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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
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Some countries / companies are being used to pioneer the Mark of the Beast technology. Sweden is one of those at forefront of the trend.
— Alois Irlmaier (@AloisIrlmaier) June 15, 2017
– Companies Have Begun Implanting Microchips in Workers:
Sweden — Craving more of a science fiction-style existence? Perhaps you should seek a job with one of the companies at Epicenter, an employment hub in Sweden.
The Associated Press reported Monday that companies there have begun implanting microchips in their employees, marking the first time the practice has been used on a broad scale.
“What could pass for a dystopian vision of the workplace is almost routine at the Swedish start-up hub Epicenter,” AP reports. “The company offers to implant its workers and start-up members with microchips the size of grains of rice that function as swipe cards: to open doors, operate printers or buy smoothies with a wave of the hand.”
Read moreCompanies Have Begun Implanting Microchips in Workers
H/t reader squodgy:
“The principles of nano-particle smart dust geo engineering has been highlighted by Dane Wiginton for years, but, as time advances, the technology does too, highlighting the probability of our exposure to ever more destructive clouds.
Time to buy breathing masks….the Japanese wear them openly.
Smart Dust – The Future of Involuntary Treatment of the Public:
Smart dust is a name given to extremely small computing particles, RFID chips, or other very small technologies.
A popular article from Extreme Tech describes it in the headline: “Smart dust: A complete computer that’s smaller than a grain of sand.” An article from War is Boring is titled “Future Military Sensors Could Be Tiny Specks of ‘Smart Dust’ New technologies allow for extremely small—and ubiquitous—military sensors.” A paper from University of California, San Diego describes smart dust:
“The term “smart dust” originally referred to miniature wireless semiconductor devices made using fabrication techniques derived from the microelectronics industry. These devices incorporate sensing, computing and communications in a centimetre-sized package.”
It is promoted as an eventuality, that smart dust will cover streets and buildings to identify people, that people will have smart dust in their bodies, and other things in mainstream television and media. They paint a utopian, blissful picture of it.
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– House Passes Bill to”Microchip Citizens with Mental Disabilities”… And Then Those Who Speak Out:
Though the bill only targets those with conditions such as Alzheimers and autism, critics say the bill’s passage will open a “pandora’s box” of invasive government surveillance.
Six years ago, NBC Nightly News boldly predicted that all Americans would be fitted with RFID microchips by the year 2017. Though at the time, NBC’s prediction seemed far-fetched, the House recently passed a bill that would bring a micro-chipped populace closer to reality before year’s end. Last Thursday, the House passed HR 4919, also known as Kevin and Avonte’s Law, which would allow the US attorney general to award grants to law enforcement for the creation and operation of “locative tracking technology programs.” Though the program’s mission is to find “individuals with forms of dementia or children with developmental disabilities who have wandered from safe environments,” it provides no restriction on the tracking programs inclusion of other individuals. The bill would also require the attorney general to work with the secretary of health and human services and unnamed health organizations to establish the “best practices” for the use of tracking devices.
– Your body is no longer yours: Australia has become the first country to microchip its citizens:
You may not have noticed, but there are two kinds of countries in the world these days: Dictatorships led by authoritarians and democracies that are slowly being taken over by authoritarians. Put Australia into the latter.
Organic & Healthy reports that the land Down Under has become the first nation to begin microchipping its citizens, though NBC News predicted some years ago that, by 2017, Americans would all be microchipped.
H/t reader squodgy:
“It’s obvious the elite/banksters/ptb/parasites want the witch to win the election, but if the trend continues with her exposees of corruption, suicides, murders, rapes etc, even Joe might go for Donald, and then the ptb will panic & we’ll have perpetual Barrie.”
So the Donald or Hillary?
