current Period Is Just Like 1935-1945 – Perfect timing: Global Gold Industry Hit By “Forgery Crisis” As Fake Kilobars Flood The Physical Market – People Disappearing and Being Purged: Who’s Next, Who’s Behind It, and Why (Video) – Left-wing media now pushing CANNIBALISM in America

Migrant Crisis & Crime (Aug 29, 2019 EDN): African ‘Migrant’ Raped 74-Year-Old Nursing Home Patient In Texas – Germany: Gambian “asylum seeker” smashes over 20 parked cars – DISGUSTING: 6 Antifa who shut down Portland ICE facility for 10 days get sweetheart deal. NO criminal prosecution. NO jail time. – Which countries do migrants want to move to? – Trump Administration Ends Protection For Migrants’ Medical Care – Europe: “Mediterranean Taxis” For People-Smugglers – Dutch Minister of Justice: “The Netherlands is becoming a narco-state”

* * *

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World News (Aug 28, 2019 EDN): An Indicator With A 100% Perfect Track Record Of Predicting Recessions Says That Another One Is Coming – Stocks & Bonds Pop, Cryptos Drop, As Silver Surges Past Gold Year-To-Date – Gaza ‘State Of Emergency’ As Blasts Blamed On Israel Were Actually ISIS Suicide Bombers – Fighting Escalates Dramatically As Both Sides Prepare For “The Final War” Between Israel And Iran – Boris’ idea of democracy is to get hereditary monarch to bypass parliament! – Furious League Urges Supporters To Take To The Streets As Five Star, Dems Form New Ruling Coalition – Alt-Coins Lead Sudden Collapse In Cryptos, Bitcoin Battered Below $10k – Half Of College Students Believe “In God We Trust” Should Be Removed From US Currency – “We Are Going Up In Flames”: New Jersey In “Worse Shape Than Any Other State” Senate President Admits – Martial Law Considered In Hong Kong To Crush Pro-Democracy Protests – Uh-oh: Silicon Valley is building a Chinese-style social credit system – USA: The potential for an early frost is a cause for concern in corn belt – Intense flash floods under a severe hailstorm in Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spain – Record rains in southern Japan cause floods, kill two – New Zealand: Northland family devastated after beehives ‘intentionally’ destroyed – After Trump Leaves France, Macron Warns World “Is Living The End Of Western Hegemony” – Long Before Epstein: Sex Traffickers & Spy Agencies – Israeli Drones Targeted ‘Iranian Guided-Missile Technology’ In Beirut – Defecation Nation – Mexican Navy Seizes A Whopping 52k Pounds Of Fentanyl, Intended For The US – You Won’t Believe What’s Buried Under the Sahara…Hidden Lost Ancient Civilizations

…with ISIS being an operation run by the Mossad, the CIA and MI6.

#WW3 is predicted… by many seers and analysts…

The 19th century Breton seer Marie Julie Jahenny:

“The British will be betrayed under the rule of a Queen.”

The coming planned civil war is predicted to be worse in Britain than in France…

Civil war is also predicted for Italy…

Continue to prepare for collapse…




Read moreWorld News (Aug 28, 2019 EDN): An Indicator With A 100% Perfect Track Record Of Predicting Recessions Says That Another One Is Coming – Stocks & Bonds Pop, Cryptos Drop, As Silver Surges Past Gold Year-To-Date – Gaza ‘State Of Emergency’ As Blasts Blamed On Israel Were Actually ISIS Suicide Bombers – Fighting Escalates Dramatically As Both Sides Prepare For “The Final War” Between Israel And Iran – Boris’ idea of democracy is to get hereditary monarch to bypass parliament! – Furious League Urges Supporters To Take To The Streets As Five Star, Dems Form New Ruling Coalition – Alt-Coins Lead Sudden Collapse In Cryptos, Bitcoin Battered Below $10k – Half Of College Students Believe “In God We Trust” Should Be Removed From US Currency – “We Are Going Up In Flames”: New Jersey In “Worse Shape Than Any Other State” Senate President Admits – Martial Law Considered In Hong Kong To Crush Pro-Democracy Protests – Uh-oh: Silicon Valley is building a Chinese-style social credit system – USA: The potential for an early frost is a cause for concern in corn belt – Intense flash floods under a severe hailstorm in Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spain – Record rains in southern Japan cause floods, kill two – New Zealand: Northland family devastated after beehives ‘intentionally’ destroyed – After Trump Leaves France, Macron Warns World “Is Living The End Of Western Hegemony” – Long Before Epstein: Sex Traffickers & Spy Agencies – Israeli Drones Targeted ‘Iranian Guided-Missile Technology’ In Beirut – Defecation Nation – Mexican Navy Seizes A Whopping 52k Pounds Of Fentanyl, Intended For The US – You Won’t Believe What’s Buried Under the Sahara…Hidden Lost Ancient Civilizations

