Jay Weidner/Yvonne Palermo: Grand Solar Minimum w/ Ice Age Farmer on REALiTY CHeCK (Video) – #Agenda2030 #NWO #Transhumanism #GSM #GrandSolarMinimum #ClimateChange #GlobalCooling #Collapse #EndTimes #FoodCrisis

Yes, TPTB know exactly what is coming….

Read the article (removed (!) by the Telegraph) in full here:

Telegraph Article Reporting “GLOBAL COOLING” On BILDERBERG Discussion Agenda Has Been REMOVED:

The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.

Yep, that’s right. Global Cooling.


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NASA FUTURE WARFARE: “Smart Dust” Targets DNA in Satanic Transhumanism – #NWO

NASA FUTURE WARFARE: “Smart Dust” Targets DNA in Satanic Transhumanism:

The PowerPoint presentation  Future Warfare   was presented by one of NASA’s chief scientists from their Langley Research Center back in July 2001 — a few months before the 9/11 False Flag. 


NASA’s  Power Point discusses how population control will be achieved by advanced drones, microwave frequency weapons, nano weapons, binary bio-weapons in food, Artificial intelligence, satellites, robotics and more.

This is NOT science fiction. It’s an elitist view of how to manage humanity using  technology quietly developed by Black Budget programs where the application of satanic science is a planned agenda to dehumanize and devalue the worth of humanity as traditional “people” are eliminated , re-programmed or  replaced with programmable droids

We only need to look at the extinction-level future of the oceans due to the Fukushima apocalypse to realize transhumanism is considered by the elite as a long-term solution to radioactive oceans that no longer provide food for billions of traditional “humans”.

Read moreNASA FUTURE WARFARE: “Smart Dust” Targets DNA in Satanic Transhumanism – #NWO

Prepare For The End! It’s About To Get Ugly, And Here’s Why!!! (Video)



Prepare For The End! It’s About To Get Ugly, And Here’s Why!!!

GET READY!!!!!!!

Lately your Government and Military have been arming themselves for the worst — militarizing, mobilizing, and readying for an all-out war: civil war, that is.

On June 16th, 2016, the U.S. Navy discussed secretive plans to microchip military soldiers, and finally ALL American citizens. Such plans have been in place for many years, but now these plans are finally coming to fruition.

Read morePrepare For The End! It’s About To Get Ugly, And Here’s Why!!! (Video)

The “Body Hacking” Movement Pushes Transhumanism to Disturbing New Limits

body hacking

The “Body Hacking” Movement Pushes Transhumanism to Disturbing New Limits:

The “body hacking” movement is about implanting into the human body technology such as RFID chips, cameras and even LED lights. By bypassing health and ethical issues associated transhumanism, this body hacking pushes this movement to strange new frontiers.

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‘Neural Dust’ Brain Implants Are So Microscopic, You Won’t Even Know That You’ve Been Implanted

Obama has announced a 100-million dollar brain mapping project


Study Analyzing The Prevalence Of RFID Chips In 3 Geographically Discrete U.S. Populations Finds That On Average 1 In 3 Individuals Carry An RFID Chip

New brain implants are so microscopic, you won’t even know that you’ve been implanted (Natural News, July 17, 2015):

The cult of “science” has a fetish for trying to amalgamate humanity with machine. And its latest endeavor in this pursuit has taken the form of an emerging brain implant technology that would render humans part flesh, part computer.

Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), have come up with a concept they’ve dubbed “neural dust” that they say can be implanted into people’s brains for data collection purposes. And the technology is reportedly so small that humans wouldn’t even know it was inside their heads.

Read more‘Neural Dust’ Brain Implants Are So Microscopic, You Won’t Even Know That You’ve Been Implanted