– Donald Trump … The Likud Trojan Horse
– Donald Trump Picks Mike Pence As Vice President:
ed note {Tony}…Imagine this scenario; Trump wins election. Trump ‘slips on a banana peel’. Netanyahu crony Pence (L-Likud) becomes President. An ‘LBJ’ scenario all over again. I digress……..
For me Trump does not have to ‘slip on a banana peel’, because he and Hitlary are already the best puppets money can buy:
– Hillary Clinton: Destroy Syria For Israel
– Hillary Clinton: ‘America’s Commitment To Israel’s Security Is Rock Solid And Unwavering’
Aug 10, 2016
The RFID smartgun chip has arrived. South Sudan rejects more peacekeepers from the UN which are really armed military soldiers. Russia stops a terrorist attack in Crimea. War is being pushed in Ukraine, welcome to phase II of the August event. Libya is calling for the coalition forces to help out in the country, here comes Italy, France and all the others. US wants a cease fire in Syria because there terrorist groups are losing the battle. Russia will have a couple of hours each day so humanitarian can be delivered. Russia and Syria block terrorists from taking Aleppo. Obama has made a change to the elections, DHS will oversee the elections and if there is any sign of a cyber attack the elections will be called off.
Read morePhase II Of The August Event Has Begun – The RFID Smartgun Chip Has Arrived (Video)
Prepare For The End! It’s About To Get Ugly, And Here’s Why!!!
GET READY!!!!!!!
Lately your Government and Military have been arming themselves for the worst — militarizing, mobilizing, and readying for an all-out war: civil war, that is.
On June 16th, 2016, the U.S. Navy discussed secretive plans to microchip military soldiers, and finally ALL American citizens. Such plans have been in place for many years, but now these plans are finally coming to fruition.
Read morePrepare For The End! It’s About To Get Ugly, And Here’s Why!!! (Video)
“Little to no health risks …”
Except …
A new paper titled “Microchip-Induced Tumors in Laboratory Rodents and Dogs: A Review of the Literature 1990–2006” has been released today by CASPIAN. The full, 48-page paper provides a definitive review of the academic literature showing a causal link between implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip transponders and cancer in laboratory rodents and dogs. In addition, a brief, four-page synopsis of the full report is being made available.
– A Shocking NBC News Report Says That Someday We Will Be Microchipping All Of Our Children:
Would you allow microchips to be surgically implanted in your children if that would keep them safer? This is already being done to pets on a widespread basis, and a shocking local NBC News report is promoting the idea that if it is good for our pets, then we should be doing it to our children as well. As you will see below, the report even puts a guilt trip on parents by asking them this question: “How far would you go to keep your children secure?” Of course most parents very much want to keep their children safe, and a microchip would enable authorities to track them down if they were lost or stolen. But is this really a good idea? And where is all of this technology eventually leading? If you have not seen this very disturbing local NBC News report yet, you can view it right here…
In the video, the reporter says that our children could be implanted with microchips “the size of a grain of rice” and that there would be “little to no health risks” involved.
And near the end of the report, she insists that “we could see those microchips in everyone” eventually.
– The “Body Hacking” Movement Pushes Transhumanism to Disturbing New Limits:
The “body hacking” movement is about implanting into the human body technology such as RFID chips, cameras and even LED lights. By bypassing health and ethical issues associated transhumanism, this body hacking pushes this movement to strange new frontiers.
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– New Yorkers Without “Enhanced” ID Could Face Travel Restrictions From Homeland Security (Activist Post, Sep 9, 2015):
It has been speculated by those who have been researching the ongoing encroachment of the national security state that it would be fully implemented through a range of restrictions that would make it all but impossible to engage with modern society if one is “non-compliant.”
Enter the “enhanced” driver’s license.
First off, it’s worth noting that having a driver’s license at all is a restriction on one’s liberty. Nevertheless, for those who have given in to that bit of soft tyranny, it now appears that the standard license is not going to be sufficient to travel as you wish.