Migrant Crisis & Crime (Aug 28, 2019 EDN): Sweden sees second murder in three days as another woman is shot to death in Stockholm suburb – Netherlands: Incidents involving hand grenades have increased dramatically – Italy: Nigerian migrant breaks police officer’s hand while resisting arrest – 3 Russian cops fired after being accused of raping 17yo national team volleyball player – Video shows Carpentersville cops raid home without warrant and choke teen – 75-Year-Old Man Handcuffed & Fined $275 for Telling Cop to Shut Bathroom Door When Using it – Salvini bans German-flagged migrant ferry from entering Italian waters – Germany: Police to disclose nationalities of all criminal suspects – US-bound AFRICAN migrants clash with police at southern Mexican border (VIDEO) – Australia Warns Of ‘Unprecedented’ Threat Of Espionage From Migrant Spies – Dramatic Footage Shows “Dapper” Thieves Rob Millions From Manhattan Diamond Store

Holy shit…

* * *

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World News (Aug 27, 2019 EDN): 5G: The Ultimate Directed Energy Weapon – “Epstein Did Not Act Alone”: In Tuesday Hearing, Prosecutors And Attorneys Target Co-Conspirators – Surveillance Video Outside Epstein’s Cell Deemed ‘Unusable’ – Bill Dudley Shocker: Ex-NY Fed President Urges Fed’s Powell To Prevent Trump Re-election – Fact: No Warming in the United States Since 2005 – While Celebrities Pass Off Fake Pictures Of Burning Amazon, Here’s What The Raging Fires Actually Look Like – Beijing Says It’s Still Not Aware Of Calls Cited By Trump – Dead Jewish Whistleblower Confirmed Occult WW3 Scenario – Early Epstein Accuser Recounts Bizarre Sexual Abuse Ignored By FBI, NYPD – Elizabeth Holmes’ “Theranos” fraud was actually a plot to surveil the blood and DNA of everyone – Silver & Gold Soar, Yields & Small Caps Plunge As Trade-Deal Hope Tanks – Vitamin D Deficiency in Middle Childhood Is Related to Behavior Problems in Adolescence – ‘We are waiting for war’: Lebanese say Israel has gone too far – ‘Yes, you can buy it’: Putin shows Erdogan Russian 5th gen Su-57 fighter jet (VIDEO) – Turkey to receive second batch of S-400 missile system this week – Israeli warplanes hit Gaza after Palestinian rocket fire: Army – The U.S. Border Patrol and an Israeli Military Contractor Are Putting a Native American Reservation Under “Persistent Surveillance” – Nestlé plan to take 1.1m gallons of water a day from natural springs sparks outcry – Millions Of Biometric Records Collected By Companies And Governments Left Exposed On The Web – “Common Sense” Gun Laws are a Trojan Horse – American And Chinese Cities Lead The World In Spying On People – Deutsche Bank Says It Has Tax Returns Subpoenaed By Anti-Trump Lawmakers – Lenders Fear Ascena with 3,519 Stores May File for Bankruptcy