Read moreNew Yorkers Without “Enhanced” ID Could Face Travel Restrictions From Homeland Security
Nicholas Rockefeller admitted the elite’s goal is a 100% microchipped and enslaved World population
– Reflections & Warnings – An Interview With Aaron Russo (Full Video, 02:38:29)
– Aaron Russo’s America: ‘Freedom To Fascism’ (Directors Cut)
– Government Wants to “Implant Recipients of Welfare Assistance with Satellite-Tracked Chips” (SHFTplan, Aug 14, 2015):
Implantable RFID tracking chips. You know, to stop terrorism.
And to keep tabs on all the welfare queens, in order to keep tax dollars accountable.
There will be other rationales, too.
Read moreGovernment Wants to “Implant Recipients of Welfare Assistance with Satellite-Tracked Chips”
Jun 29, 2014
UPDATED – Newer bank cards DO NOT have the divot in the plastic to easily locate the RFID chip embedded into them. You must use a high powered flashlight to “see through” the card to locate the chip. Once located, use a hole punch to break through the chip, disabling the RFID function.
The software I used on my Samsung SGS3 cellphone is called “Electronic Pickpocket RFID” and can be found in the Google Play Store for free. It will not give you all the credit card information, but enough to test if the card does or does not have a RFID chip embedded. You must have a cell phone that has NFC technology for the app to work.
Related info:
– CDC Allegedly Falsifies Reports, Ignoring Up To 3,587 Miscarriages From H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine
– Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women
– Forced Adult Vaccinations at Federal Levels Comment Period Now (Activist Post, Feb 20, 2015):
U.S. HHS is Going for More Vaccinations during Pregnancy, Employer-enforced adult vaccination requirements, and, probably, Faith-based groups to uptake vaccinations
The U.S. Health and Human Services published a 46-page draft proposal and notice in the Federal Register recently regarding more mandated vaccines for adults, and especially pregnant females; employer-enforced adult vaccinations; and probably for getting faith-based groups to uptake and not oppose vaccines/vaccinations.
There is an open public comment period that ends March 9, 2015, for consumers to register their comments, etc. per instructions at this website.
How to file your comments
Read moreForced Adult Vaccinations At Federal Levels Comment Period Now
Related info:
Proof that those microchips are not just working as senders of information, they are also receiving information:
CIA Funded Mind Control Experiments – Bull & Cat Tests by Dr Delgado in the 1960s
A new paper titled “Microchip-Induced Tumors in Laboratory Rodents and Dogs: A Review of the Literature 1990–2006” has been released…
– In Memory of Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde (Information Machine, Feb. 11, 2015):
Dr. Rauni-Leena Kilde died this week, cancer-ridden, a whistle-blower of high magnitude.
She pointed to the “NWO” being coordinating factions between Britain (M15, M16) on one side, and CIA/FBI/”Star of David”, on the other.She warned for over a decade (I first heard of her on Mel Fabregas show about 5 years ago when Mel first started).
She spoke of the “Cabbala” and ETs as not extraterrestrials, but as humans, deviant ones (while not discounting extraterrestrials).
Read moreR.I.P. Dr. Rauni Leena Luukanen-Kilde On Mind Control (Video)
– Office puts chips under staff’s skin (BBC News, Jan 29, 2015):
Want to gain entry to your office, get on a bus, or perhaps buy a sandwich? We’re all getting used to swiping a card to do all these things. But at Epicenter, a new hi-tech office block in Sweden, they are trying a different approach – a chip under the skin.
Felicio de Costa, whose company is one of the tenants, arrives at the front door and holds his hand against it to gain entry. Inside he does the same thing to get into the office space he rents, and he can also wave his hand to operate the photocopier.
That’s all because he has a tiny RFID (radio-frequency identification) chip, about the size of a grain of rice, implanted in his hand. Soon, others among the 700 people expected to occupy the complex will also be offered the chance to be chipped. Along with access to doors and photocopiers, they’re promised further services in the longer run, including the ability to pay in the cafe with a touch of a hand.