You really can’t make this stuff up!…


#NWO & #BigBrother…

Well known, but maybe interesting for some of you…

Read moreWorld News (Aug 27, 2019 EDN): 5G: The Ultimate Directed Energy Weapon – “Epstein Did Not Act Alone”: In Tuesday Hearing, Prosecutors And Attorneys Target Co-Conspirators – Surveillance Video Outside Epstein’s Cell Deemed ‘Unusable’ – Bill Dudley Shocker: Ex-NY Fed President Urges Fed’s Powell To Prevent Trump Re-election – Fact: No Warming in the United States Since 2005 – While Celebrities Pass Off Fake Pictures Of Burning Amazon, Here’s What The Raging Fires Actually Look Like – Beijing Says It’s Still Not Aware Of Calls Cited By Trump – Dead Jewish Whistleblower Confirmed Occult WW3 Scenario – Early Epstein Accuser Recounts Bizarre Sexual Abuse Ignored By FBI, NYPD – Elizabeth Holmes’ “Theranos” fraud was actually a plot to surveil the blood and DNA of everyone – Silver & Gold Soar, Yields & Small Caps Plunge As Trade-Deal Hope Tanks – Vitamin D Deficiency in Middle Childhood Is Related to Behavior Problems in Adolescence – ‘We are waiting for war’: Lebanese say Israel has gone too far – ‘Yes, you can buy it’: Putin shows Erdogan Russian 5th gen Su-57 fighter jet (VIDEO) – Turkey to receive second batch of S-400 missile system this week – Israeli warplanes hit Gaza after Palestinian rocket fire: Army – The U.S. Border Patrol and an Israeli Military Contractor Are Putting a Native American Reservation Under “Persistent Surveillance” – Nestlé plan to take 1.1m gallons of water a day from natural springs sparks outcry – Millions Of Biometric Records Collected By Companies And Governments Left Exposed On The Web – “Common Sense” Gun Laws are a Trojan Horse – American And Chinese Cities Lead The World In Spying On People – Deutsche Bank Says It Has Tax Returns Subpoenaed By Anti-Trump Lawmakers – Lenders Fear Ascena with 3,519 Stores May File for Bankruptcy

Migrant Crisis & Crime (Aug 27, 2019 EDN): WATCH: We will criminalise “Migration Speech”. Criticism of migration will be a criminal offence – 88 Percent of persons detained at UK airports are Muslim… “structural Islamophobia” says human rights group – Denmark: Migration minister instructs Somali Muslims to “return home and rebuild the country from which you came” – Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell accused of sexually abusing two sisters in 1996, and threatening to kill them if they reported it – Austria to bring back two sons of dead ISIS jihadist – Slovenia to construct a border fence along its southern border – France: Extreme-left anarchists fined 180,000 euros for arson attack on train – VIDEO: This is how gratitude looks like… – Amsterdam business owner returns from holiday to find his property occupied by 40 squatting ‘asylum seekers’ – Germany 2019: 9,000 residence permits given to foreigners’ family members while homelessness increased by up to 20 percent – 356 migrants onboard the Ocean Viking to be taken in by six EU countries – Woman shot dead after masked gunmen open fire on Swedish beach – Norway says it won’t be taking in any migrants from NGO ship Open Arms – Greece: Athens police raid squatter camps sheltering illegal migrants and far-left anarchists – Salvini praised for standing up to the EU over mass migration, the “wave of organized crime”

Send her home ASAP…

* * *

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World News (Aug 26, 2019 EDN): Preparing For Financial Apocalypse: Insiders Are Selling “$600 Million Of Stock Per Day In August” – Lebanon, Iraq, Iran call out Israel’s ‘declaration of war’ after it bombs 3 COUNTRIES in one weekend – Israel Warns Any Hezbollah Attack Will Bring “Reprisal On Whole Lebanese State” – Iraqi Officials Say Israeli Strikes Are “Declaration Of War”, Demand US Forces Exit – Lebanon’s President Announces Israeli Attacks Are “Declaration Of War” – Why Are Russian Special Forces Training With American Assault Rifles? – “What The Hell Is Happening In Hong Kong?” – Google Is Burying Alternative Health Sites To Protect People From “Dangerous” Medical Advice – WATCH massive Madrid hail storm flood city streets and wash away CARS – Johnson & Johnson Ordered To Pay $572 Million In Landmark Opioid Trial – “I’m Not Going Nuts”: Biden Swears He’s Sane Amid Senior Moments And Gaffes Galore – “It’s An Embarrassment”: IMF Faces Humiliation, Billions In Losses As Argentina Braces For Next Default – Watch Live: Trump, Macron Reaffirm “Special Relationship” During G-7 Press Conference – America’s Debt Burden Will Fuel The Next “Last” Crisis – Trump Says China “Called”, Wants To Restart Trade Talks; China Denies, Has No Idea What Trump Talking About – Trump Proposes To Hold Next G-7 Summit At His Miami Golf Resort – “It’s A Scandal!”: England’s Homeless Children Problem – Turkey Affirms Its Claim On Cyprus Oil And Gas – Feeding the 11 billion: the small Dutch town ending our food crisis – Roundup’s Risks Could Go Well Beyond Cancer (Bloomberg)

#Collapse is coming…


“Special relationship” = Rotschild puppets, like Obama, Clinton, Bush, Merkel, Sarkozy, Hollande, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May….


Collapse…coming to a country near you…

Read moreWorld News (Aug 26, 2019 EDN): Preparing For Financial Apocalypse: Insiders Are Selling “$600 Million Of Stock Per Day In August” – Lebanon, Iraq, Iran call out Israel’s ‘declaration of war’ after it bombs 3 COUNTRIES in one weekend – Israel Warns Any Hezbollah Attack Will Bring “Reprisal On Whole Lebanese State” – Iraqi Officials Say Israeli Strikes Are “Declaration Of War”, Demand US Forces Exit – Lebanon’s President Announces Israeli Attacks Are “Declaration Of War” – Why Are Russian Special Forces Training With American Assault Rifles? – “What The Hell Is Happening In Hong Kong?” – Google Is Burying Alternative Health Sites To Protect People From “Dangerous” Medical Advice – WATCH massive Madrid hail storm flood city streets and wash away CARS – Johnson & Johnson Ordered To Pay $572 Million In Landmark Opioid Trial – “I’m Not Going Nuts”: Biden Swears He’s Sane Amid Senior Moments And Gaffes Galore – “It’s An Embarrassment”: IMF Faces Humiliation, Billions In Losses As Argentina Braces For Next Default – Watch Live: Trump, Macron Reaffirm “Special Relationship” During G-7 Press Conference – America’s Debt Burden Will Fuel The Next “Last” Crisis – Trump Says China “Called”, Wants To Restart Trade Talks; China Denies, Has No Idea What Trump Talking About – Trump Proposes To Hold Next G-7 Summit At His Miami Golf Resort – “It’s A Scandal!”: England’s Homeless Children Problem – Turkey Affirms Its Claim On Cyprus Oil And Gas – Feeding the 11 billion: the small Dutch town ending our food crisis – Roundup’s Risks Could Go Well Beyond Cancer (Bloomberg)

Migrant Crisis & Crime (Aug 26, 2019 EDN): In 2019, Bombings And Explosions Up 45% In Sweden – AfD Might Win Two German State Elections, Saxony & Brandenburg, On Sept 1st – Accused Pedophile Woody Allen Seen Popping Out Of Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Mansion

Some Germans do not like the Merkel enrichment…

* * *

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World News (Aug 25, 2019 EDN): Market In Turmoil: Gold Spikes, Yuan Crashes, Stocks Plunge As Asia Opens – Trump Says He Regrets Escalating Trade War With China, White House Immediately Retracts – Israel Launched Failed Overnight Drone Attack On Hezbollah In South Beirut – US Army Tries To Calm Residents About Upcoming Wave Of Military Drills In North Carolina – Snowing in Turkey in August (Video) – China’s Patience Runs Out As Beijing Signals It Has “Responsibility To Intervene” In Hong Kong – Brick & Mortar Meltdown’s Ugly Week in Record-Ugly Year: Store liquidations in 2019 have blown past the full-year total of 2018 – Hong Kong protesters vs Hong Kong police (Video) – YouTube Banning Robot Fighting Videos Over ‘Animal Cruelty’ – Irony: US-Appointed “Democratic President” Of Venezuela Threatens To Boycott Early Elections – When State Governors Tried To Take Back Control Of The National Guard – Tesla On Autopilot “Suddenly Accelerates”, Smashes Into Power Pole, Sparks A Fire, & Causes Thousands To Lose Power – Hong Kong Rolls Out Water Cannons After Protesters Hurl Bricks And Fire Bombs – Internal Revenue Service Sends New Round Of Letters To Crypto Holders – Prince Andrew On Epstein: ‘I Saw No Sex Crimes’ – The Government Gave Her Son A Sex-Change Without Her Permission – ‘You Get Nothing’: Johnson Refuses To Pay Brexit Divorce Bill If No Deal With EU – Russia Fires 2 Ballistic Missiles From Nuclear Subs In Message To Washington – British University Bans Beef Because A Fashion-Expert Declared A “Climate Emergency”