Today, the President is signing a new Executive Order directing the government to lead by example in securing transactions and sensitive data.
While there is no silver bullet to guarantee data security, the President is signing an Executive Order to implement enhanced security measures, including securing credit, debit, and other payment cards with microchips in lieu of basic magnetic strips, and PINs, such as those standard on consumer ATM cards. He is calling on all stakeholders to join the Administration and a number of major corporations in driving the economy toward more secure standards to safeguard consumer finances and reduce their chances of becoming victims of identity theft — America’s fastest-growing crime.
– National ID card being covertly rolled out under ‘enhanced’ driver’s license programs (Natural News, Sep 14, 2014):
“Papers, please?” That’s a question you might hear from authorities trying to verify who you are if you lived in an authoritarian police state. It’s not likely that Americans will be asked to prove who they are anytime soon because, after all, we’ve got a Constitution, and it protects us against unjustified invasions of our privacy.
The same is true of a so-called “national ID card,” right? That could never happen in America. Only it has happened — or will happen, depending upon which state you currently reside in.
If you’ve never heard of the “Enhanced Driver’s License,” or EDL, you’re not alone. Most of us haven’t. But they are just that — national (and soon, global) ID cards [states will be forced to issue them to obscure the fact] that immediately verify who we are, without overtly asking us for our “papers.”
Read moreNational ID card being covertly rolled out under ‘enhanced’ driver’s license programs
H/t reader squodgy:
“One in three????
And nobody knew?
Isn’t that a breach of Dental Professional Conduct?”
Well, at least that explains the exponential rise of brain-dead people all around us, doesn’t it?
And a population that is microchipped can be easily controlled.
– Analysis of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Chip Prevalence in 3 Discrete United States Populations (Wyoming Institute of Technology, July 8, 2014):
John T. Brugle, Ph.D and Mary Franz, Ph.D, M.P.H.
Wyoming Institute of Technology, Human Studies Division
ePUB Ahead of PrintAbstract
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Chips have been used extensively in wildlife ecology and conservation to identify and track individual specimens in a population. It has been unknown, however, how often RFID chips have been implanted in human populations for the tracking and identification of individuals. This study analyzed the prevalence of RFID Chips in 3 geographically discrete populations and found that, on average, 1 in 3 individuals carried an RFID Chip. Interestingly, there was a strong correlation with RFID Chip presence and previous dental work.
Materials and Methods
Three discrete human populations, defined by geographic location, were assessed for the presence of RFID Chips.
Population Midwest (MW) contained 958 individuals from Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Population Northeast (NE) contained 987 individuals from Maine, Rhode Island, and New Jersey. Population South West (SW) contained 1,010 individuals from Arizona and Nevada. Volunteers were recruited using standard methods and compensated in a manner consistent with industry standards. All test subjects were treated in compliance with institutional codes of ethics and standards.
H.A.A.R.P EarthQuakes
Added: Jan 19, 2010
HAARP H.A.A.R.P. Earthquakes “Natural Disasters” NDAA NDRP FAA Reauthorization Act Obama Illuminati
Added: Apr 3, 2012
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura HAARP (FULL LENGTH)
Added: Jun 9, 2011
Earthquakes and HAARP
Added: Feb 9, 2014
Dr. Nick Begich is one of the world’s leading experts on the mysterious and powerful HAARP project. As this is being written on March 10, HAARP has just been activated for unknown reasons. Dr. Begich tells the show what it’s all about.
So, what does the HAARP project really do? Is it as innocent as what the HAARP website would have us believe, or is there something more going on? For example, could HAARP’s activities affect things like earthquakes? If so, how could bombarding the ionosphere with energy destabilize faults, or is such a thing even possible?
Listen as Dr. Begich explains HAARP and its relationship to our ionosphere and our earth, and find out what its operators know and do not know about how it affects our world.