Meanwhile in the “Greatest Economy Ever”…


AND NOW… Government Gave Her Son A Sex-Change Without Her Permission





Read moreWorld News (Aug 25, 2019 EDN): Market In Turmoil: Gold Spikes, Yuan Crashes, Stocks Plunge As Asia Opens – Trump Says He Regrets Escalating Trade War With China, White House Immediately Retracts – Israel Launched Failed Overnight Drone Attack On Hezbollah In South Beirut – US Army Tries To Calm Residents About Upcoming Wave Of Military Drills In North Carolina – Snowing in Turkey in August (Video) – China’s Patience Runs Out As Beijing Signals It Has “Responsibility To Intervene” In Hong Kong – Brick & Mortar Meltdown’s Ugly Week in Record-Ugly Year: Store liquidations in 2019 have blown past the full-year total of 2018 – Hong Kong protesters vs Hong Kong police (Video) – YouTube Banning Robot Fighting Videos Over ‘Animal Cruelty’ – Irony: US-Appointed “Democratic President” Of Venezuela Threatens To Boycott Early Elections – When State Governors Tried To Take Back Control Of The National Guard – Tesla On Autopilot “Suddenly Accelerates”, Smashes Into Power Pole, Sparks A Fire, & Causes Thousands To Lose Power – Hong Kong Rolls Out Water Cannons After Protesters Hurl Bricks And Fire Bombs – Internal Revenue Service Sends New Round Of Letters To Crypto Holders – Prince Andrew On Epstein: ‘I Saw No Sex Crimes’ – The Government Gave Her Son A Sex-Change Without Her Permission – ‘You Get Nothing’: Johnson Refuses To Pay Brexit Divorce Bill If No Deal With EU – Russia Fires 2 Ballistic Missiles From Nuclear Subs In Message To Washington – British University Bans Beef Because A Fashion-Expert Declared A “Climate Emergency”

World News (Aug 24, 2019 EDN): Full-on trade war: Trump jacks up tariffs on $550bn of Chinese goods, blasts ‘unfair’ response – China Responds To Trump’s “Barbaric” Tariffs: Vows To Fight “Until The End” And Have “The Last Laugh” – Why BoE’s Mark Carney Thinks The Dollar Can No Longer Be The World’s Reserve Currency – The New Arms Race Begins: Putin Orders Military To Respond In Kind To Post-INF US Missile Launch – US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq – Red Flag Gun Laws: Connecticut Man’s Firearms Seized Because His Son Shared A Meme On Facebook – Hong Kong Riot Police Beat Protesters; ‘Smart Lampposts’ Destroyed – California Governor Blames Texas For California’s Policies That Caused The Homeless Crisis – More Wildfires Are Burning In Angola & Congo Than Brazil – “It’s Gone, The Market Has Evaporated:” Maine’s Blueberry Industry In Crisis After Trade War Escalation – Wikileaks death: Dutch hacking expert ‘had kayaking accident’ – Bill Gates Refuses to Comment on Why He Flew on ‘Lolita Express’ AFTER Epstein’s Felony Sex Conviction – Germany: Election official commits voter fraud by switching right-wing AfD votes to left-wing Green votes – Study: Nearly Four-Fifths Of “Gender Minority” Students Have Mental Health Issues – BREAKING Syrian anti-aircraft defences fire at ‘enemy targets’ over Damascus: state media – Exhibitors unveil next-gen robots that can swim, fly & perform brain surgery – Way Beyond The “12%”: Exposing The “But It’s Only Manufacturing” Narrative


How come the Greens are so dramatically rising in Germany?…

No surprise…


“I am the chosen one”…

As planned by TPTB…


How can you possibly trust a Tesla? Idiots!…

Read moreWorld News (Aug 24, 2019 EDN): Full-on trade war: Trump jacks up tariffs on $550bn of Chinese goods, blasts ‘unfair’ response – China Responds To Trump’s “Barbaric” Tariffs: Vows To Fight “Until The End” And Have “The Last Laugh” – Why BoE’s Mark Carney Thinks The Dollar Can No Longer Be The World’s Reserve Currency – The New Arms Race Begins: Putin Orders Military To Respond In Kind To Post-INF US Missile Launch – US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq – Red Flag Gun Laws: Connecticut Man’s Firearms Seized Because His Son Shared A Meme On Facebook – Hong Kong Riot Police Beat Protesters; ‘Smart Lampposts’ Destroyed – California Governor Blames Texas For California’s Policies That Caused The Homeless Crisis – More Wildfires Are Burning In Angola & Congo Than Brazil – “It’s Gone, The Market Has Evaporated:” Maine’s Blueberry Industry In Crisis After Trade War Escalation – Wikileaks death: Dutch hacking expert ‘had kayaking accident’ – Bill Gates Refuses to Comment on Why He Flew on ‘Lolita Express’ AFTER Epstein’s Felony Sex Conviction – Germany: Election official commits voter fraud by switching right-wing AfD votes to left-wing Green votes – Study: Nearly Four-Fifths Of “Gender Minority” Students Have Mental Health Issues – BREAKING Syrian anti-aircraft defences fire at ‘enemy targets’ over Damascus: state media – Exhibitors unveil next-gen robots that can swim, fly & perform brain surgery – Way Beyond The “12%”: Exposing The “But It’s Only Manufacturing” Narrative